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Crime & Punishment

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I'm a miner, and I like CODE.

First post
Steppa Musana
#61 - 2015-03-23 18:14:45 UTC
You're risk averse by your own logic. You're either an alt (too risk averse to post with your main) or it's your main (nice killboard). Dont feel bad though, you're in good company. Half of your friends here have this very same problem Lol
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#62 - 2015-03-23 18:29:02 UTC
My killboard is what it is. It shows that I should never be allowed to drive an orca. The fact that it shows previous activity in all areas of New Eden shows I'm actually not risk-averse. But hey, keep on demonstrating why NPCs shouldn't be allowed to post. :)

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#63 - 2015-03-23 18:34:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarrchecko
Everyone with any assets besides a noob ship, 1 trit, and an implant-less pod is either 1) the luckiest person in the game or 2) risk averse.

There's varying degrees of risk aversion, but EVERYONE is risk averse to some extent... so please stop throwing the phrase around like it really means anything.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#64 - 2015-03-23 18:43:12 UTC
Amarrchecko wrote:
Everyone with any assets besides a noob ship, 1 trit, and an implant-less pod is either 1) the luckiest person in the game or 2) risk averse.


No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#65 - 2015-03-23 18:49:19 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Amarrchecko wrote:
Everyone with any assets besides a noob ship, 1 trit, and an implant-less pod is either 1) the luckiest person in the game or 2) risk averse.


Well if someone isn't worried about loss, wouldn't he/she be putting every isk available into any ship being flown? That way you would be getting the maximum effect and the rush of putting everything on the line with every second you spend in space.

But nope. We're all risk averse, so we don't do stupid crap like that.
Petre en Thielles
#66 - 2015-03-23 19:04:00 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Tisiphone Dira wrote:
Nice risk-averse playstyle you got there then.

BOOM! Headshot!

Sure, I avoid risk where I can, but I also still believe in a fair fight. Giving someone info on me when I don't have to? I avoid that risk any time. Attacking anything that can't fight back? Never. In game, I only shoot things that can shoot back.
Gerhard Stringfellow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#67 - 2015-03-29 22:16:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Gerhard Stringfellow
malcovas Henderson wrote:
I wish I had the patience, and ability to say what I think of this. So much is wrong with some of the people that play EvE. Greed, self entitlement, risk aversion, stupidity. The list is almost endless. The one player base that fits with all of these is the "Carebear" . Bluntly put, they have no right playing a game, not suited for them, and then to cry out for changes to suit their needs. In a game that does not suit them. They are entirely the selfish ones. They deserve EVERYTHING bad they get handed to them.

Unfortunately it is happening all across the gaming industry. These little darlings, even complain about people exploiting gameplay in a SINGLE player game of all things. This in itself is the level of self entitlement, they are prepared to go. They have no clue about P2W or what it's meaning entails. They consider it "cheating" to boxer play. ANYTHING that gives them a slight disadvantage HAS to be removed from the game.

In all of this I blame the gaming industry for catering to these fuckwits. I can guarantee you this. EVE Hi sec will be trammil, if these people are allowed to stay. For this I cannot thank code enough for every unsub of these clueless, gutless, self entitled beings, who have plagued the gaming industry for far too long. EVE has not been immune to it. CCP are caving in to them. piece meal, by piece meal.

I could carry on but as I said I wish I had the patience to put in here, my heart felt opinions on the subject.


Yes, you're right. And soon your pay to win pubbie overlords will have it all, laughing down at you with their double monocles while walking around in station. High-sec will have concord mining escorts for every miner, and even thinking about ganking them will result in a personal spacepixel explosive extravaganza.

I for one welcome the sanitized and bubble wrapped New Eden.

Another pubbie elite PvE pay to win mining carebear

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#68 - 2015-03-29 23:12:18 UTC

Thanks bro, but i am currently traveling and will not be able to start an eve client to accept the contract. But my hangars are full of catalysts anyway, so... :-)
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#69 - 2015-03-30 00:18:41 UTC
Update on how I'm a miner, and I like CODE.:

I've got a catalyst alt on each of my accounts trained to the point they can fly T1 catalysts pretty well. I've caused a billion or so in damage over the last 5 days with only a few target's I'd zerod in on warping out before I engaged but no one surviving after I started my attacks. I'm also still playing my mains, mining highsec roids like a mofo. I enjoy both activities quite thoroughly.

The only issue is that now I am eternally torn on whether I should be training my catalyst pilots towards T2 catas (and maybe thrashers, or even tornados!) or if I should finish shoring up support skills on my mains. Enjoying ganking is going to push me to spending isk on plexes for the extra training per account, lol, not spending isk on the ganking itself.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2015-03-30 09:45:11 UTC  |  Edited by: TotalRapeage
Amarrchecko wrote:
I run a few accounts to do my own mining ops in highsec. It's about all I do, besides reading up on all the changes to Eve since I last played while I mine. But despite my life as a miner and the fact that CODE. would happily gank my real characters if they had the chance, I like CODE.

Have you SEEN those killmails? I can't believe how many people flying billion-isk pods around aren't clever enough to figure out that a noob ship in system is summoning concord offgrid... how many people fly around mackinaws with 1 roid scanner as their only mid-slot module... how many people who apparently are trying to tank their ship are still so absolutely horrible at it (I mean, I'll see people who have 2 invuln fields and 2 civilian shield boosters as their 4 mids on a hulk)... etc.

As crazy as the notion of "improving highsec by holding its basest citizens to a higher standard (or else!)" is... I actually think I buy into it after seeing how just plain bad most of the miners CODE. targets really are.

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#71 - 2015-03-30 12:59:30 UTC
you shall be visited soon

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#72 - 2015-03-30 22:10:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarrchecko
TotalRapeage wrote:


Agondray wrote:
you shall be visited soon

Who will be visited soon?
Vector Symian
0 Fear
#73 - 2015-04-03 04:25:02 UTC
the lack of debate was the problem
and that people don't even know who the code are
code has a reputation of ignoring the spirit of its code

other then that seem like fun guys and gals

but it is not like code has much longer anyway
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
#74 - 2015-04-03 06:35:46 UTC
Amarrchecko wrote:
TotalRapeage wrote:


Agondray wrote:
you shall be visited soon

Who will be visited soon?

Agondray is just a forum troll who likes tomthink of himself as an anti-ganker. I mean anti-gankers itself are fail and we all laught about them. What does that say about a wanabe anti-ganker. Seriously, check his killboard.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#75 - 2015-04-03 11:00:18 UTC
Agondray wrote:
you shall be visited soon

By what? By who? For what reason?

Should we leave cookies out?

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#76 - 2015-04-04 00:38:20 UTC
Agondray wrote:
you shall be visited soon
Bring your own bottle, CODE. are notorious for hogging the booze P

Vector Symian wrote:
but it is not like code has much longer anyway
Welcome to December 2012.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#77 - 2015-04-04 01:57:30 UTC
I don't know about you nerds but I get shot at a lot. This surprises me because I am just a simple man who trades anti-matter for permit money and obedience.

I'm really starting to think some of you "people" regret voting for James 315 to save highsec. This isn't the time for doubt, we only have 5 more years to make James 315's vision of highsec a reality!

What we should be focusing on is getting "people" permitted, ensuring that your neighbor is following the Code, and encouraging frequent share purchases in the Minerbumping IPO. The time to get involved is now!

tick-tock, tick-tock

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

Vector Symian
0 Fear
#78 - 2015-04-05 00:28:40 UTC

Vector Symian wrote:
but it is not like code has much longer anyway
Welcome to December 2012.[/quote]

And things don't end? [Straight

well blow me down and call me well done...things don't end if their from 2012!? Shocked

Dana Goodeye
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#79 - 2015-04-07 11:26:38 UTC
oh my god, miners loving the code xD
im not a miner. well, sometimes i mine in hisec, mostly afk... got ganked once, the ganker got me to 85% shields in hek before he got exploded xD

i saw a killmail, a code guy showed it to me, and he was proud about it. 5 or 6 mega killed a procu in hisec. guys, if i whore only one lossmail of a mega, im positive, so please, if you see my procu, you can be sure, im afk mining, gank me please with megas xD

once i was alone with an incursus, and chased 3 code ppl in some hisec area, i dont remember where... i mocked them in local, but got 0 fight...
again, they were 3, i were alone, in an incursus

so... if i count all what i know about the code ppl.... youre guys can do what you want, like a bad man can **** a children, but im not gonna think, its oki. i never shot gunless ppl in hisec, or losec. i never duelling newbies, even a months old ppl in pvp ships, i dont duel them, or reject them. its just not fair in my opinion, its like **** :D

if any ppl out there are love the code ppl, well, lick their arses, they might like it... and code ppl, please gank mee, fight meee :D
pleeeease =)
Zealous Miner
#80 - 2015-04-08 08:56:14 UTC

I am also a miner who enjoys a good barge barbecue. Keep it coming New Order.Big smile

Fedo. Fedo? Fedo!