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Hulkageddon 5?

Bad Girl Posse
#101 - 2011-12-26 08:28:58 UTC
Karadion wrote:
Rose Hips wrote:
It's worse then you can imagine. The Mitanni is joining in.

What's with you dumb pubbies not being able to spell Mittani? It's not that hard.

Shouldn't you be in Branch feeding your pets propaganda?

R.I.P. Vile Rat

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#102 - 2011-12-26 08:49:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Ladie Harlot
Ioci wrote:
Karadion wrote:
Rose Hips wrote:
It's worse then you can imagine. The Mitanni is joining in.

What's with you dumb pubbies not being able to spell Mittani? It's not that hard.

Shouldn't you be in Branch feeding your pets propaganda?

We are so good we can post and burn down Branch at the same time.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#103 - 2011-12-26 08:51:44 UTC
Disdaine wrote:
Why does everything have to be about goons?

Probably because we run the game.

Now quick...some comedian change the word 'run' to 'ruin' and say "fixed yer post lulz"

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

Bad Girl Posse
#104 - 2011-12-26 08:57:25 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Ioci wrote:
Karadion wrote:
Rose Hips wrote:
It's worse then you can imagine. The Mitanni is joining in.

What's with you dumb pubbies not being able to spell Mittani? It's not that hard.

Shouldn't you be in Branch feeding your pets propaganda?

We are so good we can post and burn down Branch at the same time.

Yea, I saw a dread KM.

50 on the KM, 5 were goons the rest were pets. All former provi holders too. hmm.

R.I.P. Vile Rat

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#105 - 2011-12-26 10:24:38 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Disdaine why are you so mad about goons? Did we scam you or were you a member of a horrible alliance that we removed from nullsec?

what is "goons" again? Why should anybody be mad about them?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#106 - 2011-12-26 11:01:13 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Disdaine why are you so mad about goons? Did we scam you or were you a member of a horrible alliance that we removed from nullsec?

what is "goons" again? Why should anybody be mad about them?

Goons are in charge of nullsec. I have no idea why people are mad about us so I always like to ask.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

MIkhail Illiad
Fevered Imaginings
#107 - 2011-12-26 11:21:33 UTC
how about you guys go do everyone an actual favour and repeatedly kill/pod all the bot miners in 0.0?? Oh no wait its all your alts that'd be a bit silly Twisted

on a serious note tho... imo Hulkageddon is boring.. yay a chance to kill either miners or whore onto a destroyer kill, please forgive me while I die of excitement -falls asleep- In fact the only thing I'm finding to be more tedious than Hulkageddon, is the Hulkageddon "resistance movement" carebears getting mad about something they can't fight against and typing mostly IN CAPS! -.-

All the best to everyone over this Holiday period, Mik

There once was an interesting signature here... It has long since disapeared. 

Dr Karsun
Coffee Lovers Brewing Club
#108 - 2011-12-26 11:26:08 UTC
I didn't care before, I don't care now :D Just hide your hulks and get ready to earn isk on market speculation on trit...

"Have you had your morning coffee?" -> the Coffee Lovers Brewing Club is recruiting!

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#109 - 2011-12-26 11:58:52 UTC
tl;dr pubbies mad about their miners getting popped haters gonna hate
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#110 - 2011-12-26 18:43:17 UTC
adopt wrote:
tl;dr pubbies mad about their miners getting popped haters gonna hate

seeing pubbies in TEST calling other people pubbies makes me sad.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

#111 - 2011-12-26 19:04:47 UTC
This time around it is a goon sponsored event. they are running out of isk (not enough noobs to scam) so the mitteny one has agreed to fund felicity bosum.
Woop dee doo Basil.
XS Tech
#112 - 2011-12-26 19:26:24 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Disdaine wrote:
Why does everything have to be about goons?

Probably because we ruin the game.

Now quick...some comedian change the word 'run' to 'ruin' and say "fixed yer post lulz"

well, because you asked nicely...


One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Surge Roth
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2011-12-26 20:24:21 UTC
Killstealing wrote:
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
Dai DIEDIEDIE wrote:
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
It is pretty pointless but I guess people want to demand attention from time to time. Roll

Since when has having fun been pointless? The only people giving Hulkageddon pilots attention is people like you.

How is shooting miners fun? Most of them are AFK and can't shoot back. Shooting them is a bit like mining small asteroids. Roll

because there's a real person that owns that hulk and they get mad when you kill it

Why do you leave your morals at that login screen, hipster?
Surge Roth
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#114 - 2011-12-26 20:29:12 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
K Suri wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Weiland Taur wrote:
TuonelanOrja wrote:
Mittani saved EVE and now he is saving hulkageddon +1

How exactly did the Mittani save Eve?

By leading the most effective CSM in history.

Even my kids get icecream if they stamp their feet long enough.

Then you are a bad parent. Much like your children, CCP needed some tough love and CSM6, led by The Mittani, provided it and saved Eve from its downward spiral.

Don't flatter yourselves. It makes you and the people you represent look bad.
Galactic Rangers
#115 - 2011-12-26 20:54:18 UTC  |  Edited by: xxxTRUSTxxx
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Look at all these pubbies mad at Mittens for saving Eve for them. Think what you want about Goons but the achievements of CSM6 speak for themselves.

The CSM represent the players, it was the actions of players that spoke louder than words, only an idiot would consider a single player to have made such a change all alone.

A Troll is a Troll is a Troll, calling people pubbies only proves my point, that you are indeed an idiot and a Fail Troll, Think what we want about the Goons,,, lol,,,,,, build a bridge and get over yourselves, every empire falls in time, when yours does i shall remind you of the idiot Goons run 0.0 remarks.

so post from your main, i have no respect for alt Troll posting shite talking gobshites.

Happy Christmas everyone o/ Big smile
Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2011-12-26 22:14:01 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Look at all these pubbies mad at Mittens for saving Eve for them. Think what you want about Goons but the achievements of CSM6 speak for themselves.

The CSM represent the players, it was the actions of players that spoke louder than words, only an idiot would consider a single player to have made such a change all alone.

A Troll is a Troll is a Troll, calling people pubbies only proves my point, that you are indeed an idiot and a Fail Troll, Think what we want about the Goons,,, lol,,,,,, build a bridge and get over yourselves, every empire falls in time, when yours does i shall remind you of the idiot Goons run 0.0 remarks.

so post from your main, i have no respect for alt Troll posting shite talking gobshites.

Happy Christmas everyone o/ Big smile

This post is the best Christmas present I received. Why are you so mad about Goons? Did we scam you or were you part of a horrible alliance that we removed from nullsec?

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#117 - 2011-12-27 18:13:48 UTC
Goonswarm became the new BoB.

In time, it too will end.

5 isk on the Reds being the next 'runners of 0.0'

~Weapons R&D technician, arms manufacturer, weapons dealer, wormhole project manager, nulsec fleet pilot, armored warfare command/mindlink specialist, thanatos pilot, alliance executor, now retired~

I've done everything. NOW GET OFF MY LAWN!

Arcana Imperii Ltd.
#118 - 2011-12-27 18:26:28 UTC
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Goons are in charge of nullsec. I have no idea why people are mad about us so I always like to ask.

That you feel the need to TELL people you're in charge of null tells me you aren't. I'm generally a fan of the goons' work, but if this is trolling it's pretty weak. If it's serious, it's even worse.

Founding member of the Belligerent Undesirables movement.

Zowie Powers
Gallente Federation
#119 - 2011-12-27 19:02:48 UTC
After the way CCP treated Helicity he should refuse to do any more Hulkaggedons until he gets a personal apology from CCP, wasn't it Zulu?
Isn't he gone?
Maybe that's enough.

ATX: The best of the rest.

Ladie Harlot
Amarr Empire
#120 - 2011-12-27 20:07:56 UTC
FloppieTheBanjoClown wrote:
Ladie Harlot wrote:
Goons are in charge of nullsec. I have no idea why people are mad about us so I always like to ask.

That you feel the need to TELL people you're in charge of null tells me you aren't. I'm generally a fan of the goons' work, but if this is trolling it's pretty weak. If it's serious, it's even worse.

Deathly serious.

The artist formerly known as Ladie Scarlet.