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Hole Violence Callout Thread

KC Kamikaze
#1 - 2015-05-08 03:05:55 UTC
I'll try to keep this short.

I chatted them up about joining their corp and they were all for it. They happened to be in my chain which is honestly what made me think of asking them. They are a bit obscure in the big scheme of things so I thought it might be fun to pew with them and see how it goes.

Long story short I let them move a few of my ships into their wormhole while we waited for their CEO to get online to accept my apps. They stole my ships, then they killed my buzzard and falcon and podded both pilots.

Sure I post on the forums but how many waves do I make? How much **** do I spread? I think on all accounts I'm a pretty decent guy.

Whats the reason for awoxing someone who could be a valuable member to your corp? Cause I'm a spy? That's a funny thought and if you thought I was maybe you would just say "no sorry we're not interested" instead of stealing my ****.

Poor form I'd say. And then to make it worse you try and blacklist me from other corps saying I stole from you?!:

Too bad with a look at my corp history your lies can be easily seen through.

And then there is the fake blue-fire callout on your evewho corp page:

I wonder which one of you goons was up to that task....

So yeah .. Hole Violence ... I'd be careful dealing with these scumbags. In whatever new home I land it will be with a wspace corp and i'm looking forward to pushing your **** in, when available, especially if I can do it while you're in my stolen T3's.

Enjoy your mantle as thieves and awoxers. You've earned it.

Aquila Sagitta
#2 - 2015-05-08 03:15:35 UTC
You're an idiot
Shelby Dusette
Division 13
#3 - 2015-05-08 03:16:22 UTC
KC Kamikaze wrote:
Long story short I let them move a few of my ships into their wormhole while we waited for their CEO to get online to accept my apps.

Oh dear.
KC Kamikaze
#4 - 2015-05-08 03:21:50 UTC
I know I know .... I like to take people at their word. Live and learn the hard way, but I researched them and didn't come up with ****. Now someone can search and see what they are capable of and happy to do to people who want to join their corp.
Iyokus Patrouette
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-05-08 03:33:35 UTC
lol welcome back to the real world pumpkin, People aren't nice and cuddly, mostly they're bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

Remember this valuable lesson in the future.

---- Advocate for the initiation of purple coloured wormholes----

Candi LeMew
Division 13
#6 - 2015-05-08 03:42:00 UTC
Iyokus Patrouette wrote:
lol welcome back to the real world pumpkin, People aren't nice and cuddly, mostly they're bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

Remember this valuable lesson in the future.

You can trust me.

I've never stole anything except a few space-hearts and Jack Miton's Moros this one time.

But he deserved it.


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James

KC Kamikaze
#7 - 2015-05-08 03:42:58 UTC
It's a lesson i'll learn again i'm sure. The silver lining is I can bring this information to light so others can see the douchebaggery that takes place with this corp and maybe they will choose to apply elsewhere.
Tim Nering
R3d Fire
#8 - 2015-05-08 04:26:46 UTC
hell its about time we get another callout thread! sry bout ur ships.... rip

Stop Caring Start Fragging! Join R3D Fire Today!

Jezza McWaffle
#9 - 2015-05-08 05:08:18 UTC
Nice to know there are some corps I can put a **** off sign against their names again

Wormholes worst badass | Checkout my Wormhole blog

Luft Reich
No Vacancies
No Vacancies.
#10 - 2015-05-08 05:35:49 UTC
Well that escalated really quickly.......LIKE THE SITE IM ABOUT TO RUN.....pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch

ISD Cyberdyne liked your forum post

Axloth Okiah
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-05-08 10:57:35 UTC
At least now you have a goal to work towards. Revenge is one of the best ones.
Ab'del Abu
Atlantis Ascendant
#12 - 2015-05-08 11:14:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Ab'del Abu
Remember that story and Hole Violence's involvement ...

EDIT: they're also pretty bad at what they're doing. Why would you want to join them -.-
Tol Vir
#13 - 2015-05-08 11:25:10 UTC
Luft Reich wrote:
Well that escalated really quickly.......LIKE THE SITE IM ABOUT TO RUN.....pinch pinch pinch pinch pinch

Luft Krab living upto his name... You big bear
KC Kamikaze
#14 - 2015-05-08 13:01:01 UTC
Ab'del Abu wrote:
Remember that story and Hole Violence's involvement ...

EDIT: they're also pretty bad at what they're doing. Why would you want to join them -.-

Yeah I honestly didn't remember that. Strange that my forum search didn't pull up that thread and their comments. Oh well .. it's out now and the shitters can't hide from the truth.... I didn't want those t3's anyway Roll
HTC NecoSino
Suddenly Carebears
#15 - 2015-05-08 13:35:03 UTC
Iyokus Patrouette wrote:
Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.

<3 Scrubs

I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine.
Newt BlackCompany
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#16 - 2015-05-08 14:06:12 UTC
Send me all your isk and I'll send back double that amount.
KC Kamikaze
#17 - 2015-05-08 14:53:43 UTC
Newt BlackCompany wrote:
Send me all your isk and I'll send back double that amount.

Too late. I sent all my isk to a doubler in jita yesterday. He said it would take a couple days to get it back double cause I sent so much. Maybe when i get it all back i'll give your service a try too.
Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#18 - 2015-05-08 16:38:23 UTC
glad to see goon recruitment scams work even in WHs

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy

Binary Aesthetics
#19 - 2015-05-08 17:55:43 UTC
Aquila Sagitta wrote:
You're an idiot

Valid point.

WH recruitment is enough of a PITA as it is though. Agree with OP - this is poor form on their part. Noted, for what it's worth bud. Hope you find a better wh corp soon.
Garnt TheBrobarian
Whole Squid
#20 - 2015-05-09 00:53:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Garnt TheBrobarian
Ab'del Abu wrote:

EDIT: they're also pretty bad at what they're doing. Why would you want to join them -.-

Pretty bad? Charitable of you. We're spectacularly incompetent. Fortunately, He Cares Not From Whence The Blood Flows.

This sort of a thing has always been a bit of a sticky point for me. I myself am not a fan, but my guys seem to enjoy it?
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