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Suggestions for solo PvP in WH

Tylda Fortrum
Fortrum Investments Inc
#1 - 2015-03-19 14:57:18 UTC
Hi there,

Just throwing this out to see what people's thoughts are and what they currently find effective. I'm looking for some suggestions for Amarr ships that are suitable for solo PvP in lower level wormholes and that can take on combat site runners. I was thinking NOmen, Abso or Legion. Are these viable for a spot of PvE ganking? Too shiny?
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2015-03-19 15:06:00 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth

Without friends (scouts/Tackler) you benefit a lot from a covert ops and Legion in this role has not enough dps. And you have bonused scanning.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Tylda Fortrum
Fortrum Investments Inc
#3 - 2015-03-19 16:28:56 UTC
Great, I'll have a look at the Stratios option. Can they take on T3's ok? Would you recommend guns or drone mods?
Gregor Parud
Imperial Academy
#4 - 2015-03-19 18:04:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Gregor Parud
Tylda Fortrum wrote:
Great, I'll have a look at the Stratios option. Can they take on T3's ok? Would you recommend guns or drone mods?

Active tanked ship stop active tanking really quickly if they get neuted, especially PVE fit ones who tend to hover around peak recharge. On top of that the ship doesn't really get useful bonuses to its lasers.

So you're not going to fit turrets because they're not bonused (not really anyway) and because you need the slots thus you're focussing fully on drones. There are fits that load up on blasters for extra dps but even then you'd focus on drone mods and while those fits certainly have a use it just makes more sense to nuke a PVE ship's cap so he can't tank, rather than adding some extra dps to deal with an intact tank.

It does depend on the target though, a shield regen fit is going to take a while to kill if you rely on neuts and there the increased dps from turrets might help out.
Aeryn Maricadie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2015-03-22 22:30:14 UTC
For amarr pilgrims and curses do this well too, the Curse is twice the ship the pilgrim is and in WH's the cloak is not so necessary when you don't show up on d-scan and there is no local.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-03-23 08:11:41 UTC
Aeryn Maricadie wrote:
For amarr pilgrims and curses do this well too, the Curse is twice the ship the pilgrim is and in WH's the cloak is not so necessary when you don't show up on d-scan and there is no local.

but combat probes ...

Besides that the Stratios may be more expensive, but more versatile than Curse / Pilgrim. It can especially apply more dps. The only advantage the Curse really has is that it do not show up on DS. Comparing Pilgrim and Stratios I would always prefer the Stratios.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2015-03-23 08:47:46 UTC
HoruSeth wrote:
Aeryn Maricadie wrote:
For amarr pilgrims and curses do this well too, the Curse is twice the ship the pilgrim is and in WH's the cloak is not so necessary when you don't show up on d-scan and there is no local.

but combat probes ...

Besides that the Stratios may be more expensive, but more versatile than Curse / Pilgrim. It can especially apply more dps. The only advantage the Curse really has is that it do not show up on DS. Comparing Pilgrim and Stratios I would always prefer the Stratios.

What about combat probes? If you use them they turn up on D-scan and spook the locals, and its very rare they will be using them.

Curse's have the added advantage of amazing neuts....

Strat is good... but not the end all

No Worries

Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2015-03-23 09:38:42 UTC  |  Edited by: HoruSeth
No of course not. But if you are suspecious there is somebody out there you can use Combat probes (new sigs, etc.). I am using them and I have them currently deployed when I am daytripping to rat in anoms. This doesn't mean I have them necessarily deployed all the time, all over the system. ^^
I have a utility Hi on my ship, so no problem to press Scan from Time to time.

Because every hunter will find me easily on DS if you I'm doing anoms. They don't need my probes to know I am there. ;)
And my probes can scan a whole system where DS is limited to 14.3AU.

Yes, I am usually solo daytripping in wormholes when I'm bored, so I have no scouts on all wormholes. Combat Probes help me to gain some time and I have seen over the last year one and the other ship on probes when they where not on DS. Of course luck. By the way since combat recon patch I have only seen 2 times a combat recon on my probes. Rook and the other time a Huginn. Sure there was a fleet behind them waiting / looking for me, either hiding behind a wormhole or already cloaky in the system. Guess they send their Combat Recon first, not knowing there are already probes deployed. But I know, this behaviour is very rare. I seldomly see combat probes in wormholes.

PS: I am flying sometimes Pilgrim and Curse as well, but usually when I already know who I am attacking, not for scouting and I would never use it for solo PVPing in Wormholes. Curse will be ****** if somebody is awaiting you on the other side, where at least Pilgrim can escape due to Covert Ops with some luck (depending on the camp). That's why I prefer Pilgrim, because solo without scouts.
I randomly run into little camps with Interceptors, Interdictors and damage dealers, so that's nothing which is uncommon. But it's nothing which I see daily as well.

Pilgrim and Curse is more a fleet ship for me (at least I mainly use and see it in small fleets), where I find Stratios in a better role for solo hunting.

PS: Though Curse is a very nice ship for a specific PvE Role as well, but more for fun, than really that's it's useful in a special way ^^

PS2: I fly Pilgrim and Curse, because design is just awesome, even though it's a very old model.

On my gravestone will be written: "Died because he used sarcasm in the wrong moment"

Mosh Pit
#9 - 2015-03-24 12:57:15 UTC
OP asks for a ship that can engage a single target whitout any risk to himself (specifically mentions ganking PVE ships)

Is this what Eve has become, a bunch of no skill, no honour players looking to stroke their epeen over ganks.

When I fall down the stairs drunk I dont call myself a stuntman, you people should not see what you are doing as anything more than PVE.

Amarr Empire
#10 - 2015-03-24 13:11:39 UTC

Not really , it always been like that . And i think thats completly fine (such ganks) are the reason why WH are dangerous . You know risk reward thingy , his the risk part .

On topic : Best is cloaky proteus , then i think stratios . Legion is fine (you can get it really tanky) but you will have rlly low dps , if his solo youl probably chew him . Astero is a great combat frigate hunting/camping relic sites .

Pilgrim is awesome also (never used it in wh)

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Mosh Pit
#11 - 2015-03-24 13:42:56 UTC
Ruvin wrote:

Not really , it always been like that . And i think thats completly fine (such ganks) are the reason why WH are dangerous . You know risk reward thingy , his the risk part .

On topic : Best is cloaky proteus , then i think stratios . Legion is fine (you can get it really tanky) but you will have rlly low dps , if his solo youl probably chew him . Astero is a great combat frigate hunting/camping relic sites .

Pilgrim is awesome also (never used it in wh)


Your argument carries all the weight of an anoerexic rizla.
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2015-03-24 16:18:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Ruvin
DaRiKavus wrote:


Your argument carries all the weight of an anoerexic rizla.

I guess your idea of pvp is 1v1 duels on the sun in 1.0 security system with 2 ppl in local , with the exact same skills and ship fits ?

Opportunities multiply as they are seized.

Mosh Pit
#13 - 2015-03-24 17:27:31 UTC
Ruvin wrote:
DaRiKavus wrote:


Your argument carries all the weight of an anoerexic rizla.

I guess your idea of pvp is 1v1 duels on the sun in 1.0 security system with 2 ppl in local , with the exact same skills and ship fits ?

rookie ships at dawn with neut logi
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#14 - 2015-03-24 20:27:55 UTC
Ganking pve ships in c2/c3 space usually includes neuts. c2-ships are often fit to runa tank in the 200s-300s stable, ships for c3s are usually ready to tank 500-900/s, stable somewhere between 40% and 60%. Most are fit to apply damage to slowly orbiting ships at longer ranges, so whatever sigtanking you can get you should get (AB fits).

If you're aiming at c1/c2 space to gank, the best choice would actually be a confessor. Those tiny things can sigtank sufficiently while having significantly more dps than your targets will be able to tank. They also come with combat probes. Personally, I run a svipul with ~400dps and a t2 med shield booster and it usually doesn't even get dented doing that. Confessor works fairly identical, it will just be bad at killing armortanked pve-vagas and muninns. What a loss.

For c3 and up, see stratios/pilgrim as mentioned above. You just need either neuts against a strong local tank or a 100mn AB against RR gangs to bump them apart.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2015-03-27 16:59:36 UTC
DaRiKavus wrote:
OP asks for a ship that can engage a single target whitout any risk to himself (specifically mentions ganking PVE ships)

Is this what Eve has become, a bunch of no skill, no honour players looking to stroke their epeen over ganks.

When I fall down the stairs drunk I dont call myself a stuntman, you people should not see what you are doing as anything more than PVE.


Competition in biology, ecology, and sociology, is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc., for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, mates, for prestige, recognition, awards, or group or social status, for leadership.

Kill explorers for fat juicy loot....Call it whatever you like...PVP, PVE or ganking......doesnt matter.
Totally Abstract
#16 - 2015-03-27 17:18:40 UTC
My advice for the solo WH PvP'er... It's a trap. It's always a trap. See that miner? That's a trap. That dumbass that warped at 20km to the hole? It's a trap. That AFK guy that bumped out of the FF? It's a trap.
If you're going to take the bait and enter the trap, your best chance at living to see another trap is a Stratios flown cautiously. Don't take that to mean fly it like a wuss, just carefully.
Also, you'll have the trap on your side as well when the other party says "See that solo Strat? It's a trap!"
Justin Zaine
#17 - 2015-03-29 08:50:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Justin Zaine
DaRiKavus wrote:
OP asks for a ship that can engage a single target whitout any risk to himself (specifically mentions ganking PVE ships)

Is this what Eve has become, a bunch of no skill, no honour players looking to stroke their epeen over ganks.

When I fall down the stairs drunk I dont call myself a stuntman, you people should not see what you are doing as anything more than PVE.


Says the F1 monkey?

It's a trap. It's always a trap. See that miner? That's a trap. That dumbass that warped at 20km to the hole? It's a trap. That AFK guy that bumped out of the FF? It's a trap.

Bob favours the bold.

There's a big difference between deciding to engage something knowing that it could be a trap but having a plan in case one of his buddies decloaks beside you, and being too afraid to ever engage anything because you're too paranoid of everything being a trap.

Speed and aggression. That is how solo in WH's is done. In my experience If you have half a brain traps aren't very common. Yes, I have run into the occasional trap right out the gate but most of the time, the guys i'm camping only begin to bother setting up traps after i've hit them a third or fourth time.

I use a buffer fit Proteus with 4 Neutrons, 100m3 drone bay, cloak and a probe launcher. It's a full T2/Meta 4 fit except for a Sisters expanded launcher and the cheapest 3-point scram you can get (150 mil I think.) I get somewhere in the neighborhood of 450 dps heated and so far I've found it sufficient for killing whatever I find. I'm kinda wary of engaging site running T3's due to the fact that they fit crazy tanks and the time it takes to kill one solo would open up a large window of opportunity for him to start screaming on comms for help, but i've shot at a bunch of other stuff and the Prot has done pretty well.

In my experience if you're picking your targets right, you'll rarely, if ever, have to deal with enemy neuts. I fly a buffer fit and have yet to try out an active tank but I don't see why it wouldn't work, unless the active tank subs gimp dps.

If you are on the field long enough for enemy backup to arrive, you're doing it wrong.
If you engage a target that has neuts, you're doing it wrong.

With those considerations in mind, an active tank should work fine.
I would avoid anything that doesn't fit a cov ops cloak unless it's being flown by an alt.
With the range boost to neuts, Pilgrim is practically as good for solo these days as the Curse is.

My final suggestion would be to go as cheap (While still maintaining effectiveness) as possible. Blinged out T3's are for small and large gangs where your individual mistakes don't potentially mean mean certain death. I rarely lose my ships in WH's but when I do, it's almost always to a blob (Read: Either falling for a trap or getting blobbed on a WH after jumping through it.) In such cases as a 1v5 fight against other T3's, an expensive fit or pod won't save you. May as well put the extra isk into your next replacement ship and keep your losses low. You will lose both your ship and your pod eventually.

Options 1 and 2 are very close IMO

1. Proteus
2. Stratios or Pilgrim (Whatever is more convenient/cheaper)
3. Tengu or Loki
4. Legion (Abysmal dps with cloaky sub, limited to em/therm dps)

I would probably take the Astero for killing barges and defenseless pve'ers only, but honestly i've never flown one so I can't really say for sure.

Edit: I forgot to mention that with the Astero your primary targets will be industrials, and if that's the case you may as well just fly a Stealth Bomber for higher dps against larger targets. Even better, you can lose 3 bombers for every 1 Astero.

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared.

Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#18 - 2015-03-29 13:43:09 UTC
Justin Zaine wrote:

My final suggestion would be to go as cheap (While still maintaining effectiveness) as possible. Blinged out T3's are for small/large gang pilots where your individual mistakes don't potentially mean certain death. I rarely lose my ships in WH's but when I do, it's almost always to a blop (Read: Either picking a bad fight or getting blobbed on a WH after jumping through it.) In those cases of a 1v5 fight against other T3's, an expensive fit/pod won't save you. May as well put the extra isk into your next replacement ship and keep your losses low. You will lose both your ship and your pod eventually.

1. Proteus (Options 1 and 2 are close IMO)
2. Stratios or Pilgrim (Whatever is more convenient/cheaper)
3. Tengu or Loki
4. Legion (Abysmal dps with cloaky sub, limited to em/therm dps)

I would probably take the Astero for killing barges and defenseless pve'ers only, but honestly i've never flown one so I can't really say for sure.

There#s much sanity in those words. The Astero is basically a very, very tanked set of web+scram with a tiny bit dps in it.
Totally Abstract
#19 - 2015-03-31 01:23:36 UTC
To clarify, I was not saying you should never decloak, rather that if you assume you're going into a trap you won't be surprised if/when it actually turns out to be one and if/when it doesn't then you'll be pleasantly surprised and delighted with your KM as you go off in search of more unwitting tributes to Bob.
Aeryn Maricadie
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2015-03-31 01:35:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Aeryn Maricadie
Lloyd Roses wrote:

I would probably take the Astero for killing barges and defenseless pve'ers only, but honestly i've never flown one so I can't really say for sure.

The Astero would be handy if you need to scan down targets quickly, or if the target is another Astero. Bombers make good explorer hunters because of the no lock time and the small weapons can still get the job done even unbonused
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