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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
Paranoid Loyd
#1081 - 2015-05-29 04:04:39 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Got a solid Idea everyone should consider.

If you're in an NPC corp, then you're limited to the territory of that Faction.
IE - if you're in a Gallente corp, you're limited to Gallente high sec.

This does many things.

Casuals can keep war dec immunity while forcing people that take full advantage of the system out.

Want a hauler for cross faction trading, or even delivering goods to low/null/wh space? Join a corp.
Want to move out of Gallente space? Join a corp.
Want to do low sec roams? Join a corp.

A casual that is just mining or missioning is not really the major problem.

The problem is those that use war dec immunity for safe travel in support of other corps or engage in PVP activity but use the security of NPC corps to avoid being locked into a war.

Wow, I don't have a very high opinion of what you usually post, but this makes a lot of sense. (I am drunk right now so that may be the reason) I think the restrictions should not include the low null sec parts though and as this is a somewhat considerable nerf to NPC corps I might also argue it should be restricted to the allied factions instead of your faction only and you can go to the opposite factions space but Fac Po will enage like you have terrible standings.

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1082 - 2015-05-29 04:05:11 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

Tyberius Franklin wrote:
The argument you are making now is that the affected players made the wrong choice somehow and need to be forcibly corrected because someone else knows what their game play time should be spent doing better than they do.

Actually my argument is very stark. I have nothing to say about all of the 1,000 reasons that people have for staying in NPC Corps. I am perfectly fine with those justifications, those players are welcome to these preferences, and I will never ever argue against their right to have these desires. I said earlier that these preferences are irrelevant because they cannot be debated. They are 100% subjective.

I just don't think these players should be immune to wardecs. Wardecs have as much power to force participation as any other aspect of the game - which is to say wardecs can't force you to participate at all. In the sandbox, you can use a variety of methods to deny kills and deny content (hint: docking up is only one such way. There are hundreds).

No player can be forced to PVP through a wardec. Hence, the removal of wardec immunity is not a challenge to any playstyle or player preference in the sandbox.

How can you force a player to do anything at all? It is not possible, you know.. free will, human ingenuity, and all that.

You know as well as I do that if NPC corps were capable of being wardecced, pretty much everyone would keep them perma-decked.

You literally would not be able to undock...

So much for the new player experience...
Doubt anyone is gonna take a 1 hour old.
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1083 - 2015-05-29 04:08:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Joe Risalo
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Wow, I don't have a very high opinion of what you usually post, but this makes a lot of sense. (I am drunk right now so that may be the reason) I think the restrictions should not include the low null sec parts though and as this is a somewhat considerable nerf to NPC corps I might also argue it should be restricted to the allied factions instead of your faction only and you can go to the opposite factions space but Fac Po will enage like you have terrible standings.

The point behind not being able to go into low sec is to keep players from doing low roams all the time, without taking the risks of potentially being war decced for their actions.

As far as the limitations to faction territory, I suggested this limitation more specifically for casuals and traders.

You're allowed to be casual, but you're not gonna be able to move around very much.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1084 - 2015-05-29 04:21:28 UTC

Joe Risalo wrote:
You know as well as I do that if NPC corps were capable of being wardecced, pretty much everyone would keep them perma-decked.

You literally would not be able to undock...

So much for the new player experience...
Doubt anyone is gonna take a 1 hour old.

There are 28 NPC Corps. Given the size of each, the fee to wardec each would be 500M ISK. Are you saying "pretty much everyone" is going to be sinking 14B ISK a week to do this?


Even if they did, players would abandon NPC Corps. Mission accomplished.

Also, I said this:
Sibyyl wrote:
I'm sure a system of payment and immunity for players <30 days in age can be worked out with no problems whatsoever.

New player experience problem solved.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1085 - 2015-05-29 04:25:33 UTC
Sibyyl wrote:

Joe Risalo wrote:
You know as well as I do that if NPC corps were capable of being wardecced, pretty much everyone would keep them perma-decked.

You literally would not be able to undock...

So much for the new player experience...
Doubt anyone is gonna take a 1 hour old.

There are 28 NPC Corps. Given the size of each, the fee to wardec each would be 500M ISK. Are you saying "pretty much everyone" is going to be sinking 14B ISK a week to do this?


Even if they did, players would abandon NPC Corps. Mission accomplished.

Also, I said this:
Sibyyl wrote:
I'm sure a system of payment and immunity for players <30 days in age can be worked out with no problems whatsoever.

New player experience problem solved.

So, i'll give you a more logical answer.

No... It's idiotic and potentially game breaking to allow NPC corps to be war decced.

It punishes players for swapping corps and/or getting kicked from corps because they're too inexperienced, or someone on a power trip decided to rage drop some people over a hot drop.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1086 - 2015-05-29 04:29:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Sibyyl wrote:

Tyberius Franklin wrote:
The argument you are making now is that the affected players made the wrong choice somehow and need to be forcibly corrected because someone else knows what their game play time should be spent doing better than they do.

Actually my argument is very stark. I have nothing to say about all of the 1,000 reasons that people have for staying in NPC Corps. I am perfectly fine with those justifications, those players are welcome to these preferences, and I will never ever argue against their right to have these desires. I said earlier that these preferences are irrelevant because they cannot be debated. They are 100% subjective.

I just don't think these players should be immune to wardecs. Wardecs have as much power to force participation as any other aspect of the game - which is to say wardecs can't force you to participate at all. In the sandbox, you can use a variety of methods to deny kills and deny content (hint: docking up is only one such way. There are hundreds).

No player can be forced to PVP through a wardec. Hence, the removal of wardec immunity is not a challenge to any playstyle or player preference in the sandbox.

How can you force a player to do anything at all? It is not possible, you know.. free will, human ingenuity, and all that.

To be fair you can force someone to deal with the wardec mechanic in one way or another by declaring war on them. You can't control what that method of dealing entails true, but the act of being in a war is pretty strait forward as are the implications.

Mechanically speaking it has implications to any and all in space activities as well so I'm not sure how to interpret the claim that it's not a challenge to any playstyle. Any response to a wardec is a change in playstyle and participation to some degree. Participation isn't limited to simply fighting back.

Your ideas surrounding of player preference is also interesting. The type of player to be affected by a wardec is a highsec or lowsec player. In the case of highsec I would think the defending player chose to reside there in no small part due to the deterrent effect of Concord response. I'd also be willing to wager they want that to be universal save for individuals they have specifically chosen. Wardecs remove that mechanic for a group most likely NOT of the players preference.

That's on top of preference in area of operation, toolsets, activities or even the choice to log in or undock. One is forced to chose between relinquishing one of the prior or being forcibly removed from their ships.

If there were no aspects contrary to preference far fewer players would be in an NPC corp I would imagine.
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1087 - 2015-05-29 04:33:31 UTC

Joe Risalo wrote:
No... It's idiotic

Sure. Tell me how you really feel P

I was procrastinating changing the brakes on a truck.. for losing what I think is the "feel" for it (for lack of a better word), not having done it in a while. I'm going to stop using posting an excuse and get to it.

Maybe this debate has no end, like all debates of its kind.

Joffy Aulx-Gao for CSM. Fix links and OGB. Ban stabs from plexes. Fulfill karmic justice.

Nevil Oscillator
#1088 - 2015-05-29 04:54:57 UTC
Players don't begin the game with a lifetime of knowledge about the Eve universe and the various groups within it, they have a limited amount of time to come to terms with their existence

New Player

The Eagles have a lot to answer for but game play in NPC corps becomes a bit stagnant so we must try to get them into player corps or maybe we should just make the NPC corps a bit more interesting ?
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#1089 - 2015-05-29 05:01:32 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:

I'm pretty sure that the sudden loss of a significant portion of the player base is a pretty good justification for keeping immunity.

It wasn't a good enough justification for the ISBotters. They can't hold the game hostage by threatening to withdraw their subs anymore, and CCP standing up to that selfish, petty tyranny is a good thing.

Yeah. And don't forget the Awoxers either, Kaarous.

Whooie! Did they ever throw a fit. But y'all are still here after declaring your hate for the game that CCP destroyed with balance. None of you left. CCP didn't cave to your pathetic cries of falling skies and mass unsubs. No, you just moved to the next most risk averse PVP you could find. Like the ISBoxers are still here. Still multiboxing. Just adapted.

There's one thing that everyone has in common in this game. From the fluffiest carebear to the most heartless alliance leader, they all fill the forum with anger, threats and tears when it's their EVE that CCP is looking to fix.

Mr Epeen Cool
Nevil Oscillator
#1090 - 2015-05-29 05:44:15 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:

I'm pretty sure that the sudden loss of a significant portion of the player base is a pretty good justification for keeping immunity.

It wasn't a good enough justification for the ISBotters. They can't hold the game hostage by threatening to withdraw their subs anymore, and CCP standing up to that selfish, petty tyranny is a good thing.

Yeah. And don't forget the Awoxers either, Kaarous.

Whooie! Did they ever throw a fit. But y'all are still here after declaring your hate for the game that CCP destroyed with balance. None of you left. CCP didn't cave to your pathetic cries of falling skies and mass unsubs. No, you just moved to the next most risk averse PVP you could find. Like the ISBoxers are still here. Still multiboxing. Just adapted.

There's one thing that everyone has in common in this game. From the fluffiest carebear to the most heartless alliance leader, they all fill the forum with anger, threats and tears when it's their EVE that CCP is looking to fix.

Mr Epeen Cool

I can't believe you said that , I shall report you, you are a troll, does it sound anything like that ?
Black Pedro
#1091 - 2015-05-29 06:15:30 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Got a solid Idea everyone should consider.

If you're in an NPC corp, then you're limited to the territory of that Faction.
IE - if you're in a Gallente corp, you're limited to Gallente high sec.

This does many things.

Casuals can keep war dec immunity while forcing people that take full advantage of the system out.

Want a hauler for cross faction trading, or even delivering goods to low/null/wh space? Join a corp.
Want to move out of Gallente space? Join a corp.
Want to do low sec roams? Join a corp.

A casual that is just mining or missioning is not really the major problem.

The problem is those that use war dec immunity for safe travel in support of other corps or engage in PVP activity but use the security of NPC corps to avoid being locked into a war.
Interesting idea worth fleshing out. This would have little impact on those using NPC corps because they are new, casual, or rebuilding some ISK while between gigs as they can easily do that in a single region or two, but it would put a serious crimp on veterans exploiting NPC corps for free safety.

It would be interesting for the economy too as haulers could still use NPC corps, but would have to switch out cargo at "depots" which would organically spring up on the borders of the empires. This likely might also have the effect of decentralizing trade from Jita a bit, and increase the economic activity at these border systems, at least for common trade goods.

The first problem I see is that friends that join the game together might end up on opposite sides and unable to play together but this is a problem common to many MMOs and could be mitigated by allowing players to switch NPC corps and "defect" to another empire's NPC corp with some time interval.

This is something CCP should consider when the "Empire's are losing their grip" storyline gets advanced sometime in the future.
La Rynx
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1092 - 2015-05-29 06:32:47 UTC
How pathetic and ignorant:
"why do players stay in npc corps"

"Because they can"
"There is no compelling reason to do otherwise"

Some (many) online gamers like to play with other players, but the amount of how much they want to interact with other players is different.

Wardecs and Stuff are not the major problem:
They could join something like something from CFC or EvE University. There still are Newbie friendly corps, if the players wanted, they could join them. But some want learn to swim alone.

Just for the joy of learning alone
being independent

Like many of EvE flaws, some gamemechanics are heavily (ab)used to **** of smaller entities.

Atomic Virulent : "You can't spell DOUCHE. without CODE."

Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1093 - 2015-05-29 07:05:27 UTC
Scipio Artellius wrote:

Thank you. Was that really so hard?

It might help to explain my overall objective (currently):

Firstly, CCP Rise talks in the video about player expectations, about matching the game to fit player expectations, but also about managing player expectations. Well, in this thread, there are some people who seem to have some misaligned expectations, you and Kaarous are two such people. It seems that, perhaps, it is that you use most games and maybe most things in life as if they were passive objects, toys. You seem to expect that people on the forums and maybe in-game are supposed to just accept your terms of use. This is just my honest assessment of what I think your problem is. I could be wrong. Either way, part of what I am trying to do is to realign your expectation to an understanding that, sometimes, some toys passively accept use and abuse on whatever terms you choose, but sometimes, some toys blow up in your face when you don't use them "the right way". If you learn to think this way, it will be easier for you to accept new players into the game, not just as toys to play with and break, not just as live prey, not just as content, but as your fellow competitors, worthy of your respect.

Second, at the end of the talk, the very first question asked by the audience was about new players being diverted from the desired NPE by other players. (Some dude got ganked doing a tutorial; I think.) CCP Rise mentioned more circumstances under which a new player might not be able to get back on track. From my perspective, recruiting new players from the starter corp too early is exactly such a circumstance. The NPC starter corps are mechanisms that CCP deliberately put into the game. If you look at how they function, they serve to put players together with other players. Similarly, the local channel serves to put players together, not just physically, but socially. People going into NPC corps to disparage them, to recruit new players to be cannon fodder or victims or sheeple, these are instances of more entrenched EVE players diverting new players from the desired NPE. In wormholes, many times in null, corporation leadership will discourage their corporation members from talking in local. Again, this is a diversion, not from the intended NEW player experience, per se, but from the intended player experience, generally. Some people have argued that NPC corps should even cease to exist, which would literally divert every new player, going foward, from a part of the intended NPE as it currently stands.

So, I'm here to try to protect what I think is a useful part of the NPE as it currently stands and I'm also here to teach you to stop trying to break it.

Scipio Artellius wrote:
That was just the start of the information CCP have released/mentioned in the last 18 months and yes, a desire to see more players move to player-run Corps has been amongst that.

This was not in the video you linked. (Both of your links point to the same exact thing, BTW.) If you have any more data or such a statement from CCP, please link it.
What is said in the video is that players who have "rich" experiences, such as joining player corporations (more often), tend to have of a more lasting relationship with the game. It did not say that player corporation participation was indicative of players having more "rich" experiences. You are claiming activity 'x' leads to activities 'y', and 'z', and thus outcome 'n'. The video claims that activities 'x', 'y', and 'z' indicate a greater likelihood of outcome 'n'. The video does not say why players are more likely to engage in activities such as 'x', 'y', or 'z'.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1094 - 2015-05-29 09:18:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Scipio Artellius wrote:

Thank you. Was that really so hard?

When you discuss the people rather than the topic. Yes. It doesn't motivate me to point you to any of the data at all.

You want the data, go look for it yourself, just like the rest of us have. It isn't hard to find.

As usual, those statements about me are completely wrong. You have absolutely no idea what my expectations are. I haven't stated them once. Only tried to help fill in the back information on what CCP have said. Nothing more.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
Scipio Artellius wrote:
That was just the start of the information CCP have released/mentioned in the last 18 months and yes, a desire to see more players move to player-run Corps has been amongst that.

This was not in the video you linked. (Both of your links point to the same exact thing, BTW.) If you have any more data or such a statement from CCP, please link it.

No it wasn't in that video. There's a lot more that's been said in the last 15 months.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1095 - 2015-05-29 09:36:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1096 - 2015-05-29 10:09:49 UTC
Scipio Artellius wrote:
When you discuss the people rather than the topic. Yes. It doesn't motivate me to point you to any of the data at all.

The topic is NPC corporation members and their motivations for staying in NPC corporations, i.e. the topic IS people, primarily.

Scipio Artellius wrote:
You want the data, go look for it yourself, just like the rest of us have. It isn't hard to find.

There is no data that says more players quit EVE because NPC corporations exist.

Scipio Artellius wrote:
As usual, those statements about me are completely wrong. You have absolutely no idea what my expectations are. I haven't stated them once. Only tried to help fill in the back information on what CCP have said. Nothing more.

If my assertions about you are wrong, correct them. Otherwise, understand that telling us anything at all illuminates your paradigm. Whether you want to or not, telling us things also tells us about YOU.
Far from just telling us facts, you are narrating, which tells us even more about what you believe and what you want US to believe. As you can see just from the one video you linked, CCP has very intelligent and articulate people who can speak for them. They don't need you or me to do that for them.
For my part, I'm meta-narrating your narration as a method of nullifying it.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1097 - 2015-05-29 10:24:05 UTC
Joe Risalo wrote:
Paranoid Loyd wrote:

Wow, I don't have a very high opinion of what you usually post, but this makes a lot of sense. (I am drunk right now so that may be the reason) I think the restrictions should not include the low null sec parts though and as this is a somewhat considerable nerf to NPC corps I might also argue it should be restricted to the allied factions instead of your faction only and you can go to the opposite factions space but Fac Po will enage like you have terrible standings.

The point behind not being able to go into low sec is to keep players from doing low roams all the time, without taking the risks of potentially being war decced for their actions.

As far as the limitations to faction territory, I suggested this limitation more specifically for casuals and traders.

You're allowed to be casual, but you're not gonna be able to move around very much.

I always felt the NPC corps as they stood should have been a progression of Newbie Corp -> NPC Corp -> Faction Warfare Corp, with a visible mechanics slide as you go from one to the next. At present, the NPC and Newbie corps are functionally indistinguishable, with a massive leap in to Faction Warfare. Really, the Newbie Corp should be kept as-is, with some time restriction before you are nudged out the door in to the NPC corp (or opportunity or tutorial-based, or even time-in-game or sp cut-off, so that anyone actively playing gets the boot in to the NPC corp, but a trial player doesn't come back after two years hiatus to find they've been ejected despite never leaving the system they started in), and at that point, "NPC politics" similar to how you are describing come in to effect, a sort of Faction Warfare light. I say this as someone gleefully exploiting the current setup to the max; my 5-year-old hauler alt is still in the Newbie Caldari Corp, and I have no intention for her ever to leave it.
Black Pedro
#1098 - 2015-05-29 10:34:21 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:

There is no data that says more players quit EVE because NPC corporations exist.
Perhaps not, but CCP has data that more new players quit Eve if they remain in NPC corporations.
CCP Rise wrote:
We have tried and tried to validate the myth that griefing has a pronounced affect on new players - we have failed. The strongest indicators for a new player staying with EVE are associated with social activity: joining corps, using market and contract systems, pvping, etc. Isolating players away from the actual sandbox seems very contrary to what we would like to accomplish.
Finding out why new players don't leave the NPC corp, and changing the game to encourage them to do so seems a perfectly valid strategy for CCP to increase player retention.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1099 - 2015-05-29 11:32:30 UTC
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
The topic is NPC corporation members and their motivations for staying in NPC corporations, i.e. the topic IS people, primarily.

When you discuss the poster rather than the post.

That should make it clear enough.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#1100 - 2015-05-29 11:33:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
The topic is NPC corporation members and their motivations for staying in NPC corporations, i.e. the topic IS people, primarily.

When you discuss the poster rather than the post.

That should make it clear enough.

Mayhaw Morgan wrote:
There is no data that says more players quit EVE because NPC corporations exist.

Of course not. That would be a pretty silly thing to say since it makes no logical sense.

In fact, that's the first time that's been written in the entire thread. It's completely made up with no evidence to support it and not what anyone in this thread or any other thread has claimed.