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Any skin on any ship - bug on SiSi - yes we could have skins on ships

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Fabulous Visage
Bad-Dragon Industries
#81 - 2015-05-02 01:31:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulous Visage
Restricting shipskins because they do not fit with the lore..... And why do the Chinese have all kinds of cool skins including a golden Raven? That also doesn't fit with the lore, right? CCP listen to the player base and make all skins available for every ship. That is what WE want!

Read your forums, read reddit. We want all skins for all ships!

(These are the Chinese shipskins I'm talking about. No lore, nothing.)
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2015-05-02 01:35:45 UTC
Dradis Aulmais wrote:
Your Lore argument doesnt hold water with me. For the following reasons (TM).

We can assume that SCOPE Videos are Cannon.

There fore using this Video we establish that there is the capability to make a ship look like another. We also established that his technology can be reversed engineered. In fact that's what was happening when a raid occurred and the UNFINISHED TECH was stolen. Tech that was not completed and not tested. Isnt it possible that this unfinished unsecured tech could be minipluated by some smart capselers to change a paint color on their ship? Especially since we now can project our MINDS INTO COMPUTER SYSTEMS?

Or is it more likely that this tech was able to withstand the combined might of the Space Pirate Millionaire Rambos?

Hell, scripts for things like tracking disruptors and sensor boosters are described as being created by a hacking collective, and rigs are essentially "hacking" a ship so that it performs better in some way. Manipulations of ship tech are well established, and it would stand to reason that creatures as self-obsessed as capsuleers would desperately want to customize them as much as possible.

(oddly enough, most of us DO want to customize them as much as possible....)
Wendrika Hydreiga
#83 - 2015-05-02 01:38:41 UTC
I've reached my long standing goal in EVE!

Guristas Edition Venture, Guristas Edition Astero, Guristas Edition Heron. Guristas Edition Everything.

I've basically won EVE! Going to take the pretiest screenshots humanly possible and I will cherish them forever!
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#84 - 2015-05-02 01:56:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Fabulous Visage wrote:
And why do the Chinese have all kinds of cool skins including a golden Raven?
Did it earlier, lousy shot but it's the Sarum Magnate skin.

The BS's with the airbrushing on Serenity are amazing, would purchase for a reasonable sum. Not so sure about the Drake, it looks like a USB stick in black and gold.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Kallen Kozukie
Channel Six News
#85 - 2015-05-02 02:28:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Kallen Kozukie
I understand from a buisness standpoint, CCP may have wanted to test the waters with single ship skins and see how it went before giving the greenlight for multiple ships, like i get it.....

But that does not mean that now that we've all seen what the system can really do, we won't expect more.

30$ for a single ship skin? is too much......

Do the right thing here CCP and enable cross faction colors etc. You cant have a literal quafe billboard flying around in the form of a nyx, and then claim that your universe is too dark etc. to allow cross race skins. We can fly other races ships, use thier guns, but cant copy a paintjob?

Now would also probably be a good time to standardize prices, one color set shouldnt cost more than another etc.

You may be able to get away with higher priced "premium" "This week only and never again" skins.... that might work,

I had more fun tonight messing around with all the variations, and the possibilitys than i have for a very long time, and im sure im not alone in that, reddit is practically on fire with all the attention and fun people are having with it.

I would be ok with single ship skins, but not at the current prices, its simply too much, i urge CCP to listen to the playerbase here, in the short time this "bug" has been known its generated a ton of buzz, its up to you guys now to decide where to go with the ball, plz dont drop the ball, trip on the ball and smash your faces into the ground.

I like your faces.......
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#86 - 2015-05-02 02:50:00 UTC
Jennifer Maxwell wrote:
Here's an idea:

Make the non-lore skins bought on the NES store, and make the lore skins (like Sukuuvestaa, Kalaakiota, Sebiestor ect), bought through the LP stores of the factions they belong to, but instead of charging isk, you can charge LP and AUR.

I've got a better ideal

NES Store for Perm Skins, like it is now.
Standings Reward for Perm Skins.. Got a 5.0 with Quafe? here, Here, select a Cruiser and have a perma skin for it. One time only (so you can't just lower standing then gain it back for a new one).
LP Store for TEMP Skins. 30, 90, 365 day skins. Cost LP+ISK. Pricepoints for Frigs, Dessies, Cruisers, BC's, BS's Cap's, Supers. Like with the Standings ones, you select the ship, give them the LP and ISK, you get your SKIN.

30/90/365 skins can also be mission rewards, drops, etc.

In general, I think 30 day skins as drops are a bad idea alone. But 90 and 365 days are far more reasonable. Plus having perma ones available in the NES store gives everyone options. Wanna drop a tone of money/isk upfront, here you go, buy your Perma skin. Wanna be more frugle, or like me, change ships every few months, sure here's a 90 day skin, 365..

This would introduce a new ISK Sink. Eve needs ISK Sinks. It's the only way to stop inflation. Personally I'd like an ISK for Aurum, but I doubt CCP would go for that.
Lower the bar for people to be able to skin their ships.
Lower the investment for people who change ships, or are still training and maybe won't be flying a Cruiser in 6 months but be up to a Battleship..

Just some thoughts.

Also think CCP outta give out Aurum to everyone again, at least enough for a Cruiser skin, or like Christmas Events of past, let everyone choice a skin from a selection.. That way everyone gets a chance to have a skin rather than just those of us with ISK or $$$.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#87 - 2015-05-02 02:55:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Rowells
I'll be honest here. I'm very much against the idea of full on any-ship-with-any-skin idea. I don't mind customization. I'm not against an array of skins for a single ship, faction, or race. But going the end of allowing completely nonsensical things like a guristas revelation? That's too much for me.

Faction and corporation colors have always had a very big impact on the aesthetic and feel of the game as a whole. Heck, the addition of differing station color patterns was great addition to immersion (with a few exceptions in my opinion). If complete freedom is allowed in addition of skins to any faction ship, they lose a great amount of uniqueness. Not just the ship itself, but the color or patterns it's borrowing from too. It has a very counterintuitive effect when, for instance, an amarrian ship is completely decked out in quafe colors. It also takes away from the feel of quafe as a corporation of Gallentian origin.

And for non-faction related colors, like full gold or white, it definitely takes away any uniqueness from the skin itself. It steals from the uniqueness of Amarrian ships and their gold plating or the SOE and their white scheme (medical/rescue/humanitarian theme?).

Too much blending of different unique colors and faction patterns makes them less important. It's likely that after enough time, the glory of full customization will fade as it sets in that no ship has any unique features over any other. Why "trust in the rust" when you can fly with a shiny chrome coating?

All that being said, I'll say it again, I'm not against having some freedom of choice in what colors you fly with and what looks best (in the eye of the beholder) on any given ship. But I would rather we approach this with a sense of restraint. I don't think there is any issue with any given ship having something unique like a design or corporate/faction logo on the hull, to show off who your allegiance lies with. Or having pinstripes or flames (oh dear) to help make your interceptor go a little faster. Having that small or not so small detail that identifies this tempest as a believer in the one true emperor would not be a bad idea either. Or having a symbol or design modification to show this cynabal is not a bloodthirsty pirate, a but a defender of the Caldari state.

But I stand against the complete obliteration of having unique color schemes and designs, that destroy the uniqueness of said schemes or the ship itself.

I just want to make sure that as we head into a more customized ship design, we don't completely disregard the aesthetic of the rest of the game either. A word of caution against homogenization if you will.

There's my two cents.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#88 - 2015-05-02 03:23:32 UTC
Honestly allowing skins to be applied by race and ship size seems the best solution for the things CCP and the lore buffs want as well as people who don't want to go bankrupt skinning the 50 different hulls they fly. The race restriction provides lore related limits, but still gives a great deal of freedom in skinning ships as well. Pirate ships could potentially use the skins from either race in their class.

The only question that comes up is how to handle unique skins since they exist on a per ship basis that overlap with some of the classes in which skins are currently offered. Even if you exclude them from the global skins they become comparatively worth a lot less from a functional standpoint.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#89 - 2015-05-02 03:36:52 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Darwin
Kallen Kozukie wrote:
But that does not mean that now that we've all seen what the system can really do, we won't expect more.

What our graphics engine can do in terms of mixing and matching factions and ships is no secret. I'll refer you to this dev blog from last year. I'm pretty sure I see a Quafe Impairor in that picture at the bottom.

I'll quote myself from the dev blog thread about the technical reason that opening this up in the client as it stands today is potentially problematic:

CCP Darwin wrote:
The main reason that isn't the case [arbitrary SKINS on ships] so far is that we have only released SKIN licenses that correspond to existing faction/ship combinations that have been validated by our QA folks.

Internally, the Space Object Factory engine can build a renderable ship with any combination of factions/materials and ship type. However, because certain combinations may not match up properly (one example is if a faction or material combination assumes the underlying ship has two material types and the actual ship in question has three) it's possible to get a ship out the other end that looks like a mistake has been made, or has undesirable combinations of original and skinned materials.

Additionally, because some factions don't match some hulls, it's possible that combining those factions and hulls will result in tons of errors being dumped into your client logs, possibly repeatedly, and that can be a performance or disk space problem. Yeah, our graphics software engineers have heroically built a system that always produces SOMETHING that can be rendered, but that something may have technical or art problems that wouldn't pass QA, lore issues aside.

Edit: When the request came in for the Quafe Tristan for Fanfest, for example, we had the ship up on my screen in that configuration in a matter of minutes. However, it required QA and art attention because it was missing a Quafe decal in one location and had the wrong decal in another. Just because one can force something through the graphics engine and make pixels doesn't mean it's ready to go as a product. :)

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Kerena Alabel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#90 - 2015-05-02 04:00:39 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Kallen Kozukie wrote:
But that does not mean that now that we've all seen what the system can really do, we won't expect more.

What our graphics engine can do in terms of mixing and matching factions and ships is no secret. I'll refer you to this dev blog from last year. I'm pretty sure I see a Quafe Impairor in that picture at the bottom.

I'll quote myself from the dev blog thread about the technical reason that opening this up in the client as it stands today is potentially problematic:

CCP Darwin wrote:
The main reason that isn't the case [arbitrary SKINS on ships] so far is that we have only released SKIN licenses that correspond to existing faction/ship combinations that have been validated by our QA folks.

Internally, the Space Object Factory engine can build a renderable ship with any combination of factions/materials and ship type. However, because certain combinations may not match up properly (one example is if a faction or material combination assumes the underlying ship has two material types and the actual ship in question has three) it's possible to get a ship out the other end that looks like a mistake has been made, or has undesirable combinations of original and skinned materials.

Additionally, because some factions don't match some hulls, it's possible that combining those ships and hulls will result in tons of errors being dumped into your client logs, possibly repeatedly, and that can be a performance or disk space problem. Yeah, our graphics software engineers have heroically built a system that always produces SOMETHING that can be rendered, but that something may have technical or art problems that wouldn't pass QA, lore issues aside.

Edit: When the request came in for the Quafe Tristan for Fanfest, for example, we had the ship up on my screen in that configuration in a matter of minutes. However, it required QA and art attention because it was missing a Quafe decal in one location and had the wrong decal in another. Just because one can force something through the graphics engine and make pixels doesn't mean it's ready to go as a product. :)

Can i please keep my gold Astero?

Tell me that's not glorious.

If you let me keep it, ill dock it and never use it. Just for spinning ships in station. Please :D
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#91 - 2015-05-02 04:36:37 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Darwin
Kerena Alabel wrote:
Can i please keep my gold Astero?

Tell me that's not glorious.

I'll be honest, when Space Object Factory became a thing, we all had these types of moments at CCP, mixing and matching ships and looks. It's enormously fun.

The challenge is making something that makes sense in terms of the game. EVE is an MMO where people work a very long time to achieve what they do, and dramatic looks need to stay special and rare in that context.

The ideal is to find a way that retains that sense of fun and excitement from playing mix-and-match with ship looks while still keeping a sense that the most desirable ones are meaningful and rare to own, something to strive toward, and without disassociating our existing faction appearances from their lore connection.

Edit: Note that existing faction looks do have a lore connection in terms of to what ships they apply that we're not eager to throw away, but that doesn't mean that there can't be potential future SKINs that are not constrained by lore in any way.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Kerena Alabel
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#92 - 2015-05-02 04:41:03 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Kerena Alabel wrote:
Can i please keep my gold Astero?

Tell me that's not glorious.

I'll be honest, when Space Object Factory became a thing, we all had these types of moments at CCP, mixing and matching ships and looks. It's enormously fun.

The challenge is making something that makes sense in terms of the game. EVE is an MMO where people work a very long time to achieve what they do, and dramatic looks need to stay special and rare in that context.

The ideal is to find a way that retains that sense of fun and excitement from playing mix-and-match with ship looks while still keeping a sense that the most desirable ones are meaningful and rare to own, something to strive toward, and without disassociating our existing faction appearances from their lore connection.

Edit: Note that existing faction looks do have a lore connection in terms of to what ships they apply that we're not eager to throw away, but that doesn't mean that there can't be potential future SKINs that are not constrained by lore in any way.

pls make gold skins. Will gibe u moneys <3
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#93 - 2015-05-02 04:45:05 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Kerena Alabel wrote:
Can i please keep my gold Astero?

Tell me that's not glorious.

I'll be honest, when Space Object Factory became a thing, we all had these types of moments at CCP, mixing and matching ships and looks. It's enormously fun.

The challenge is making something that makes sense in terms of the game. EVE is an MMO where people work a very long time to achieve what they do, and dramatic looks need to stay special and rare in that context.

The ideal is to find a way that retains that sense of fun and excitement from playing mix-and-match with ship looks while still keeping a sense that the most desirable ones are meaningful and rare to own, something to strive toward, and without disassociating our existing faction appearances from their lore connection.

Edit: Note that existing faction looks do have a lore connection in terms of to what ships they apply that we're not eager to throw away, but that doesn't mean that there can't be potential future SKINs that are not constrained by lore in any way.

Any hope of current skins being less restrictive in hull application even if confined racially or by other lore components? At current it seems like this system will either leave a lot of options out for a lot of hulls even within lore lines or just introduce a number of skins exponentially greater than the number of ships if not both.
CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#94 - 2015-05-02 04:48:34 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Any hope of current skins being less restrictive in hull application even if confined racially or by other lore components? At current it seems like this system will either leave a lot of options out for a lot of hulls even within lore lines or just introduce a number of skins exponentially greater than the number of ships if not both.

The reaction of the community to this is going to stimulate a lot of conversation. I won't be the one making the choices about where to go with the feature from here, though. My job is to enable whatever's needed. :)

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

LT Alter
White Squall.
#95 - 2015-05-02 05:27:09 UTC  |  Edited by: LT Alter
I think it's pertinent to thank CCP Darwin and CCP Falcon for some timely and informative responses. I'm glad to hear that having a golden erebus isn't being written off entirely by CCP, and that there is at least a chance I'll get my golden erebus, that I can fly ereday, and erebody wanna take my bridge. (It's a golden bus! Truly glorius...)
Sniper Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#96 - 2015-05-02 05:40:25 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
The challenge is making something that makes sense in terms of the game. EVE is an MMO where people work a very long time to achieve what they do, and dramatic looks need to stay special and rare in that context.

I have to say, I don't agree.

What makes Eve Spectacular is what we the players, and on some occasions with Live Events, CCP to, are able to do. How our ship looks doing it is not what keeps people coming back. That's why I think *most* skin combo's should be made available when technically possible (I know there are errors for what we have now, I accept that, gonna take a little work do QA on every skin for every hull..)

Navy Skins, makes sense that the Empires don't give those out. But Corp Skins, no reason they wouldn't sell the license to anyone who wants it, as such no reason not to find a way to make them available. Pirate Factions? Should be pricey, but lets face it, not like they can fight a copyright claim with Concord.. If I wanna paint my Domi to look like a Blood Raider, then why not?

The fixed looks, that's for the NPC Lore. But us capsulers are individuals, We don't represent any specific gov't, we are like independent contractors, and there's no reason why we should't be able to have a lot of leeway with our ships. I can go out right now, buy a VW Golf, and paint it like a Shelby Mustang... I don't see the lore excuse being good enough for why I can't do that in space. If I can dress my Spaceship Barbie virtually anyway I want, I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do the same thing to my ships.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#97 - 2015-05-02 06:57:26 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Tippia wrote:
No. They simply had no direction.
That's your opinion, and I disagree. It's really that simple. You can keep rationalising your opinion is you want, but it's not something I will suddenly agree with.

No, it's not my opinion. It's the opinion of the devs involved, as told through numerous AARs and official accounts that have come out in the wake of the ambulation branch being put on hold.

Again, if you want to disagree with the people who actually needed that direction to do their job and who, pretty much universally, say that it didn't exist, then that's fine, but you need a more sane and sensible boogeyman in your narrative than the players because they had nothing to do with it. You can stomp your feet all you like over how you didn't stomp your feet, and how it was somehow the players' fault that CCP ****** up, but you keep forgetting that one of the core issues was that CCP was flying alone, blind (and again, without direction) at the time — player input was not a factor for the simple reason that there was no player input. The Incarna débàcle is what put player input on the agenda, and player input created one of the most wildly successful expansions this game has ever seen.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#98 - 2015-05-02 07:24:29 UTC
Sweet no como bjesus

Fleet phoon

Dominix Navy

Meh Vargur
Clean Orca
Kronos platinum edition

Bit of mix there.

Are these permanent now?
Would like to see player customization rather than pre made skins.
Props for skin engine it is rock solid.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Fabulous Visage
Bad-Dragon Industries
#99 - 2015-05-02 08:49:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulous Visage
Sniper Smith wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:
The challenge is making something that makes sense in terms of the game. EVE is an MMO where people work a very long time to achieve what they do, and dramatic looks need to stay special and rare in that context.

I have to say, I don't agree.

What makes Eve Spectacular is what we the players, and on some occasions with Live Events, CCP to, are able to do. How our ship looks doing it is not what keeps people coming back. That's why I think *most* skin combo's should be made available when technically possible (I know there are errors for what we have now, I accept that, gonna take a little work do QA on every skin for every hull..)

Navy Skins, makes sense that the Empires don't give those out. But Corp Skins, no reason they wouldn't sell the license to anyone who wants it, as such no reason not to find a way to make them available. Pirate Factions? Should be pricey, but lets face it, not like they can fight a copyright claim with Concord.. If I wanna paint my Domi to look like a Blood Raider, then why not?

The fixed looks, that's for the NPC Lore. But us capsulers are individuals, We don't represent any specific gov't, we are like independent contractors, and there's no reason why we should't be able to have a lot of leeway with our ships. I can go out right now, buy a VW Golf, and paint it like a Shelby Mustang... I don't see the lore excuse being good enough for why I can't do that in space. If I can dress my Spaceship Barbie virtually anyway I want, I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to do the same thing to my ships.

Exactly. We are no npc's. We are capsuleers in a sandbox where we create our own lore. Provi block likes to fly allot of gold or goons wanna fly yellow ships. Then why not give them the ability to do that. This bug [miracle] is the best thing that happened to eve for a long time. And you wanna take that away from us? I think you'll be disappointing almost every capsuleer in eve. Don't let this happen.

Don't let them take away my Wiyrkomi Hyperion!
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#100 - 2015-05-02 08:53:17 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Any hope of current skins being less restrictive in hull application even if confined racially or by other lore components? At current it seems like this system will either leave a lot of options out for a lot of hulls even within lore lines or just introduce a number of skins exponentially greater than the number of ships if not both.

The reaction of the community to this is going to stimulate a lot of conversation. I won't be the one making the choices about where to go with the feature from here, though. My job is to enable whatever's needed. :)

At the least it would be nice to purchase skins by corporation rather than for each individual hull.
So rather than a Nugh Rokh skin you simply get the Nugh license that can then be applied to all T1 Caldari ships.
T2 ships may require more individual licenses as they are already specialised to a single corporation, so getting the rights to change their colour would be understandably more difficult.