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Gallenteans have started the war and now are lying about it

#281 - 2015-04-21 03:00:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Vikarion
My belief is that, as much as we might want this war to end, it will not end as long as Roden shipyards is making money for it. The Federation has advanced no negotiating position.

Nor are any demands that involve ceding territory or political control of State territory or institutions acceptable. As I'm sure you've noticed, it is the policy of many Federation personnel that the war will not be won until the State is absorbed and destroyed by the Federation, or at least it's government replaced by a system instituted by the Federation (Soter, for example, expressed the latter implicitly in his GMVA thread).

I would, and I suspect almost all Caldari would, fight to the death before agreeing to the above. At this point, this war is essentially a defensive one for us.

So if you want to know what my position is, I propose that the borders, aside from Caldari Prime, be reset to pre-Empyrean war borders, and that both sides agree to a yearly summit to consult on issues which concern both sides.

Until then, sadly, all Federation loyal-capsuleers and personnel are considered by me to be targets of opportunity.
Liam Antolliere
#282 - 2015-04-21 12:58:29 UTC
Vikarion wrote:
So if you want to know what my position is, I propose that the borders, aside from Caldari Prime, be reset to pre-Empyrean war borders, and that both sides agree to a yearly summit to consult on issues which concern both sides.

We have essentially the same position on the matter, Monsieur Vikarion (that is, you and I).

I would stress however that negotiations have been attempted more than once by the Federation prior to Roden's term and, assuming we elect a more peace-minded president, may again soon.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#283 - 2015-04-21 15:00:44 UTC
I'd be more than happy to a solution that saw an end to the Militia war and an acknowledgement of territorial rights on both sides.

I still maintain that the State has enough territory and a lot of development work to be done to improve that territory to standards we could all be proud of. The constant drain of resources on watching our neighbour is something we could well do without.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

#284 - 2015-04-21 18:21:07 UTC
Completely in agreement as well, in terms of a return to pre-YC109 borders.
James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#285 - 2015-04-22 03:04:25 UTC
Msr. Vikarion, I thank you for reply and will answer in kind. As none of us are in any position to speak for our respective governments my questions was more focused on the personal. We may after all talk until we are blue about possible solutions to no avail.. What can each of us do individually to promote an equitable and fair settlement, if such is our goal.

Vikarion wrote:
My belief is that, as much as we might want this war to end, it will not end as long as Roden shipyards is making money for it. The Federation has advanced no negotiating position.

The same might be said of many of the States Mega Corporations. If I am not mistaken several of them have made tidy sums from the forever war. I suppose in the interest of fairness you would ask the same of them?

Vikarion wrote:
Nor are any demands that involve ceding territory or political control of State territory or institutions acceptable. As I'm sure you've noticed, it is the policy of many Federation personnel that the war will not be won until the State is absorbed and destroyed by the Federation, or at least it's government replaced by a system instituted by the Federation (Soter, for example, expressed the latter implicitly in his GMVA thread).

That may be the position of some, including a few of your comrades in arms. But of course certainly not all. But… I will revisit the topic of territory when addressing your position on the disposition of Caldari Prime.

Vikarion wrote:
I would, and I suspect almost all Caldari would, fight to the death before agreeing to the above. At this point, this war is essentially a defensive one for us.

It is a defensive war for you now. I think that needs to be remembered. As to “fighting to the death”. Brave sentiments indeed but basically coded language for give us what we want or else. While a comfortable negotiating positon to be sure, rarely effective. This sort of zero sum philosophy does not serves to promote peace or even the cessation or reduction of hostilities.

Vikarion wrote:
So if you want to know what my position is, I propose that the borders, aside from Caldari Prime, be reset to pre-Empyrean war borders, and that both sides agree to a yearly summit to consult on issues which concern both sides.

A position at least where discussion may begin. However. In your point above you stated. “Nor are any demands that involve ceding territory or political control of State territory or institutions acceptable.” And yet this is exactly what you’re asking the Federation to do. I am a man of commerce Msr. Vikarion, and in any equitable deal everyone gets something. If the State wants Caldari Prime and peace then they will need to cede something. Honor after all demands it.

I look forward to your thoughts.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#286 - 2015-04-22 04:28:24 UTC
Well, despite ramblings of that Xadiran, discussion was pretty much normal.

Vikarion wrote:
My belief is that, as much as we might want this war to end, it will not end as long as Roden shipyards is making money for it. The Federation has advanced no negotiating position.

Indeed, I remember words Federal murderers warped on our fleet on Caldari Prime with their "Operation Highlander". I haven't seen so much peremptory bigotry from any other gallentean like for ages. Negotiating with them with such attitude?... It is easier to speak to the wall than to them.

Besides, even if it would be possible and gallentes could be negotiated (yes, some of them DO want to solve it diplomatically), we have learned quite a lot about them to not trust them. They will backstab us. Like Noir. Like this operation Highlander after they five years ago signed treaty that they give planet to us.

Only a fool will sign a treaty with gallenteans, believing they will honor it.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

#287 - 2015-04-22 05:30:21 UTC
Mr. Sygarius, precisely what territory am I asking the Federation to cede? Caldari Prime? Aside from the fact that only someone who validates the politics of Luc Duvalier can justify the original seizure of it, your own Senate - which seems to want peace a great deal more than your president - has agreed with the CEP/Ishukone to declare it a demilitarized zone, and essentially neutral ground for both parties.

So, what precisely do you propose? That if we return to pre-Empyrean war territory, you want all of Caldari Prime back? What then, when the pendulum swings the other way, as the pendulum has repeatedly swung? Do we then demand that all Gallente citizens leave Caldari Prime? Or since Caldari Prime being a neutral zone apparently is the default, do we demand portions of Gallente Prime, just to be "fair"? This is how a war goes on forever.

For the moment, Caldari Prime seems to be resolved to a reasonable level of satisfaction. Would I like to see it transferred entirely to the control of the State? Absolutely. But I think that this is best done peacefully, and by economic incentives, rather than force. And if you think it is unfair that the Federation should have to give up a planet, even with the promise of vast sums of money to its citizens, well, I'm sure the Caldari State can find you some cold wet rock to exchange.

As for Caldari corporations making a profit, the problem with that interpretation is that the State is not separate from its corporations. The corporations fund the military, which means that profits on selling military hardware to the Caldari Navy are the same as losses in contributions to the Caldari Navy. This makes the State more resilient, militarily, than the other nations of the cluster, as a total war footing can be easily achieved, but it also means that the State makes its military hardware profits by selling to other nations, such as the Minmatar, the Khanid Kingdom, the Intaki Syndicate, the Amarr Empire, and others. The current economic growth the State is experiencing is a result of the resurgence of our high-tech and industrial sectors, which are both advanced and efficient.

Gallente Megacorporations, on the other hand, are separated from those they sell to, militarily. The entire Federation could go bust (theoretically, not likely) buying ships from Roden Shipyards, with Roden Shipyards becoming fabulously wealthy (well, more so). Which means that, in terms of incentives, Gallente military contractors have an interest in making sure their own government needs their product, while in the State, that incentive is reduced by the fact that you are, in essence, buying every railgun from yourself.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Roden Shipyards or Creodron want the war to go on forever, but it would certainly be in their financial interest to try to keep it going as long as it can.

When I refer to what the Caldari would fight to the death for, I am referring to the policy of some or many Federation loyalists that the State must be fought until it surrenders to assimilation into the Federation, or introduces a democratic regime, or cedes territory to the point of making the State no longer a power in the cluster. I simply don't see those things happening without the Caldari deciding to exercise total war.

And Federation loyalists may think that the Caldari are all secretly lusting after membership in the Federation, or their own democracy, but, so far as anyone in the State can tell, they aren't. Heth didn't have to do too much to get the Caldari population riled up about Caldari Prime, and conversely, it was the threat Heth presented to our system that caused popular and corporate outrage to take him down. It's a highly doubtful proposition that anyone from the Gallente Federation would prove more appetizing or convincing than one of our own.

It seems to me that one of the benefits of my solution would be to simply decide that past wrongs have to be dealt with peacefully, and that returning to a neutral state of affairs is the best possible choice. It seems to me that it's quite possible for a Gallente loyalist to concentrate on the wrongs done to the Gallente, such as the invasion. Yet, while much weight seems to be placed on the harms done to the Gallente, the wrongs they have committed are almost entirely ignored. Why is it that a Nyx ramming a station in time of peace is not to be counted? Let's suppose that it was entirely the work of an impostor. One would still fault Gallente security and operations for the complete lack of safeguards in any such situation, much less such a delicate one. Or the fact that the Caldari year-long occupation of the warzone was, if not entirely perfect, at least fairly even-handed ((Chronicle: The Ever-Turning Wheels)), while the Gallente occupation had Gallente forces rampaging across worlds killing civilians and shooting escaping civilian transports ((EvE World News, Templar One)).

I could say that the above should result in the Federation paying reparations to the Caldari, just as you might insist that the invasion of Caldari Prime should result in reparations to the Federation. And we could haggle on about who is more to fault, whether killing about 300,000 Caldari civilians is a cause for war or is the Federation's fault, or how much damage the respective occupations did.

Or, we could just decide to zero the account, before we build up the sort of reservoir of hatred that the Amarr and Minmatar have towards each other.
Liam Antolliere
#288 - 2015-04-22 13:21:30 UTC
Vikarion wrote:

As for Caldari corporations making a profit, the problem with that interpretation is that the State is not separate from its corporations. The corporations fund the military, which means that profits on selling military hardware to the Caldari Navy are the same as losses in contributions to the Caldari Navy. This makes the State more resilient, militarily, than the other nations of the cluster, as a total war footing can be easily achieved, but it also means that the State makes its military hardware profits by selling to other nations, such as the Minmatar, the Khanid Kingdom, the Intaki Syndicate, the Amarr Empire, and others. The current economic growth the State is experiencing is a result of the resurgence of our high-tech and industrial sectors, which are both advanced and efficient.

Gallente Megacorporations, on the other hand, are separated from those they sell to, militarily. The entire Federation could go bust (theoretically, not likely) buying ships from Roden Shipyards, with Roden Shipyards becoming fabulously wealthy (well, more so). Which means that, in terms of incentives, Gallente military contractors have an interest in making sure their own government needs their product, while in the State, that incentive is reduced by the fact that you are, in essence, buying every railgun from yourself.

That doesn't necessarily mean that Roden Shipyards or Creodron want the war to go on forever, but it would certainly be in their financial interest to try to keep it going as long as it can.

Conversely, the Gallente Megacorporations can only prolong the war if they can convince the voting majority to vote in that direction, which would require substantial monetary investment in campaigning, interest groups and political maneuvering. In this way, the profit margin for prolonging the war is actually significantly lower than you would suggest and benefits more than just the primary suppliers.

Ultimately, it still requires the majority voting populace to prolong any war except this one because it's really no longer up to one side or the other to end the conflict. The existence of CEWPA requires a mutual ceasefire rather than a formal peace negotiation.

Vikarion wrote:
Or, we could just decide to zero the account, before we build up the sort of reservoir of hatred that the Amarr and Minmatar have towards each other.

I've been making a similar suggestion for some time now. Peace requires one side stepping forward and offering forgiveness for slights rather than demanding reparations. The problem is that neither side has committed to taking the first step.

For my part, I vote and petition for the Federation to take this step whenever I am able.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#289 - 2015-04-22 17:05:12 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Why some on both sides of the Federal and State borders feel the need to justify history, seek who was in the wrong or right, or determine who had the most just cause will always elude me. This is like reading a debate between the fans of two different consumer electronics products so focused on minutiae that they can't grasp both models are essentially the same and simply cater to different demographics as regards market share.

Because when men run out of words they raise their guns - for that reason it seems sensible to keep talking until some sort of understanding can be reached. When I turned up in the Wiyrkomi Honor Guard front office two years ago looking for a billet I honestly had about as much understanding of FDU motivations as I did the Sansha or Jove. The Gallenteans were basically aliens.

If I was going to spend my lives fighting against them, didn't it make some sort of sense to understand what seemed to be a cut and dried, black and white, cause from their perspective? Understand what brought them to and kept them on the front lines - beyond a taste for Caldari babies and the smell of burning colony worlds?

Honestly. For such a complex and nuanced personality, that was a pretty basic question, Veiki.

I've always held that the only purpose in seeking to understand an enemy isn't to make peace, but to more effectively overcome them armed with knowledge. Peace is a strategic tool, not an aim in and of itself.

That said, I fail to understand what purpose exists in either understanding the motives or hatred out of ignorance of another when one has to kill and prosecute force and violence. If one has to kill, then kill with the clarity of your own reasons why, no point waxing right or wrong about it to others.


Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#290 - 2015-04-22 20:30:14 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Why some on both sides of the Federal and State borders feel the need to justify history, seek who was in the wrong or right, or determine who had the most just cause will always elude me. This is like reading a debate between the fans of two different consumer electronics products so focused on minutiae that they can't grasp both models are essentially the same and simply cater to different demographics as regards market share.

Because when men run out of words they raise their guns - for that reason it seems sensible to keep talking until some sort of understanding can be reached. When I turned up in the Wiyrkomi Honor Guard front office two years ago looking for a billet I honestly had about as much understanding of FDU motivations as I did the Sansha or Jove. The Gallenteans were basically aliens.

If I was going to spend my lives fighting against them, didn't it make some sort of sense to understand what seemed to be a cut and dried, black and white, cause from their perspective? Understand what brought them to and kept them on the front lines - beyond a taste for Caldari babies and the smell of burning colony worlds?

Honestly. For such a complex and nuanced personality, that was a pretty basic question, Veiki.

I've always held that the only purpose in seeking to understand an enemy isn't to make peace, but to more effectively overcome them armed with knowledge. Peace is a strategic tool, not an aim in and of itself.

That said, I fail to understand what purpose exists in either understanding the motives or hatred out of ignorance of another when one has to kill and prosecute force and violence. If one has to kill, then kill with the clarity of your own reasons why, no point waxing right or wrong about it to others.

It becomes increasingly clear that the State cannot kill it's way out of this war. If it were possible, we would already be at peace. I don't think this war is 'winnable' by either side.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

#291 - 2015-04-23 00:43:47 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:
It becomes increasingly clear that the State cannot kill it's way out of this war. If it were possible, we would already be at peace. I don't think this war is 'winnable' by either side.

Given the specific parameters of this war, I actually think that it is winnable by the State, but not by the Federation. The State has, historically, been very, very good at long, drawn-out wars, and all the better when on the defensive. As the low-sec territories for the Caldari are rather sparsely populated and exploited, and the low-sec areas for the Federation include some core systems, I think this puts the impact potential of the war in the favor of the State.

That said, winning a long, drawn-out war might be advantageous for the State, but would it be as advantageous as coming to a peaceful agreement over the same period of time? Probably not. And our responsibility is to do what is best for the State, not what is worst for the Federation.

Moreover, suppose we achieved some sort of total, overwhelming victory. What would we even do with it? We already have a new territory to expand into - Black Rise - and it's not like the Caldari people are lusting after new populations to induct into our fold. That's not really our way, is it? If nothing else, imagine all the trouble trying to rebuild Caille into looking properly formidable, utilitarian, and asymmetrical. Not to mention the bulk orders of earplugs we would have to buy to deal with the whining from the locals.

Even assuming we wanted the land just to have it, which would be inefficient and pointless, there's also the fact that we want the Federation out of our business, and to stop trying to undermine our government, but we really don't want them gone. They are a useful counterbalance to the Amarr, and it would be very unfortunate to have to turn from finishing off the Federation (assuming we could) to fighting off an attempt at Reclaiming.

No, I judge that my responsibility is to advocate what is best for the State, not what is worst for the Federation. I think that, even given the possibility of a swift, but necessarily overwhelming victory, we might do well to consider alternatives. Given that the most likely event is a long, tiring, bloody conflict in which the Gallente eventually give in just because they are tired of fighting, well, I suspect that peace is much more preferable to a long and useless drain on our resources, assuming the grounds I already mentioned were accepted.
James Syagrius
Luminaire Sovereign Solutions
#292 - 2015-04-23 01:11:24 UTC  |  Edited by: James Syagrius
Msr. Vikarion

Again I thank you for your kind clarification and thoughtful elaboration upon the points discussed.

To answer you directly.

No, I don’t wish to see the Caldari deprived of their home-world.

The final status of Caldari Prime is to my mind however the principal issue. How it is dealt with will determine the peace. Caldari Prime rests deep within Federal territory, I think it extremely impractical to assume that it can ever be, to paraphrase your words, ‘Absolutely under State control’. Having said that, understanding the complexity of the issue, I think it possible that some accommodation can be reached that satisfies the essential needs of both parties.

I do agree with your last sentiment. As you so persuasively detailed, enough has been said regarding the torrent of wrongs each of our respective peoples has inflicted upon the other. We should not allow past wrongs to prevent us from building a peaceful and prosperous future.

I look forward to the continuation of this dialog.
Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#293 - 2015-04-23 08:07:14 UTC
Pieter Tuulinen wrote:

It becomes increasingly clear that the State cannot kill it's way out of this war. If it were possible, we would already be at peace. I don't think this war is 'winnable' by either side.

To claim the current war cannot be won due to its present phase of conflict-by-proxy under CONCORD regulation seems like putting the cart before the horse when the true struggle and contest between State and Federation has not even yet taken place. Oh no, CEWMPA is not designed to be won, and it was never agreed to in my mind with the intentions of victory or defeat. It is nothing more than a preamble to further escalation by its participants, and one needs only look to the rapid development of new armaments and the military buildups on both sides of the border that the impetus is towards a future escalation of the war, where resolution will be found through violence one way or another. I doubt all the current weapons being forged will be beaten into plowshares anytime soon - if at all.

That is just a reality I have had to accept, for I recognize I have no power, influence or authority to change it, nor the intelligence to change minds or the eloquence to sway hearts to the contrary. As a simple and uncomplicated soldier the only words of eloquence I am left with that describe my current thoughts and feelings are in the Old De'teeas of an Oriyoni play:

Kaalakiota has made a sword of me, so I shall have war freely unsheathed as befits my nature, a destroyer of men, than to know a shackle of peace in the scabbard. For war exceeds peace, as day is to night, better a life of death in vigor, with heat in my blood, than a contemptible death of life mired in apathy and lethargy, like the fetid swamp from which your breath a foul air corrupts. Curse me as the Father of your orphans? May the Winds damn your city of bastards screaming!


Plan Neun
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#294 - 2015-05-07 14:56:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Plan Neun
Liam Antolliere wrote:
The fact is that the Gallente on Caldari Prime were there by concession and legal agreement.
The fact is that Tibus Heth used Caldari Prime to elevate himself to power by preying upon his own people's patriotism and sense of cultural pride.
The fact is that the Caldari State, under the leadership of Tibus Heth, invaded the Gallente Federation in a completely illogical step simply to make a statement and hold an entire planet hostage.
The fact is that the current war was started by the signing of the CONCORD Emergency Militia War Powers Act following the simultaneous invasion of Yulai and the Federation during the sabotaging of the CONCORD Emergency Response System.
The fact is that despite all of your loud-mouth crying and repetition, none of these facts will change and no matter how you try to color it and change your presentation of it, the facts don't agree with your assessment.

Regarding your comment on "fruitful discussions," I know the facts. Perhaps you should try learning them instead of twisting them to suit your worldview. There can be no fruitful discussions with you.

This will be my last response to you. Enjoy the last word.

Why don't you hypocrate give the Minmatar Republic the opportunity to be a part of your precious Federation and treat them the same way as you did to us.
l will bet a shining star that within the next 5 years the Minmatar is beoynd your stumpy boot that they will revolt from the same reasons we did. We (the State) are not your pets anymore, and you have started a 2nd war upon the State.

But you can't handle the truth, and for that l feel sorry for you "we ban milk" gallentes.

" Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! "
Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#295 - 2015-05-07 15:31:00 UTC
Plan Neun wrote:

Why don't you hypocrate give the Minmatar Republic the opportunity to be a part of your precious Federation and treat them the same way as you did to us.
l will bet a shining star that within the next 5 years the Minmatar is beoynd your stumpy boot that they will revolt from the same reasons we did. We (the State) are not your pets anymore, and you have started a 2nd war upon the State.

But you can't handle the truth, and for that l feel sorry for you "we ban milk" gallentes.

" Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! "

The Minmatar have a sovereign nation, they don't need to be part of us and never have shown interest in such an arrangement.

The truth is subjective.

We have yet to ban milk.

Your quote makes no sense.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Liam Antolliere
#296 - 2015-05-07 16:46:14 UTC
Plan Neun wrote:
Why don't you hypocrate give the Minmatar Republic the opportunity to be a part of your precious Federation and treat them the same way as you did to us.
l will bet a shining star that within the next 5 years the Minmatar is beoynd your stumpy boot that they will revolt from the same reasons we did. We (the State) are not your pets anymore, and you have started a 2nd war upon the State.

But you can't handle the truth, and for that l feel sorry for you "we ban milk" gallentes.

" Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! "

I apologize for being late in responding to you, it took me some time to filter through your post and put together what it is you're actually saying.

With that said;

The accusation of hypocrisy is nothing new and frankly it's misplaced. To accuse the entirety of the Federation of hypocrisy represents a dramatic misunderstanding of the nature of the Federation to begin with but that's another discussion for another time.

Secondly, why would we intentionally mistreat the Minmatar? Only the completely foolish or the completely arrogant would willfully fail to learn from their past mistakes. Regardless of what side of the debate you're on regarding who struck first, how both sides could have acted differently, who mistreated whom first; the fact is that history carries with it lessons that the wise heed and learn from. We did not intentionally mistreat the Caldari but our history with your people can reveal lessons on how to avoid inadvertently mistreating others in the future, so why would we ignore those lessons in regards to the Minmatar?

Thirdly, there exists a rather sizable population of Minmatar within the Federation (whom live there willfully and are contributing members of the Federation). Those that have chosen not to will not be coerced into doing so, the Minmatar have chosen to form a Republic to govern themselves and we Gallente would rather let them express their liberty to govern themselves in any way they choose than to try and force them into compliance under another sovereignty, trading one master for another. What sense would that have made?

Lastly, I find it increasingly tiresome that many among the Caldari keep asserting that we, the Federation, were somehow solely responsible for the outbreak of the second Gallente-Caldari War. We weren't but educating you on that fact would be naught more than repeating the same tired arguments ad-infinitum, so I'll leave it alone there.

The rest of your statements aren't worth dignifying with a response. Good day to you.

"Though the people may hate me, that does not relieve me of my charge."

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#297 - 2015-05-07 17:23:20 UTC
The Gallante have always been good to me, majority of my private funding and moral support came from a Gallante corporation. I won't say they're perfect however, far from it. Then again perfections just a state of mind...
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#298 - 2015-05-07 19:17:11 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
The Gallante have always been good to me, majority of my private funding and moral support came from a Gallante corporation. I won't say they're perfect however, far from it. Then again perfections just a state of mind...

Perfection is stagnation. Only through imperfections and mistakes can we learn and evolve.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#299 - 2015-05-07 19:40:56 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
The Gallante have always been good to me, majority of my private funding and moral support came from a Gallante corporation. I won't say they're perfect however, far from it. Then again perfections just a state of mind...

Perfection is stagnation. Only through imperfections and mistakes can we learn and evolve.

Well said...
Plan Neun
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#300 - 2015-05-07 23:26:52 UTC
Claudia Osyn wrote:
Plan Neun wrote:

" Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants! "

The Minmatar have a sovereign nation, they don't need to be part of us and never have shown interest in such an arrangement.

The truth is subjective.

We have yet to ban milk.

Your quote makes no sense.

The quote makes perfect sence in an imperfect world

"" Invader's blood marches through my veins like giant radioactive rubber pants!"