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EVE Alliance Tournament Discussion

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Adjustments to AT13 rules?

Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#1 - 2015-04-27 17:52:25 UTC
This post aims to complement Bob's article and hopefully sparkle some discussion between AT teams' theorycrafters and captains. It will be quite lengthy, as I want to take an in-depth look into some things i consider as an issue. And obviously this is my personal view, with experience based on theorycraft efforts during several past tourneys (at10, at11, at12, neo2, wc, scl1, scl3).

AT 12

I'll start from the latest major event, AT12. By the end of the tournament setups could be (roughly) divided into 3 most-used classes/archetypes:

- Conventional mobile setups with ewar/logi
- Turtles (which are more often referred to as 'tinkers', but i'm quite used to this term, don't judge me for it)
- Machines (sentry abuse + marauder was called shotgun; our variant with paladin and mobile drones was called 'march of the machines', and from my perspective it was vastly superior, so i will use it as reference to this archetype)

And some various all-ins (like PL's marauder + bomber spam all-in). These matchups formed rock-paper-scissors like scheme:

- Mobile setups > turtles (because actual mobile setups had the most space to fit and use various anti-turtle tools)
- Turtles > machines (turtle ships cannot be killed with machines' dps, while marauder is slowly losing its minions)
- Machines > conventional setups (logi dies quickly to uncontrollable DPS, the rest of ships follow)
- All-ins completely obliterate setups they're built to counter (e.g. mentioned bomber all-in is a sure-win vs turtles and to a lesser extent vs machines, but has absolutely no way to deal with mobile setups)

Obviously, there're some exclusions to this rule, which let you to deal with multiple threats, but often they're hard to execute, and once revealed - quite easy to remove with bans. On top of this, this flexibility by itself comes with huge reduction of chance to win in match vs regular setup of this class.

Looking at archetype matchups above, I can say that AT12 meta was fairly balanced: everything could be countered one way or another. However, personally, i'm not fan of the RPS scheme, because it largely puts FC/piloting skill out of equation. Also, mirror matches with at least 2 archetypes should be boring as hell: once teams master machines & turtles - it will become 100 pt vs 100 pt or 26 pt vs 26 pt until the tiebreaker. Another thing i always disliked was lack of viability of many ewar types (besides damps). "If i were a fozzie", i'd try to fix these flaws one way or another.

Adjustments to rules

Some adjustments can be done to ship point costs, but these alone won't fix many flaws: for example i always felt bad for vigil costing 4 points (just because maulus is so good). Thus, some rules should be added/changed outside of the point cost scope. Following list shows some variants of such adjustments:

1) Turtles:
- Force teams to bring 12 pilots like in WC. This is somewhat weak nerf to turtles by itself.
- Prohibit energy transfers, allow only on basi/guardian and their t1 variations. This rule would remove turtles, but at the same time it would make guardian/basi feel better (both are weaker than oneiros/scimitar if you're not allowed to use ETs)
- Prohibit t3s to be used as logistics (i.e. no RR modules on t3s)
2) Drones:
- Restrict to t1 drones only, rule like in WC. Even t1 drones are still quite powerful for tournament meta (not much weaker than other weapon systems, but invulnerable to ewar). If they prove to be too weak - integrated might be allowed too (middleground between t1 and t2). T2 logi drones also may be removed, but personally i do not see them as an issue.
- Make drone-specialized ships more expensive point-wise (like in AT12)
3) Damps:
- Limit damps to t1 variation only
- Logi-like limiting system: only 1 ship of the same type (out of maulus/keres/celestis/arazu/lachesis) can be brought to a match, damps are allowed only on listed ships. This way you can bring damp-oriented setups with maulus+keres+celestis, but it's possible to weaken it alot with bans if you do not like to deal with them (without risks of getting 3 celestises into your face).
- Make damp ships more expensive point-wise
4) Ewar immune marauders:
- Remove bastion, make marauders much less expensive

Out of these options, i would pick following:
- No logi modules on t3 cruisers
- t1/integrated (damage-dealing) drones only
- t1 damps only
- no bastion
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#2 - 2015-04-27 17:54:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
What are advantages of this combination:
1) Rules are not getting much more complicated. You just adjuts existing ones (list of ships allowed to use RR modules, list of modules not allowed to be used in tournament) or introduce fairly simple points which are hard to misinterpret (t1 drones, t1 damps)
2) Powerful drone setups had not many downsides in tournament meta, they're mostly vulnerable to just not-so-mobile setups with battleships and smartbombs, and drones by themselves hamper use of many control-oriented modules/ships (most powerful of which is also getting nerfed within scope of this proposal). Drone nerf and damp nerf combined should make other weapon systems more attractive, making other ewar types (jamm/td/neuts) look way better.
3) Damps are almost like drones in tournament fight in terms of being OP - ability to overheat them skyrocketed their efficiency. You can overheat them for long enough time, and it acts almost like a jamm, completely disabling ship despite of its initial lockrange and amount of RSBs applied. Multi-link command ships made it much easier to minmax damps too. I like both ways to limit abuse of damps, with first targeting strength, and second targeting their amount. In case of t1 damps only rule, even if someone spams them on all ships and complements with ganglink - they can be used mostly to shut down long-range ships, and still there's much more space for counterplay with RSBs. With another option, you are limited to just few damp ships (potentially even less with damp ship bans), thus you're locking out just one or two enemy ships, which allows other undamped ships to suppress/remove your damp ship one way or another. I like t1 rule more just because it's much easier to read and understand.
4) With t3 logies removed, turtles are still possible: battleships ETing each other, or t2 logi-based not-so-turtles. Both have much weaker active tank and in many matchups things may go one way or another (e.g. these turtles are unable to completely ignore control of mobile setups, because they have to run some defensive screening on their own to reduce dps applied to logi, and mobile setups do not have superstrong damps to prevent that screening)
5) Regarding marauders - they still should be cool just because of their ability to MJD every minute. Ewar immunity and huge tank which bastion brings are too good for AT's arena.

Adjustments to ship point costs

Now, knowing the rule adjustments, we can take a look at point costs. I will be mostly making underpowered ship cheaper, but reverse approach could be applied too. Number in bracket shows that i am unsure about point cost assigned and this number could be used instead:

- Pirate battleships - 19
- Marauders - 18
- Navy Battleships - 17
- Black ops - 17
- Command Ship - 16
- Tech 1 battleship - 16
- Strategic Cruiser - 15
- Recon ship - 13
- Logistics - 13
- Navy BC - 13 (12)
- HAC - 12
- BC - 11
- Pirate Cruiser - 11
- HIC - 10 (11)
- Navy cruiser - 9
- Tech 1 logistics - 8 (9)
- Cruiser - 6
- Tactical Destroyer - 6
- EAF - 5
- Interdictor - 4
- Assault frigates - 4
- Pirate frigates - 4
- Tech 1 ewar frigate - 3 (4)
- Stealth bomber - 3 (4)
- Navy frigates - 3
- Interceptors - 3
- Destroyers - 3
- Industrials - 3
- Covert ops - 3 (2)
- Frigate - 2 (t1 scanning frigs might be 1)
(- Rookie ship - 1)

What and why:
1) Despite natural boost of BSs and BCs as combat platforms they already get via damp nerf, i feel they deserve additional point cost reduction to be more usable.
2) Navy cruisers - no comments here, they are garbage at 12 pts
3) t1 logi cruisers - maybe unneeded change but with damp nerf great deal of protection is gone, and possibly their weakness (low sensor strength) will come into play as ecm should also be much more popular than before
4) EAFs, t1 disruption frigs - the reason to keep them so expensive (superstrong maulus/keres) is gone, 1 point less is enough to make ships like crucifier or hyena more viable
5) HICs - 1 point less compared to hacs might be enough, but dps is still inferior so I'd make them 2 points cheaper
6) navy frigs - trash at 4 points
7) covops - better t1 frig for support role (it might be too good for chremoas but keep in mind that i am not talking about uniques here at all)
8) bombers - with nerfs to damps and more viable battleships they might become much better. But they still should be shut down by even t1 damps, and still super vulnerable, thus risky to use. I would prefer to have them at 3 points to make sure people use them from time to time, to make sure setups built around many heavy and slow ships do not forget about some kind of control or antisupport.
9) recons - with more bigger boys on the field, recons are getting weaker. Only 2 recons were more or less used, curse and rook (lachesis and huginn are not as good as these 2), and curse should have harder time at dealing with stronger capacitors on battleships, rook hasn’t seen much use and it's also harder to use it to shutdown BSs (which, unlike cruisers, can often fit ECCM w/o huge loss in efficiency), so i am inclined they also should be cheaper.

Place for random ideas
At some point i thought, what if you couldn’t put more than one ship of a given ship type into a setup? I haven’t refined this idea at all, but in large scheme of things it might change meta hugely (not necessarily in positive way).


We talked with Bob for a while about all the AT rules and realized that while we agree on some points, or opinions vastly differ at times (especially on bombers!). Would be nice to hear opinion of other AT dudes - how would they change rules if you were running whole thing? And hopefully CCP can borrow best ideas to make AT13 more diverse & interesting for everyone.
DHB WildCat
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#3 - 2015-04-28 15:05:20 UTC
Absolutely 100% agree with changes to

t1 / integrated drones only
no bastion

Bastion is just stupid..... No ship in the tournament should be immune to almost everything. Also marauders are strong enough without bastion. the 90% web bonuses and rep amount bonuses are huge.
Sivor Detmen
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#4 - 2015-04-28 18:36:18 UTC
I totally agree with most things and think that this would improve the tournament quality/balance and fun both for the audience and the players immensely.

Regarding your suggestions towards damps and dampening ships I couldn't agree more. Restrict them to ships with that role (maulus/keres/celestis/lachesis/arazu), restrict the use of dampening ships in a comp to 1 per class and T1 damps only. And no bastion or T3 logistics either.

I personally think drones should be restricted to T1 only. Not even integrated should be allowed. Drone boats will still get enough DPS out of T1 drones to make them viable and this will also encourage the use of ewar drones in ships that previously used drones to supplement their dps.

As for limits on ships types I would like to see 2 of a kind. It would encourage the use of ships that haven't seen much use in tournaments while not burdening too much the theorycrafters.

I wouldn't impose a requirement of 12 per team as smaller teams will have problems in dealing with this but maybe a limit of 8 or 9 would be reasonable. It would still require the already weakened tinkers to expose themselves further by having a few frail ships without causing too much problems to smaller teams.

Iddo Cohaagen
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#5 - 2015-04-29 08:35:42 UTC
Kadesh Priestess wrote:

Out of these options, i would pick following:
- No logi modules on t3 cruisers
- t1/integrated (damage-dealing) drones only
- t1 damps only
- no bastion

I like all of these, and would add one more: all mindlink implants are not allowed

What I would not like to have:
-Damps restricted to bonused hulls only
-A minimum number of pilots required (either a full 12 or any arbitrary minimum)
-Cap transfers banned

With respect to drones: I think augmented drones & geckos should not be allowed. I'm not too opposed to T2 drones, and I think T2 repair drones should stay. Allowing Integrated drones seems like a reasonable compromise

Turtles: I liked the cap-transfer Rattlesnake/Golem setup that Ronin brought against Hydra last year, and I think setups like that have a legitimate place in the tournament. A "tinker" built around a T2 logi is still relatively strong (albeit not nearly as strong as a tinker Tengu or Loki), but could be nerfed somewhat more by banning mindlinks. Removing the bastion module and restricting drones to T1/integrated versions also nerfs the Ronin-style setup pretty significantly. Yes, I suppose there is a still a risk that you end up with a stalemate scenario where both teams bring "turtles" and neither team can kill anything, but I guess I'm less concerned about this (if you don't want to go into reverse TiDi, then your team shouldn't have brought a turtle setup).

Damps: The main reason I wanted to remove mindlinks is to nerf bonused damps even more. Restricting damps to the T1 variant and nerfing information links by banning mindlinks should help a lot. I don't understand the rationale for restricting damps to the bonused hulls only. Hiding e-war in mid-slots of your core & support ships should be legitimate strategy. Furthermore, unbonused damps were never the problem; it was the ridiculous damping power you could get from bonused hulls + links + heat that was the real issue.

Also, I appreciate that Kadesh and Bob are leading a discussion on this on a public forum. I realize you could have just as easily lobbied CCP for rule changes privately, and kept a lot of this information to yourself.

Sivor Detmen
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#6 - 2015-05-01 09:16:16 UTC
Iddo Cohaagen wrote:

I like all of these, and would add one more: all mindlink implants are not allowed

Mindlinks are very useful to all comps. If they are banned entirely other setups that rely for example on speed to kite or to catch things would also suffer greatly from the lack of extra bonuses.
I wouldn't ban mindlinks but I'm not against restricting the number of links allowed in a comp to 3. That would force teams to make serious choices about which bonuses to use.

J A Aloysiusz
Risk Breakers
#7 - 2015-05-01 17:41:33 UTC
Having fought in two ATs now, and having watched every match in the past four years, I'm going to respectfully disagree with essentially everything you've said here.

Your classification into rock-paper-scissor "archetypes" is somewhat flawed. A more accurate representation of archetypes is:

1) Mobile
2) Tinker
3) Meta

The tinker and mobile are in a little tug of war and have to counter each other, whereas the meta is so OP that it can't be beat by a non-meta team until ban rounds start, at which point it becomes a matter of who can "patchwork" the meta team better with the main ship(s) banned, and/or who can put together a counter to that "patchwork" of the meta.

IE - Dominix in ATXI: It was unbeatable before bans, and after teams tried to replicate it with other drone boats, to varying degrees of success. Navy domis mostly fizzled, geddons were underwhelming... etc...

You propose 3 "nerfs" to tinker teams (12 man team, removal of energy transfers, no logi on T3s). Honestly, any of the latter two would make them entirely unusable. They are already easy to counter if they are expected, and precarious to run even if they are not.

And a 12 man team rule would put a lot of pressure on smaller alliances, who will be forced to call in guys with crappy skills and whatnot to fill a whole squad. I think we can all agree we don't want it to be skewed further to the larger veteran teams who already have full squads of perfect pilots, more ISK to burn, and potentially AT prizeships at their disposal.

Your proposed double-nerf to drones is excessive and simply results in something else becoming the meta. I would personally prefer the removal of geckos and augmented drones, partially because I don't want to spend that much ISK again.

Damps are a bit powerful but not excessively so. I think it's really the combination of damps and drones (immune to damps) that makes a team particularly difficult to counter. Removal of augmented drones + geckos, in combo with point changes can help out here.

No bastion is a no-brainer to me. Ya got that right :) Allowing an "immunity" module in a tournament is playing with fire - much safer to leave it out.


In summary: Your proposed changes do far too much, and simply make all the currently-good tools at our disposal awful. It would simply be a matter of finding the new meta within the rules, which would be entirely uncounterable because everything that was previously good is beyond nerfed.

I think the simplest, most efficient way to solve your "problems" (and I honestly don't see the issue with tinker setups at all. they're boring to watch but not OP) is to modify point values of the ships they affect most. Here's my list of ships that were a little too strong for their points in ATXII:

1 Gila
2 Rattlesnake
3 Vexor Navy Issue
4 Celestis (which very few took advantage of anyway)
5 *maybe* Maulus and/or Keres.

Combine that with a point increase to recently buffed ships (recons, HICs), and the removal of bastion, and I think you have a fairly balanced tournament. As I said, I would also like to see Geckos and Augmenteds banned as well, but I don't foresee that happening.

P.S. Only 6 points for a tactical dessies? :p
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#8 - 2015-05-01 21:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
You probably misread my post. In my 1st list i wasn't suggesting to introduce all of the points, i was making multiple suggestions on how to approach fixing something i considered as problem.

I agree that my way to split setups into classes might be flawed, there're multiple ways to do it; i chose the one which we used by the end of AT13 to plan strategy.

J A Aloysiusz wrote:
IE - Dominix in ATXI: It was unbeatable before bans, and after teams tried to replicate it with other drone boats, to varying degrees of success. Navy domis mostly fizzled, geddons were underwhelming... etc...
Dominix was not that overpowered, just nobody was ready to fight such thing. There're many ways to deal with that kind of setup with pretty universal setups, primarily exploiting weak dps of triple-domies.

But yet they were ridiculous because they signified beginning of the era of drones online in AT (and if nothing is changed, it will be 3rd year in a row).

J A Aloysiusz wrote:
I think the simplest, most efficient way to solve your "problems" (and I honestly don't see the issue with tinker setups at all. they're boring to watch but not OP) is to modify point values of the ships they affect most. Here's my list of ships that were a little too strong for their points in ATXII:
I am not hater of turtles. In fact, I am the most experienced with them from our side - the most (if not all) turtles we tested, used, were planning to use were made by me. I am hater of RPS approach and alike, where 80% of outcome of the fight is decided by the type of setup you decide to field.

My problems with turtles and bastion'd marauders are (as i mentioned):

- The fact that setup you chose for fight matters everything, how people execute means nothing (unless they're completely ******* it up - e.g. damping their own logi)
- Requirements these setups place onto any other setup you can bring
- Boring mirrors (although what we had in neo3 was fun, but it's fun just for the 1st time and only for participants)

You can think of turtles as of tactical nukes; because risks are high, even chance that enemy brings one forces you to either bring some kind of all-in (huge DPS to break it), or limits variety of ships you can bring by extreme margin (because they should have tools to deal with turtles). Turtles are also the most fool-proof setup to fly: it's hard to make mistakes which can cost you match, usually because you're taking positioning out of equation. Yes, even in machines execution matters a way more than in turtles - because most of its ships have to actually move to survive for a longer time. But even there it's still far from coordination required to run conventional mobile setup or turtle based on t2 logi (where mobility and control are essential for setup to be successful).
The All-Seeing Eye
GaNg BaNg TeAm
#9 - 2015-05-02 03:17:11 UTC
I think you want to change way too much thing. I mean Marauder picks should be just a little more pricy but not without bastion. Thats the whole point of it, without its just a battleship.

No dampeners in other ships than the role bonus: Well thats what i can agree with, but honestly doubt they will do such a change.

I hope we hear something from ccp soon..... its getting late for the announcement.
DHB WildCat
Out of Focus
Odin's Call
#10 - 2015-05-02 14:27:32 UTC
Tzuko1 wrote:
I think you want to change way too much thing. I mean Marauder picks should be just a little more pricy but not without bastion. Thats the whole point of it, without its just a battleship.

says the Hun reloaded guy that rode a triple vargur set-up all the way to the finals a few years ago.

They are not just another Battleship
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#11 - 2015-05-02 20:57:52 UTC  |  Edited by: suicide
i can't say I disagree with anything mentioned except that I think that command ships should stay at 16 points.

Running a tournament that way will result in a good tournament I think where some of the OP stuff is nerfed, making room for some second-tier setups to become viable again.

It is one way to approach the tournament.

forcing teams to bring 12 pilots maybe a way to nerf tinkers. It could be with the 12 pilot rule and the T1 drone limitation, tinkers might not be very viable anymore... it would need testing. But T1 drones have a lot of trouble killing some things.

That being said I am not a fan of the 12 pilot rule.
#12 - 2015-05-02 22:32:43 UTC
Points for ships should always be adjustable for each alliance tournament. That i can not argue against.

Every year I watch the Alliance Tournament in awe. I get really excited about how some people think and the meta side of it is just crazy. This shows off eve off at its very best and creates a sense of epicness and ingenuity that no other game can rival.

Eve is a game played by players on TQ and is not designed to be as 10 minute TV battle game show. So some rules are required in the interest of time and fairness eg. multiple cap transfers and logi limitations.

By saying to players "you can not bring XYZ because we don't like it" you're only gonna take away from the Alliance Tournament. Eventually the ship comps will become more and more similar until the Outta-The-Box setups are gone.

So in my view

1) Don't ban modules unless you have to
2) Adjust values on ships types and in some individual ship types like the Ishtar last year (Save that for player bans)
3) Spice up the format to make more fun but not by taking away from players. For example...

"Before bans each side can choose to nominate one ship that cannot be banned but the opposing team can ban an extra ship." (Not specifically this but something like this which gives to players rather than taking away)
Kadesh Priestess
Goryn Clade
#13 - 2015-05-03 08:56:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Kadesh Priestess
DHB WildCat wrote:
Tzuko1 wrote:
I think you want to change way too much thing. I mean Marauder picks should be just a little more pricy but not without bastion. Thats the whole point of it, without its just a battleship.

They are not just another Battleship
They are 'just' battleship with better tanks (resists + rep bonus), 4 utility highs, MJD every minute and dire need to have sensor strength boosts. It might be arguable, but this alone sounds like sufficient distinction between two classes.

suicide wrote:
forcing teams to bring 12 pilots maybe a way to nerf tinkers. It could be with the 12 pilot rule and the T1 drone limitation, tinkers might not be very viable anymore... it would need testing. But T1 drones have a lot of trouble killing some things.
They are significantly worse indeed. But like with many other things, strength of drones comes in numbers. For example, we had "shotgun" setup for neo2 (golem with 3 sentry ishtars), but it wasn't nearly as efficient as shotgun in at12 - with neo2 sentry ishtars being much stronger overall (before omnilink + scope changes).

Having actually tested t1 drone-based setup for WC (to be more precise, 2 setups, ishtars which we used and dominixes), format with fewer people, all i can say that sure, it gets its nerfbat, but even t1 drones are quite viable on drone-specialized ships. It felt to me that ships like claymore or damnation (where great deal of your DPS comes from drones) suffer much more than drone-specialized ships - just because drone ships are still competitive with ships like sleipnir, or astarte; and damnation, which wasn't that great to begin with, becomes even weaker.

wabbitrage wrote:
By saying to players "you can not bring XYZ because we don't like it" you're only gonna take away from the Alliance Tournament. Eventually the ship comps will become more and more similar until the Outta-The-Box setups are gone.
This is never going to happen unless people can warp in arena, bring in escalations, run slow t3 fleets with multiple logies and archons, light cynos and disengage at will :P

Speaking of similar mindset, Elise Randolph suggested on Reddit that many of these issues will be solved by giving each side 4 bans. I think there're some flaws in this approach (biggest one is putting much more stress on teams during preparation stage), but, from my perspective, it's not the worst thing to do.
mithrandiir min
Horde Armada
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2015-05-03 09:07:37 UTC
While I do agree that changes need to be made I think only small changes will make it work.
1. bringing down from 3 till only 2 hull types allowed .
2. banning gecko's and augmented/integrated drones.
3. adjustment to points cost of some ships.

I disagree with trying to ban tinkers from the tournament banning energy transfers and bastion mode , but I do agree some tinkers are just to powerful, but points adjustments and 2 hull types only would take care that.
I agree with banning gecko's and augmented/integrated drones, gecko's for me are just to powerful due to Omni damage, drone teams should have to make a tactical decision on drones to use before the match . And augmented/integrated drones due to cost well not so much integrated drone cost but banning both will just stop confusion . Team A should not get an advantage over Team B because they have deeper pockets.Roll

1 other ideal I agree with is leadership mind links should be allowed along with slot 6 implants EG-603 and EE-603 all others should be banned Straight
#15 - 2015-05-03 19:52:19 UTC  |  Edited by: wabbitrage
Kadesh Priestess wrote:

wabbitrage wrote:
By saying to players "you can not bring XYZ because we don't like it" you're only gonna take away from the Alliance Tournament. Eventually the ship comps will become more and more similar until the Outta-The-Box setups are gone.
This is never going to happen unless people can warp in arena, bring in escalations, run slow t3 fleets with multiple logies and archons, light cynos and disengage at will :P

In my post I acknowledged the need for rules and limitations within the AT. I'm not advocating for just a random bunch of 12 people fighting in supers on grid. That would be just stupid. I think you know what i meant but I'll say it again.

Banning ships, modules, drones etc. more than is necessary is going to make the AT worse for it.

Adjusting points values accordingly is a much better way to balance.
General Vachot
The Vendunari
End of Life
#16 - 2015-05-04 05:30:04 UTC  |  Edited by: General Vachot
I agree with many of the point in the post.

Nerf drones a bit (even though I love them)
remove cap transfer except from logi as suggested
Not sure about your damps solution damps can be devestating but can be countered, maybe meet halfway and restrict the number of ships that are dediciated damp ships to 2 of each and not 3 of each?

Marauders - I don't dislike your idea but I have a different idea. What about this. Your flag ship can be either a faction fit BS OR a standard fit (non faction) Maruader that can use bastion.

That way people will need to weigh up whether they risk that flag ship and also if taking a maruader as flag is better than a faction BS.

All in all we do need to do something ot increase the viable number of setups. Last year we had some very fun setups in our test bag that would have been soo cool to fly but had not a chance to beat the "Machine" doctrine or "drones doctrine".

I'd like AT13 to have that wow factor again - a bit more "I did not expect that doctrine" as seemed to be more the case in AT8,9,10.

Also Bans do make it interesting they also make life hard as a fleet organiser...don't know the answer there but I did not feel that bans stopped any meta last year so are they adding value - they are NOT adding more doctrines.

Also I think your points estmates might need more work I see a few issues there - faction cruisers at 9 points if I read correct - bring on the VNI fleet again!! Unless you nerf drones but still is low fopr the others anyway.
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#17 - 2015-05-04 23:11:39 UTC  |  Edited by: suicide
Kadesh Priestess wrote:

Having actually tested t1 drone-based setup for WC (to be more precise, 2 setups, ishtars which we used and dominixes), format with fewer people, all i can say that sure, it gets its nerfbat, but even t1 drones are quite viable on drone-specialized ships. It felt to me that ships like claymore or damnation (where great deal of your DPS comes from drones) suffer much more than drone-specialized ships - just because drone ships are still competitive with ships like sleipnir, or astarte; and damnation, which wasn't that great to begin with, becomes even weaker.

It is true that T1 drones helps make Eos less powerful, but hurts damnations and astartes and claymores. Dropping some of the command ships to 15 might be alright. Eos and Sleipnir are just better than all others in the format, IMO.

I am in favor of assigning points on a ship by ship basis. Kronos vs Golem, or Absolution vs Eos, Manticore vs Purifier, Vigil vs Maulus. There is just no way to use blanket points and have a fair point value for each ship in some cases.
zarozinia nervista
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2015-05-05 19:25:19 UTC
there are some really good and varied ideas here. banning faction drones like geckos augmented drones maybe T2 etc. is a really good idea; you can have faction mob yet you can have faction drones as thing stand now. The bastion mod is a problem with marauders so banning it would cure it but in both of these cases it would not apply to flagships, that way you still have to plan for it but it won't crop up so often and you would have a better idea if you were going to face it due to the flagship list being published.
Damps jams and the like could could be dealt with by increasing the points cost of the ships in question and/or limiting setups to having 2 of a kind hulls.
one idea I had if you want to shake things up rather than adjust what's there already is to limit hull base types to 3 (or maybe 4) of a kind so that if you have 3 ishtars then no vexors VNIs etc.
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#19 - 2015-05-11 10:58:47 UTC
TBH the most important rule is to put all the previous AT ship prizes with agravated points cost.

Most of these ships are so heavily unbalanced that they give a decisive advantage to whoever uses them.

No matter if you actually won the right to use them or not winning previous AT's. With the right connections you can have free acess to these hulls on a casis by casis analysis by their current owners. It already happened in previous years it will happen again.

CCP really needs to adress this issue very fast or you can pretty much start naming the finalists/winners in advance for this tournament and following.

Bob Shaftoes
#20 - 2015-05-11 14:08:10 UTC
Most of the AT ships are actually pretty bad for tournaments now , since CCPs ship rebalancing imitative.

I personally would support a flat 1 point increase for all AT hulls to reflect their increased power , but even this would mean that perhaps outside of the etana you would see almost none of them fielded.

I like uniquies in the alliance tournament , they add a lot of drama to a match and people do get really excited to see them used and to flat out ban them would be a great loss to the event
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