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AFK Cloaking™: Ideas, Discussion, and Proposals

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Mario Putzo
#1841 - 2015-04-02 17:38:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
They both suck Lucas....that's the point.
Local doesn't suck, it's a portion of the UI that provides you information, you simply don't like it. Objectively it sucks no more than the assets window or the market browser does. On the other hand the alternative, which seems to be people sitting and doing nothing but staring at a gate, that actually sucks from a game design perspective. The main difference is that one is a tool while the other is a core gameplay mechanic. Core gameplay mechanics should actually involve players playing the game in a way that's entertaining. Very few gamers find staring to be entertaining.

In actuality it is nothing like these at all.

Local provides:
Name, Corp, Alliance.

Which allows for a quick KB search giving
Common ships flown, common ship fittings, associated pilots, content type, associated ships, associated ship fittings.
Corporation operations, alliance operations, common corporation associates, common alliance associates. Areas of Operation.

All stemming from one quick glance at local log. It is the single largest source of intel gathering in the game. Period...and it is entirely free to use.

If you want to get intel on someone, you should have to put in effort to gather it through playing the game or pay either a fee, or for construction/upkeep of a service module, not be handed everything you would ever need to know about an individual, a corporation, or an alliance simply because a name showed up in local.

Local should be removed from all space, and the following should be implemented in replacement.

Empire Space

NPC corps.
- Local will always be available, depending on standings of the NPC corp and the system owner.
- IE an NPC corp with low Amarr standings will not get local in Amarr NPC space.
Player Corps/Alliance.
- Local will be available for an optional surcharge to the corporation/alliance based on standings with the system owner
- IE Cost will fluctuate, higher standings, lower cost and vice versa. (under a certain point restricts the option)

All FW will be determined by the state of War mechanics. Amarr FW will be restricted from local intel in Minmatar and Gallente space for example, in either Player Owned or NPC militia corps.

Player Corps
- Local will be available for an optional surcharge to the corporation/alliance, based on standings with the system owner
- IE Cost will fluctuate, higher standings, lower cost and vice versa (under a certain point restricts the option)
NPC Corps
- No Local.

A Gate Service (like Station Service) That displays the pilots passing through the gate. Only shown to the corp/alliance owning the service.
- Will display a pilots name in local, or remove a name from local if they pass through the gate
- name persists until leaving system, or logging out. or the service module is offlined.
- will not display names of pilots who log into a system, enter through cyno, or covert cyno.
- Destructible (or w/e you want to call entosis linking ****)

ALL Non-Owners (including Blues)
- No local intel

In all cases talking in local will put you into local intel just like in WH space, where you will remain until leaving the system or logging off.
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1842 - 2015-04-02 20:25:02 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Local provides:
Name, Corp, Alliance.
Not entirely true. Local provides a name and an image. To get the rest you have to pull up the player information.

Mario Putzo wrote:
Which allows for a quick KB search giving
Common ships flown, common ship fittings, associated pilots, content type, associated ships, associated ship fittings.
Corporation operations, alliance operations, common corporation associates, common alliance associates. Areas of Operation.
You can get this from just a name, that is true.

Mario Putzo wrote:
All stemming from one quick glance at local log. It is the single largest source of intel gathering in the game. Period...and it is entirely free to use.
I suppose this is somewhat true. In game, local is the largest source of intel, since you only really need a name to get the rest.

But by your own admition, killboards is the the largest source for intel gathering. You can get a lot more from killboards than you can from local.

Mario Putzo wrote:
If you want to get intel on someone, you should have to put in effort to gather it through playing the game or pay either a fee, or for construction/upkeep of a service module, not be handed everything you would ever need to know about an individual, a corporation, or an alliance simply because a name showed up in local.
I agree. Death to killboards, the real culprit behind all this intel!

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1843 - 2015-04-02 23:13:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
They both suck Lucas....that's the point.
Local doesn't suck, it's a portion of the UI that provides you information, you simply don't like it. Objectively it sucks no more than the assets window or the market browser does. On the other hand the alternative, which seems to be people sitting and doing nothing but staring at a gate, that actually sucks from a game design perspective. The main difference is that one is a tool while the other is a core gameplay mechanic. Core gameplay mechanics should actually involve players playing the game in a way that's entertaining. Very few gamers find staring to be entertaining.

It sucks because its a bad mechanic. It requires zero effort to obtain, as you note it is given to you as part of the game. Nothing as powerful as local (in null) is handed out in the game to everyone. Its a very powerful method of gathering intel on hostiles. If we were to take two players and task them as follows:

Player 1. Go to an anomaly and start ratting and avoid getting killed.
Player 2. Jump in and try to kill player 1.

Additional assumption: Both players understand the roles of each player.

In this instance Player 2 will very rarely catch Player 1. Player 1 always has the advantage of advanced warning. Even if there is just 1 anomaly in system Player 2 will have plenty of time to escape provided he is at least 3 neurons firing. There are a couple of reasons for this that have been gone over before, but what the heck here they are again.

Player 1 will have at least 1 second (and probably more than 1 second) warning before Player 2 even loads grid.
Player 2 will have to still warp to the anomaly which will again take time.

So, as long as Player 1 is aligned, watching local and not sitting right at the warp in point for the anomaly, then player 1 will escape almost surely.

It also sucks because watching local constantly or even near constantly is boring and enervating and not really playing the game. So yeah, for those few seconds you stop watching to switch to a new target you are "playing the game". The rest of the time you really aren't playing anymore than the schlub watching the gate.

So...your position is that "playing the game" with the local mechanic, which is damn close to measure zero is somehow amazingly different than sitting and watching the game? That teeny tiny bit of "playing the game" and local and the current situation is so awesome we shouldn't come up with a new method/mechanic that can allow for more "playing the game" while still keeping PvE in null viable?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Ramman K'arojic
Lone Star Warriors
Brave Collective
#1844 - 2015-04-02 23:37:26 UTC
I have skimmed this threadnaught,

AFK cloaking is a valuable too to disrupt players; but there is no counter to it. There needs to be a balanced counter that allows both aggressor and the defender a chance.

I like and support the following:
* Fuel to power the cloaking device. IMHO about 4 hours cloak time per 100m3 of cargo space. How about reuse Strontium Clathrates as the fuel - too cool the cloaking device. 1 Exception - No fuel means cloak can run up to for 1 minute - until it starts overheats; causing module damage.

* Cloak emissions leaking. Using a given decay rate it increases the chance of detection; the chances of detection is also the chance of scanning the ship using probes; i.e small signature is harder. The signature is accumulative (on module usage) and only reset when the ship leaves the system. As for the decay rates - Gut feel a ship should be detectable after 2 hours given perfect skills..

As for the delayed local content discussion:
Sounds like a good idea. However a module to force RT always present local should exist and be included in the new structures. For the near term - may be a trial of delayed local for 1 month for all of null sec. Just to test our metal.


Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1845 - 2015-04-03 00:28:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
They both suck Lucas....that's the point.
Local doesn't suck, it's a portion of the UI that provides you information, you simply don't like it. Objectively it sucks no more than the assets window or the market browser does. On the other hand the alternative, which seems to be people sitting and doing nothing but staring at a gate, that actually sucks from a game design perspective. The main difference is that one is a tool while the other is a core gameplay mechanic. Core gameplay mechanics should actually involve players playing the game in a way that's entertaining. Very few gamers find staring to be entertaining.

So, how do you combine genuine effort, more than simply staring at a free window with intel, with play respecting mechanics?

I see this:
Anchor a limited life, cloaked probe at gates, or other sensitive location.
This item will alert you to activity, such as gate flash or new items appearing / vanishing from it's overview.

Life span based on remote operator skill, such as the existing requirements for EW drones combined with the astrometric scanning skills already valued for probe use.
A player could mount up to 5 of these, with proper skills, in the same system they were in.

Potential for probes operating farther out than the same system, would need a dev to consider balance issues.

Hmmm...I don't know, I'd like there to be some sort way to subvert this....

How about this:

Local is set to delayed.
The "security probe" is scannable even while cloaked (as are anything that is cloaked).
The security probe has to go on the other side of the gate of the system you are ratting in.
There is a very short delay in the "security probe" reporting the person when they first appear on grid.
The "security probe" can be hacked so that it doesn't send the warning (failure sends and immediate warning and possibly some other adverse consequences for the would be hacker).
Only one can be anchored on gate at a time.

Ancillary changes: Information on NPCs killed are no longer visible via things like dotlan.

Also what kind of information does it give? Pilot name/standings or just ship type? I'm assuming that it is the latter.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1846 - 2015-04-03 00:33:34 UTC
Ramman K'arojic wrote:
I have skimmed this threadnaught,

AFK cloaking is a valuable too to disrupt players; but there is no counter to it. There needs to be a balanced counter that allows both aggressor and the defender a chance.

I like and support the following:
* Fuel to power the cloaking device. IMHO about 4 hours cloak time per 100m3 of cargo space. How about reuse Strontium Clathrates as the fuel - too cool the cloaking device. 1 Exception - No fuel means cloak can run up to for 1 minute - until it starts overheats; causing module damage.

* Cloak emissions leaking. Using a given decay rate it increases the chance of detection; the chances of detection is also the chance of scanning the ship using probes; i.e small signature is harder. The signature is accumulative (on module usage) and only reset when the ship leaves the system. As for the decay rates - Gut feel a ship should be detectable after 2 hours given perfect skills..

As for the delayed local content discussion:
Sounds like a good idea. However a module to force RT always present local should exist and be included in the new structures. For the near term - may be a trial of delayed local for 1 month for all of null sec. Just to test our metal.


Local is the counter. This has been pointed out many, many times. Local tells you the person is in system and d-scaning and a bit of work tells you he is cloaked and that you should take additional care when doing stuff in that system.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1847 - 2015-04-03 00:47:54 UTC
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.
Mario Putzo
#1848 - 2015-04-03 03:49:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Mario Putzo
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

And without local you would have no idea if there is a person there or not at all. Do you often pull your horse with the cart?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with afk cloaking because...

1) While AFK a person can do NOTHING to you.
2) While Cloaked a person can activate ZERO modules.

You are afraid because you see a name in local, and that is it. If the name wasn't there, then there would be absolutely nothing for you to complain about. Period.

In regards to people losing stuff. They consent to all forms of PVP when they click undock, whether they like the activity or not. If they do not want to lose anything...stay in station.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1849 - 2015-04-03 04:07:07 UTC
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

Sure it is. Local and d-scan let you know the guy is cloaked and you can modify your behavior accordingly. Move sysems to PvE. PvE in a group, try to bait the cloaker, etc.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

El Geo
#1850 - 2015-04-03 07:06:36 UTC
AFK Cloaking doesnt seem a problem to anyone in w-space where there is no local, local is the real problem because the simple fact is without it there is no need to pretend to be afk cloaked for hours on end in the hope that someone will actually undock and do something stupid.

Personally I'd like to see this list implimented:

Arrow Local channel provided by local empire in 0.3 and above, 0.1 to 0.2 could be made available to the "owning militia" and players with high standing towards empire owner (8+ faction standings) - this provides a lore point of view and incentive's for militias to fight over systems and faction standing gains.

Arrow Similarly players in NPC nullsec could be provided the service by the local owning faction depending on standings, providing a good base to impliment pirate 'faction' warfare which in turn can provide not only better npc content but also more drivers for player conflict.

Arrow Local provided in SOV nullsec through attackable structure/system upgrade (probably outpost upgrade, limit to 1 per system), should be able to disrupt said structures effect by jamming, hacking or outright attacking said structure/module/upgrade, maybe said object could in itself be upgradeable allowing local channel to be available to neighbouring systems.

It's also worth noting that pve/mining players would need to be found by probing/dscan allowing the clever player an added layer of protection and without local nullsec could gain its risk factor back so rewards could also be increased.

Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1851 - 2015-04-03 10:32:03 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

And without local you would have no idea if there is a person there or not at all. Do you often pull your horse with the cart?

There is absolutely nothing wrong with afk cloaking because...

1) While AFK a person can do NOTHING to you.
2) While Cloaked a person can activate ZERO modules.

You are afraid because you see a name in local, and that is it. If the name wasn't there, then there would be absolutely nothing for you to complain about. Period.

How is that relevant to what I said? You basically said that the effect that cloakies have is there because their presence is announced by local. Which means the cloaky works BECAUSE OF local. How is that a contradiction to my statement that local does NOT COUNTER cloakies?

Mario Putzo wrote:
In regards to people losing stuff. They consent to all forms of PVP when they click undock, whether they like the activity or not. If they do not want to lose anything...stay in station.

Except for cloakies you mean. They should be completly invulnerable, even when being afk right? They should not have the risk of loosing anything after undocking, even when afk. Is that your opinion?
Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1852 - 2015-04-03 10:35:42 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

Sure it is. Local and d-scan let you know the guy is cloaked and you can modify your behavior accordingly. Move sysems to PvE. PvE in a group, try to bait the cloaker, etc.

And how did that counter the cloaky? Not at all.
The cloaky is there to disrupt the system, to cause damage without taking any risk himself, by forcing you to leave the system, do less efficient pve etc. Without taking any risk himself.
A counter would mean there is a way to actually stop him from doing that. All you suggest is doing exactly what he wants you to do. That is not a counter at all.
Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1853 - 2015-04-03 13:00:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucien Visteen
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with afk cloaking because...

1) While AFK a person can do NOTHING to you.
2) While Cloaked a person can activate ZERO modules.
There are other ways to hurt another player than applying damage, and while it is true that they can not activate any modules, they are not powerless either.

And there is something wrong with afk cloaking since the playstyle is a direct opposite to what CCP wants to promote.

Mario Putzo wrote:
In regards to people losing stuff. They consent to all forms of PVP when they click undock, whether they like the activity or not. If they do not want to lose anything...stay in station.
I don't think those that want to see a change to the playstyle have a problem with loosing stuff. I may not like it, but I don't have a problem with it.

Mario Putzo wrote:
You are afraid because you see a name in local, and that is it. If the name wasn't there, then there would be absolutely nothing for you to complain about. Period.
I'm speaking only for myself here, but I were never afraid of a name. It was very easy for me to see if the player that entered the system was a friend or a foe. Since I also knew that the easiest way to get into my system was with the use of a cloak, I also knew then that I could not deal with him before he wanted to. My corp would not reimburse ships lost outside of roaming fleets, so monetary wise, it was easier for me to dock up and play with another character till he left.

Looking back on this, there is a mutch easier way to fix this than removing local. And that is to remove the ability to tell if the entering player is a friend or a foe. And by that I mean to remove the visual representation of standings in the local chat.

El Geo wrote:
AFK Cloaking doesnt seem a problem to anyone in w-space where there is no local, local is the real problem because the simple fact is without it there is no need to pretend to be afk cloaked for hours on end in the hope that someone will actually undock and do something stupid.
You can not compare the two systems since they don't have to deal with the same problems. If you want to implement w-space local to k-space local, then gates should act like wormholes, and cyno should be removed form the game.

El Geo wrote:
It's also worth noting that pve/mining players would need to be found by probing/dscan allowing the clever player an added layer of protection and without local nullsec could gain its risk factor back so rewards could also be increased.
The use of dscan and probes should also prevent the use of a cloak. So that you yourself should be put at risk if you want to find a target to gank.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.

Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1854 - 2015-04-03 13:23:06 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
You can not compare the two systems since they don't have to deal with the same problems. If you want to implement w-space local to k-space local, then gates should act like wormholes, and cyno should be removed form the game.

And since w-space would then still be safer, since you have to scan the sites and so you get a warning in form of scanner probes on local, which is not the case in k-space, obviously the rewards of k-space anomalies would have to be increased too. ABOVE w-space since there is more risk involved.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1855 - 2015-04-03 15:39:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

Sure it is. Local and d-scan let you know the guy is cloaked and you can modify your behavior accordingly. Move sysems to PvE. PvE in a group, try to bait the cloaker, etc.

And how did that counter the cloaky? Not at all.
The cloaky is there to disrupt the system, to cause damage without taking any risk himself, by forcing you to leave the system, do less efficient pve etc. Without taking any risk himself.
A counter would mean there is a way to actually stop him from doing that. All you suggest is doing exactly what he wants you to do. That is not a counter at all.

If you move to a different system and PvE then you have circumvented the AFK cloakers intent: resrouce/isk denial. If you rat in a group in combat fit ships, you have circumvented the AFK cloakers intent. In short, you have mitigated/negated his strategy. That is all that is needed for something to be a counter. You are being too literal in your interpretation of "counter".

A counter does not have to mean you blow his **** up. It does not mean you have to actively stop him. Merely going on and doing your PvE in another system makes his strategy very much less effective.

As for risk, lets be clear while cloaked that ship/pilot presents zero risk. While AFK that ship/pilot present zero risk. So why should he face risk in that situation? Are you operating under the assumption that risk factors must be equal at all times? If so I got really bad news for you.

Yes, you'll likely say, "Well...I don't know if he is AFK or not." True, he has increased your risk. But there is nothing that says he must also have increased risk. Nothing. This is a game where, by-and-large, risks are wildly different. If you are ratting in your ishtar and a group of 10 guys jump into your ratting system your risk just went way the **** up. They might have a saber sitting on the station with a bubble up and an interceptor or 2 zipping to a couple of anomalies to try and find you. Their risk? Minimal. So the notion that risks must some how be balanced should be tossed in the rubbish bin. So what that an AFK cloaker has pushed up your risk level in a given system? That is NOT CCP's problem. Never has been, never will be.

By the way a few other things you can do...hit the killboards, see when the guy is most active. Find out what you can about his corp/alliance. If for example he is in say, Vancouver and you are in Germany there will be a big swath of time where you can re-evaluate your risk even with him present in system. Risk in this context (AFK cloaking) is subjective. It is based on your beliefs and information (no really, look this **** up, subjective probability). You can do 4 things to change your subjective risk:

1. Change your beliefs.
2. Change your information.
3. Change your behavior.
4. All three.

Hitting killboards, dotlan, looking up information on the guy in game will help you change 2. If you do things like start doing a bit of PvE during your primary hours and note no change in his behavior that is information too. You should be updating and re-evaluating your risk....well assuming you are rational that is what you should be doing. Adding a buddy or 2 while doing PvE will not only alter your risk, but his as well!

Or you could just make a dogmatic assumption: He is out there, he is at his keyboard, and he is moving up on me with some buddies nearby to gank me!

In which case you'll never undock and no amount of additional information will help you.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1856 - 2015-04-03 15:50:48 UTC
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with afk cloaking because...

1) While AFK a person can do NOTHING to you.
2) While Cloaked a person can activate ZERO modules.
There are other ways to hurt another player than applying damage, and while it is true that they can not activate any modules, they are not powerless either.

And there is something wrong with afk cloaking since the playstyle is a direct opposite to what CCP wants to promote.

It can be said that local works the same way. It works to reduce player interactions, not promote them. Local provides advanced warning to those already in system.

Removing indicators of standings will do little to mitigate this because once you change local in that way it will change behavior. People will likely respond in 2 ways:

1. Dock up anytime somebody shows up in local.
2. Click the name and check standings, then dock up if necessary.

You also are looking at things in a very limited way. "Dealing with him" means a direct confrontation. Is that the ONLY way to deal with him? Be honest here. Oh and note the irony, "There are other ways to hurt a player than to apply damage...." P

I would argue you could deal with him indirectly. PvE in a group. Fit your ships for combat. I know, I know, "CYNOS!!!!!!!!! 254 man fleet within bridge range!!!!!!!!" To which I have to ask...are you really that risk averse? If so, HS is thataway ------->. Move to another system and PvE. Both make the AFK cloaker rather useless then.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1857 - 2015-04-03 16:02:35 UTC
I believe the following to be true:
The real problem is not cloaking.
Nor is it local.

It is the expectation that a PvE pilot needs to run away, because they cannot win in an encounter.
The perception that the best they can hope for, is to break away and get safe.

If we want to actually resolve this, taking a step back and asking why we are running in the first place, seems to be upstream of all the other details.

PvE pilots are, in many ways, the ideal content generators for conflict.
You have a good idea where to find them.
Other players can fight off the ships too tough for them, leaving just covops for the most part.
They get rewarded even if nothing happens, because they are farming ISK by mining or ratting while they wait for possible encounters. This makes them better play than manning any gate camp!

We are a golden resource, just waiting to be tapped!
Marranar Amatin
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1858 - 2015-04-03 16:21:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Marranar Amatin
Teckos Pech wrote:
If you move to a different system and PvE then you have circumvented the AFK cloakers intent: resrouce/isk denial. If you rat in a group in combat fit ships, you have circumvented the AFK cloakers intent. In short, you have mitigated/negated his strategy. That is all that is needed for something to be a counter. You are being too literal in your interpretation of "counter".

The cloaker wants to block a system. You leave the system. The cloaker was successful. Thats not what counter means.

Teckos Pech wrote:
A counter does not have to mean you blow his **** up. It does not mean you have to actively stop him. Merely going on and doing your PvE in another system makes his strategy very much less effective.

A counter means there is actually something to do to stop him from what he is doing. To make him NOT disrupt the system. You can not counter something that wants to stop you using a system by not using this system.

Teckos Pech wrote:
As for risk, lets be clear while cloaked that ship/pilot presents zero risk (...) True, he has increased your risk.

You contradict yourself. Either he represents zero risk, OR he increases my risk. Both at once is not possible.

Teckos Pech wrote:
But there is nothing that says he must also have increased risk. Nothing.

Ok, now at least you are honest. You want to have system were the attacker has zero risk, and only the defender risks anything. Basically we can stop argueing any details here. This is a fundamental difference in our viewpoints.
I want a system were ANY activity is balanced by an adequate risk, depending on the possible gains and effects of the activity, you want a system were only one specific side has the risk while the other one is perfectly safe. Ok.
Obviously it is impossible for us to find a system were we agree both on, since we want to achieve completly different things.

I think that what you want is really really bad gamedesign. Why should one side have the advantage? Why should the attacker have zero risk and not the defender? Why not make pve ships invulnerable? The only good compromise can be a fair distribution of risk on the activities depending on what they achieve.
Daichi Yamato
Jabbersnarks and Wonderglass
#1859 - 2015-04-03 16:29:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Daichi Yamato
Marranar Amatin wrote:
Just because you keep repeating it, does not make it come true.
Local is NOT a counter to cloakies, there simply is no counter to cloakies right now. They are completly invulnerable for as long as they wish, and there is absolutly nothing that can be done to make them go away or loose something if they dont wanto to.

Local is the counter to any ambush, cloaky or otherwise. Likewise local allows players to never lose anything by merely keeping an eye on a chat channel. The only thing that can be done to counter local is to appear afk and dull everyone to your presence, which is only practical to do in a cloak.

If you change cloaks and nothing else, you remove the only counter to local. Something that should never happen considering how stupidly safe ratting already is.

Change one, change the other.

Marranar Amatin wrote:

Except for cloakies you mean. They should be completly invulnerable, even when being afk right? They should not have the risk of loosing anything after undocking, even when afk. Is that your opinion?

If you dont let them appear to be AFK, then you cannot counter local.

local has to go with 100% safety of cloaks.

Marranar Amatin wrote:

And since w-space would then still be safer, since you have to scan the sites and so you get a warning in form of scanner probes on local, which is not the case in k-space, obviously the rewards of k-space anomalies would have to be increased too. ABOVE w-space since there is more risk involved.

We have anoms just like you, and not only that, but we have to loot them to get paid. We dont get to warp out and still get paid after running half the site because a gang turns up.

We've been through this already

Marranar Amatin wrote:

I think that what you want is really really bad gamedesign. Why should one side have the advantage? Why should the attacker have zero risk and not the defender? Why not make pve ships invulnerable? The only good compromise can be a fair distribution of risk on the activities depending on what they achieve.

You're the one asking for changes in only one direction that will massively favour the defender and allow him to evict the cloaker with minimal effort or risk. Everyone has been saying that the current system is balanced, albeit undesirable, and you're saying it needs to be heavily shifted to give the defender even more safety...

We're asking for both to change so effort has to be expended by both sides.

The only ones looking to create bad game design are the ones saying local is fine but cloaks are not.

EVE FAQ "7.2 CAN I AVOID PVP COMPLETELY? No; there are no systems or locations in New Eden where PvP may be completely avoided"

Daichi Yamato's version of structure based decs

Lucien Visteen
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1860 - 2015-04-03 16:50:08 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucien Visteen wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
There is absolutely nothing wrong with afk cloaking because...

1) While AFK a person can do NOTHING to you.
2) While Cloaked a person can activate ZERO modules.
There are other ways to hurt another player than applying damage, and while it is true that they can not activate any modules, they are not powerless either.

And there is something wrong with afk cloaking since the playstyle is a direct opposite to what CCP wants to promote.

It can be said that local works the same way. It works to reduce player interactions, not promote them. Local provides advanced warning to those already in system.
This was a response to a bandwagon statement. We are a bit past that point. It has been established in this thread that AFK cloaking is an effective way to reduce income. And that CCP is not dealing with it yet because it can keep the rate of inflation at a manageable level. Or is this wrong?

If that is wrong then yes, my response to said statement is also wrong.

But CCP also want to promote active playstyles as mutch as possible.

Teckos Pech wrote:
Removing indicators of standings will do little to mitigate this because once you change local in that way it will change behavior. People will likely respond in 2 ways:

1. Dock up anytime somebody shows up in local.
2. Click the name and check standings, then dock up if necessary.
Any change to local will change behavior. Any change to anything will change how it is being used. This proposal will meet the demands that so many are clamoring for since they want a system that won't instantly tell that you are a foe.

As Mario said earlier, you can use a name on any killboard to get virutally any information that you want about that player. If you want to prevent local to be used in sutch a manner, you will end up with a barebones system that may as well be removed entierly, and will then effectively kill its intended use.

But lets flip it. Say that local gets turned into w-space local. Whats to stop a single indivdual to deliberately make his presence known just to hurt income. How can that be dealt with?

Teckos Pech wrote:
You also are looking at things in a very limited way. "Dealing with him" means a direct confrontation. Is that the ONLY way to deal with him? Be honest here. Oh and note the irony, "There are other ways to hurt a player than to apply damage...." P

I would argue you could deal with him indirectly. PvE in a group. Fit your ships for combat. I know, I know, "CYNOS!!!!!!!!! 254 man fleet within bridge range!!!!!!!!" To which I have to ask...are you really that risk averse? If so, HS is thataway ------->. Move to another system and PvE. Both make the AFK cloaker rather useless then.
I was writing in past tense. And the last bit is rather unbecoming of you.

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't.