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Quitting one client will freeze another.

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Ruthless eficiency
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2015-04-29 13:06:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruthless eficiency
Every time that I've had 2 clients running and quit one the other will freeze. After force quitting the frozen client the launcher no longer succeeds in launching a new one. The only temporary fix I've found is a system restart.

Upon trying to launch with cider(which failed) I noticed this: Applications/EVE\\ ; exit;
wine client perror:0x0: write/writev: Bad file descriptor

Using launcher 2.2.878305 on OS X 10.9.5
Cache was cleared and didn't seem to help.
This was post Mosaic patch only.
minni mitti
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2015-04-29 13:17:58 UTC
same here
Gumpy Bitterhawk
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2015-04-29 14:14:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Gumpy Bitterhawk
Same here.

This isn't the first time ive had this issue with the Mac client either Evil

Edit: The problem wich the OP describes started occurring again since todays patch. Please have a look at this ccp...last time this problem occurred it took literally over a year to find the problem, and this problem combined with ****** internet means i have to restart my Mac every 30minutes or so, its already driving me nuts :s
Raul Gavin
#4 - 2015-04-29 14:26:46 UTC
Yeah, so this bug is now worse in the new patch.

Up until now, all I had to do was make sure when I was closing one client that the "focus" went to a running program other than Eve…but yesterday when I did that my second client locked up anyway. Logging in this morning I now find that my launcher doesn't work.

I guess I will have to figure out this clone maker thing. I don't understand why I need to jump through all these hoops to play a game?

It's really lame.
Vincent Athena
#5 - 2015-04-29 16:39:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
Ive seen this bug reported many times, but I have never seen it. I just ran 3 clients at once last night, no issue at all. I have no idea what I am doing right, but it must be possible to do it, as I am doing it.
The only thing I can think of is I use clones made with the Eve clonemaker.
Also, I always run in windowed mode, and switch from one client to the others via the icons in the dock.

By the way, using clones does remove one hoop you have to jump through: The clones bypass the launcher.

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#6 - 2015-04-29 17:00:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Rufelza
yeah this is what I have been experiencing since the Mozzy roll out.
Radioactive Isotope
Isotopes Laboratory.
#7 - 2015-04-29 18:02:41 UTC
Same here as well. Running on a 2014 iMac and i would always have to force quit my clients before the patch to stop them from freezing the other clients. But now with the latest patch Force quiting no longer is a good work around for avoiding the freezing of the other clients.

Worst of all is that it stops the further launching of new clients until you restart your machine. Its becoming very aggrevating haveing to restart my machine every 30 mins or so. Can we please get a CCP person to confim they see this thread? Any info or bug reports that we can send to help?
Ryan Rs
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2015-04-29 19:45:05 UTC
If EVE fails to launch, you don't need to restart. Just open a terminal window and run "killall wineserver"

Before this patch, one of the main reasons quitting a client would freeze other clients is because the quitting client would delete the wine socket when it quit, even though that socket was shared by all the running clients. So all would freeze. The solution was to always force quit, so clients wouldn't get a chance to do any cleanup. That stopped working with this patch though. It's probably something equally dumb, but I haven't had a chance to debug it yet.
Ruthless eficiency
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2015-04-29 21:42:33 UTC
Ryan Rs wrote:
If EVE fails to launch, you don't need to restart. Just open a terminal window and run "killall wineserver"

Before this patch, one of the main reasons quitting a client would freeze other clients is because the quitting client would delete the wine socket when it quit, even though that socket was shared by all the running clients. So all would freeze. The solution was to always force quit, so clients wouldn't get a chance to do any cleanup. That stopped working with this patch though. It's probably something equally dumb, but I haven't had a chance to debug it yet.

This worked beautifully in terms of a work around that didn't require a restart. After executing "killall wineserver" i was able to launch clients successfully again. Thanks Ryan Rs!
CCP Sledgehammer
C C P Alliance
#10 - 2015-04-30 11:28:12 UTC
I can confirm that we know of this issue, it is with our partners at the moment. As I have advised everyone else experiencing this issue, using Clonemaker to create clones of your master EVE client stops this from being an issue. You can find clonemaker and full instructions here

Graphical QA Analyst | EVE Quality Assurance | Team TriLambda

The Farting Unicorns
#11 - 2015-04-30 13:49:56 UTC
With the latest update, there is a new twist to this issue. Force quitting the client doesn't completely quit it. Due to running multiple clients, I often have to force quit other clients when they freeze, due to quitting another. Yesterday, I noticed that the client would not restart. I then force quit all my clients. Then none of the clients would restart. I run on multiple computers, so I was surprised to see on my other computer that the clients that I just force-quit still had their chars logged into game. I scrolled through my activity monitor and noticed the task "wine server" was still running. I killed the task and all the chars on the previously force-quit clients logged out (I received the notification on my char on the other computer).

This issue repeated itself many times yesterday. Force quitting wine server seems to fix it.
Gunboat Commando
#12 - 2015-05-01 09:51:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Tahnil
Confirming this issue. KIlling wineserver via activity monitor app (in CPU view) is a temporary fix.
Kuda Timberline
Alea Iacta Est Universal
Blades of Grass
#13 - 2015-05-01 22:29:08 UTC
Same here... this issues has been going on with me for over 1-2 years now through multiple OS rebuilds. There was also a similar bug with the launcher where you could only get it to close, w/o crashing, if you hid all other windows and ONLY closed the launcher by hitting the close window button in the top left corner. As far as the clients go, you used to be able to avoid the crash if you hid all other windows when quitting a client and also closed them with the close window button in the top left. All other forms of quitting the app seemed to result in a crash. This is no longer working as of the Mosaic patch. Client freezes every time another client is quit regardless of what windows are showing or how you quit the app.

As an IT guy (I'm PC now, but was a former Mac Certified Tech at my last job) I know the importance of documentation and will do my best to give as much detail here as possible.

First this problem started over a year ago, I wish I could remember what the offending patch was. At the time I was using Mac OS 10.9.x. This is an infuriating problem to deal with every time you quit the client. Remember... CCP doesn't have the tools to create a client that will let you switch characters without quitter the client, so you end up getting a crash every time you need to log a new character. I can only imagine the number of players sessions this has cut short, or even people who have quit the game because the Mac client just doesn't work. Well I decided to give CCP the benefit of the doubt and here are the procedures I've tried.

Once I first discovered the crash under 10.9 my fist action was to delete EVE and do a full re-install. This was unsuccessful.

2nd step was to completely wipe my computer, do a fresh install of 10.9 and a fresh install of EVE. This too was unsuccessful.

3rd step was to completely wipe my computer again, downgrade to a fresh install of Mac OS 10.8 and a fresh install of EVE. This too was unsuccessful.

As I mentioned early, I had found a work around to this problem prior to Mosaic. The work around goes as follows:

Open multiple EVE clients from the installer.
Close the installer w/ the close window button in the top left (other forms of quitting caused a crash)
Both clients seem to work fine together except for the typical texture errors that make space look like a green cube.
Once it is time to close I client you must hide all other apps and windows and only close the client you want closed. If any other client windows are visible when you close the first, you would get a crash.

This process no longer works, and my insanity has brought me here to document it. Now that the client crash every time one is closed you can no longer even launch a new client. When you hit PLAY on the launch, it says launching, then nothing ever happens. Here is the error I've found when the client fails to launch after a freeze:

launcher[1320]: wine client perror:0x0: write/writev: Bad file descriptor

If I log out and back in the clients will still not launch from the launcher. It requires a full restart. ONce I restart I'm able to get the clients open, but even when doing my old "hide all windows" trick it still crashes. Here is the full log from that final crash. It seems the second client doesn't actually crash till you un-hide the window and look at it. I know this because I can still hear station noises and logout chimes. Here is the log for the final crash of the second client once pulled to the front:

From what I can tell from where I find my ship, the actual disconnect from CCP's servers doesn't occur during the freeze, it occurs when you Force Quit the app.

I really hope this helps. This is a serious problem for the Mac community.

Kuda Timberline

Co-host Capstable Podcast

Kuda Timberline
Alea Iacta Est Universal
Blades of Grass
#14 - 2015-05-02 13:25:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Kuda Timberline
CCP Sledgehammer wrote:
I can confirm that we know of this issue, it is with our partners at the moment. As I have advised everyone else experiencing this issue, using Clonemaker to create clones of your master EVE client stops this from being an issue. You can find clonemaker and full instructions here

I'm running into problems running Clonemaker. Every time I launch it, I just get an error that the app is damaged and should be trashed. I've re-downloaded and unstuffed the app, but just keep running into the same issue. Anyone else seen this and is there a workaround for this workaround. ughh

EDIT: I found my own work around after searching around for a few min. I'ma bad and should have done that first..

The workaround is to allow you Mac to run application from everywhere. This can be found in the System control panel under security.

BEWARE: I would only suggest using this feature when needed, then once you are done using clonemaker re-enable the setting to only run apps from App Store and identified developers.

Hope this helps.

Kuda Timberline

Co-host Capstable Podcast

Rolling Static
Wardec Mechanics
#15 - 2015-05-02 16:27:22 UTC
If you terminate the "wineserver" process i am able to start a new client.

However the old fix for dual boxing to prevent both from crashing (tabbing to a non-eve window, and then going back to one client to close it) no longer appears to work. If i close one, both will crash no matter what i do.
Ian Blackbird
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2015-05-13 09:01:23 UTC
CCP Sledgehammer wrote:
I can confirm that we know of this issue, it is with our partners at the moment.

Any News on that Issue?
Will it be a matter of Weeks? Months? Years?
I'am not mad about it, just a bit curious...
Amarisen Gream
#17 - 2015-05-14 05:28:12 UTC
(I am in a bad mood. Please forgive me if I seem pissed off)

1: use clonemaker
2: if clonemaker says it is "broken" r-click show package and find the "script". Open that an run it.
3: IGB has a few issues as well as other things that lock the game up. Open activity monitor and start killing your wine servers. That will allow you to restart your clients.

4: there's like 9 post already on this topic. I know b/c I have posted in like 8 of them.

"The Lord loosed upon them his fierce anger All of his fury and rage. He dispatched against them a band of Avenging Angels" - The Scriptures, Book II, Apocalypse 10:1

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sama kanaan
Comms Black
Pandemic Horde
#18 - 2015-05-27 11:03:09 UTC
Eve for MAC OS really needs a overhaul.

CCP seems too spread out, they have all this stuff on their plate, from other games, to rebalancing every item in game, to all the other things they are implementing. Yet, EVERY single day people using MAC OS are dealing with really crumby code that requires multiple resets of laptops, launchers, requires FORCE QUITTING applications over and over. (Similar to task manager)

What do we need to say to get some IT support from CCP? What do we need to do? If we have multiple toons and we cannot even run them with ease, what are our options other then these 'work arounds' and 'fixes' people discover. Fix. The. Issue.
Kuda Timberline
Alea Iacta Est Universal
Blades of Grass
#19 - 2015-06-27 18:12:46 UTC
CCP Sledgehammer wrote:
I can confirm that we know of this issue, it is with our partners at the moment.

Any Update? If this is still with your partners you should probably fire them and hire new partners...

Kuda Timberline

Co-host Capstable Podcast

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#20 - 2015-07-11 16:28:32 UTC
Any Update?
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