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Crime & Punishment

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Sad State of Empire Space

First post
Mobadder Thworst
#41 - 2015-03-22 13:11:38 UTC
Capt Sephiroth wrote:
Well considering he died the last 2 1v1 means that he either failed in planning and or execution?

I post on battleclinic.

If you found me on the other ones, it is the stuff other people posted. Usually, off your kb you see disproportionate loss levels.

I don't think you described my stats very well, but I understand that. There are a lot of kbs out there.

I want you to consider your hatred towards people like me and compare it to the way you feel about NPCs. I ask you, would this game be better if there was nobody to hate?

I don't think you would like it as much. A game needs villains. I just happen to like playing one.

Mobadder Thworst
#42 - 2015-03-22 13:25:54 UTC
If you are talking about my last couple losses...

Look who killed me and with what. Those guys in Dodixie schooled me on bump gangs... And I lost a phoon to a bhaalgorn.

I'm not ashamed. If you aren't losing ships, you're not trying. I shouldn't have picked a fight with the Dodixie pvp collective.
Market McSelling Alt
#43 - 2015-03-22 14:50:07 UTC
Mobadder Thworst wrote:
Capt Sephiroth wrote:
Well considering he died the last 2 1v1 means that he either failed in planning and or execution?

I post on battleclinic.

If you found me on the other ones, it is the stuff other people posted. Usually, off your kb you see disproportionate loss levels.

I don't think you described my stats very well, but I understand that. There are a lot of kbs out there.

I want you to consider your hatred towards people like me and compare it to the way you feel about NPCs. I ask you, would this game be better if there was nobody to hate?

I don't think you would like it as much. A game needs villains. I just happen to like playing one.

You know there is this thing called API and that most of the killboards out there link together loses right? I api to zkillboard and magically battleclinic (lol) still gets all my kills :D

Anyways, stop complaining that your targets are getting better at this game than you are. Nerfing highsec does nothing to help your poor pvp skills.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Capt Sephiroth
#44 - 2015-03-22 14:59:01 UTC
As you mentioned you post on battleclinic which doesn't state the loss of your jaguar so I would rather believe zkillboard even without the loss of that typhoon cause people are more prone to somehow forget to post their deaths than to forget about posting their kills, in any way battleclinic doesn't have your jag loss while zkb doesn't have your typhoon loss, doesn't even matter that much at all. My main point was never to discuss of how good of a pilot you were but it was just a footnote that explained some of your views regarding high sec "pvp".

I don't hate you at all, do I think highly of you, no, but hate, that's not at all what I feel about you, or as you put it people like you... Why do you think if someone disagrees with you they must hate you? Even if someone does hate you by disagreeing with you does that thought that you are being hatted for something you said or done make you feel all warm and tingly inside? Alas I have to disappoint you there, however you have my permission to think that I hate you so you can get your jitters up.

As I said, high sec is fine the way it is when it comes to forcing people to pvp when they do not want, wish, aren't prepared, and so on for it, however people are not safe, can they be killed, yes, are they getting killed, yes, so all your views about high sec being safe is false. Crime watch if anything shouldn't allow neutral logistics, but that single change would ruin the day of all the leet pvpers, such as suspect baiters and can flippers and so on more than any other player, or if anything still waiting for the day where logi love is being included into killmails so all those solo kills will be solo kills.

As this post has shown there are not a lot of people that think like you, not even enough to form a small gang you would so easily lead into fame. Other people smarter than me stated and posted suggesting you more than few ways of achieving what you are saying isn't available in high sec. Gather people that have the same opinion as you and are not afraid of leaving high sec to go to low sec, after the delay or removal of local in null sec, to thera space or wormhole space. You have wast options on where to go to achieve what you and your guys wish without being selfish enough to ask and promote the change of space where new bro's spawn and learn on that narrow view they are given when they 1st open their eyes in New Eden. And in all honesty you guys should be having more fun there. I for one compare killing people that don't want to pvp by tricking them into it as when a, using WoW as reference cause its better known, maxed level toon coming to low level areas and killing people, guards, vendors and so on and so forth to disrupt their game and take out their own inability to stand on par with people of his own level as an equal. If that is what a true pvp-er does than I wouldn't want to ever be one.

Forever best wishes in finding your way

Capt Seph
Mobadder Thworst
#45 - 2015-03-22 15:40:03 UTC
1) my API is on battleclinic, not zkillboard. You can figure out which one is more likely to be accurate and check if in telling the truth. The jag kill is and has been on battleclinic. As far as I know, all of my kills and losses are on battleclinic.

2) I have not been dishonest or rude. I merely stated my opinions.

3) Attacking my skill level or intellectual aptitude doesn't have much to do with whether I'm right or wrong. I'm more griefer than bully... Which may not be the trend here. I can tell you that I never disrespect or discourage my opponents.

4) I respect that you think I'm wrong. But I also respect my right to be wrong. I will continue saying what I think.

5) For those who offered useful or legit advice, thanks for taking the time to try to help me. There were some good ideas for both high sec and otherwise. I am trying null again (as I mentioned in one of my early posts). I hope I enjoy it more this time.

6) if you want to teach me how to solo pvp, I do love to learn. Invite me for a lesson....

7) I still can't believe Leto said something nice.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#46 - 2015-03-22 15:47:23 UTC
go to nullsec...highsec is not designed to allow easy PvP, and quite rightly allows its residents to focus on PvE and wealth accumulation. No one is forcing you to live in it, so if you want a different playstyle, go somewhere else.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#47 - 2015-03-22 16:56:49 UTC
Mobadder Thworst wrote:

7) I still can't believe Leto said something nice.

I am an azzhole. But as many here will vouch from my personal dealings with them, I'm an honest azzhole.

And if you want to get in with a fun group of like minded space jerks, hit us up. Origin. is currently recruiting. I haven't been in long enough to provide a vouch, but it couldn't hurt to apply. We fleet many times daily, and the FC's ALL know their stuff.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#48 - 2015-03-22 17:12:16 UTC
Veers, you make more sense when you take those nuts out of your mouth. Some of us actually like pvp in highsec.
Just because you do not like it does not mean that it is any less a valid form of gameplay.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Mobadder Thworst
#49 - 2015-03-22 17:43:42 UTC
Leto Thule wrote:
Mobadder Thworst wrote:

7) I still can't believe Leto said something nice.

I am an azzhole. But as many here will vouch from my personal dealings with them, I'm an honest azzhole.

And if you want to get in with a fun group of like minded space jerks, hit us up. Origin. is currently recruiting. I haven't been in long enough to provide a vouch, but it couldn't hurt to apply. We fleet many times daily, and the FC's ALL know their stuff.

I may soon be begging for a job.

It has been popularly determined that I'm pretty crap though, so take that into consideration.

I'm in null right now. I sold some officer mods that were gifted
to me by the people of Umokka to buy a raven.

I purchased every module available within nine jumps and am now the proud owner of a rocket fit armor rep raven with heavy ecm capabilities and a tractor beam.

I felt pretty self conscious about it, but I've had three people tell me it's a good fit for fleets.

Maybe I'll like null...
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#50 - 2015-03-22 17:52:47 UTC
I advise selling the raven, purchasing a harpy, and erasing the post above immediately.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Mobadder Thworst
#51 - 2015-03-22 18:32:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Mobadder Thworst
I just can't resist.

If you look at the post "will CCP be hiring marmites", CCP acknowledges that noobs who get ganked play longer...

I think that supports my assertion that the PVE model isn't a good standalone. We need PVPers in the same systems throwing cans and war deccing.

Clearly, I am good content. Woo!

What do you think?
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#52 - 2015-03-22 18:36:16 UTC
Mobadder Thworst wrote:
I just can't resist.

If you look at the post "will CCP be hiring marmites", CCP acknowledges that noobs who get ganked play longer...

I think that supports my assertion that the PVE model isn't a good standalone. We need PVPers in the same systems throwing cans and war deccing.

Clearly, I am good content. Woo!

What do you think?

It has different effects on different people. For me, being roflstomped by break a wish motivated me to learn the real game. For others, it means they uninstall and go back k to wow.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#53 - 2015-03-22 18:38:54 UTC
Mobadder Thworst wrote:
I just can't resist.

If you look at the post "will CCP be hiring marmites", CCP acknowledges that noobs who get ganked play longer...

I think that supports my assertion that the PVE model isn't a good standalone. We need PVPers in the same systems throwing cans and war deccing.

What do you think?

I'll pipe up again, however unpopular my opinion is on these forums Blink

These forums represent a very small percentage of the playerbase.
Hisec is turning into supersafe lalaland.
CCP just started noticing this is the wrong way to go.

Keep representing the playstyle which is the only reason EVE still exists: the way of the pirate, canflipper, scammer, *******, diplomat, explorer, salesman, etc.. etc... Each and every one of these foundations requires humans to interact.
If you are interacting, you are doing your part. Enjoy it, you've earned it.
Forum trolls be darned.



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Mobadder Thworst
#54 - 2015-03-22 18:52:13 UTC

While Leto got his induction from BreakAWish, it was the Somali Coastguard Authority who christened me.

They broke my noob ships like Belushi smashed that guitar in Animal House.

I had a moment of pause when I saw your corp name. I thought perhaps EYL was riding again.

Those really were the good old days.
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#55 - 2015-03-22 18:55:46 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Mobadder Thworst wrote:
I just can't resist.

If you look at the post "will CCP be hiring marmites", CCP acknowledges that noobs who get ganked play longer...

I think that supports my assertion that the PVE model isn't a good standalone. We need PVPers in the same systems throwing cans and war deccing.

What do you think?

I'll pipe up again, however unpopular my opinion is on these forums Blink

These forums represent a very small percentage of the playerbase.
Hisec is turning into supersafe lalaland.
CCP just started noticing this is the wrong way to go.

Keep representing the playstyle which is the only reason EVE still exists: the way of the pirate, canflipper, scammer, *******, diplomat, explorer, salesman, etc.. etc... Each and every one of these foundations requires humans to interact.
If you are interacting, you are doing your part. Enjoy it, you've earned it.
Forum trolls be darned.



Some of us enjoy your posts.

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Goonswarm Federation
#56 - 2015-03-22 19:50:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Dsparil
High Sec may be a starting and learning area, but part of this game is learning to cope with loss. Get used to it. Because high sec is nothing compared to the loss you'll experience in null sec. If you think losing a single mining barge is expensive, wait til your FC and alliance leaders tell you to get about 5 to 6 battleships up fully fitted and ready to go for CTAs. Sorry but people who whine about barge losses as if it's some great travesty against mankind have clearly never played EVE. Again there's that learning issue.

ETA: I forget who the hell made the long post and I'm too lazy to go look up the name so this is directed at them.
Mobadder Thworst
#57 - 2015-03-22 20:14:58 UTC
Back when I joined the game the tutorial wasn't so formulaic.

As I recall, I was gifted a kestrel and advised to start killing Gallente.

I undocked into a hotbed of baiting, can flipping, and griefing.

What do you think was the first thing I wanted to do? Mine?

Nope, concord got my Kestrel.

The idea of playing this game in a non-pvp fashion is learned. We all intend to slaughter our adversaries when we start.

Imagine a single player version of Eve... Worst game ever.

No wonder getting exposed to pvp early retains people.
Capt Sephiroth
#58 - 2015-03-22 21:11:03 UTC
Nothing changed from then except new people are now bit more protected from their own inexperience and tad harder to bait in into situation of their certain demise. The thing you are missing is that most new players might even want to PvP however their 1st priority at start is to learn the mechanics of the game and find a fastest route to pay the game with isk. Also some people don't want to PvP with ships at all, they like the game for some other aspects, mining, manufacturing, research, exploration, market manipulation, spying, banking and all other countless possibilities that eve offers. In any of those directions I mentioned they are doing PvP in their own manner, getting earlier to outmine some other player miner or hiring mercs to chase them away, manufacturing and eventually selling the item on market fighting other industry people so they could get highest profit for their work, research fighting with other players for the price and or bps, exploration with other players over sites, market manipulation again with players that are doing the same thing. All that in relative safety that high sec offers. So why are you being so selfish in asking CCP to make it easier for you to shoot people that have no interest into shooting back or shooting at all?? You yourself said that for the 1st years of your eve life you dodged wars, switched corps to avoid "PvP", and now when you think you learned enough you want CCP to make it easier for you to pick on the people that are doing the same thing you yourself did.

For Dsparil

I never said that high sec should become a place where people are invulnerable, not once, I said that it is dangerous enough as it is and that people who know how to use it and don't mind going the extra distance can easily find "pvp". I said that it shouldn't be made easier for more experienced players to pick on the less experienced and knowledgeable that are not even prepared for PvP and easily thrown into an always bad situation for them. High sec should remain the learning space.

For people that want to do real PvP they should do so through war decs so they themselves can always be targeted, both when they are and they are not prepared, or better yet go to low, null, thera or wh space where they are again a valid target the whole time.

Are you really comparing yourself who is living in null space with high enough sp and are able to hoard in enough isk quite easily being in alliances and coalitions that have SRP programs that replace each and every lost ship in an authorized FC lead battle and a newbie of a week, two, month, 3 months and their ability and knowledge on how to gather isk. Killing that one retriever a person mined for in a venture took days and days of mining hits much harder for that single person than you losing then given back those 5-6 battleships which are probably T1 with T2 fits so you need like a day of farming to prep for that.

Hope you stay in null after the removal or delay of local hits.

Best regards

Capt Seph
Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2015-03-22 21:11:08 UTC
I am pretty sure my first loss was also to CONCORD....

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment

Leto Thule
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#60 - 2015-03-22 21:12:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Leto Thule

To my dismay, no mention of delayed local was made at any of the sessions I attended at fan fest.

The new fitting screen is awesome however....

Thunderdome ringmaster, Community Leader and Lord Inquisitor to the Court of Crime and Punishment