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[WTB] New Play Thing ~ 20-30m SP

Seraphine Taiidan
Best Laid Plans
#1 - 2015-04-27 19:11:54 UTC
AttentionBudget Not An IssueAttention

ArrowNo Industrial Focus Or Boring Toons (Cap Sitters/Cyno Lighters) Please

ArrowWould Prefer Gallente or Caldari But Will Consider All Races

ArrowSingle or Double (Pirate) Race Focus, I Would Rather Fly One Race Well Than All 4 Badly

Lance Sotken
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-04-27 20:01:10 UTC
Birgette Rin
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-04-27 22:24:01 UTC
Focused on Gila but currently only lvl 4 on both cruisers (doesn't effect DPS much since it's a drone beast)...have a look below:

Post if you are interested.

Thanks and Happy Hunting.

Beryl Temper
F1 Academy
#4 - 2015-04-27 22:44:51 UTC