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We want your corp little things!

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#641 - 2015-04-29 05:51:35 UTC
I know I am wasting my time even posting about "Corps"..... but I try.

You need to either:

A: Completely rework the entire Corp foundation.


B: Get rid of having "Corps" in the game at all.


You have everyone and his brother creating corps and the majority of them are dead corps within a short time.

Hell.... even corps that are allegedly "Extremely active" with 200 + members, one often is lucky to have 1 or 2 drunk guys loged into corp at any given time.

THIS is a huge reason why so many people stay in NPC corps. It's not the only reason, but.... this issue of so many corps and 200+ member corps having *maybe* 2 guys logged in at any given time makes most corps in Eve almost completely useless.

Eve some of the biggest alliance corps.... your lucky to see the "leader" logged in more than 5 minutes in 30 days time.

tldr: The entrie Eve corp foundation needs a rework.

bla bla bla... deaf ears.


Signal Cartel
EvE-Scout Enclave
#642 - 2015-04-29 12:08:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Mynxee
Sykaotic wrote:

You need to either:

A: Completely rework the entire Corp foundation.


B: Get rid of having "Corps" in the game at all.


You have everyone and his brother creating corps and the majority of them are dead corps within a short time.

Hell.... even corps that are allegedly "Extremely active" with 200 + members, one often is lucky to have 1 or 2 drunk guys loged into corp at any given time.

THIS is a huge reason why so many people stay in NPC corps. It's not the only reason, but.... this issue of so many corps and 200+ member corps having *maybe* 2 guys logged in at any given time makes most corps in Eve almost completely useless.

Eve some of the biggest alliance corps.... your lucky to see the "leader" logged in more than 5 minutes in 30 days time.

That might be your experience but it sure ain't mine, not in any corp I've been in over the years regardless of size. Maybe you and others with the kind of experience you describe just haven't chosen well regarding player corps. The corp concept works perfectly fine when the people involved have the "right stuff" to make it happen--and plenty do. No game mechanics in the world will ever be able to address a lack of that. But game mechanics can make everyone's life easier so that more energy can be poured into creating content.

Lost in space, looking for sigs...

Blog: Cloaky Wanderer

Marius Labo
Licence To Kill
Mercenary Coalition
#643 - 2015-04-29 14:48:18 UTC
bruce Iee wrote:
Is there a way we can revert the removal of Titles being viewed publicly?

I find it a step-back in use because for example: at this stage of the game, Corp. directors could name titles interesting names that wouldn't give away anything. And if in any case, a good option toggle them as view-able to public or to Corp. members only can suffice.

This change was thrown in after the patch. I wished that there should have been a discussion about this.

There has also been similar complaints, and now I know I'm not the only one who found this removal in a negative way:

There were already viable ways in which roles for a pilot could be kept hidden from public. The title doesn't necessarily give anything away, and this didn't seem to be an issue.

It appears to be an arbitrary change that in general was not wanted and serves no real purpose.

Making the visibility of a title linked to roles a toggle feature is a much better way of managing this if there was need for a change. Most organizations rely on the quick visibility from "Show Info" rather than having to make several clicks to see these titles.

It appears this wasn't well thought out or implemented, especially with the comment in the patch notes for MOSAIC:
(Added April 28) Titles are no longer publicly displayed in the "Show Info" window of a character, allowing corps to use them without leaking sensitive data.
Cleanse Serce
Lonesome Capsuleer
#644 - 2015-04-29 18:02:00 UTC
Would be awsome to be able to put rights on Station containers in Corporation Hangar.
I mean for each signle Station Container > right click > give access to > grab and drop a toon nickname > bingo !
Since the rights are managed upstream anyway (via Roles on Corp Hangars).
This would also help alot in POS, if only it was possible to assemble them in POS actually -y_x

I'm completly out topic there right ?

Yeah... nvm.
Pidgeon Saissore
Short Bus Syndicate
#645 - 2015-05-02 04:41:50 UTC
Fully custom everything, dont worry lots of details here

a default setting for all hangers set in corp window
possibility for multiple defaults to set specific hangars quickly
specific hangars are managed further and ignore the default if altered

any number of roles all player named and specific access granted
any number of tabs in hangars
any number of wallet divisions

look/use/take as set by specific roles to specific hangars
use/add/delete as separate roles for corp bookmarks

possibility of personal structures that allow the specific character to assign access

role interface would simply be a grid with all the roles on one axis and the hangar tabs / communication powers on the other. This means each one does exactly what it says and there is no overlap or double requirements that the current system has.

Example highly oversimplified role management grid:

Trial Full Director
ammo x x x
module see x x x
module take x x
ship see x x
ship take x
set standings x
use bm x x x
add bm x x
delete bm x
on/offline x x
unanchor x

Lots of refining to do there:
look / use / take would be in all hangar tabs
this is a default setting, each hangar as it is deployed would have the option of editing its own settings

for assigning roles to members the same kind of grid.

this may not look like much of a change except that it removes all the 2 different role requirements for access to each structure and each hangar.
Just let it happen
#646 - 2015-05-02 16:18:18 UTC
how about titles being displayed again? with color!

stop removing things people use just because no reason.

SiKong Ma
Caldari State
#647 - 2015-05-07 06:41:17 UTC
Big thank you to CCP for summarizing the multitudes of pages into 5 page for setting roles for individual characters. Now, can we also do the same for title management?

Thanks again.
Exe Om
The Grand Assembly
#648 - 2015-05-12 09:34:12 UTC

I want my own Hangar as a CEO, but don't want to share it with a director.

It is not enough that I succeed, all other must fail

Cyber God
Raytheon Intergalactic Research
Fall From Grace.
#649 - 2015-05-12 18:11:21 UTC

When you join a new alliance, and go to the appropriate menu it shows "application accepted" but does not specify a time that it was accepted so that a corp might know for logistics purposes when to be ready.

Thank you in advance for your consideration,

Johny Tyler
Solar Forged
#650 - 2015-05-13 19:24:21 UTC
Didn't read 30 pages so don't know if it has been said...

Ships put in SMA (or future community parking) need to have individual access profiles. Let there be options for the ship to be accessible by everyone, or only limited list of pilots, or by role/title, or by password. Obviously corp CEO and some given roles can override locks.

Ships can be assigned access profile by whoever is parking it. They can have a few saved access profiles or default access profile types. Ships retain access profile until updated by someone with the roles to do so.

Having access choices limited to everything in the SMA or nothing in the SMA causes headache when living/working out of POS.
Justin Cody
War Firm
#651 - 2015-05-14 01:01:30 UTC
CCP Punkturis wrote:

we want to know what are your biggest pain points in the corp interface so please post below with some nice examples

Big smileShockedBig smileShockedBig smile

I'm going to take a wait and see approach. New structures might solve a lot
Andi Onthatop
Hard Knocks Inc.
Hard Knocks Citizens
#652 - 2015-05-21 07:44:52 UTC
A way to force a refresh of my corporation bookmarks.

Its extremely annoying to be sitting in space for over a minute waiting for a corporation bookmark that my alt made to appear in my main's bookmark folder.

I understand you may not want to sync them very often for performance reasons, but a button a player could manually press would solve my issue without much adverse performance affect.
We pooped on your lawn
#653 - 2015-05-21 23:18:50 UTC
POS Mechanics, still corp'ish related?

Quite a lot of people have been asking for a way for members to gain full access to only certain towers, without giving them access to all.
A simple solution (or at least sounds simple in my head, but legacy code I guess) is in the Online/Offline/Anchor/Unanchor section of the POS settings, there's only 2 selectable roles, Config Starbase Equipment and Starbase Fuel Technician.
How about a third option in this, simple called: "Select Title..."

That way, you can assign characters to a title, and a POS to a title, which should give them full access to that specific tower, and there's no need to go through of adding "Additional Control Tower Owner" addition of code
Berluth Luthian
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#654 - 2015-05-29 15:19:04 UTC
The ability to request a BPC on a contract. This makes coordinated trade between Corp members offline a lot easier!
We pooped on your lawn
#655 - 2015-05-29 20:08:39 UTC
[Corp Creation]
Add a "Check Availability" on tickers.
Currently the only way check if the corp ticker is taken or not is to press "Create Corporation" or search through tons of corps in People and Places that happens to have those 2-3 ticker letters you want
Bill Lane
Strategic Insanity
#656 - 2015-06-02 09:01:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Bill Lane
So....nothing new with corp management in this patch. Anything new here CCP? A little disappointed as I thought this crap was finally taking some priority with the changes last patch. This isn't anywhere close to being fixed and you have a LOT of suggestions on how to fix it.

While we're on the subject, have two things:

Titles: I want more available. Like 30 would be nice. I use them to do more than just actually grant roles.

Personal hangars in a corp POS: I, as CEO, should be able to view who has items inside of it so that when I want to take down a POS I can either take it down right away or contact the guys with stuff to get their stuff out.

CEOs really are extremely limited in functionality. This is probably my biggest grip with Eve is CEO functionality and corp management. Please for the love of god put some work into it and don't push it to the side as has normally been the usual.

Edit: Also, alliance warehouse. Kind of corp related. Please and thank you
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#657 - 2015-06-04 23:13:26 UTC
Tags: Corporation Market Orders

I've recently started doing some market stocking with some alliance mates in an alt corp. Tracking the orders is painful. So! I'd like to propose some corporation orders little things.

  1. Tag corporation orders in the market window.

  2. I can tag my orders on market blue - see this should be on by default , BTW! Blink - please let me also tag corporation orders on market In my wallet transactions corporation orders are marked using light blue text on the date - see

    Please tag orders that are for my corporation with the same blue text (maybe on the time remaining?)

    That way if it's an order by one of my corp mates for corp, it'll have a light blue date; if it's an order for me a blue background; and if it's a corp order by me it'll have a blue background and light blue date.

    Make this apply on the Details, My Orders & Corporation Orders tabs. (No blue background on My Orders, not light blue date on Corporation Orders)

    Right now I end up accidentally competing with my corp mates.

  3. Allow me to filter My Orders.

  4. If I have orders up for corp they appear in both "My Orders" and "Corporation Orders" tabs.

    Please allow me to filter the My Orders tab to be only personal orders, only corp orders, or both.

    This should also update the stats about the total ISK for buy and sell orders. It'd also be nice to have a stats show how many orders of each kind there are.

    Right now I'm not sure how much personal ISK I have on market without going to an out of game tool.

  5. Add stats to the Corporation Orders tab

  6. At the bottom of the My Orders tab there are a bunch of stats about my orders. Add the appropriate ones to the Corporation Orders tabs as well.

    Total Sell ISK, Total Buy ISK, Number of Sell Orders, Number of Buy Orders
Silent Striker
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#658 - 2015-06-05 17:43:39 UTC
I understand that CCP will not allow players to recycle skillpoints in non-used skills.
But could we have the option to hide skills on the skill sheet.

Add a right-click option to individuals skills with the option to hide the skill.
Add an option at the top of the skill sheet to un-hide all skills so that it can be undone as required.

Would be similar to the hide All Level 5 skills
Trinkets friend
Sudden Buggery
Sending Thots And Players
#659 - 2015-06-09 00:00:52 UTC
When delivering market orders for corp, can the list of corp members have a search box?
Callisto Helix
Adhocracy Incorporated
#660 - 2015-06-10 20:52:14 UTC
Would really love to see grantable titles. We handle all of our roles via titles, and as a result, only Directors and the CEO are able to hand out any type of permissions is more than a little frustrating.