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Illegal mining operation terminated in Adeel

Yourmoney Mywallet
#21 - 2015-04-30 14:11:14 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
He doesnt use alts afaik, nor does he have his api linked.

Ah. So we're waiting for his manual upload. Right.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2015-04-30 15:15:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Demerius Xenocratus
I thought I linked my API to ZK earlier, I guess I did it wrong. I will have to manually upload the mails when I get home later.

I will also copy these things to the Pirate Story Thread.
Jeremy Renner
Solitude Trading
#23 - 2015-04-30 15:54:57 UTC
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
The aforementioned Rattlesnake pilot, I presume?
If not, then I apologize for being underwhelmed by your sad attempt to **** off in the OP's cheerios, oh noble and mighty npc forum alt.
Nope, not in any way related to the kill. I just don't see what's so worthy of praise here. The killboards are littered with kills every day, so what's so special about this one that makes it oh so important, beyond the fact that it was against people who sound like they had zero chance? I'd rather see the stories where the odds were stacked against you and you pulled it through to a win than "I killed clueless newbies in lowsec".
Speedy Conzollis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2015-04-30 16:14:41 UTC
Jeremy Renner wrote:
Omar Alharazaad wrote:
The aforementioned Rattlesnake pilot, I presume?
If not, then I apologize for being underwhelmed by your sad attempt to **** off in the OP's cheerios, oh noble and mighty npc forum alt.
Nope, not in any way related to the kill. I just don't see what's so worthy of praise here. The killboards are littered with kills every day, so what's so special about this one that makes it oh so important, beyond the fact that it was against people who sound like they had zero chance? I'd rather see the stories where the odds were stacked against you and you pulled it through to a win than "I killed clueless newbies in lowsec".

Got to laugh at this, I think you may get added to a few WLs Twisted
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2015-04-30 17:05:34 UTC
It's always fun to read in Gallente Militia channel "those awoxers killed me in Dodixie" Sad
For some reason kids think that being in FW they are somehow different from any pirates Cool

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2015-04-30 17:27:28 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
It's always fun to read in Gallente Militia channel "those awoxers killed me in Dodixie" Sad
For some reason kids think that being in FW they are somehow different from any pirates Cool

99% of militia don't shoot other militia members or allied militia. But if you are neutral you are fair game. A Rattlesnake spotted on scan by a militia fleet would be quickly pinpointed and happily blobbed.

I tried to tell the guy you can't fly that **** in lowsec unless you are prepared to have every pirate for miles around gunning for you.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-04-30 17:52:44 UTC
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
It's always fun to read in Gallente Militia channel "those awoxers killed me in Dodixie" Sad
For some reason kids think that being in FW they are somehow different from any pirates Cool

99% of militia don't shoot other militia members or allied militia. But if you are neutral you are fair game.

That's not what i was talking about. Shooting neutrals you lose your security status. Maybe collecting killrights.

Don't be surprised when people in trade hubs do with you what they usually do with regular pirates.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2015-04-30 18:46:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Demerius Xenocratus
March rabbit wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
March rabbit wrote:
It's always fun to read in Gallente Militia channel "those awoxers killed me in Dodixie" Sad
For some reason kids think that being in FW they are somehow different from any pirates Cool

99% of militia don't shoot other militia members or allied militia. But if you are neutral you are fair game.

That's not what i was talking about. Shooting neutrals you lose your security status. Maybe collecting killrights.

Don't be surprised when people in trade hubs do with you what they usually do with regular pirates.

That's why I don't shoot pods and am in an NPC corp. All about denying content to hub campers. They don't deserve it.

You can get away with quite a bit of messing about with neutrals as long as you don't do much pod kiling. Also running level 4 missions or ratting in low/null anoms can help your sec status quite a bit I believe.
Switch Savage
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#29 - 2015-04-30 18:52:47 UTC
Loved it!
Freya Sertan
#30 - 2015-04-30 19:11:14 UTC
Mmmmmmmm, content. Juicy, lovely content.


New Eden isn't nice. It isn't friendly. It isn't very hospitiable. Good thing there are people here to shoot in the face.

Want to make New Eden a nice place? Try this out.

Captain Phil
Miner's Revenge
#31 - 2015-04-30 22:15:51 UTC
Pretty good. I liked it all except this:

fully intending to collect the Snake mail regardless.

You have no honor.
Paranoid Loyd
#32 - 2015-04-30 22:42:25 UTC
Lol, honor

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#33 - 2015-04-30 22:51:33 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Lol, honor

My sense of e-honor can be strong at times.

However, my experience has been that ransoms are more trouble than they are worth. When I am alone I don't want to sit and fiddle with negotiations while the tackled ship urgently begs for help in other channels.

If he had paid a significant amount like say 4-500M and done so quickly I don't know if I could have pulled the trigger. Of course the other issue is that reading these forums and other pirate blogs will tell you that ransoms are seldom honored even when paid in good faith. I would be doing this fellow no favors leaving him with an expectation of paying his way out the next time his horribly fit underskilled faction BS got tackled in a belt.

New character PLEXing into an immediate faction ship is not a good idea and should be disincentivized heavily. Flying said ship outside of highsec...even for a good player there is no reason I can think of to take a Rattlesnake into low.
Paranoid Loyd
#34 - 2015-04-30 22:57:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Paranoid Loyd
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
I would be doing this fellow no favors leaving him with an expectation of paying his way out the next time his horribly fit underskilled faction BS got tackled in a belt.

So what you are saying is it is more honorable to not be honorable. Agreed. Lol

"There is only one authority in this game, and that my friend is violence. The supreme authority upon which all other authority is derived." ISD Max Trix

Fix the Prospect!

Ria Nieyli
Nieyli Enterprises
#35 - 2015-04-30 23:56:58 UTC
Paranoid Loyd wrote:
Demerius Xenocratus wrote:
I would be doing this fellow no favors leaving him with an expectation of paying his way out the next time his horribly fit underskilled faction BS got tackled in a belt.

So what you are saying is it is more honorable to not be honorable. Agreed. Lol

Simple case of overfishing. The trend for a while has been to not honour ransoms, so the number of people that would pay them approaches zero. Likewise, legit ransom offers are pretty much non-existant, because nobody would pay it anyway. A vicious circle.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2015-05-01 00:19:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Demerius Xenocratus
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#37 - 2015-05-01 00:46:19 UTC
I was warned that "Lunar Shadows Mining and Freight" are dangerous fellows and I should be on my guard. Probably gonna lay low for awhile.

Though I have been wanting to try a wardec out with my other character...
Cetaphil Thrace
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#38 - 2015-05-01 01:57:18 UTC
Those poor kids never had a chance, and it was their fault.
Vector Symian
0 Fear
#39 - 2015-05-03 03:31:42 UTC

I read the whole post and its continuation! was quite enjoyable thankyou Lol

Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2015-05-03 03:36:46 UTC
I'm still waiting for their vengeance.

I can only hope it will come in the form of another horribly fit, propless battleship. Preferably with more shiny mods this time.
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