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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Fleet Command Options: Mass Gate and Mass Dock.

First post
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#21 - 2015-05-15 21:21:56 UTC
An additional feature that shouldn't go unmentioned as well should be the advent of Hot Keys for the feature of not only Mass Dock and Mass Gate, but also and for Fleet Warp, Fleet Jump, and Regroup as well.

This would allow further tight-nit dynamic use of the Fleet commanders ability to direct and guide his fleet, wings, and squads with additional ease. It makes logical sense that since almost every aspect of piloting and navigation is represented with a possible hot key, that these choices should be represented as well.

Progression of these features would allow further dynamic gameplay and immersion for the roles of leadership while allowing the progressive relationship of trust to be built between the fleets members.
Iain Cariaba
#22 - 2015-05-15 21:30:33 UTC
Command broadcasting, AKA sending commands from one input device to multiple clients at the same time, is forbidden by the TOS/EULA.

This suggestion would directly violate the TOS/EULA.

Valkin Mordirc
#23 - 2015-05-15 21:50:41 UTC
This would so abusable.

Invite Target to fleet.
>Make him Undock
>Warp him to belt

The Boogieman
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#24 - 2015-05-15 21:51:48 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Command broadcasting, AKA sending commands from one input device to multiple clients at the same time, is forbidden by the TOS/EULA.

This suggestion would directly violate the TOS/EULA.


Sounds to me like someone needs a bottle of Johnson and Johnson.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#25 - 2015-05-16 01:00:09 UTC
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
This would so abusable.

Invite Target to fleet.
>Make him Undock
>Warp him to belt

And even when it's used as intended, it asks nothing of line members, who will no longer have any reason to pay attention during trips and who will never learn the most basic commands necessary to form a disciplined fleet. They can watch TV until the FC calls out "anchor" or"primary"--assuming that they haven't gone AFK altogether. High sec mining ops require more attention.

I have no idea how this is supposed to build much of anything in anyone. The line members become children and the FC becomes a bus driver.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#26 - 2015-05-16 01:52:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Deep Nine
Dersen Lowery wrote:
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
This would so abusable.

Invite Target to fleet.
>Make him Undock
>Warp him to belt

And even when it's used as intended, it asks nothing of line members, who will no longer have any reason to pay attention during trips and who will never learn the most basic commands necessary to form a disciplined fleet. They can watch TV until the FC calls out "anchor" or"primary"--assuming that they haven't gone AFK altogether. High sec mining ops require more attention.

I have no idea how this is supposed to build much of anything in anyone. The line members become children and the FC becomes a bus driver.

Besides the fact I never mentioned, or implied, being able to undock fleet members. It does provide opportunity for not only fleet commanders to refine their fleets by identifying slackers (useful), it would provide more element of risk to careless pilots, allowing commanders to define their fleets by sorting out AFK'ers (teaching them the necessity to be present, and instilling discipline where needed, or expelling them when they fail to show improvement, more realistic), it would give more versatility to commanders as stated before, and even allow more discretion for the fleet commander to decide action taken once a location is reached. And that is beside the aforementioned reasons stated in the OP.

Citing AFK as a reason to stop any suggested idea is moot at best and infantile bare minimum. From open displays of protest, the vast majority of argument comes from feelings and not any logical debate based on experience or any real information.

There is a great deal of focus on feelings about afk while leaving out any sort of actual logical argument based on hard facts or points while over-emphasizing a desperate need to control others behavior in real life with a ball and chain shackling them close to a keyboard. The aspect of discipline and presence of pilots, once again, should be something a commander is in charge of determining, that is, determining the worthiness, discipline, reliability, and consistency of his pilots, making by nature a more cultivated and disciplined unit. A poor craftsman blames his tools, a poor commander does result in a poor, undisciplined, lackadaisical, unit ripe for slaughter, as it should be in EvE. Anyone with any real military experience knows this.

Your lack of insight into the purpose or use of this suggestion is primarily based on emotions, feelings, personal agenda, dislikes, or otherwise opinions given to you via 3rd party.

EvE is Real?
perhaps it should be more engineered to be, in the facet of leadership. This suggestion helps refine, define, and determine the process.
The Boogieman
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2015-05-16 13:56:11 UTC
Valkin Mordirc wrote:
This would so abusable.

Invite Target to fleet.
>Make him Undock
>Warp him to belt

>Imply something that wasent said
>further false narrative
>finish with a threat

Hellen Killer
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2015-05-17 11:51:30 UTC
There is a great deal of focus on feelings about afk while leaving out any sort of actual logical argument based on hard facts or points while over-emphasizing a desperate need to control others behavior in real life with a ball and chain shackling them close to a keyboard. The aspect of discipline and presence of pilots, once again, should be something a commander is in charge of determining, that is, determining the worthiness, discipline, reliability, and consistency of his pilots, making by nature a more cultivated and disciplined unit. A poor craftsman blames his tools, a poor commander does result in a poor, undisciplined, lackadaisical, unit ripe for slaughter, as it should be in EvE. Anyone with any real military experience knows this.

Point taken.
Mr Thicke
Black Market Imperium
#29 - 2015-05-17 22:37:21 UTC
It'll never happen because Goonswarm says no, and everyone knows when they don't sign off on something it wont happen.

They own and run this game, get over it and move on.
Zan Shiro
#30 - 2015-05-18 01:03:31 UTC
Mr Thicke wrote:
It'll never happen because Goonswarm says no, and everyone knows when they don't sign off on something it wont happen.

They own and run this game, get over it and move on.

where the hell did the grrr goons come from? lol.

the blob would want this chief. Fleet warp, fleet undock, fleet etc....mix with drone doctrine and assigning they could phone in the war as it were lol.

You see we "lack" these things because they are part of the human element to the game. The most perfect plans start to go awry by people who don't follow simple instructions. This is intended. Enough people mess up following orders, bad things can and will happen. Solution: get these people to follow orders better. Or recruit better people really.
James Baboli
Warp to Pharmacy
#31 - 2015-05-18 01:12:29 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:

You see we "lack" these things because they are part of the human element to the game. The most perfect plans start to go awry by people who don't follow simple instructions. This is intended. Enough people mess up following orders, bad things can and will happen. Solution: get these people to follow orders better. Or recruit better people really.

If I could only buy better cats every time I wanted to.

Talking more,

Flying crazier,

And drinking more

Making battleships worth the warp

Mr Thicke
Black Market Imperium
#32 - 2015-05-18 14:54:59 UTC
where the hell did the grrr goons come from? lol.

the blob would want this chief. Fleet warp, fleet undock, fleet etc....mix with drone doctrine and assigning they could phone in the war as it were lol.

You see we "lack" these things because they are part of the human element to the game. The most perfect plans start to go awry by people who don't follow simple instructions. This is intended. Enough people mess up following orders, bad things can and will happen. Solution: get these people to follow orders better. Or recruit better people really.

dude , i wasent mad i was just stating a fact. people know that goons either have supporters or straight ex-members in either CCP or Dev, that much is obvious to anyone that pays attention. its not really the validity of their ideas as much as it is their relationship to politics that gets most of their ideas passed for their own benefit. its not something im grrr gooning about, its just the way it is

no one was really talking about following orders or recruiting better.
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#33 - 2015-05-18 20:27:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Deep Nine
Zan Shiro wrote:
Mr Thicke wrote:
It'll never happen because Goonswarm says no, and everyone knows when they don't sign off on something it wont happen.
They own and run this game, get over it and move on.

where the hell did the grrr goons come from? lol.
the blob would want this chief. Fleet warp, fleet undock, fleet etc....mix with drone doctrine and assigning they could phone in the war as it were lol.
You see we "lack" these things because they are part of the human element to the game. The most perfect plans start to go awry by people who don't follow simple instructions. This is intended. Enough people mess up following orders, bad things can and will happen. Solution: get these people to follow orders better. Or recruit better people really.

Once again. No one suggested fleet undock. Continuously implying this is ineffective, irrational, and changes nothing I've said.

However, I have openly displayed more then a half a dozen reasons as to why this new mechanic would be useful.

It makes logical sense, along with the suggestion I've made for members to be able to toggle it on/off, that fleet commanders would have this ability as it does not assert direct control over the fleet members combat abilities, while it does expand on the commanders abilities (which they already posses certain ones) to be able to navigate their pilots ships with non-combat commands. This provides additional immersion gameplay and incentive for pilots to train for, and work towards, leadership roll in EvE as it gives them a great deal of authority and power over those who trust their fleet commanders with their pods and ships, while those who do not fully trust him, can turn it off at their discretion, also adding an element to the metagame of leadership that would be openly displayed for a commander to observe.

This should be an ability gained only upon training Fleet Command, not something squad or even Wing commanders would have access to. This does not in anyway usurp the human element from the game and actually helps to hone it.
Noragen Neirfallas
Emotional Net Loss
#34 - 2015-05-18 20:40:44 UTC
Deep Nine wrote:
Zan Shiro wrote:
Mr Thicke wrote:
It'll never happen because Goonswarm says no, and everyone knows when they don't sign off on something it wont happen.
They own and run this game, get over it and move on.

where the hell did the grrr goons come from? lol.
the blob would want this chief. Fleet warp, fleet undock, fleet etc....mix with drone doctrine and assigning they could phone in the war as it were lol.
You see we "lack" these things because they are part of the human element to the game. The most perfect plans start to go awry by people who don't follow simple instructions. This is intended. Enough people mess up following orders, bad things can and will happen. Solution: get these people to follow orders better. Or recruit better people really.

Once again. No one suggested fleet undock. Continuously implying this is ineffective, irrational, and changes nothing I've said.

However, I have openly displayed more then a half a dozen reasons as to why this new mechanic would be useful.

It makes logical sense, along with the suggestion I've made for members to be able to toggle it on/off, that fleet commanders would have this ability as it does not assert direct control over the fleet members combat abilities, while it does expand on the commanders abilities (which they already posses certain ones) to be able to navigate their pilots ships with non-combat commands. This provides additional immersion gameplay and incentive for pilots to train for, and work towards, leadership roll in EvE as it gives them a great deal of authority and power over those who trust their fleet commanders with their pods and ships, while those who do not fully trust him, can turn it off at their discretion, also adding an element to the metagame of leadership that would be openly displayed for a commander to observe.

This should be an ability gained only upon training Fleet Command, not something squad or even Wing commanders would have access to. This does not in anyway usurp the human element from the game and actually helps to hone it.

I'm still in favor of fleet lock target and fleet f1 as the eventual evolution of this. It's awesome I can finally utilize all my ALTs with 0 effort. +1

Member and Judge of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Noragens basically the Chribba of C&P - Zimmy Zeta

Confirming that we all play in Noragen's eve. - BeBopAReBop

ISD Buldath favorite ISD

'"****station games" - Sun Tzu' - Ralph King Griffin

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2015-05-18 22:25:58 UTC
Please Please Please! I'd love to sneak into a fleet as a squad or wing commander and make 10-50 people jump a gate without the rest of the fleet following. The tears after they get destroyed would be glorious!

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Jayne Fillon
#36 - 2015-05-19 00:14:13 UTC
Sorry to throw a wrench in your idea, but this isn't going to happen.

Where do we draw the line? Fleet activate hardeners? Fleet cycle guns?

I hate being a debby downer but removing the need for a pilot to fly their own ship is not on CCP's roadmap, I assure you.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#37 - 2015-05-19 00:56:43 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Sorry to throw a wrench in your idea, but this isn't going to happen.

Where do we draw the line? Fleet activate hardeners? Fleet cycle guns?

I hate being a debby downer but removing the need for a pilot to fly their own ship is not on CCP's roadmap, I assure you.

Like the other guy said there needs to be a fine line between command and control

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#38 - 2015-05-19 01:09:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Deep Nine
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Sorry to throw a wrench in your idea, but this isn't going to happen.

Where do we draw the line? Fleet activate hardeners? Fleet cycle guns?

I hate being a debby downer but removing the need for a pilot to fly their own ship is not on CCP's roadmap, I assure you.

You didn't.

However, to answer your question, Yes, that is where you would draw the line as stated before. Controlling the actual activation of a fleet members ships modules is a completely different category, and mechanic, then controlling the warp functions of other ships In the fleet, current mechanics of the fleet are proof of this as CCP currently allows ships to be sent into warp and regrouped.

Regroup, fleet warp, and fleet jump are in line with the same function my suggestions would serve, ship navigation options within the fleet ordered by the commander. Activating and deactivating the modules of another players ship is not even close to what I am suggesting. And yes, it would be a matter of judgement among the devs and CCP to prevent an update that would allow it, from ever happening.

Allowing the toggle of modules on other players ship, besides not being possible, and ill advised, would indeed provide a massive opportunity for sabotage and abuse, as opposed to these suggested features which do not and would actually still be within the players control to allow to occur in the first place. via a toggle option similar to what an orca has that allows and disallows access to hangers.

Unless you are actually in a position of authority to speak on CCP's behalf, I would suggest not doing so. CSM does not mean you have to authority to speak for them, only that you can advise them.

Thank you for your input.
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#39 - 2015-05-19 01:30:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Deep Nine
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
Please Please Please! I'd love to sneak into a fleet as a squad or wing commander and make 10-50 people jump a gate without the rest of the fleet following. The tears after they get destroyed would be glorious!

As was stated before, this would not be possible. And was never suggested. Roll

This should be an ability gained only upon training Fleet Command, not something squad or even Wing commanders would have access to. This does not in anyway usurp the human element from the game and actually helps to hone it.

You're welcome.
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#40 - 2015-05-19 01:31:36 UTC
Christopher Mabata wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Sorry to throw a wrench in your idea, but this isn't going to happen.

Where do we draw the line? Fleet activate hardeners? Fleet cycle guns?

I hate being a debby downer but removing the need for a pilot to fly their own ship is not on CCP's roadmap, I assure you.

Like the other guy said there needs to be a fine line between command and control

I have definitely drawn the line, please reread the thread.