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Dev Blog: Shake my Citadel

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Lucious Lyon
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#561 - 2015-05-14 23:01:19 UTC
Deep Nine wrote:
XL does not replace current POSes it replaces current Player Owned Stations. The Large / Medium Replaces a POS.

Read what you wrote. It does not replace current Player Owned Stations, it replaces current Player Owned Stations? Wat.


Basically I do not see a need to limit them at all. Have 300 XL in one system if you can afford to build them.

I know you don't. Picture every single moon in any system being wracked with indestructible POS that have doomsday weapons capable of destroying entire fleets of ships, squads of capital ships, and possibly even motherships and titans, and that is without mentioning or going into detail the preposterous military planning necessary to actually invade and conquer an entire region of space literally packed with them. Heavy regulation is a necessity if it is to survive its release and subsequent use.

If you do not see a problem with with its initial design, there is nothing that can be said to you to convince you otherwise. However, because of the nature of your posts, you are so far behind the learning curb I will only be responding to experienced players from this point forward.

As I've stated before, the concept of another type of more powerful, and thus, secure POS system is not the problem. The initial concepts that were, obviously, hastily put together are in need of severe redacting and modification. In any event, doomsday weapons on a POS unless they are severely limited in their placement and use is so outside the realm of anything else in EvE it begs for reassessment, and they are POS, regardless of words and terms used to label them.

Citadel Structures immediately need redacting because of one fundamental reason, besides those that follow;
Those structures will use the same principles of vulnerability and reinforced states from the Sovereignty overhaul. The structure can only be attacked by Entosis modules when it is vulnerable, and is invulnerable when reinforced.
The unforeseen consequences of this need to be taken into consideration before CCP even contemplates signing off on this idea. It needs no explanation. Good luck doing that with AOE weapons and Doomsday coming at you, in any capacity.

Docking of Motherships, while not a terrible idea, would require an enormous docking bay at least 3.5k by 3.5k on the structure itself, and if this would be allowed, why not just go all the way with it and allow titans. The structure is certainly large enough to accommodate many titans, though the size of the bay taking up 1/6 of the structures size and the impossible internal structure needed to accommodate them would look awkward and be unrealistic. For good reasons, it isent allowed. Not too mention the unrealistic logistical problems of actually docking and storing a ship of that size. Besides this, it would provide a perverted strategic advantage that is unrivalled elsewhere in the galaxy and by other powers, only again helping to make null static and stagnant, while protecting entire fleets of supers from being lost to any type of neglect, when docked, or theft.

The single target weapons alone render and obsolete several aspects of current gameplay, making ships like dreadnoughts far less valuable as they are meant for siege warfare, these guns offer the opportunity for a few pilots to bring down (possibly?) several dreads looking to do damage, single handedly.

Launcher with Area of effect missiles are similar in initial design to miniature doomsday day devices, which were toned down because of their OP ability to clear entire battlefields by themselves. If this was actually approved, it needs severe damage reduction from the initial suggestion, although the idea of forcing fleets to scatter out and use more complicated logistics isent without its merits. Energy draining missiles is just ridiculous and allowing them to mass drain entire clusters of ships needs a realistic explanation and application on how to actually return the energy to the Citadel and for what purpose, maybe energy neutralizing missiles, but certainly draining, implies the energy is returned to some source and somehow. Furthermore, trying to actually use an entosis link even on a massive scale would be impractical and a death sentence.

Doomsday weapons on a POS, besides its open threat and obvious immediate cost to anyone bringing Titans and Supers to the fight, is such a bloody mess of an idea that if it were to be implemented, it must come at catastrophic cost to every other usable system at the Cits disposal. This would also limit, or at great cost to invading fleets allow, the use of capitals. The cause of this is apparent that after taking just one system even pock marked with these weapons, they wouldent have much of a capital fleet left to continue on in conquest afterwords, nevermind taking a region because it would be military and economic suicide.

If it is not an option to belay its release, until it is properly toned down, and it has already been determined it will be a part of the upcoming installments, its rush will do far more harm then good when it is put to use and has to be (inevitably) hacked and nerfed to ribbons later on. It runs the gambit of alienating players that immediately go to putting it in use. Furthermore, its benefits are one sided towards existing alliances and even the suggestion of its development should be examined. Misuse and improper implementation of this idea will have unforeseen blowback that could cause severe consequences, in all respects.

'Dis dawg. Dayum.
Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#562 - 2015-05-14 23:01:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Aralyn Cormallen
Ocean Ormand wrote:

Whatever merit entosis links have for sov play - they certainly do not seem to belong with pos structures. If CCP is hell bent on making entrosis also apply to pos then it should be in addition to being able to bash a pos in the usual manner. That way an attacker can make a decision - use entrosis or just bring dps.

Obil Que wrote:

I will admit that my concerns are colored from being a wormhole resident. I'm not concerned with XL structures and the future capture mechanism that is applied but rather the M and L structures with the aforementioned multiple reinforce timers. But truly I am concerned that CCP is introducing a mechanic (no automatic, limited slots) that promotes structure babysitting during vulnerable windows and a solvable defense equation. All of this combined with a near-zero reward structure for your efforts does not make the entire system very appealing as a conflict mechanism.

Ocean Ormand wrote:

If its true that you have to chase after little missions in other systems in addition to showing up for the two or three reinforcement cycles, isnt that a much worse grind than what we have now?

Now to kill a tower - I shoot it, and if it is stornted come back for after reinforcement cycle to shoot it again. With the new system I have to shoot it at 2 or three vulnerable periods and go play whack a mole in an untold number of adjacent systems. Sounds worse to me.

The Entosis Link and Vulnerability Windows were first floated in Fozzies devblog over 10 weeks ago, as were the mechanics for using them to capture structures, and the fact that structure bashing as a thing is over. The time to try and stop that juggernaut was then; that ship has so far sailed now its off the horizon. I know, I know, you all thought it was just nullsec players getting it in the ass, and it was really funny too, but heres the reality, we are all getting it. The sooner you accept that you will be babysitting your structures through vulnerability windows, and you will be racing interceptors to capture nodes, and structure bashing in any form is gone and not coming back, the quicker you can focus on the fine details, because that is all you are changing at this late stage of the day.
Nosferatu Security Foundation
#563 - 2015-05-14 23:09:07 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Chirality Tisteloin wrote:
Good evening,

Question for clarification: docking in Citadels means the same as using the invulnerability link, right?

very interesting concepts! Thanx for sharing the blog.

No docking puts you inside and safe, but you still see the grid outside the station.

The invulnerability link (we need a new name for this, taking suggestions) provides security while you are undocked and mobile around the structure.

I have been thinking docking games in general and Eve already has the answer: Micro Jump drive and Mobile Micro Jump Units. How about having the stations a Micro Jump Launch Tubes? They could work on existing stations already. That could change the way you punch out the station all together and change the docking games big time.

There could be launch tube(s) toward all planets stargates in the system.
The launch distance could be set to different distances, big question here should it take you so far from the station that you cannot instantly re-dock.
How to avoid bowling with the effect?
How many launch tubes would you need / direction?
I liked to see you queue in the tube. Lets say one launch in every 10 or 15 sec / tube? So if you want to go to popular direction you have to take your time. Also you could not get 500 man fleet off the station or Citadel in one go. At least not to the same direction. Launching that many ships should take some time.
Should the owner of the structure have a right to give priority over some other to be launched?
Anyhow no invulnerability timers needed. No insta undock bookmarks needed. If enemy wants to bubble you go right a head but they need bubbles to all directions where the jumps tubes could take you. Then again citadel guns from a Citadel and bubble cage does not seem all that useful. Bubble camp could make the landing a ***** though - if the bubbles will stay alive that is.


Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#564 - 2015-05-14 23:32:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Lucious Lyon wrote:
'Dis dawg. Dayum.

He mad.

Deep Nine wrote:

1) Picture every single moon in any system being wracked with indestructible POS that have doomsday weapons capable of destroying entire fleets of ships, squads of capital ships, and possibly even motherships and titans, and that is without mentioning or going into detail the preposterous military planning necessary to actually invade and conquer an entire region of space literally packed with them.

2) Docking of Motherships, while not a terrible idea, would require an enormous docking bay at least 3.5k by 3.5k on the structure itself, and if this would be allowed, why not just go all the way with it and allow titans. The structure is certainly large enough to accommodate many titans, though the size of the bay taking up 1/6 of the structures size and the impossible internal structure needed to accommodate them would look awkward and be unrealistic. For good reasons, it isent allowed. Not too mention the unrealistic logistical problems of actually docking and storing a ship of that size.

1) There is going to be a limit how close one can place these stations together. Non-issue from the start, and in the case of moons - there are going to be separate bodies doing the mining, which you can target, which won't have Doomsday weapons. Roll

2) Cyno restriction 25 km off station and point 3) fixes many things. Twisted

3) Besides this, it would provide a perverted strategic advantage that is unrivalled elsewhere in the galaxy and by other powers, only again helping to make null static and stagnant, while protecting entire fleets of supers from being lost to any type of neglect, when docked, or theft.

4) The single target weapons alone render and obsolete several aspects of current gameplay, making ships like dreadnoughts far less valuable as they are meant for siege warfare, these guns offer the opportunity for a few pilots to bring down (possibly?) several dreads looking to do damage, single handedly.

3) Capital rebalance is yet to come, but I'd sell your Titanes now.

4) Long gone are the days of 5 roaming Dreadnaughts with zero support. Cry

Let the River of Tears fill up and go forth, as it should and as it must!

Launcher with Area of effect missiles are similar in initial design to miniature doomsday day devices, which were toned down because of their OP ability to clear entire battlefields by themselves. If this was actually approved, it needs severe damage reduction from the initial suggestion, although the idea of forcing fleets to scatter out and use more complicated logistics isent without its merits. Energy draining missiles is just ridiculous and allowing them to mass drain entire clusters of ships needs a realistic explanation and application on how to actually return the energy to the Citadel and for what purpose, maybe energy neutralizing missiles, but certainly draining, implies the energy is returned to some source and somehow. Furthermore, trying to actually use an entosis link even on a massive scale would be impractical and a death sentence.

Blob less, k. Blink

Doomsday weapons on a POS, besides its open threat and obvious immediate cost to anyone bringing Titans and Supers to the fight, is such a bloody mess of an idea that if it were to be implemented, it must come at catastrophic cost to every other usable system at the Cits disposal. This would also limit, or at great cost to invading fleets allow, the use of capitals. The cause of this is apparent that after taking just one system even pock marked with these weapons, they wouldent have much of a capital fleet left to continue on in conquest afterwords, nevermind taking a region because it would be military and economic suicide.

Guess we'll all be doing Incursions in Hisec then. X
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#565 - 2015-05-14 23:54:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Primary This Rifter
I wish I had the patience to read these things I once had.

I'll get around to it though.
Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#566 - 2015-05-15 01:08:35 UTC
Since the dev is comparing these citadels to ships

will these citadels come with insurance?

I mean he's acting like these things can be made and replaced on a whim should they get destroyed.. mind you without detailing on how folks will be able to get their stuff from the field.

so if its hard or difficult to destroy it... how easy would it be to replace it? or does ccp just want the swarm of titans and supers to come raining down on the little guy just to zap it for the lulz.

answer the question pls ccp nullabator
Deep Nine
Vigilante Carebears
#567 - 2015-05-15 01:12:09 UTC
Rush production and watch what happens.

Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#568 - 2015-05-15 01:12:37 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:

We are thinking at least 250km away from everything else in the game (warp in points, belts, gates, other structures etc), but otherwise you can anchor anywhere.

Initial thought was 1000km would be much more appropriate. That would ensure you need to warp to them if you are on grid with any other location of note, and that you can't set one up 251km above a belt with long range weapons, and another 251km below the belt, and shoot anyone that mines there.

Yes, if given the opportunity, my alliance WILL do this, in highsec, and WILL wardec people to make it happen. It will be hilarious for us, but (IMO) a broken mechanic.

On further thought, I thought the distance should actually be higher than that - perhaps 10^5 km - to ensure that they cannot be placed in areas hidden behind permanent acceleration gates. Consider someone that replicates that with a research POS located 9950km from the beacon in a COSMOS complex with a 10000km radius deadspace around the beacon. An attacker cannot warp to a probe hit on that structure, and probably cannot find its exact location via any other means. But the owner can warp to a bookmark located 10001 km from the beacon whenever they need to bring fuel or change blueprints at the POS (or, if it's a production POS not a research one, bring a freighter in).

You could declare that an exploit after the fact, but IMO it's a better option to address the problem now with a 10^5 km anchoring limitation.

A) good luck wardeccing noob corps, dumbass
B) tried warping to bookmarks inside the DED dungeons?
C) derp
Raata Invicti
#569 - 2015-05-15 02:29:29 UTC
The age of structure wars is upon us. Who will save the game from The Crimson Permanent Assurance?
Grand Admiral Simo-Hayha
Vigilante Carebears
#570 - 2015-05-15 03:19:59 UTC
davet517 wrote:
The age of structure wars is upon us. Who will save the game from The Crimson Permanent Assurance?

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#571 - 2015-05-15 04:28:03 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Since the dev is comparing these citadels to ships

will these citadels come with insurance?

I mean he's acting like these things can be made and replaced on a whim should they get destroyed.. mind you without detailing on how folks will be able to get their stuff from the field.

so if its hard or difficult to destroy it... how easy would it be to replace it? or does ccp just want the swarm of titans and supers to come raining down on the little guy just to zap it for the lulz.

answer the question pls ccp nullabator

I believe the current tone is for them to be destroyed with Entosis cycles - No need for capital swarms. The blobs only need sub caps (and a lot less time and effort than is required now)

Huge issue with having possibly thousands of players stuff lying around a Citadel corpse. A group looking to pad kill boards would have a field day. Get a few kills while the Citadel dies, then a few hundred more while killing the guys trying to retrieve their loot cans.

Destructible stations sounds great when you say it without looking at the repercussions, for those who just lost their home.
I don't think an alliance Citadel where players keep, 1 or 2 ships each and a bit of spare ammo is a good objective if creating content is the goal.

Unlimited industry slots - Unused because who wants to have to go collect 50 or 100 jobs worth of materials out of loot cans in a system full of hostiles waiting for you to come and collect your loot cans. Or worse, you just lose all the materials and blueprints you had in production.
Markets with nothing available because who wants to seed a market that could be blown up by a ray gun.

I left WH space after losing just about everything i had when the pos's I was living out of were destroyed - Now they want to introduce the same thing to K space. Seriously?

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#572 - 2015-05-15 05:22:02 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Since the dev is comparing these citadels to ships

will these citadels come with insurance?

I mean he's acting like these things can be made and replaced on a whim should they get destroyed.. mind you without detailing on how folks will be able to get their stuff from the field.

so if its hard or difficult to destroy it... how easy would it be to replace it? or does ccp just want the swarm of titans and supers to come raining down on the little guy just to zap it for the lulz.

answer the question pls ccp nullabator

I believe the current tone is for them to be destroyed with Entosis cycles - No need for capital swarms. The blobs only need sub caps (and a lot less time and effort than is required now)

Huge issue with having possibly thousands of players stuff lying around a Citadel corpse. A group looking to pad kill boards would have a field day. Get a few kills while the Citadel dies, then a few hundred more while killing the guys trying to retrieve their loot cans.

Destructible stations sounds great when you say it without looking at the repercussions, for those who just lost their home.
I don't think an alliance Citadel where players keep, 1 or 2 ships each and a bit of spare ammo is a good objective if creating content is the goal.

Unlimited industry slots - Unused because who wants to have to go collect 50 or 100 jobs worth of materials out of loot cans in a system full of hostiles waiting for you to come and collect your loot cans. Or worse, you just lose all the materials and blueprints you had in production.
Markets with nothing available because who wants to seed a market that could be blown up by a ray gun.

I left WH space after losing just about everything i had when the pos's I was living out of were destroyed - Now they want to introduce the same thing to K space. Seriously?

This was why I pointed out that an integral part of this process should be developing a workable Interbus mechanic, so that null industrialists would have a chance to pay some money and get large amounts of goods/materials hauled out to safety.
A mechanic that isn't instantaneous, involves actual ships to move the materials, requires choices to be made as to how the hauling is to be handled/safeguarded, and give attackers a chance to intercept some of those goods (if they plan well).

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Xindi Kraid
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#573 - 2015-05-15 05:22:24 UTC
Archea Bastanold wrote:

* Converting all current player outposts to XLarge Citadels would solve the outpost reimbursement issue, provided these outposts come already fitted, using a determinable fitting.

That's probably not actually a good thing. A lot of alliances have set up certain outposts for a specific purpose.

It would be rather unfrair to, for example, take away an alliance's manufacturing capacity by converting all their Amarr outposts to these new citadels since, while they will be able to manufacture, they don't specialize in it.

I'd just as soon each type of outpost be converted to a different type pf XL structures, Amarr becomes new XL manufacturing, Caldari becomes new XL research, etc.
Milla Goodpussy
Garoun Investment Bank
#574 - 2015-05-15 05:45:41 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Since the dev is comparing these citadels to ships

will these citadels come with insurance?

I mean he's acting like these things can be made and replaced on a whim should they get destroyed.. mind you without detailing on how folks will be able to get their stuff from the field.

so if its hard or difficult to destroy it... how easy would it be to replace it? or does ccp just want the swarm of titans and supers to come raining down on the little guy just to zap it for the lulz.

answer the question pls ccp nullabator

I believe the current tone is for them to be destroyed with Entosis cycles - No need for capital swarms. The blobs only need sub caps (and a lot less time and effort than is required now)

Huge issue with having possibly thousands of players stuff lying around a Citadel corpse. A group looking to pad kill boards would have a field day. Get a few kills while the Citadel dies, then a few hundred more while killing the guys trying to retrieve their loot cans.

Destructible stations sounds great when you say it without looking at the repercussions, for those who just lost their home.
I don't think an alliance Citadel where players keep, 1 or 2 ships each and a bit of spare ammo is a good objective if creating content is the goal.

Unlimited industry slots - Unused because who wants to have to go collect 50 or 100 jobs worth of materials out of loot cans in a system full of hostiles waiting for you to come and collect your loot cans. Or worse, you just lose all the materials and blueprints you had in production.
Markets with nothing available because who wants to seed a market that could be blown up by a ray gun.

I left WH space after losing just about everything i had when the pos's I was living out of were destroyed - Now they want to introduce the same thing to K space. Seriously?

This was why I pointed out that an integral part of this process should be developing a workable Interbus mechanic, so that null industrialists would have a chance to pay some money and get large amounts of goods/materials hauled out to safety.
A mechanic that isn't instantaneous, involves actual ships to move the materials, requires choices to be made as to how the hauling is to be handled/safeguarded, and give attackers a chance to intercept some of those goods (if they plan well).

your idea defeats the purpose of the service, you think indy's are just begging for another isk sink... so let me get this right.. you expect indy's to be up to paying to get their crap back, hauled out, as long as the service to haul it is opened to gankers and campers.. enjoy killing eve then..
Terpene Conglomerate
#575 - 2015-05-15 06:08:06 UTC
Deep Nine wrote:
XL are going to be as hard to build as a player owned station. I think that fact alone will limit them.

Yes, it would Limit them specifically to huge alliances and powerful corperations, which money and resources are no object for.

They would be mass manufactured and inevitably it would be abused by organizations to augment and solidify their already staggering power, forever sealing null against any type of incursion from almost any type of outside force, not grand fathered in.

hm just thinking, how about increasing their price or maintenance exponentionaly with every other one that alliance build?(add some skills for that if you wnat) or further from HQ the more expensive .. you know bigger empire the better chance for tax evasion ;) same thing i would implement for titans
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#576 - 2015-05-15 06:36:14 UTC
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Ranger 1 wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Milla Goodpussy wrote:
Since the dev is comparing these citadels to ships

will these citadels come with insurance?

I mean he's acting like these things can be made and replaced on a whim should they get destroyed.. mind you without detailing on how folks will be able to get their stuff from the field.

so if its hard or difficult to destroy it... how easy would it be to replace it? or does ccp just want the swarm of titans and supers to come raining down on the little guy just to zap it for the lulz.

answer the question pls ccp nullabator

I believe the current tone is for them to be destroyed with Entosis cycles - No need for capital swarms. The blobs only need sub caps (and a lot less time and effort than is required now)

Huge issue with having possibly thousands of players stuff lying around a Citadel corpse. A group looking to pad kill boards would have a field day. Get a few kills while the Citadel dies, then a few hundred more while killing the guys trying to retrieve their loot cans.

Destructible stations sounds great when you say it without looking at the repercussions, for those who just lost their home.
I don't think an alliance Citadel where players keep, 1 or 2 ships each and a bit of spare ammo is a good objective if creating content is the goal.

Unlimited industry slots - Unused because who wants to have to go collect 50 or 100 jobs worth of materials out of loot cans in a system full of hostiles waiting for you to come and collect your loot cans. Or worse, you just lose all the materials and blueprints you had in production.
Markets with nothing available because who wants to seed a market that could be blown up by a ray gun.

I left WH space after losing just about everything i had when the pos's I was living out of were destroyed - Now they want to introduce the same thing to K space. Seriously?

This was why I pointed out that an integral part of this process should be developing a workable Interbus mechanic, so that null industrialists would have a chance to pay some money and get large amounts of goods/materials hauled out to safety.
A mechanic that isn't instantaneous, involves actual ships to move the materials, requires choices to be made as to how the hauling is to be handled/safeguarded, and give attackers a chance to intercept some of those goods (if they plan well).

your idea defeats the purpose of the service, you think indy's are just begging for another isk sink... so let me get this right.. you expect indy's to be up to paying to get their crap back, hauled out, as long as the service to haul it is opened to gankers and campers.. enjoy killing eve then..

I often wonder if people think about the consequences of things they suggest or if they just suggest them because they want more stuff to kill.

Ranger 1; Industrialists aren't going to pay to retrieve their stuff, you the purchaser are and so is everyone else who lives in nulsec. Industrialists do what they do to make isk, if their isk making potential is reduced due to excessive cost or risk, 1) they move somewhere safer 2) they charge more for everything they produce.
Same for those who stock local markets - ALL of nulsec would grind to a halt without them and if it becomes to risky or costly for them to do it, they stop doing it or charge more to cover the risk factor - You be ok paying an extra 100 mil for each Ishtar you use to kill others assets with?

CCP's efforts to encourage nulsec industry could all be lost in one fell swoop if Citadels are fully destructible.
Destructible stations is the absolute last thing nulsec needs, without the proper mechanics to ensure it doesn't kill nulsec.

I'm sure the minority groups screaming, "everything in eve should die" haven't thought about the repercussions of it actually happening.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#577 - 2015-05-15 07:46:35 UTC
Ocean Ormand wrote:
Now to kill a tower - I shoot it, and if it is stornted come back for after reinforcement cycle to shoot it again. With the new system I have to shoot it at 2 or three vulnerable periods and go play whack a mole in an untold number of adjacent systems. Sounds worse to me.

You are describing special circumstances in which the new system seems favourable to you (XL sructures in Null sec).
We describe circumstances in which the new system is much worse (Medium or large structures of individuals in in any kind of sec).

You don't need to shoot a structure in the new system. Just 'link it'. You only need to reinforce medium structures once. You only play whack a mole with XL structures. If you are going after the structure of an offline individual, you really have to only whack one mole. (I'm not implying that individuals should build or own XL structures. It's you who brought this mechanic up). This all takes condiderably less time than reinforcing and killing a POS with the old mechanic.
Goonswarm Federation
#578 - 2015-05-15 07:57:39 UTC
Grand Admiral Simo-Hayha wrote:
davet517 wrote:
The age of structure wars is upon us. Who will save the game from The Crimson Permanent Assurance?


I feel like this is a Game of Thrones reference.
Sequester Risalo
German Corps of Engineers 17
Federation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.
#579 - 2015-05-15 08:12:10 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:

I'm kinda impressed with how slyly this was done by our dear devs, keeping quiet on this stage of things so that the wormholer and small group players fully support fozziesov and sov-wands, completely ignorant of the fact they were about to get a good big bite of that lemon too.

lol, isn't that how it always happens?

"Yay, CCP is doing stuff to other people and it's great...wait, what do you mean it's going to happen to me too? WTF? Bad idea....BAD IDEA!!!! Twisted

Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
The Entosis Link and Vulnerability Windows were first floated in Fozzies devblog over 10 weeks ago, as were the mechanics for using them to capture structures, and the fact that structure bashing as a thing is over. The time to try and stop that juggernaut was then; that ship has so far sailed now its off the horizon. I know, I know, you all thought it was just nullsec players getting it in the ass, and it was really funny too, but heres the reality, we are all getting it. The sooner you accept that you will be babysitting your structures through vulnerability windows, and you will be racing interceptors to capture nodes, and structure bashing in any form is gone and not coming back, the quicker you can focus on the fine details, because that is all you are changing at this late stage of the day.

Fozziesov was indeed introduced a while ago. But from my perception did relate to sov mechanics only. In my opinion POSes serve a completely different purpose which warrants a different approach.

Sov structures are by definition a thing of large nullsec entities.These should indeed be able to defend their space during the vulnerability window.
Wormhole POSes in low class wormholes are by design a thing of small corps or individual players. A larger group would starve in a low class hole. Now, in my opinion individuals cannot be expected to be online every single vulerability window.

Now I'm not threatening to unsub an armada of accounts. I'm simply stating that I am not willing to follow this requirement and adapt my playstyle. I might move to k-space and daytrip into wormholes. Maybe I will even pilot a trollceptor in adaption to the new mechanics.

The new system simply is in no way what CCP described it to be: "Of all the structures, we want these to be the most dedicated to asset safety, protection, and a feeling of home – just like when you are tucked inside your bed sheets while the elements rage outside. At your coziest you should be fortified in giant bunkers equipped with mega death rays to weather the storm." (Shake my citadel)

You won't be "tucked inside the bedsheets while the elements rage outside". You will have to stay awake and out of bed during the storm every other night running around the house with a gun ready to defend your home. You will. Not me. I will be safely sleeping in a station. waking up refreshed in the morning ready to face the day.

CCP will not reach their stated goal "Everyone who wants to use a structure, does: We want structures to be as widely used as possible, by removing artificial barriers or mechanics that may be in the way. This has to stay within a reasonable risk versus reward scope, of course, and as such the most rewarding structures should always be vulnerable to attack." (Back into structure) I would love to still use a structure. But I won't. I'm not storing my stuff in a container anchored outside the forcefield now and I won't store my stuff in a defenseless structure then.

Quite the opposite. I precdict less structures will be deployed.

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#580 - 2015-05-15 09:12:51 UTC
Deep Nine wrote:
Rush production and watch what happens.


Can't come soon enough.