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How come in pvp cap mods, istabs, worthless?

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Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-05-08 15:39:31 UTC
Crash Omaristos wrote:

How many ships do you see with cap relays? How many with cap batteries or cap recharges? How many with inertia stabs?

Many, I have a bunch of ships fitting those modules (logis, travel ceptors, neut boats, smart bomb ships, etc.)

I'm my own NPC alt.

Joan Miles
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-05-08 15:40:26 UTC
There are modules that are used either for PvP or PvE but are not effective in both. That is not a problem for anyone playing EVE. It is rather a choice of some sort each player makes. Think of it as choosing your class or specialization in other themepark mmos.

However the fact that some modules are useless / obsolete and can't be effectively used in any type of fit, is something you will encounter in several module groups. Even ships. Part of this is "linked" to the current meta and is a thing for any mmo, sandbox or not. This you can handle and adjust to. Those who are actually broken are getting fixed / rebalanced lately. Check some major patches back and you will get the idea.

Don't try to find real world logic behind every EVE mechanic however. i.e I tried to put logic behind how/why a single frigate can kill a battleship. It's like trying to destroy a tank with a revolver. Will you ever do it? Probably..Well if you don't get to finish your great-great-grandchildren will, but still.. You get the point Lol

So simple advice : Use what most people use and find effective ..or.. experiment and find some unique fits to have fun with.
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#23 - 2015-05-08 16:21:16 UTC
Again, inertial stabs are not "bad" for PVP because 200mm plates are "better". Inertial stabs are "bad" for PVP because nanofibers are "better". Inertial stabs increase your agility, but at the cost of increased signature radius. Frigates, which benefit greatly from increased agility for maneuverability, rely on on their small signatures to reduce incoming damage. That's why it's almost always better to use nanofibers on your ships combat ships than inertial stabs. They still increase your agility as well as your speed, but don't affect your signature radius.

There are many many frigate fits that use nanofibers - essentially trading tank for speed. Garmurs, condors, kestrels, tristans, hookbills, executioners, slicers, worms....all widely accepted as viable with nanofibers.

The tradeoff here isn't about the numbers in EFT. It's about what is most effective for the situation.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#24 - 2015-05-08 16:32:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
Sometimes one comes to the fitting question of, "I have everything I need, and I've got this slot left-over, along with a bit of power grid and CPU. What can I fit in there?"

There may be better choices, and some may state there are "always better" choices, but that's really subjective.

Sometimes the ignored modules allow for some inventive niche fits. Sometimes they are not used at all where you think they would be. Example: Industrials.

CCP is working on increasing the number of fitting choices too.

CCP Fozzie wrote:
... microwarp drives, afterburners, shield extenders, and armor plates. So these are our next four targets for module tieracide.
ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#25 - 2015-05-08 16:41:03 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post and those quoting it.

The Rules:
4. Personal attacks are prohibited.

Commonly known as flaming, personal attacks are posts that are designed to personally berate or insult another forum user. Posts of this nature are not beneficial to the community spirit that CCP promote and as such they will not be tolerated.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Exotic Matters
Fried Liver Attack
#26 - 2015-05-08 21:55:18 UTC
Joan Miles wrote:
There are modules that are used either for PvP or PvE but are not effective in both. That is not a problem for anyone playing EVE. It is rather a choice of some sort each player makes. Think of it as choosing your class or specialization in other themepark mmos.

However the fact that some modules are useless / obsolete and can't be effectively used in any type of fit, is something you will encounter in several module groups. Even ships. Part of this is "linked" to the current meta and is a thing for any mmo, sandbox or not. This you can handle and adjust to. Those who are actually broken are getting fixed / rebalanced lately. Check some major patches back and you will get the idea.

Don't try to find real world logic behind every EVE mechanic however. i.e I tried to put logic behind how/why a single frigate can kill a battleship. It's like trying to destroy a tank with a revolver. Will you ever do it? Probably..Well if you don't get to finish your great-great-grandchildren will, but still.. You get the point Lol

So simple advice : Use what most people use and find effective ..or.. experiment and find some unique fits to have fun with.

There are plenty of real world examples of something small taking out something large. An airplane can sink a battleship and that fighter/bomber jet can be taken out by a guy with a shoulder launched stinger missile. In fact, using any technology we can currently envision, a large spacecraft is a terribly fragile thing and missiles or a railgun would tear it to shreds while such small craft would be difficult to target and hit from any distance or high transversal velocity very much like in Eve.
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#27 - 2015-05-08 22:20:32 UTC
Regarding inertia stabs and/or nanofibers, I use them on ships where the PvP tactic is to run away as fast as I can... T1 industrial, cov-ops and travel-fit inty. for example.
As for the small plates and shield extenders, I've only used them on 'trick' fits.
Ice Fire Warriors
#28 - 2015-05-08 23:14:24 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Look at it this way. If we had the option in a frig between a 50mm plate or an inertia stab, the inertia stab might be better in certain instances because of the increased responsiveness. With the 200mm plate being viable, it reduces the option of choosing 50mm plate or choosing inertia stab, because there's a much clearly better option.

In what situation are you talking about?

In some cases... you want more agility than you want tank (ex. with fast-flying ships).
In some cases... you want more tank than you want agility (ex. with "brawling" ships).
In some cases... you want neither and will specialize in something completely unrelated (ex. Electronic Warfare).

The problem you are running into is that...
- some modules are from a bygone era and don't work well in today's environment. 50mm plates are an example of this.
- some modules are good for certain ships and inferior on other ships. For example;
------ Inertial Stabilizers are not that good on a frigate because Nanofibers are simply better. Nanos add speed, agility, and do not increase a ships' "sensor footprint" (which makes a ship easier to target and hit).
------ I-Stabs work well on large ships because they do not cut down on tank, give more agility than Nanos, and large ships don't care about speed or their "sensor footprint"... but then again... large ships generally don't care about agility unless they are trying to avoid confrontation in the first place.

And this isn't as big of an issue as you are making it.
Because while the bigger plates offer up a straight amount of raw HP... they also add a straight amount of mass that makes you slower (while consuming more PG and CPU that you need for other stuff that may be equally or more important).

And while I-Stabs are "useless" compared to Nanos at the frigate level... it doesn't mean they are useless across the board.

In older MMOs, there is always bound to be some measure of redundancy and/or obsolescence. But this isn't the thing that "narrows" fitting choices.... at least... not the way you are thinking.

Instead... it is ship type, tactics, and specialty that dictate the "narrowness" of fittings.

Its just an example. I wanted to know if anyone had some good inertia stab fits, and while platitudes and rhetoric were fielded, pvp fits with inertia stabs weren't, barring the aeon example.

[Impel, Basic Tank Template]

Damage Control II
Energized EM Membrane II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II
Energized Armor Layering Membrane II
800mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Inertial Stabilizers II

Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I
[empty med slot]

Improved Cloaking Device II
[empty high slot]

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

(with max skills)
- The I-Stab cuts the align time from ~19 seconds to 15 seconds

- you'll notice that I am using a combination of armor plating (gives a flat amount of raw HP) plus a Layering Membrane (% based amount of raw HP). For some ships that don't have enough CPU/PG to fit another plate, but already have high amounts of raw armor, it can work. Hell.. for capitals ships the flat HP boosts are meaningless... making the Layered Platings/Membranes superior in every way.
NOTE: Reinforced Bulkheads do something similar to Layered Platings/Membranes

How many ships do you see with cap relays? How many with cap batteries or cap recharges? How many with inertia stabs? There's a ton of modules out there, and really only a handful are pvp worthy?


Your questions are simply too vague. Asking "can these mods be used for PvP? Why can't all mods be used for PvP" is like asking "is this food good for you? Why can't all food be good for you?"
You have to be specific with the tactic, ship, and situation.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2015-05-09 01:11:49 UTC
Crash Omaristos wrote:
It seems like there's little point in fitting a large number of modules. No one seems to use cap stuff on a frig

I am not sure what point you are trying to make. Typically cap mods (aside from cap boosters) are a PvE thing, no always but I'm saying more often. Also things like cargo expanders will rarely be used on a brawling ship. Every mod has it's use. Balance does not mean that every mod is equally as useful on every ship in every situation.

To often I see people that come to PvP with the attitude that they only want to brawl and fit for max dps and EHP and then those people often complain that things like Ewar or anything that gets in the way of a pure slug fest are over powered then those same people say that ship fitting has no variation. I've seen plenty of people do some fun an unexpected stuff to win fights. Just because you don't want to get creative and play around and try new stuff does not mean that the game is too simplistic.
Crash Omaristos wrote:

It seems like other modules are so powerful they eclipse any other setup. What they call the metagame is stabilized around using Hp buffers or resists, damage mods, or kite fit. If this is the majority of fitting and what everyone flies, then it feels like there is no value to any other modules, since if there were, the big three wouldn't be stealing the scene all the time in PVP.

I like the theory of trying new stuff but I don't see whether its worthwhile when a plate triples the base armor hp of your ship. Even small 50mm plates are called worthless, maybe because there's a value relationship to limited slots vs bonuses a module provides, and inertia stabs seem to provide very little bonus for PVP.

It sounds to me like you are coming to this game with a mindset from other MMOs where you can go to a website and read what the best spec is or best in slot gear. Eve does not work that way. If the 50mm plate is not ideal for your ship then use 200mm or what ever works. Try bringing some Ewar to a fit or some logi friends. If you can only come up with one generic ship fit theory for everything that you fly into PvP with then that is your fault not the game's.

People can say that a certain mod is useless or that a certain way of fitting a ship is dumb. That does not mean they are right. Too often I have seen people prove those types wrong. There is no controlled PvP in this game where you have 40 man battlegrounds of all level 100 players with similar gear scores. Anything goes in this game. A fit that in one situation would be a "**** fit" would be the ideal fit in a different situation.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Crash Omaristos
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#30 - 2015-05-09 11:45:02 UTC
ergherhdfgh wrote:
It sounds to me like you are coming to this game with a mindset from other MMOs where you can go to a website and read what the best spec is or best in slot gear. Eve does not work that way..

Not at all. I thought it was more flexible than it seems to be, with a reason and point for everything. Like I said, I was thinking I could use istabs to make a speed tanking brawl ship as another aspect of eve, but that doesn't eem to be a valid ship design. If an istab goes on it, it might just be bad, especially when istab and overclassed plate really fight each other. Like I said, it seems that damage and tank mods seem much too valuable for viable alternatives. If the choice was between 50mm plate for hp tanking as a brawler, or istab for speed tanking as a brawler, the choice could be more meaningful. When its between 200mm plate or an istab, there's really only one choice. Barring niche uses others have expounded on, there doesn't seem to be much variety. Even when they say "nuh uh", they link to fits that use nanofibers instead. Inertia stabs are all about maneuverability, maintaining high speed, and making faster turns. I'm asking if anyone really feels that a design meant to capitalize on that could have the same potential as 200mm plate/heat sink/heat sink.
Anuri Suaraj
The Cylar Foundation
#31 - 2015-05-09 14:58:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Anuri Suaraj
Crash Omaristos wrote:
ergherhdfgh wrote:
It sounds to me like you are coming to this game with a mindset from other MMOs where you can go to a website and read what the best spec is or best in slot gear. Eve does not work that way..

Not at all. I thought it was more flexible than it seems to be, with a reason and point for everything. Like I said, I was thinking I could use istabs to make a speed tanking brawl ship as another aspect of eve, but that doesn't eem to be a valid ship design. If an istab goes on it, it might just be bad, especially when istab and overclassed plate really fight each other. Like I said, it seems that damage and tank mods seem much too valuable for viable alternatives. If the choice was between 50mm plate for hp tanking as a brawler, or istab for speed tanking as a brawler, the choice could be more meaningful. When its between 200mm plate or an istab, there's really only one choice. Barring niche uses others have expounded on, there doesn't seem to be much variety. Even when they say "nuh uh", they link to fits that use nanofibers instead. Inertia stabs are all about maneuverability, maintaining high speed, and making faster turns. I'm asking if anyone really feels that a design meant to capitalize on that could have the same potential as 200mm plate/heat sink/heat sink.

It is flexible, and there is a reason and a point for everything.

I fly a T1 exploration fit frigate at the moment. And I have istabs fitted on it. Why? Because they decrease my align time which in turn allows me to warp off before one of those PvP psychopaths gets a lock on me.

I don't have any plates mounted because in an exploration fit T1 frigate, if you fail to escape before you get pointed you are pretty much dead.

So as you can see there are situations in which istabs are better than armored plates.

"But 200mm plates seem to be better for PvP than istabs..."

Well, daaah. If agility trumped armor and firepower in combat than the modern armored vehicles would simply be race cars with howitzers mounted just above the sun roof.

I agree that the 50 and 100 mm plates seem kind of useless right now but I'm sure the devs will fix that eventually. Either by removing those modules from the game or by nerfing frigate Power/CPU values.
Ice Fire Warriors
#32 - 2015-05-09 16:12:07 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Like I said, I was thinking I could use istabs to make a speed tanking brawl ship as another aspect of eve, but that doesn't eem to be a valid ship design.

No... it IS valid. It just isn't "optimal" in most situations. There is a difference.

Put it this way... if NanoFibers did not exist... then yes, the I-Stab would be a valid mod for smaller ships that are trying to be more maneuverable.

As it stands though, smaller ships gain more benefit from Nanofibers except in cases where speed and small "sensor footprint" are not really a consideration (which they are in direct ship on ship confrontations... at the frigate level)

If an istab goes on it, it might just be bad, especially when istab and overclassed plate really fight each other. Like I said, it seems that damage and tank mods seem much too valuable for viable alternatives. If the choice was between 50mm plate for hp tanking as a brawler, or istab for speed tanking as a brawler, the choice could be more meaningful. When its between 200mm plate or an istab, there's really only one choice.


What are you trying to do?

Brawl at point-blank range... or dance around the edge of a target's range?
Are you trying to be too fast for the opponent's guns to track?

You are looking at things too one-dimensionally.
You have to look at the ship, tactic, and specialty before you can decide what mods you want to fit!

Even when they say "nuh uh", they link to fits that use nanofibers instead. Inertia stabs are all about maneuverability, maintaining high speed, and making faster turns. I'm asking if anyone really feels that a design meant to capitalize on that could have the same potential as 200mm plate/heat sink/heat sink.

Let me give you two fits here...

[Atron, DerpTron]
Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Damage Control II

Experimental 1MN Afterburner I
Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I

Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter S
Light Neutron Blaster II, Caldari Navy Antimatter S
[empty high slot]

Small Hybrid Burst Aerator I
Small Hybrid Collision Accelerator I
[empty rig slot]

[Punisher, FootSoldier]
Damage Control II
Small Ancillary Armor Repairer, Nanite Repair Paste
200mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I
Heat Sink II

Limited 1MN Microwarpdrive I
Warp Scrambler II

Dual Light Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Dual Light Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Dual Light Pulse Laser II, Imperial Navy Multifrequency S
Small Diminishing Power System Drain I

Small Energy Collision Accelerator I
Small Trimark Armor Pump I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit I

Stats (with max skills)

Tank: ~2600 effective hp (Atron) vs. ~5000 ehp + 40 hp/sec repair rate (Punisher)
Max Speed: ~3500+ m/sec AND ~1300 m/sec (Atron) vs. ~2600 m/sec (Punisher)
Align time: ~2.8 seconds (Atron) vs. 3.5 seconds (Punisher)
Damage: ~200 damage per second (Atron) vs. 135 dps (Punisher)

In a straight fight... which would win?

If you think the Punisher would win... you would be wrong.

The Punisher has more tank... it can even repair some of it... but the Atron's damage simply overwhelms it.
Moreover, the Atron is fit for speed at very close range. That Afterburner? It keeps the Atron moving at very fast speeds (without the larger "sensor footprint" penalty that a Microwarpdrive has) around the Punisher... so fast that most of the damage from the Punisher's lasers will be mitigated.

I have seen packs of these things dismantle battleships and even capital ships.
larger tank =/= superior

But I should also add this:
That Punisher that lost to the Atron? Group it with a bunch of other ships with similar fittings and Logistics Ships (see: healing/repair ships) and you will have a very nasty ball of destruction that will see very few, if any, losses (even against ships bigger than it).

If a group of Atrons, equal in numbers, tried to take on a Punisher group... it would lose. Badly. Because the Atrons LACK the HP and damage resistance to make efficient use of remote repairs (see: healing).

Basically... EVE is more about asymmetrical warfare and tactical prowess... knowing what situations certain ship, fits, and tactics are good for... and when they are not.
Fitting is half the game. Knowing how to use it is the other half.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2015-05-09 17:13:29 UTC
Crash Omaristos wrote:
ergherhdfgh wrote:
It sounds to me like you are coming to this game with a mindset from other MMOs where you can go to a website and read what the best spec is or best in slot gear. Eve does not work that way..

Not at all. I thought it was more flexible than it seems to be, with a reason and point for everything. Like I said, I was thinking I could use istabs to make a speed tanking brawl ship as another aspect of eve, but that doesn't eem to be a valid ship design. If an istab goes on it, it might just be bad, especially when istab and overclassed plate really fight each other. Like I said, it seems that damage and tank mods seem much too valuable for viable alternatives. If the choice was between 50mm plate for hp tanking as a brawler, or istab for speed tanking as a brawler, the choice could be more meaningful. When its between 200mm plate or an istab, there's really only one choice. Barring niche uses others have expounded on, there doesn't seem to be much variety. Even when they say "nuh uh", they link to fits that use nanofibers instead. Inertia stabs are all about maneuverability, maintaining high speed, and making faster turns. I'm asking if anyone really feels that a design meant to capitalize on that could have the same potential as 200mm plate/heat sink/heat sink.

I don't know how much more clearly I can explain this to you. It seems you are only considering 1 v 1 brawling in which both ships are fit for max dps and tank with no Ewar and no support as PvP. In that vary specific situation yes you can find a basic fit style that won't vary much. However solo T1 frig versus T1 frig is not the only type of PvP in this game. You can not expect every single module in game to be good for that one specific situation. Mining Lazor Upgrades won't do you very much good in that situation either but that does not mean the game is broken.

Get in a fleet with some logi and / or Ewar. Do some hull tanking bait fit to con people into committing to fight you when you have friends close by. Do some cloaky recon piloting in worm hole space. There is nearly an unlimited number of things you can do in this game with a breadth of ship choices that is almost daunting when you think about it.

You keep saying that you only want to do this one specific thing and then crying that there is only so many ways to do it. I stick with my original point. In a game like WoW where you are doing 2 v 2 arenas or 40 man battle grounds of a fixed number of characters with a set level and grouped by similar gear scores then your playstyle makes sense. In Eve however you can pretend to be a lame duck and then have you buddies jump out of the bushes and butt pound your would be killers that come thinking they will get an easy KM. You can fit a tracking disruptor and web and only pick fights with turret ships. You can do a kitting fit with damps and a long point. You can go up against a Battleship in a T2 assault frig.

Eve is not a game about fair or even up fighting. It's a game about trickery and deceit. It's a game about tactical advantages and managing strengths and weaknesses. Rooks and Kings have made a hobby out of going up against superior forces and still coming out victorious. That is the kind of thing that this game is about. If you want hyper balanced heavily structured PvP then go play WoW or any of it's clones which is pretty much every MMO that is not Eve. However if the idea of infinitely variable PvP that is more about the friendships that you make and how well that you guys fly together as a group than it is about what your level or gear score is then Eve is probably your game.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Poseidon 1
Subsidy H.R.S.
Xagenic Freymvork
#34 - 2015-06-06 03:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Poseidon 1
In addition to all that is being said. Acquired skills' point level should significantly impact the usefulness of a module in question to ship. Moreover Implants can tip the scale. That 's my two cents worth.

Zoe Athame
Don't Lose Your Way
#35 - 2015-06-06 08:24:16 UTC
Poseidon 1 wrote:
In addition to all that is being said. Acquired skills' point level should significantly impact the usefulness of a module in question to ship. Moreover Implants can tip the scale. That 's my two cents worth.


Thanks for your contribution to this month old istab fetish thread.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#36 - 2015-06-06 08:31:00 UTC
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