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Wardec matters once again

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Zan Shiro
#101 - 2015-03-29 22:44:50 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Lugh Crow-Slave wrote:

Problem is no matter what CCP does they can be dodged and i would rather people drop corp then drop game

If they generate killrights when people dodge them, people won't do it for long.

You'd get the issue of people leaving for legit reasons having this hanging over their heads here.

Some people leave corp due to personality conflicts or even time conflicts. I left 0.0 homes to head back to empire when I had no time to play 0.0 games anymore. Also left when I just couldn't deal with some nerd's e-napoleon complex too.

Either of these cases kill rights is a bit draconian. PIcked off in empire by a random because my leadership consisted of asshats.....not digging that really. Funny thing about don't how bad they can get till past trial sometimes. I loved my first home at first for example ,then hated it after with a passion over time tbh.

Trial period was slowish. Lots of grab ass roams with my corp mainly, fun times with a chill corp. The we picked up in pace and started dealing more with the other tz's corps and people. Tz's filled with dicks to be blunt. Dicks who were idiots. Some Idiots in charge to make it even worse.

Remember one night. BC roam. Alliance leader comes on and goes everyone back here now, op time. Where is the OP at fearless leader, we are out and about? Shut up and get back here now. Fine....Get back, form up, get desto and people on our roam go in corp chat this is a joke right? We came back 20+ systems to join a fleet that was going to the same exact spot we were at. Most of us in the same damn ships.....**** just rolled down hill on a nightly basis after that lol.

I am not untouchable In empire. Gank works. It probably be I always say in these threads you tend to not see it coming done right. How many bears know to set up multitab OV's? They turn on wrecks, large collidable objects....all on one tab. Probes quickly get buried in this mess.
Madd Adda
#102 - 2015-03-29 23:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Madd Adda
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Madd Adda wrote:

Why do hate us for not playing the game like you want?

I don't. But the problem is that you've staked out a bad spot of territory. My playstyle is to kill people. Thing is, some of you insist that your playstyle demands that no one be allowed to kill you, ever. And you incessantly cry to CCP to make changes to that effect at my expense.

You're the ones who abandoned live and let live here, not me.

I would have been happy to just go about my business playing the game, but that isn't enough for you lot, it's "nerf, nerf nerf!", just because you cannot tolerate that my playstyle exists. And here's the best part. What you want? Has finally been revealed as harmful to the health of the game. The things you want drive away new players, literally boring their subscriptions to death.

So no, I don't hate you. But I am looking forward to seeing you finally get what you've earned over the past decade, and I'm happy to provide CCP with some ideas as to how it's going to happen.

Thing is, some of you insist that your playstyle demands that no one be allowed to kill you, ever

ever try to make a living in high sec by mining? it's hard. it's hard because the low price of minerals/ore found there. it's hard because of the amount of ore you need to sell just to get by month to month. one ganked mining barge can be a setback that makes someone quit. And that isn't even getting into what an active war does to them. People say "move to null" blah blah blah but we know what's out there, people looking for fights. It's surprisingly hard to fight in a mining vessel fitted for mining rather than to fight others, I bet someone from CODE can confirm that.

And here's the best part. What you want? Has finally been revealed as harmful to the health of the game

correlation does not imply causation. I find the learning curve of the game to be the problem. Mining is good way to start but it has a income ceiling, and pvp tends to be SP intensive so newbs tend to quit before the game becomes good for them. that's my take anyway.

Carebear extraordinaire

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#103 - 2015-03-30 00:37:30 UTC
Zan Shiro wrote:

You'd get the issue of people leaving for legit reasons having this hanging over their heads here.

By dissolving the corp? What in the actual hell are you talking about?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Avellean Oriki
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#104 - 2015-03-30 03:07:37 UTC
admiral root wrote:
Avellean Oriki wrote:
The whole wardec system as it is now is garbage, its mainly used as a tool to grief people in game. An easy way to fix this would be to increase the cost of the wardec to something that will make a corp/alliance think twice before declaring war. If the cost started at the price of a plex or 1B Isk then the attacker would have to decide if it is worth declaring war instead of just wardecing every corp they felt like griefing. You cant expect people in small corps that consist mainly of new players to not dodge wardecs, they don't even stand a chance in a war.

Well, that's got to be the least constructive post of the thread and, co-incidently I'm sure, the one that uses variations of the word "grief" the most.

How is it the least constructive? 50m base fee for a wardec is not enough. What is the point of highsec when every corp is hit by wardecs? The only safe corps in HS is npc corps. Also explain what the point of wardecing a corp with 90% of the players less than a month old. The only recourse for those players is to corp hop since they wouldn't stand a chance vs the attacker.
Black Pedro
#105 - 2015-03-30 06:33:51 UTC
Avellean Oriki wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Avellean Oriki wrote:
The whole wardec system as it is now is garbage, its mainly used as a tool to grief people in game. An easy way to fix this would be to increase the cost of the wardec to something that will make a corp/alliance think twice before declaring war. If the cost started at the price of a plex or 1B Isk then the attacker would have to decide if it is worth declaring war instead of just wardecing every corp they felt like griefing. You cant expect people in small corps that consist mainly of new players to not dodge wardecs, they don't even stand a chance in a war.

Well, that's got to be the least constructive post of the thread and, co-incidently I'm sure, the one that uses variations of the word "grief" the most.

How is it the least constructive? 50m base fee for a wardec is not enough. What is the point of highsec when every corp is hit by wardecs? The only safe corps in HS is npc corps. Also explain what the point of wardecing a corp with 90% of the players less than a month old. The only recourse for those players is to corp hop since they wouldn't stand a chance vs the attacker.

Why would you want to make the fee for something like a wardec so high that nobody would use it? Wardecs are intended gameplay, and while they may need some tweaking, they don't need to be effectively removed from the game by pricing them out of reach.

No corp is suppose to be safe - that is by design. CCP has gone to great effort to ensure there is at least some risk in most places in Eve. HIghsec corps are not 100% safe, ISK-printing, industry-doing clubhouses. They are suppose to be the competitive unit of Eve where like-minded players band together to try to make their mark on New Eden, in direct competition with other players. If you are competing with the rest of us, you need to be vulnerable to disruption by the rest of us. "Safe" zones/corps/systems are anathema to the sandbox.

Eve is a PvP game at its core and that means all corps, including those with new players, are responsible for their own defense. If you give some special status to corps with "90% new players" with no drawbacks, then all that will happen is established players will contrive to get into these corps and exploit the free protection of them to pursue ISK-making activities and distort the economy.

For now, new players should either join an existing corp where they can learn how to manage and defend a corp from those who know how, or if they are truly just players dabbling in the game, just stay in an NPC corp while they learn the game. Hopefully, there more social mechanisms are in the pipeline from CCP to make the second choice a more enjoyable one, but if you are just mining and missioning, then a private chat channel gives you almost all the functionality a new player would need.
Avellean Oriki
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#106 - 2015-03-30 07:12:18 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Avellean Oriki wrote:
admiral root wrote:
Avellean Oriki wrote:
The whole wardec system as it is now is garbage, its mainly used as a tool to grief people in game. An easy way to fix this would be to increase the cost of the wardec to something that will make a corp/alliance think twice before declaring war. If the cost started at the price of a plex or 1B Isk then the attacker would have to decide if it is worth declaring war instead of just wardecing every corp they felt like griefing. You cant expect people in small corps that consist mainly of new players to not dodge wardecs, they don't even stand a chance in a war.

Well, that's got to be the least constructive post of the thread and, co-incidently I'm sure, the one that uses variations of the word "grief" the most.

How is it the least constructive? 50m base fee for a wardec is not enough. What is the point of highsec when every corp is hit by wardecs? The only safe corps in HS is npc corps. Also explain what the point of wardecing a corp with 90% of the players less than a month old. The only recourse for those players is to corp hop since they wouldn't stand a chance vs the attacker.

Why would you want to make the fee for something like a wardec so high that nobody would use it? Wardecs are intended gameplay, and while they may need some tweaking, they don't need to be effectively removed from the game by pricing them out of reach.

No corp is suppose to be safe - that is by design. CCP has gone to great effort to ensure there is at least some risk in most places in Eve. HIghsec corps are not 100% safe, ISK-printing, industry-doing clubhouses. They are suppose to be the competitive unit of Eve where like-minded players band together to try to make their mark on New Eden, in direct competition with other players. If you are competing with the rest of us, you need to be vulnerable to disruption by the rest of us. "Safe" zones/corps/systems are anathema to the sandbox.

Eve is a PvP game at its core and that means all corps, including those with new players, are responsible for their own defense. If you give some special status to corps with "90% new players" with no drawbacks, then all that will happen is established players will contrive to get into these corps and exploit the free protection of them to pursue ISK-making activities and distort the economy.

For now, new players should either join an existing corp where they can learn how to manage and defend a corp from those who know how, or if they are truly just players dabbling in the game, just stay in an NPC corp while they learn the game. Hopefully, there more social mechanisms are in the pipeline from CCP to make the second choice a more enjoyable one, but if you are just mining and missioning, then a private chat channel gives you almost all the functionality a new player would need.

Wardec cost should be high, 50m is nothing now days. Wardecs shouldn't just be tossed out like nothing, and as long as they are people will dodge them and that isn't going to change. If you make the wardec an actual war between 2 corps/alliances then most likely some good/fun pvp will happen but wardecing people who can't compete is just useless. Your suggestion that people should remain in npc corps or join a well established corp is just idiotic, why should people be limited to those options to enjoy the game they pay for?
Black Pedro
#107 - 2015-03-30 07:48:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Avellean Oriki wrote:
Wardec cost should be high, 50m is nothing now days. Wardecs shouldn't just be tossed out like nothing, and as long as they are people will dodge them and that isn't going to change. If you make the wardec an actual war between 2 corps/alliances then most likely some good/fun pvp will happen but wardecing people who can't compete is just useless. Your suggestion that people should remain in npc corps or join a well established corp is just idiotic, why should people be limited to those options to enjoy the game they pay for?

Should they also be entitled to a free titan every month because they pay for the game and a lack of a titan is "limiting their options"?

This is a sandbox - you are not entitled to anything in it. Your subscription just lets you in where you have to play by the same rules as all the rest of us. If you want progression handed to you on a platter, you probably should consider playing another game.

Eve is a PvP game. If you do not want to defend your corporation from others then you have no business having one in the first place. If you want to enjoy the benefits of the single-universe economy then you have to accept the risks that others that are part of this economy will try to stop you using force. If you don't want to bother, than stay in the NPC corp at least until CCP implements a social corp in some form for risk-averse/causal/new players such as yourself.

Wardecs have been in the game since the beginning and are there to allow a more-controlled form of PvP in highsec. They used to cost only 2M ISK to dec a corp and were only recently raised to 50M ISK. That is already prohibitively expensive for a small corp who want to dip their toes in a war against another small corp. If anything, the cost should be lowered for smaller corps deccing larger corps/alliances to encourage wardeccers to go after the larger corps more capable of self-defense, and to allow smaller entities to settle their beefs with each other more easily.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#108 - 2015-03-30 09:24:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Corraidhin Farsaidh
OK, brain back in gear and hopefully making more sense now...

My problem with wardecs is that it is very easy for a large corp that can afford the cost to wardec a small corp that can't. This makes it very difficult for any small and even medium size corp to dip their toe into industry in POS as opposed to stations. This is also the reason that I don't have an issue with players jumping corp to avoid the wardec. If their is no reasonable way for a corp to defend itself in combat then the only feasible defence is to go turtle and pull everything back into a safe place (NPC station). In the meantime the newer players in the corp still need to be making ISK as they can ill afford to lose it pointlessly in wars.

Wars in hisec ought to be a means for one corp to mess with anothers industry in my view but at the moment it seems to be simply used as an easy means for large wardec corps to get themselves a large number of relatively easy targets. I understand the 'It's a sandbox' argument but if people are doing something that puts pilots of undocking there are usually hysterical cries to change it. I also believe that if someone is risk averse then that is their game psychology and not down to any single game mechanic/cost.

I have no idea how to change wardecs to work in a more fair way and on that basis think that players with no wish (or ability) to fight should never be forced to (beyond ganks as no-one should be 100% safe). If they choose to jump corps at the drop of a wardec then that will show in their employment history and any corp who wants members who will stand and fight will know that. Anyone wrdeccing a corp should do the research to see how that corp will react. If the war history shows they will not fight then the corp giving the wardec cannot complain when the decced corp just shuts up shop for a week.

The onus is on the wardeccing corp to do their research in my mind. You want fights? Pick a corp that will fight or help a corp that is wardecced and can't fight. Want to mess with a corps industry? That will work just fine.

One thought that has probably been suggested before is that the cost of the wardec should be scaled along with the number of members in a corp. However maybe a multiplier should be applied to the base cost per member derived from the corp numbers. Corp A has 15 members and corp B has 150, therefore it should cost 10 x as much for corp B to wardec corp A. Corp B could wardec for the base cost if they really think they can handle the opposition. Similar sized corps would pay pretty much the same as each other for a wardec. If the larger corp doesn't want to pay the cost of the wardec they can always go and gank the smaller corp instead to disrupt their business/goad them into war.

Also I think what I meant about neutral logi in last nights moment of stupidity was that a neutral logi meddling in a war has very little comeback right now. At the very least a neutral logi assisting a member attacking a wartarget should generate a killright for the corp that they assisted against. A war declaration formalises hostilities between two entities and assisting one side would usually lead you to be labeled as an enemy combatant.
Avellean Oriki
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#109 - 2015-03-30 09:37:51 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
Avellean Oriki wrote:
Wardec cost should be high, 50m is nothing now days. Wardecs shouldn't just be tossed out like nothing, and as long as they are people will dodge them and that isn't going to change. If you make the wardec an actual war between 2 corps/alliances then most likely some good/fun pvp will happen but wardecing people who can't compete is just useless. Your suggestion that people should remain in npc corps or join a well established corp is just idiotic, why should people be limited to those options to enjoy the game they pay for?

Should they also be entitled to a free titan every month because they pay for the game and a lack of a titan is "limiting their options"?

This is a sandbox - you are not entitled to anything in it. Your subscription just lets you in where you have to play by the same rules as all the rest of us. If you want progression handed to you on a platter, you probably should consider playing another game.

Eve is a PvP game. If you do not want to defend your corporation from others then you have no business having one in the first place. If you want to enjoy the benefits of the single-universe economy then you have to accept the risks that others that are part of this economy will try to stop you using force. If you don't want to bother, than stay in the NPC corp at least until CCP implements a social corp in some form for risk-averse/causal/new players such as yourself.

Wardecs have been in the game since the beginning and are there to allow a more-controlled form of PvP in highsec. They used to cost only 2M ISK to dec a corp and were only recently raised to 50M ISK. That is already prohibitively expensive for a small corp who want to dip their toes in a war against another small corp. If anything, the cost should be lowered for smaller corps deccing larger corps/alliances to encourage wardeccers to go after the larger corps more capable of self-defense, and to allow smaller entities to settle their beefs with each other more easily.

Why would someone be entitled to free items? That's not close to anything i said. Part of EvE is pvp but that's not what this game is all about if it were then there wouldn't be a HS. The economy in the game is based on PVE with mining/ratting, without those this game would not succeed. There is no need to defend a corp when you can just remake it every time or just switch to a npc corp and wait out the wardec. HS pvp is garbage, the vast majority is nothing but ganks or insta locking/killing people on an undock and these wardecs are almost always one sided favoring the attacker. And 50m is nothing in this game when a corp or individual can make that in an hour in HS and absolutely no time in nullsec, the base cost of a wardec should be increased so it actually require an investment in the war. Right now a corp/alliance can pay 50m to wardec a small corp with no risk to their wallet, they declare war and force the defender to remain docked or switch corps which makes it pointless. Also you cant say lower the cost of a wardec from a small corp because as seen many times a corp with a small amount of people declares war and then brings people into the corp right after. If you want pvp go to nullsec, but of course most code.people are to afraid to actually do real pvp.
Black Pedro
#110 - 2015-03-30 09:58:19 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
If their is no reasonable way for a corp to defend itself in combat then the only feasible defence is to go turtle and pull everything back into a safe place (NPC station).

Of course. A player should always be able to retreat to the NPC corp and a corp should always be able to retreat to an NPC station. There should be some consequences for the corp though so that they cannot just pull everything down, remake the corp and go about their business the next day. But for a player, if they have had enough of a corp or don't want to fight they should be able to go back to the NPC corp and start again.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
In the meantime the newer players in the corp still need to be making ISK as they can ill afford to lose it pointlessly in wars.
This is a dangerous carebear fallacy. There are plenty of examples of 5-year-old "new players" sitting in highsec still telling themselves that they need to make a little more ISK before they can go PvP. The trap of only seeing all activities through the lens of ISK to the point that you never do anything. Swarms of T1 frigates and destroyers cost next to nothing for everyone but the smallest and newest corporations. Wars are not pointless - they are part of the game. If you never want to do them, you better find some friends to provide your protection.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Wars in hisec ought to be a means for one corp to mess with anothers industry in my view but at the moment it seems to be simply used as an easy means for large wardec corps to get themselves a large number of relatively easy targets. I understand the 'It's a sandbox' argument but if people are doing something that puts pilots of undocking there are usually hysterical cries to change it.

Carebears everywhere are "hysterical" whenever someone tries to get between them and their ISK. Just look at the forum tears over AFK cloaking, removing the need to scan down mining anomalies, increasing the difficulty to roll worm holes, the perceived ease for the attacker using the proposed Entosis link to attack space and so on. Thankfully, CCP realizes that to have an exciting and active PvP game, players need to be at risk to other players, regardless of that risk is "fair" or "balanced" and have been increasing these risks in recent years. If and when CCP gets around to revamping highsec wars, it will definitely not be in the direction to give highsec corps more safety from attackers. It will likely be another attempt to build mercenary market place.

Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
Also I think what I meant about neutral logi in last nights moment of stupidity was that a neutral logi meddling in a war has very little comeback right now. At the very least a neutral logi assisting a member attacking a wartarget should generate a killright for the corp that they assisted against. A war declaration formalises hostilities between two entities and assisting one side would usually lead you to be labeled as an enemy combatant.
Isn't a suspect flag enough? I mean the logi is labeled an enemy combatant and is open to attack by not just you, but anyone. Seems pretty fair to me.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#111 - 2015-03-30 10:17:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:

My problem with wardecs is that it is very easy for a large corp that can afford the cost to wardec a small corp that can't. This makes it very difficult for any small and even medium size corp to dip their toe into industry in POS as opposed to stations.

That makes no sense. If you can afford a pos, you can afford a war easily. Either wars are cheap and small groups have access to that content, in which purely industrial corps (which should not exist) will get wardecced, or they are expensive and only large wardec corps can do it, in which care purely industrial corps will STILL get decced.

Either way, if the mechanic exists, they will get decced. The only difference is if you want to force the wardec players all into huge alliances to offset the cost, or not.

If their is no reasonable way for a corp to defend itself in combat then the only feasible defence is to go turtle and pull everything back into a safe place (NPC station). In the meantime the newer players in the corp still need to be making ISK as they can ill afford to lose it pointlessly in wars.

I'm sorry, that's just fundamentally wrong.

You're not asking the right question. Why are they unable to defend themselves?

Because they made the choice to compose their members that way, having no skill with combat ships. Why do they think they're entitled to be in a player corp if they won't accept what comes with it?


Wars in hisec ought to be a means for one corp to mess with anothers industry in my view but at the moment it seems to be simply used as an easy means for large wardec corps to get themselves a large number of relatively easy targets. I understand the 'It's a sandbox' argument but if people are doing something that puts pilots of undocking there are usually hysterical cries to change it. I also believe that if someone is risk averse then that is their game psychology and not down to any single game mechanic/cost.

If they don't want to deal with wars, fine.

But they should not get to have their cake and eat it too, simple as that. This is a PvP game, and some things should be out of reach of people who won't accept risk.

That's why dec dodging is so heinous, because it allows some people to have the benefits of both an NPC corp and a player corp all in one, with zero consequences. That is wrong on the most basic level.


Also I think what I meant about neutral logi in last nights moment of stupidity was that a neutral logi meddling in a war has very little comeback right now.

Shoot them. They're free targets as much as the guy they're helping. If you show up with a fleet that he doesn't want to risk his logi against, then you've denied him that asset.

The consequence is there, the onus is on you to deliver it. Hell, not even you, anyone in the general area gets a free shot, and somehow that's not enough for you?


At the very least a neutral logi assisting a member attacking a wartarget should generate a killright for the corp that they assisted against.

So... killrights are absolutely unacceptable to give to someone who dec dodges, but a-okay to give to someone who... reps someone that isn't in their corp?

You have got to be kidding me with this.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Anthar Thebess
#112 - 2015-03-30 10:18:17 UTC
Remove concord , and all wardec issues will be solved.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#113 - 2015-03-30 11:04:23 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:

Of course. A player should always be able to retreat to the NPC corp and a corp should always be able to retreat to an NPC station. There should be some consequences for the corp though so that they cannot just pull everything down, remake the corp and go about their business the next day. But for a player, if they have had enough of a corp or don't want to fight they should be able to go back to the NPC corp and start again.

I agree that a CEO should not be able to drop a corp and build a new one without consequence. The wardec should follow the CEO, but rank and file corp members should be able to to bug out if they choose to.

Black Pedro wrote:
This is a dangerous carebear fallacy. There are plenty of examples of 5-year-old "new players" sitting in highsec still telling themselves that they need to make a little more ISK before they can go PvP. The trap of only seeing all activities through the lens of ISK to the point that you never do anything. Swarms of T1 frigates and destroyers cost next to nothing for everyone but the smallest and newest corporations. Wars are not pointless - they are part of the game. If you never want to do them, you better find some friends to provide your protection.

The war is pointless if one side has no inclination to fight it if it was only declared for fights. If the war was declared to interfere with another corps industry then job done. As for hisec 5-year olds they are not new players and are clearly in hisec because they enjoy the activities there (otherwise they wouldn't be doing them- one pilots 'boring' is another pilots 'fun'). They are not players who want a little bit more ISK before going to PvP they are players with 0 interest in PvP combat for whatever reason. To them that side of the game is boring because they have no fun in a fight where they die in 15 seconds because they are rubbish at PvP.

Black Pedro wrote:

Carebears everywhere are "hysterical" whenever someone tries to get between them and their ISK. Just look at the forum tears over AFK cloaking, removing the need to scan down mining anomalies, increasing the difficulty to roll worm holes, the perceived ease for the attacker using the proposed Entosis link to attack space and so on. Thankfully, CCP realizes that to have an exciting and active PvP game, players need to be at risk to other players, regardless of that risk is "fair" or "balanced" and have been increasing these risks in recent years. If and when CCP gets around to revamping highsec wars, it will definitely not be in the direction to give highsec corps more safety from attackers. It will likely be another attempt to build mercenary market place.

I entirely agree that the nerf hysteria about anything and everything is tiresome, worse it actually buries genuine concerns in the dross. The risk from wardecs needs to be somehow balanced and worth fighting back for those who are not very skilled in PvP. Making having a player corp less safe will only discourage people further from creating them and lead to stagnation as few new corps would ever grow. Whther this is something CCP can fix or requires players to actually help startup corps to grow I'm not sure. I tend towards the latter as the best solution as we shouldn't expect CCP to fix anything other the the mechanics of the game.

Black Pedro wrote:
Isn't a suspect flag enough? I mean the logi is labeled an enemy combatant and is open to attack by not just you, but anyone. Seems pretty fair to me.

In this context I don't think it is enough. Realistically how many people randomly engage suspects in hisec? Also the wartarget being slaughtered by an enemy is usually to busy to do anything about the neutral logi who just went suspect. A killright against them would give the corp they assisted against some means to come after them that they simply wouldn't otherwise get as the suspect timer last a small finite time. There is really very little risk to the neutral logi currently.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#114 - 2015-03-30 11:25:42 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:
In this context I don't think it is enough. Realistically how many people randomly engage suspects in hisec? Also the wartarget being slaughtered by an enemy is usually to busy to do anything about the neutral logi who just went suspect. A killright against them would give the corp they assisted against some means to come after them that they simply wouldn't otherwise get as the suspect timer last a small finite time. There is really very little risk to the neutral logi currently.

There's a lot of people here advocating something it's plain they have never tried themselves. Also the usual "it's a sandbox BUT PLAY IT MY WAY OR YOU'RE ALL WRONG".

Shoot the logi, indeed!

Ever tried breaking multiple guardians? The firepower required to do so would have rendered the fight they tried to assist in over so quickly they would be useless. It's a massive oxymoron.

Furthermore, flashy yellow in highsec is absolutely synonymous with "scam/bait/do not engage if you want to live" because there are so many in local so it is impossible to now what you face. To engage flashy yellow in circumstance unknown is stupidity itself.

More on topic: Here's a radical idea - come up with a way that the attackers suffer consequences when they bite off more than they can chew. Not a popular idea though, because, you know....the people being decced should just line up and take it like a man instead of daring to deny the aggressors their easy kills.

Part of PvP is denying the enemy a kill. Folding a corp is no less distasteful than the attacking corps having no assets at all, because they're all hidden away in neutral corps and they are supplied via neutral haulers. They're ALL just "creative uses of game mechanics", people just get bent right out of shape when it denies them their kill farming. I'd support consequences for ducking wardecs just as soon as the attackers need to pony up with assets, something they stand to lose if the war goes sour - until then....the imperfect status quo is just fine.
Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#115 - 2015-03-30 11:28:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Corraidhin Farsaidh
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

That makes no sense. If you can afford a pos, you can afford a war easily. Either wars are cheap and small groups have access to that content, in which purely industrial corps (which should not exist) will get wardecced, or they are expensive and only large wardec corps can do it, in which care purely industrial corps will STILL get decced.

Either way, if the mechanic exists, they will get decced. The only difference is if you want to force the wardec players all into huge alliances to offset the cost, or not.

A POS is easy to afford, multiple losses, interference in your business, lost revenue, lost members etc are not. An industrial corp is perfectly reasonable as it will contain only those who have absolutely no interest in PvP. It is also perfectly reasonable for them to excercise their 'sandbox rights' and totally avoid any war they do not wish to fight in.

The cost of a wardec needs to scale in some way based on the number of members. If a corp of 10 goes to war with another corp of 10 then both sides may see some point in trying to fight. when a corp of 10 faces a corp of 150? Not a chance.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

I'm sorry, that's just fundamentally wrong.

You're not asking the right question. Why are they unable to defend themselves?

Because they made the choice to compose their members that way, having no skill with combat ships. Why do they think they're entitled to be in a player corp if they won't accept what comes with it?

I'm not asking that question because I know that in many cases the answer isn't that they are unable to defend themselves but rather that they do not want to for whatever reason. They would rather sit it out and accept the lost time in industry or switch to an alt to do something else. They are entitled to be in a player corp because they can set one up. There is no 'you must fight' clause in the setup process, and nor should there be. As often quoted 'it is a sandbox' and those players can do as they choose. One group cannot force their idea of PvPcombat fun onto another group if they wish to avoid it by the various means at their disposal (if they don't avoid it using those means it is their own fault and any cries for nerfs/safer hisec should be roundly derided :D).

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

If they don't want to deal with wars, fine.

But they should not get to have their cake and eat it too, simple as that. This is a PvP game, and some things should be out of reach of people who won't accept risk.

That's why dec dodging is so heinous, because it allows some people to have the benefits of both an NPC corp and a player corp all in one, with zero consequences. That is wrong on the most basic level.

They are accepting the risk of incurring wardecs and then choose to take losses in their industry profits and revenue rather than gith a pointless war that they have no hope of even getting a kill in. If a group of players have no interest in learning combat skills because they have no fun in it then why should they just to suit those who do? You declare war on them and they stop getting cake from the bakery for a week.

As I mentioned in a previous response I do agree that any active wardec should follow the CEO though, no dropping corp and creating a new clean one.

Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Shoot them. They're free targets as much as the guy they're helping. If you show up with a fleet that he doesn't want to risk his logi against, then you've denied him that asset.

The consequence is there, the onus is on you to deliver it. Hell, not even you, anyone in the general area gets a free shot, and somehow that's not enough for you?

At the very least a neutral logi assisting a member attacking a wartarget should generate a killright for the corp that they assisted against.

So... killrights are absolutely unacceptable to give to someone who dec dodges, but a-okay to give to someone who... reps someone that isn't in their corp?

You have got to be kidding me with this.

It is simply not realistic that most newer player/indy corps will have enough knowledge or skill in combat to decide whilst under fire and probably being killed rapidly that they should actually shoot the logi who just went suspect. That's assuming the can even get to fire at them whilst being damped/scrammed/webbed and generally rumpbumped by the skilled PvP types showing how greta they are at PvPcombat. Once dead they are then station camped or invited out to die again. Meanwhile the short suspect timer is of very little real risk to the logi.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#116 - 2015-03-30 11:47:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaarous Aldurald
afkalt wrote:

Ever tried breaking multiple guardians?

I have. Been on the other side, too. And, as it turns out, half a dozen newbies flying Griffons makes that pretty much a moot point. People really shouldn't scoff at the ewar frigates, they are an enormous force multiplier with very little training time required.


Furthermore, flashy yellow in highsec is absolutely synonymous with "scam/bait/do not engage if you want to live" because there are so many in local so it is impossible to now what you face. To engage flashy yellow in circumstance unknown is stupidity itself.

And so you try to justify your refusal to engage with people whom you think should suffer consequences. It's always someone else who has to do something, isn't it?


More on topic: Here's a radical idea - come up with a way that the attackers suffer consequences when they bite off more than they can chew.

Yeah, that's a great idea, we should make it so that the defenders can legally shoot back! Or hey, we should make it so that they can make the war mutual and force the attacker into keeping it! And even better, let's allow the defender to bring in allies for free, too!

Oh wait, those already exist. And once again, just because you're too chickenshit to use the existing options does not mean that they are invalid somehow.

I'd support consequences for ducking wardecs just as soon as the attackers need to pony up with assets, something they stand to lose if the war goes sour - until then....the imperfect status quo is just fine.

They already have something to lose.

They fly ships the same as you. Those have the same potential for loss as the defender, in fact typically more, since the average wardec corp flies fairly expensive doctrines for highsec.

Stop crying about your refusal to inflict consequences back. It is YOUR FAULT, not the fault of the mechanic, not the fault of the game, and not the fault of the people declaring wars. Yours.

Consequences already exist in abundance, if people would just grow a pair and use them.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#117 - 2015-03-30 11:53:14 UTC
Corraidhin Farsaidh wrote:

I'm not asking that question because I know that in many cases the answer isn't that they are unable to defend themselves but rather that they do not want to for whatever reason.

Well, I rest my case. If they don't want to deal with wars, there is already an intended place for them.

NPC corps. If you won't bother defending what you have, you don't deserve to have it. The rest of your post is just spouting more misconceptions about how new players "can't" be effective against anyone, which I know for a fact to be an enormous lie.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2015-03-30 11:55:15 UTC  |  Edited by: afkalt
That's a lot of tears for not being able to shoot industrials.

Just because you hate how they are defending their assets, looks like their use of game mechanics is...simply better than yours. Bummer.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#119 - 2015-03-30 11:58:17 UTC
afkalt wrote:
That's a lot of tears for not being able to shoot industrials.

Just because you hate how they are defending their assets, looks like their use of game mechanics is...simply better than yours. Bummer.

They're not defending anything, that's the point. Defending their assets would be fine.

The use of an exploit to avoid having to defend anything is not fine.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Corraidhin Farsaidh
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#120 - 2015-03-30 12:09:48 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

Well, I rest my case. If they don't want to deal with wars, there is already an intended place for them.

NPC corps. If you won't bother defending what you have, you don't deserve to have it. The rest of your post is just spouting more misconceptions about how new players "can't" be effective against anyone, which I know for a fact to be an enormous lie.

They're not defending anything, that's the point. Defending their assets would be fine.

The use of an exploit to avoid having to defend anything is not fine.

There is no 'Deserve' in Eve, you buy it or you don', you defend it how best suits you. I never said that new players "can't" be effective and have repeteadly stated the opposite in many threads here. I stated that many do not wish to enter into PvP and will use any means at their disposal to avoid it. As for defending their assets that is exactly what they are doing by packing them up and putting them somewhere safe. There is no exploit in putting your stuff in a station to keep it safe. Most people do that each time they dock up to log off. Expecting that someone should have to fight you because you wardec'd them is bordering on 'but I'm entitled to!'. If they do not wish to fight you then they do not have to. That doesn't make them 'chickenshit' if they have assessed their capabilities and founf them not fit for a war. It makes them smart enough to know when to run instead.

Here's an example: You are stood outside your house and an 8 foot tall guy with a baseball bat and a friend ready to taser you comes up and says 'Fight me'. Do you A) go inside and lock the door or B) say 'OK since you are entitled to have me stand here whilst you pummel me'.

I also still hold the view that if these l33t skillz PvP folks want gud fights so much why are they not forming corps in losec and bringing some life to that region? Guaranteed fights there and no wardec required...