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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Adjustments to AT13 rules?

The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#21 - 2015-05-11 14:25:47 UTC  |  Edited by: DeadDuck
Bob Shaftoes wrote:
Most of the AT ships are actually pretty bad for tournaments now , since CCPs ship rebalancing imitative.

I personally would support a flat 1 point increase for all AT hulls to reflect their increased power , but even this would mean that perhaps outside of the etana you would see almost none of them fielded.

I like uniquies in the alliance tournament , they add a lot of drama to a match and people do get really excited to see them used and to flat out ban them would be a great loss to the event

Not talking about ban them, no, but there are extreme advantages in fielding a etanna vs scimitar or Utus/Malices/Cambions vs their tec2 correspondents. At the moment in terms of point cost there is no diference at all, but we all know that on field that isn't true.

Drama is ok and desirable in AT's but in the end what people want to find out is, who are the best out there, not who has more isks/connections. Even if fieldding a AT ship is not any guaranteee of winning, it helps a lot.
Mystic Rebel
Galaxy in danger proj.
#22 - 2015-05-13 09:12:13 UTC
Neither did I ever understand this re tarded rule. Ban faction and officer mods because AT is about skill not wallet thickness, but at the same time allow ships that cost tens and even hundreds of billions isk?

Bob Shaftoes you do realize that if those ships were pretty bad for tournaments, no one would ever field them, right?
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#23 - 2015-05-13 13:22:19 UTC
Mystic Rebel wrote:
Neither did I ever understand this re tarded rule. Ban faction and officer mods because AT is about skill not wallet thickness, but at the same time allow ships that cost tens and even hundreds of billions isk?

Bob Shaftoes you do realize that if those ships were pretty bad for tournaments, no one would ever field them, right?
How many uniques were used during at12?
Mystic Rebel
Galaxy in danger proj.
#24 - 2015-05-13 18:44:10 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:
Mystic Rebel wrote:
Neither did I ever understand this re tarded rule. Ban faction and officer mods because AT is about skill not wallet thickness, but at the same time allow ships that cost tens and even hundreds of billions isk?

Bob Shaftoes you do realize that if those ships were pretty bad for tournaments, no one would ever field them, right?
How many uniques were used during at12?

Out of last 3 you pick the most favorable for your argumentation?

We both know that AT frigs are significantly better than their t1/t2 counterparts, and AT cruisers just open new possibilities which without investment of hundreds of billions isk are otherwise inaccessible. Like sleipnirs at the point cost of recons (no links and sb bonus, but long range webs), gilas with ECM bonus, sacrileges with curse's bonuses etc.

How many teams can craft a decent setup out of limited issue ships, use it decently and in which situations they are usually used - is the whole different story. But that doesn't change the huge contradiction within the AT rules conception.
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#25 - 2015-05-13 20:58:18 UTC  |  Edited by: DeadDuck
The strategy is simple really. If facing tougher opponents in series you risk AT ships until you are in a position to be on the finals.

Even if you lose 3-4 AT ships during qualifying you are playing to get access to 50 bpc's of that year tournament prizes, making the investment worth it. And TBH I'm fine with it, but knowing all these "tricks" CCP should really review the point cost of these ships.
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#26 - 2015-05-13 22:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
Mystic Rebel wrote:
Out of last 3 you pick the most favorable for your argumentation?
Not really. This is just example of how uniques are used - it doesn't explain why they were not fielded, but it indicates that there're reasons for that.

Mystic Rebel wrote:
We both know that AT frigs are significantly better than their t1/t2 counterparts, and AT cruisers just open new possibilities which without investment of hundreds of billions isk are otherwise inaccessible. Like sleipnirs at the point cost of recons (no links and sb bonus, but long range webs), gilas with ECM bonus, sacrileges with curse's bonuses etc.

How many teams can craft a decent setup out of limited issue ships, use it decently and in which situations they are usually used - is the whole different story. But that doesn't change the huge contradiction within the AT rules conception.
While this is true (apart from chameleon-gila and moracha-sleipnir comparison, of course), unique use is more complex than you think. We learned it the hard way.

- First off, it's as dumb as it may sound, but it's ISK investment. It implies uniques will be used only either as swag or in extremely important matches (which happen almost always vs another team which has uniques too).
- Uniques are not gamebreaking factor on the field in 95% of cases. The only match which was literally bought by uniques is HYDRA's victory vs PL in at11 semifinals vs 9 sentry ship setup. In other cases which i can remember - outcome was not decided by unique presence at all. They either died in a fire or closest t2 replacement would still let a team fielding uniques win anyway.
- Setups with uniques have to be tested separately, which effectively reduces time you spend on brainstorming/refining regular setups, which you might be using much more often
- You commit your team's morale to a fight when you field uniques. Want it or not, but people assume that setup with uniques must win, and it must win w/o losing uniques. I still remember that feeling after fight vs PL (which i mentioned above) - you just won it, but you lost flagship, etana, cambion, and everyone feels like you just lost tourney. I am not going to say it's the same for every other team, but it's important factor you can't ignore.
- Many of uniques are just ****. I saw someone here mentioned Utu being powerful, i think he never tried to compare it to ishkur in its role (while keeping in mind all the factors i listed above). Freki was more powerful hyena (50% longer webs) for 1.5 times less points, it wasn't used effectively by anybody, and it will never be used after hyena buff. Etana in most of use-cases is not much better (or maybe even worse) than scimitar. Many uniques are drowning in power creep after multiple cycles of buffs to regular ships. Some of them are still good, and I'd say only those few have chances to be fielded. I'm not going to name them, but i'd say it's just 3-4 hulls out of 10.

tl;dr - uniques are not winning tournaments. Do not make mistake which we did during at11, when we committed too much resources on setups with uniques/flagship, while missing some gamebreaking setups composed of regular ships.

I think there's clear difference between officer modules and uniques. Uniques provide excitement factor to viewers - because they're well, unique, and clearly visible on screen. You can't see 3x4b heatsinks on that navy geddon like you can see shiny etana hull. If CCP really wanted fair conditions for everyone, they would run AT on separate server with free ships/modules and all 5 chars. I don't know what's the reasoning behind not doing this, but i'd say excitement factor for viewers is part of it - much less people will tune in to see free ships exploding.

If uniques are going to be even 1 point more expensive, i think we will see them slightly less often than during at12 - i.e. 0 times instead of 1. Roll
mithrandiir min
Horde Armada
Pandemic Horde
#27 - 2015-05-14 14:38:53 UTC
With the cut off date now past can we please have the rules and points cost for A.T XIII Big smileBig smileBig smile
mithrandiir min
Horde Armada
Pandemic Horde
#28 - 2015-05-15 17:52:25 UTC
I wonder would it b possible to include the nester this year but restrict it using remote armour reps ShockedShockedBlink
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#29 - 2015-05-15 22:55:45 UTC
"I will refit this ship 2 seconds faster!"?
mithrandiir min
Horde Armada
Pandemic Horde
#30 - 2015-05-19 08:52:06 UTC
13 weeks till A.T XII kicks off Big smile can we pretty please have a ETA when the rules will be released Roll
The Hatchery
RAZOR Alliance
#31 - 2015-05-30 05:37:59 UTC
I have an idea for a radical change to the rules for the alliance tournament that I feel would make it substantially more fun to watch, and would add a lot of strategic depth to the matches. It's basically just capture the flag.

2 cans on field, one for each team. The objective is to get to your opponent's can, grab something from inside of it, and move that item into your own can. Cans are 150km apart, and you automatically start the match at your can. There is no limitations to grid size, and you can warp off grid and then warp back, the only drawback being that you are forced to warp back right on top of your can. A ship carrying the loot from the can cannot warp, however. First team to get the enemy's "flag" back to their can wins automatically. If no winner is determined through this method, then it goes to points scored just like it currently is. Team structure is setup using the same point system that exists (or slightly modified, but overall it seems pretty reasonable).

You could have teams designed to simply get to the can and back as fast as possible, or teams that are designed to prevent the enemy from ever reaching your can through webbing and scramming them, you can have teams designed to kill the opposing team before they could possibly grab the loot and return with it, and who knows what else could be done with this. With a fairly large distance (150km) between the cans, it makes it so that it will take some time to move between the two, so coordination of an entire fleet would be paramount, since getting caught out of position would end it pretty quickly. And the ability to warp out and back on field would force teams to fit disruptors and scrams to keep targets on field to finish them off.
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