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Ship for Running missions?

Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2015-04-11 11:42:27 UTC
cruiser 5 unlocks the second most amount of hulls in the game next to frigate 5. You will want cruiser 5 at some point whatever you're doing (combat-wise)
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#22 - 2015-04-11 13:32:05 UTC
Defarge wrote:
Donnachadh wrote:
Lil' Brudder Too wrote:
The trouble you start getting into with 3's and using regular cruisers is the range...frequently lvl 3's will have spawns farther than 100k.

I recomend a good snipy T2 cruisers or T3 to keep the times-frames acceptable.

OK no problem with a snipy T2 cruiser, but I questions the wisdom of recommending a T3 to what appears to be a newer player struggling to get through. Not that a T3 is a bad choice overall, just may not be the best choice or recommendation in this specific situation. Because skills and ISK.

But training to cruiser 5 for t2 cruisers is a good idea? :P

Conveniently forgetting all of the sub systems skills that will need to be trained AND the simple fact that Cruiser 5 is REQUIRED as a pre-req for the T3' hulls anyway, but nice try.
Demerius Xenocratus
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2015-04-12 04:37:55 UTC
Racial cruiser skills to 5 is indeed critical to succeed in Cruisers Online.
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#24 - 2015-04-12 05:07:39 UTC
Assault Frigates do L3s just fine. If you know how to actually pilot and fit your ship to full effect.
Kitty Bear
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#25 - 2015-04-12 10:36:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Kitty Bear
General rule of thumb

L1 - Frigate
L2 - Cruiser
L3 - BC
L4 - BS

eventually you can use Tech2/3 versions of the basic hulls if your feeling space rich

L1 - AF
L2 - AF
L3 - AF, HAC or SC
L4 - AF, HAC, SC or Marauder

L4 Burner Missions and Incursions are different
Burner Missions are ALWAYS AF's
Incursions are BS or Logi (Individual FC's may allow HAC/SC but not guaranteed)
Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#26 - 2015-04-12 19:45:08 UTC
Kitty Bear wrote:
General rule of thumb

L1 - Frigate
L2 - Cruiser
L3 - BC
L4 - BS

eventually you can use Tech2/3 versions of the basic hulls if your feeling space rich

L1 - AF
L2 - AF
L3 - AF, HAC or SC
L4 - AF, HAC, SC or Marauder

L4 Burner Missions and Incursions are different
Burner Missions are ALWAYS AF's
Incursions are BS or Logi (Individual FC's may allow HAC/SC but not guaranteed)

Burner Missions are not always AFs. T1 cruisers can do L3s. BCs can do L4s.

The only general rule of thumb in EVE is: Don't fly it unless you can afford to lose it.
Jeanne-Luise Argenau
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#27 - 2015-04-13 11:06:52 UTC
for mission running gun gallente boats i would recommend l2 thorax, l3 brutix, l4 megathron better megathron navy.

some fitting recommendations (personally i prefer cap injected but stable is the safer route for newbies), guns and resistence have to be fitted skill or rat specific

[Thorax, miss]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Experimental 10MN Afterburner I
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
200mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

[Brutix, mission]
Medium Armor Repairer II
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Experimental 10MN Afterburner I
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
250mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge M
[empty high slot]

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Auxiliary Nano Pump II

[Megathron, mission]
Large Armor Repairer II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Thermic Membrane II
Energized Kinetic Membrane II
Capacitor Power Relay II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II
Magnetic Field Stabilizer II

Large Micro Jump Drive
Optical Tracking Computer I, Optimal Range Script
Cap Recharger II
Cap Recharger II

425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L
425mm Prototype Gauss Gun, Antimatter Charge L

Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Capacitor Control Circuit I
Large Auxiliary Nano Pump II

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