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why do players stay in npc corps?

First post
ISD Dorrim Barstorlode
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#661 - 2015-03-24 19:54:36 UTC
I've removed some troll posts and personal attacks. I'd really like to not have to remove any more posts. Or send in an reports of my own. Thanks!

ISD Dorrim Barstorlode

Senior Lead

Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

Pator Tech School
#662 - 2015-03-24 23:11:10 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
they ask for in game information, not real life information.

Miomeifeng is arguing that space guilds want more space information than real life employers want (or can have) real life information. Straightfoward.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you really think employers don't read their workers mails or access their facebook accounts to have a read (not hack)what they might be upto ?

See, where I live, this is a great way to end up breaking the law.
Gimme Sake
State War Academy
Caldari State
#663 - 2015-03-24 23:28:21 UTC
People with facebook accounts shouldn't protest against api keys breaking their privacy rights, just sayin'....

"Never not blob!" ~ Plato

Ito Eto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#664 - 2015-03-25 00:06:43 UTC
I suspect people who are security conscious enough to object to invasive API requests also do not have facebook accounts, dont use google, and have ghostery/noscript/adblock installed and routed to localhost.

No idea why CCP feels the need to monetize its forum users with newrelic and google when we are already paying them *cough*

"Themepark" "Sandbox", these do not mean what you think they mean, EvE is as on rails as a freight train, and has as many attractions as Disneyland, but soundbites are easy, thinking is not.

Galactic Rangers
#665 - 2015-03-25 14:14:48 UTC  |  Edited by: xxxTRUSTxxx
beakerax wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
they ask for in game information, not real life information.

Miomeifeng is arguing that space guilds want more space information than real life employers want (or can have) real life information. Straightfoward.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you really think employers don't read their workers mails or access their facebook accounts to have a read (not hack)what they might be upto ?

See, where I live, this is a great way to end up breaking the law.

you'll find the your work email is not your property and usage of it means you agree with that. so how is this illegal ?
i could say the very same about these forums, my rights on here can be revoked anytime by CCP and i'm sure they read private messages also. if there was an issue say with myself and another person on here. so yea. they do read your so called private stuff.

when API checks are working and stopping all sorts of shenanigans you can't blame people for wanting to use them.
they are far from the last or only check made on new guys.
you can't blame people for wanting to protect what they have, internal security is a very real thing in EVE. as well you know.
the bottom line is EVE is a game, these tools are provided so they are going to be used. i'd even go as far as to say they will be in the game as part of corp management at some stage... we could say

Niobe Song
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#666 - 2015-03-25 18:18:56 UTC
It is true that they are part of the game and even a necessary evil. But it is also true that some people want nothing to do with that.
Galactic Rangers
#667 - 2015-03-25 21:24:05 UTC
Niobe Song wrote:
It is true that they are part of the game and even a necessary evil. But it is also true that some people want nothing to do with that.

totally accept that Big smile
Petre en Thielles
#668 - 2015-03-25 21:33:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Petre en Thielles
beakerax wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
they ask for in game information, not real life information.

Miomeifeng is arguing that space guilds want more space information than real life employers want (or can have) real life information. Straightfoward.

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
you really think employers don't read their workers mails or access their facebook accounts to have a read (not hack)what they might be upto ?

See, where I live, this is a great way to end up breaking the law.

As the guy running technology for my company, this isn't true (in the US, at least). Your emails are intellectual property of the company, and they own 100% of the IP you generate while at work/using work resources. It is illegal to use the address to pretend someone who quit works there, but it is 100% legal to read email. Hell, we have a system that we bought specifically for making it easier to read email sent to/from anyone.

There is no such thing as a private conversation when using your work email or phone.

Back to NPC corps, I occationally leave a new character in NPC corps because joining a player run corp or starting your own 1-man corp makes you not look like a genuine new player, and sometimes I definitely want a character to look sincerely like a new player. Same reason I abandon ships in space with a main and board it with the new player, instead of sending ISK/other things that an API pick up.
Redbull Spai
Twenty Questions
#669 - 2015-05-14 22:55:26 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Niobe Song wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Niobe Song wrote:
Looks more like Eve is a PvE game where PvP sometimes happens.

That's not a good way of arguing that highsec should stay safe. All you've really done is prove us right when we claim that things need rebalanced to favor player conflict.

Besides, which, what people do has no effect on the nature of the game. I can wear a lampshade on my head, and it's still a lampshade, not a hat. I can wear it 22 hours a day, and it's still not a hat, no matter how much I misuse the product.

Or if you want more player conflict you can move out of high sec.

No. EVE is a PvP game, and PvP belongs everywhere. That includes highsec.

No Eve is supposed to be a sandbox game. You want to fight people, join a low/null corp and fight like-minded people. You want to gank people? Join a merc corp that are wardecked to just about every major 0.0 alliance with the aim of denying them access to high. You just want to be legally able to kill players that have no interest in fighting other players, and even if they did they have no chance as they are in a pve fit ship? Grow a spine and start fighting people who can fight back.
#670 - 2015-05-14 23:50:00 UTC
Redbull Spai wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Niobe Song wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Niobe Song wrote:
Looks more like Eve is a PvE game where PvP sometimes happens.

That's not a good way of arguing that highsec should stay safe. All you've really done is prove us right when we claim that things need rebalanced to favor player conflict.

Besides, which, what people do has no effect on the nature of the game. I can wear a lampshade on my head, and it's still a lampshade, not a hat. I can wear it 22 hours a day, and it's still not a hat, no matter how much I misuse the product.

Or if you want more player conflict you can move out of high sec.

No. EVE is a PvP game, and PvP belongs everywhere. That includes highsec.

No Eve is supposed to be a sandbox game. You want to fight people, join a low/null corp and fight like-minded people. You want to gank people? Join a merc corp that are wardecked to just about every major 0.0 alliance with the aim of denying them access to high. You just want to be legally able to kill players that have no interest in fighting other players, and even if they did they have no chance as they are in a pve fit ship? Grow a spine and start fighting people who can fight back.

YES dude look up the wiki here on the devs SAY eve is a PVP-Sandbox.

End of story you carebear.
Gtfo outta my eve pve bear.

If you weren't hiding in an npc corp id wardec you and griefdec you with my corp WTB Somalians until you quit
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#671 - 2015-05-15 01:21:42 UTC
Thorav wrote:
Because we want to play by ourselves?

No, im serious, Im surprised that no one else has really expanded on that.

I've been in the NPC corp for 5 years now, and I've never left since I started playing EVE. I have no desire to be small part of a big system. Like f--k, if i I wanted to be a tiny cog in a giant machine of thousands of people, I'd go and work for a financial firm in a cubicle from 9-5.

I, and i suspect, many players, want to make a mark on the game, but i'll be damned if i have to rely on hundreds of other people to get **** done. I will never be able to claim any accomplishments then. I will never kill a titan. I will never hold sovereignty. I realize these unfortunate truths. "So join a corp!" you all say... but then, it wont be ME accomplishing any of those things. I will be the guy who contributes 0.000234% of the damage to that one titan, that one time.

As counter-intuitive as it may initially seem, being in a corporation (read: being in a group in life) robs you of all personal accomplishment. You can't claim anything as being your own doing because you're now relying on others. I want to play video games to escape the social constructs of real life. So f--k, I ain't gonna APPLY and JOIN those very same constructs in the game!

Thats the main reason for me. The other is the elitist, bullshit attitude that plagues EVE. Granted, i realize that its better than a lot of the attitudes that plague most MMO's, but damn can it be annoying. I dont want to serve an FC, who is really just another player, most likely with no real-world tactical knowledge, but who act like gods with self-imposed authority because they're the best at blowing up pixels. I don't want to be forced to use specific, doctrined ship fits, or do specific things that are mandatory.. like holy hell its stupid... MANDATORY ship fits and tasks... in a VIDEO GAME. Nothing in a game should be mandatory, that's what makes it a game.

"But the ship fits are doctrined not because they're trying to force you to do something you dont want, but rather, because they're EFFECTIVE" you all say. Granted, but i should have the right (correction, i DO have the right) to play the game however i want to, fitting my ships however i so choose.

"But then you're jeporadising the mission, and the battle! If you have a ****** fit, you could lead to everyone else losing!"... Guys, its a videogame. Calm down. You should have the agency to do what you want. Real life is where you go if you want to do things that are forced. That isn't what i play for. I am not playing a game only to find out that its really just like real life. That aint fun for me.

"So quit those ****** corps, then!" you say.... but we're talking about WHY players dont join them, so that point is moot in this case.

Lastly, I see no advantages to joining a corp. What am i going to do in goonswarm? All of the ****** things i described above, and the rest will be things i do on my own time. So what, i have access to corporate hangers and corporate wallets and new bases across the universe? Those things dont REALLY matter, and you can get 99% of them from other players in noob corps, if you're nice.

"But dont you want to participate in big fleet battles"

"But dont you want to hold sovereignty and make a change in the world"
Yes, but not at the cost of what's required.

"But dont you want all the help and comradery that comes with being in a corp?"
Newsflash, there's no difference in personality between people in corps, and people in the noob corp. You can have the same help and comradery in the noob corp, so long as you're not an ass.

Tl;Dr: I personally dont want to join a corp because i hate the idea of being a small part of a massive entity. That's what real life is for.

I suspect that for other players, it's partly that, and partly because the 'advantages' of being in a corp dont align with the goals and interests of the player, and are thus rendered null and void.

So essentially massive ego issues.

Even machines need those small cogs, otherwise they don't work. Why wouldn't you want to be part of something greater than yourself, which you know needed you to work? Don't like being the man behind the curtain, want to be the figurehead? Then be a CEO and tell other people what to do.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#672 - 2015-05-15 01:26:14 UTC
Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:
Renaming the title to "Why do we place alts in npc corps?"..

I actually enumerated a list of various activities, and realizing that the theme was generally the same, i'll TLDR:

To enjoy the anonymity/wardec-free perks of being in the NPC corp. Note that everyone can enjoy(abuse) this, not just carebears/new players/etc.

I find this stupid and disgusting. It cheapens the game.

None of the problems that anyone can list for staying in an NPC are actually real problems.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#673 - 2015-05-15 01:42:45 UTC
Why not just start ganking people for being in NPC corps?

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#674 - 2015-05-15 01:55:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Redbull Spai wrote:
No Eve is supposed to be a sandbox game.

Yep, it is a sandbox game that has a pvp core.

This has been quoted elsewhere recently, but just as an explanation in CCP's words:

Section 7, page 22:
The essential core concept of EVE Online is that it is full time PvP in a sandbox environment.

You want to fight people... ...Grow a spine and start fighting people who can fight back.

It's a sandbox for everyone.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#675 - 2015-05-15 01:57:36 UTC  |  Edited by: 13kr1d1
Basil Pupkin wrote:
Gallowmere Rorschach wrote:
I have said this before, and I'll say it again. Whenever a problem in Eve seems insurmountable, bring more people.
If banding together didn't work against the highest of high SP ~elitepvp~ groups, a lot of Eve's history never could have happened as it did.

There is a huge difference between "eve history" and "grief decs".
The key point of grief decs is that if grief deccer sees you have brought enough SP, he will not fight, completely destroying the point of banding up, laughing at a crapload of people who wasted their time they might have used to, I dunno, actually play the game, to see them dock up in all those useless PvP ships they are never going to make to work anyway which will be useless after this occasion and thus are as good as lost.
Most of the time a target for grief dec would be carefully selected to not have any ability to band up with anything anyway.

Gallowmere Rorschach wrote:
I almost wish there was an accurate way to show average SP of pilots in a fleet, and then compare fleets against each other. I say almost, because the benefit would be smashing part of the quoted belief forever. However, the negative would be that it would just end up being one more "early warning system" to make people run and dock.

Aw man, aw man, aw man, you just sounded like those secret agents in my old man's conspiracy fiction books. You know, like "we can neither confirm nor deny... " style.
In one statement you both DENIED the statement of importance of SP saying you'd smash it with a tool, and then just CONFIRMED the same statement by saying people would run and dock, apparently nobody runs and docks without a reason, and if SP wall is not a reason like you stated in denial, they would have no reason to do that, unless it's true, in which case it's a confirmation. Since you expressed both opinions, and I expressed one, this makes the SP issue win 1.5 to 0.5 in favor or relevant between us.
That aside, I must cover misunderstanding you have. First, average SP is just like any other completely generic average, useless. It's TOTAL SP that counts. Of course, SP is a non-linear force multiplier - an order of magnitude advantage in SP is two orders of magnitude advantage in your ship capabilities - so even two groups with comparable total SP may be not comparable in amount of capabilities, but you get the point.

Commander Spurty wrote:
Go to low sec, null sec or wormhole space. 75% of space is yours to go pew pew in.

Leave the vernal pools, evolve, shoot people that probably have 10mill skill points than you, rather than ones that definitely have under 10mill total!!

You do realize he won't have joined CODE after being booted out of ROC if he weren't scaredof going low/null/wh?

This really cant be overstated. If anything, Minmatar has the best set for low SP damage. I can run ~90-100 DPS in minmatar L3 stuff for a frig.

Anything below tech 2 for amarr or caldari is really, really pathetic. You need ~100 DPS to break another player's tank if they are active, or you auto-lose. Caldari missile boats are 50 DPS. Rockets fae only slightly better at 70 DPS. Amarr T1 stuff is around 50-60 DPS.

Anyone can download EFT and play with it, seeing that massive growth from a newbie who can only field 12 DPS to 150 DPS for all tech weapons and ammo, and all the supplementary skills that give more bonuses to damage, etc.

Its the difference of playing another player in street fighter and choosing a 90% handicap when you also don't know how to fight.

Anyone who tries to downplay or minimize this reality is really talking bullshit.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

#676 - 2015-05-15 11:28:11 UTC
Because of griefing war decs...

Bored groups of gankers looking through recruitment channels for small corps to dec for the LOLS...

the war systems needs changed so badly!
Black Pedro
#677 - 2015-05-15 11:40:21 UTC
OverlordY wrote:
Because of griefing war decs...

Bored groups of gankers looking through recruitment channels for small corps to dec for the LOLS...

the war systems needs changed so badly!

There is no such thing:

CCP wrote:
A grief player, or "griefer," is a player who devotes much of his time to making others’ lives miserable, in a large part deriving his enjoyment of the game from these activities while he does not profit from it in any way. Grief tactics are the mechanics a griefer will utilize to antagonize other players. At our discretion, players who are found to be consistently maliciously interfering with the game experience for others may receive a warning, temporary suspension or permanent banning of his account.

This should not be confused with standard conflict that might arise between two (or more) players, such as corporation wars. The EVE universe is a harsh universe largely driven by such conflict and notice must be taken of the fact that nonconsensual combat alone is not considered to be grief play per the above definition.
Wardecs are a feature of Eve and intended gameplay. There is room to make the system better for sure, but you are expected to defend your corporation.

This is why player corps should have real income and other advantages over staying in a NPC corp. The responsibility to defend your corp comes with little added reward and this needs to be fixed.
Ashlar Maidstone
MoonFyre BattleGroup Holdings
#678 - 2015-05-15 12:12:50 UTC
Let me add a couple things here from my perspective, 1)NO API EVER, I will NOT ask for an API as that is none of my bussiness. 2)Teamspeak is optional if you wanna socialize, Nulsec/WH yes I'll go back eventually.

But as to why players stay in NPC corps is as many have already stated is to stay away from the frustrations of wardecs, overlords of FCs in fleets, doctrines you name it, anything and everything that is wrong in any corp worth it's salt needs a hard look and for me I been thru it.

Why I'll never be demanding if people want to join my corp, you'll have the freedoms to be YOU.

Fly Reckless
Valkin Mordirc
#679 - 2015-05-15 12:17:20 UTC
Necroing threadnaughts should be a bannable offense.
Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#680 - 2015-05-15 20:26:17 UTC
Black Pedro wrote:
OverlordY wrote:
Because of griefing war decs...

Bored groups of gankers looking through recruitment channels for small corps to dec for the LOLS...

the war systems needs changed so badly!

There is no such thing:

CCP wrote:
A grief player, or "griefer," is a player who devotes much of his time to making others’ lives miserable, in a large part deriving his enjoyment of the game from these activities while he does not profit from it in any way. Grief tactics are the mechanics a griefer will utilize to antagonize other players. At our discretion, players who are found to be consistently maliciously interfering with the game experience for others may receive a warning, temporary suspension or permanent banning of his account.

This should not be confused with standard conflict that might arise between two (or more) players, such as corporation wars. The EVE universe is a harsh universe largely driven by such conflict and notice must be taken of the fact that nonconsensual combat alone is not considered to be grief play per the above definition.
Wardecs are a feature of Eve and intended gameplay. There is room to make the system better for sure, but you are expected to defend your corporation.

This is why player corps should have real income and other advantages over staying in a NPC corp. The responsibility to defend your corp comes with little added reward and this needs to be fixed.

Wardecs are intended, but so is any other form of possible aggression. If all intended actions cannot be griefing, griefing effectively cannot occur.

And that's if we ignore the common general use of the term griefing and restrict it to the definition found within the EULA. There can't really be any doubt that some people do use permissible actions to provoke emotional reactions.

Also something something zombie threads.