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Crime & Punishment

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Em lock confirmed corp thief

First post
Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#21 - 2015-05-18 20:22:39 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Em Lock wrote:
Thankyou your Honor for bringing this to my attention. I had no idea that this forum even existed. I would make a counter claim about the real truth but I have no real proof myself as I rage uninstalled eve a day ago over this incident and then realized that I would rather have revenge then take another break. But back to this would there be somebody willing to hear my side of the story via mail or something and assist me with the gathering of evidence if there is any to be found? Thankyou again your Honor for giving this poor soul a fighting chance to clear my name

As the OP has not provided any proof of his scandalous allegations, do not feel obligated in any way to provide any proof in defense of them. Instead, based on the information I have gathered, I will put forth my own version of the events that transpired on that fateful evening, which I will petition to have entered into the official record.

Cade Kenobi joined D-Row in march of last year. After several months of watching the members of his corp place assets haphazardly throughout New Eden, Mr Kenobi decided he would appropriate those assets as soon as a suitable scape goat could be found. Mr Kenobi found such a person in Ms Lock when she joined D-Row in February of this year. Ms Lock is an honest, hard working person, which signaled to Mr Kenobi that she would be the perfect patsy. Mr Kenobi then waited a couple arbitrary months before he put his plan into action.

For the last week, Mr Kenobi has studied the online schedules of his corp mates in order to establish the best time for the relocation operation of the aforementioned assets. He soon discovered a time where almost no other corp member was on besides himself and for Ms Lock, who was known to dock up and go AFK for at least 2 hours nightly in order to attend bible study, and ready several meals for the homeless. As soon as this time came, Mr Kenobi raced to the obviously well secured hangar, and removed several locked down Tech 3 Cruisers as well as a few other smaller assets. Mr Kenobi then dismissed Ms Lock from the corp before other corp members could log back on, in order to stifle her rebuttals to what Im sure were some very unflattering comments and false allegations.

When Ms Lock came back on, she found herself tossed back into a NPC corp with no explanation. She received several notices that she had been set to negative standings by several corp members, all of whom refused to talk with her, more than likely under the direction of Mr Kenobi in order to keep his story of the events as the only story. Ms Lock was unaware of the events which had transpired until she was contacted by the CoCaP this morning in response to this thread.

In light of these obvious facts that I have presented, I move that we indict Mr Cade Kenobi on the charges of Grand Theft Spaceship, Bearing False Allegations against Ms Lock, Failure to Provide Proof in the First Degree, and the most serious crime of all, being an obvious Nitsche alt.

This story fits all the facts provided in the case and I am convinced is the much more likely version of the events that transpired. Cade Kenobi is indicted on all charges as well as the charges leveled at him by Court Investigator Dradis Aulmais. I would caution all of New Eden against joining Death Row (name says it all really) as this poor young Capsuleer has discovered the rough truth about them the hard way. Em Lock is released from our custody and as soon as he is available I will request Bailiff Tora Bushido to deal with Cade Kenobi should the jury find him guilty of these crimes

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#22 - 2015-05-18 20:30:19 UTC
Crimson Draufgange wrote:
Em Lock wrote:
Thankyou your Honor for bringing this to my attention. I had no idea that this forum even existed. I would make a counter claim about the real truth but I have no real proof myself as I rage uninstalled eve a day ago over this incident and then realized that I would rather have revenge then take another break. But back to this would there be somebody willing to hear my side of the story via mail or something and assist me with the gathering of evidence if there is any to be found? Thankyou again your Honor for giving this poor soul a fighting chance to clear my name

Only effective way to do that would be to give a third party your full API key. If they know what to look for, they can confirm or deny the claims made in this thread.

Actually if your volunteering I think this could be amusing to see if we are actually dealing with an innocent for once. I will allow this

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Nicholas Gundrum
Di-Tron Heavy Industries
#23 - 2015-05-18 23:08:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Nicholas Gundrum
goons did it.

` Offical CCP onion peeler
Em Lock
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#24 - 2015-05-18 23:25:52 UTC
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D
Paranoid Loyd
#25 - 2015-05-18 23:32:11 UTC

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#26 - 2015-05-18 23:40:59 UTC
Em Lock wrote:
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D

I accept ISK, PLEX or stuff.

Big smile

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#27 - 2015-05-19 00:06:48 UTC
Em Lock wrote:
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D

Please send the OP a bill for your legal costs. This is obviously a situation where you were framed, where the real criminal was the op.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Em Lock
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#28 - 2015-05-19 00:15:26 UTC
Unsuccessful At Everything wrote:
Em Lock wrote:
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D

I accept ISK, PLEX or stuff.

Big smile

I am severly lacking on the first and have none of the second. The 3rd has been recently diminished because like an idiot I moved most of my assets into a wormhole but I think I have some gecko's laying around and I nay just liquefy those and pay you with that as that made me laugh even tho it's probably only as accurate as the OP was :P. if I already did this (I may have sold them already) then I will go out in my ROKH and earn some payment for you sir.

My API I did some research and answered my own question
Key ID:4390843
Verification Code: v3ZCdHTwJEteJdGfZZcyp00D1qyKoxS6vvJOm024Hqn3fqgof0N2DqJlP45S1dye
Access Mask: 268435455
Em Lock
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#29 - 2015-05-19 00:16:50 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Em Lock wrote:
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D

Please send the OP a bill for your legal costs. This is obviously a situation where you were framed, where the real criminal was the op.

i will but my bill will be in the form of kill mails. I'm usually a nice person but I feel this situation warants some space violence
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#30 - 2015-05-19 00:18:20 UTC
Em Lock wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
Em Lock wrote:
API's can't access my account right? Just my character info and stuff? What I mean is nobody can log in using it to my account management page or my in game character?

if this is the case I can provide an api on request or post it here even it's no drama. And also do I need to pay my lawyer? I don't think I have the kinda money that representation deserves :D

Please send the OP a bill for your legal costs. This is obviously a situation where you were framed, where the real criminal was the op.

i will but my bill will be in the form of kill mails. I'm usually a nice person but I feel this situation warants some space violence

You are correct. You may wish to speak to your local New Order Agent to see if you can arrange any special payment sessions.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#31 - 2015-05-19 00:39:43 UTC
I'm no expert but if Em Lock stole several T3's shouldn't they be somewhere? Just a thought. I think the guilty party is obvious

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Herb Men
#32 - 2015-05-19 02:49:17 UTC
After further and very detailed review of the api provided, I see none of the mentioned assets have been sold or traded or are in the possession of the accused. Unless i'm a seeing things wrong these accusations need to be wiped from all records and further recourse needs taken against the slanderer.

Signatures wer cooler when we couldn't remove them completely.

Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#33 - 2015-05-19 02:50:26 UTC
Noragen Neirfallas wrote:
I'm no expert but if Em Lock stole several T3's shouldn't they be somewhere? Just a thought. I think the guilty party is obvious

Yes.. but we don't have Nitshe's API to tell for sure.


Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#34 - 2015-05-19 03:01:18 UTC
StonerPhReaK wrote:
After further and very detailed review of the api provided, I see none of the mentioned assets have been sold or traded or are in the possession of the accused. Unless i'm a seeing things wrong these accusations need to be wiped from all records and further recourse needs taken against the slanderer.

Well I now know a tasty wardec target that has several T3's Blink


Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#35 - 2015-05-19 03:02:32 UTC
I have sent the OP a mail demanding payment for wasting our time. If he does not pay, he will PAY.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#36 - 2015-05-19 03:06:25 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
I have sent the OP a mail demanding payment for wasting our time. If he does not pay, he will PAY.

Looks like they live in wormhole space. You decide to do something about that you include me you hear Big smile


Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#37 - 2015-05-19 03:07:36 UTC
Noragen Neirfallas wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
I have sent the OP a mail demanding payment for wasting our time. If he does not pay, he will PAY.

Looks like they live in wormhole space. You decide to do something about that you include me you hear Big smile


Sigh. I guess im going to have to get them evicted.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#38 - 2015-05-19 03:27:06 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Noragen Neirfallas wrote:
Leto Thule wrote:
I have sent the OP a mail demanding payment for wasting our time. If he does not pay, he will PAY.

Looks like they live in wormhole space. You decide to do something about that you include me you hear Big smile


Sigh. I guess im going to have to get them evicted.

They could always pay us and save us the effort Big smile

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#39 - 2015-05-19 05:48:12 UTC
A C&P WH eviction. Has there ever been such a thing before?

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

Cade Kenobi
#40 - 2015-05-19 09:47:17 UTC
Your Honour may i put forward my version of events on the fateful day in question. Shorty after DT on Sunday the 17th i was informed via text message by corp mate 7395 that the accused was removing ships that did not belong to him from the SMA so i logged in to game as quick as i could. Upon logging in i was informed by another corp mate Den Graae that he had witnessed the accused remove two T3 crusiers from the SMA and fly them to the wormhole entrance where he ejected from them and an accomplice then boarded them. At this point the accused was ignoring all attempts by Den Graae to find out why he was removing his ships from the WH. As i was just about to lock down access to the SMA the accused left corp and logged off.

Upon closer inspection of the SMA we found four T3 crusiers and two faction crusiers to be missing. Fellow corp member Darkeshi D'Lor who had been in a previous corp with the accused then mailed him to say how disapointed he was with the accused's actions and how it reflected badly on himself and several other corp members who had transferred from another corp a couple of months earlier and giving him the option to return the stolen ships, There has so far been no response to this mail from the accused.