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Dev blog: Back Into the Structure

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Arthur Aihaken
#221 - 2015-03-22 05:07:24 UTC
I couldn't help but thinking back to this when they showed the Mooring Structure.
Attack on Scorpion Shipyards

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Cordo Draken
ABOS Industrial Enterprises
#222 - 2015-03-22 05:09:07 UTC
Absolutely Amazing! THIS needs to happen! Surprised you guys didn't propose a "Fleet" platform to act as defensive way points for fleets.

Overall, looks awesome! Love to concept, can't wait to hear more details as they are developed!


Whomever said, "You only get one shot to make a good impression," was utterly wrong. I've made plenty of great impressions with my Autocannons 

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#223 - 2015-03-22 05:20:24 UTC
Grimmash wrote:
You can't wardec an NPC corp, so how would you get at the bigger structures in any reasonable way?

I do not think this challenge is beyond the creativity of the CCP Game Designers and the community to propose, iterate, invent and implement a mechanism so that it is an equal amount of work for an aggressor to place a structure at risk of displacement independent of the corp the player chooses to exist in. The aggressor should, of course, also have a non-trival penalty for failure and inconveniencing the defender.

Maybe it's as simple as wardec'ing the structure - not the corp or individual that owns it or an extension of the duel mechanic or some variation on ganking (because NPC players might want to ransack a structure independent of who owns it too).

If CCP wants everything to be able to be blown up, they will find a way.
Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#224 - 2015-03-22 05:38:50 UTC
Work in Progress.

I appreciate the 'fixable' points or issues some of you see coming up. Taking notes for when we get down to brass tacks.

Me, I picture a set of structures in a spidertank configuration wondering how hard to break it will be.


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#225 - 2015-03-22 05:45:12 UTC
Richecko wrote:

I do not think this challenge is beyond the creativity of the CCP Game Designers and the community to propose, iterate, invent and implement a mechanism so that it is an equal amount of work for an aggressor to place a structure at risk of displacement independent of the corp the player chooses to exist in. The aggressor should, of course, also have a non-trival penalty for failure and inconveniencing the defender.

Maybe it's as simple as wardec'ing the structure - not the corp or individual that owns it or an extension of the duel mechanic or some variation on ganking (because NPC players might want to ransack a structure independent of who owns it too).

If CCP wants everything to be able to be blown up, they will find a way.

I think it's a pretty safe bet that NPC corp members will not be able to use larger structures just like at present. They will likely be limited to the 'small' only structures that shooting only makes you go suspect on. Rather than POS's which generate concord reactions if you shoot without a wardec.
Eagle's Talon's
#226 - 2015-03-22 05:55:34 UTC  |  Edited by: DrysonBennington
Instead of forcing players to anchor multiple individual structures to provide basic functions......Will the new fitted structures also come with the capability to have Bastion Modules fit to them to increase a certain critical area?

I still want to know about the space between solar systems that is obviously prime for raider outposts and other fun things to be found that would not be considered W-Space but K.1 - Space that would only be accessible with certain ships that would have to build a warp gate between two points into and out of the system once the points had been scanned down.

....^.... New...E....d..en.....^....
^ Our ^
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#227 - 2015-03-22 06:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Richecko
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

I think it's a pretty safe bet that NPC corp members will not be able to use larger structures just like at present. They will likely be limited to the 'small' only structures that shooting only makes you go suspect on. Rather than POS's which generate concord reactions if you shoot without a wardec.

The current system is actually not consistent about the "size" of the item in space. It's actually beyond dumb now that shooting an empty small can (used for advertising for example) that costs 10,000 ISK generates a concord response requiring ~2hrs of suicide ganking and like 10 ships of loss to remove, drop in about 2 points in security standing, and a 30day killright if it's owned by an NPC corp owner (because you can't wardec the NPC corp) and shooting a MTU that costs several million ISK doesn't. If my tiny super cheap can is protected by concord why shouldn't everything more expensive I anchor be?

That scenario can also go on the "should it really work this way?" list as the team looks at anchorable items.

If structures in space are reviewed, the Giant Secure Container (at 3900m3 capacity) could also use big brothers scaling up to say 250,000m3 like the EFC can do because items like the MTU are too small for activities like Ice or Gas mining. The anchored can should hold multiple shiploads to save you flights back to station or POS. Introduction of the Venture with it's 5000m3 ore hold changed the requirements of what is interesting and valuable re: storage in space.

It'd be a big step forward in equality if NPC corp members (or player corp members w/o corp POS admin permissions) could own and use the successor to the small and medium POS on a personal basis in the new system (and have a way to use it solo or share with friends/alts/public) even if large and XL structures require ownership by entities subject to the current wardec mechanics.
TurAmarth ElRandir
Hiigaran Bounty Hunters Inc.
#228 - 2015-03-22 06:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: TurAmarth ElRandir
June Blindbird wrote:
Starbase defence (with guns control) and flying ships inside the forcefield (because cannot dock) don't seem to have replacement since Mooring means no pilot inside and docking means ship spinning and no view of space.

What are the plans for these ?

While I am very excited at the concepts, I am worried about the above... How all of this will affect Wormhole space... WSpace in not Null...

(1) Will we get the XL 'POSes'? IE dockable Outposts in WSpace??

(2) Why oh why are you considering removing the Forcefield?

It is one of the most enjoyable things about POSlife... unlike the poor sots in Stations and Outposts we have a huge 360 deg WINDOW... Please, fukking PLEASE don't take that away from us... Hell make the damn thing WORK right FFS.

Instead of shooting THROUGH the FF how about all weaponsfire impacts the FF itself??? Or are we in Anoikis going to have to deal with the Entosis module too?? If yes, WHY??? We do not hold Sov and we don't want it! FFS please do not make us play that silly game!!!!

Other than those issue I don't see a lot here I am not on board with...

CCP, please keep Wormhole Space in mind while you look at POSes.... we are NOT Sov null, we don't want to be... don't please don't make us play their game.

TurAmarth ElRandir Anoikis Merc, Salvager, Logibro and Unrepentant Blogger Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky =/|)=

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#229 - 2015-03-22 06:25:51 UTC
They said 'POS Gunners' will be replaced by 'Piloting' the station. So you will be able to look around the whole grid it's on and control all it's modules (Wonder if stations will get local reps). Just as if you were flying your ship on the grid, but instead being a whole 100km station!

As for Entosis module, yea, it becomes a lot more problematic in all the non null spaces, where alliances are a lot lot smaller if that mechanic still exists elsewhere. But also becomes weird if only null stations get entosis'ed while everyone else gets shot.
TurAmarth ElRandir
Hiigaran Bounty Hunters Inc.
#230 - 2015-03-22 06:39:55 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:
They said 'POS Gunners' will be replaced by 'Piloting' the station. So you will be able to look around the whole grid it's on and control all it's modules (Wonder if stations will get local reps). Just as if you were flying your ship on the grid, but instead being a whole 100km station!

As for Entosis module, yea, it becomes a lot more problematic in all the non null spaces, where alliances are a lot lot smaller if that mechanic still exists elsewhere. But also becomes weird if only null stations get entosis'ed while everyone else gets shot.

I disagree... the Entosis module is all about Sov and only about Sov. No Sov in WSpace... no Entosis mechanic needed in WSpace. We don't want it, we don't need it, period.

And taking away our widow is just mean and short sighted... =\

TurAmarth ElRandir Anoikis Merc, Salvager, Logibro and Unrepentant Blogger Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky =/|)=

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#231 - 2015-03-22 07:12:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Nevyn Auscent
TurAmarth ElRandir wrote:

I disagree... the Entosis module is all about Sov and only about Sov. No Sov in WSpace... no Entosis mechanic needed in WSpace. We don't want it, we don't need it, period.

And taking away our widow is just mean and short sighted... =\

You still keep your window, just take over piloting the station quickly, or ask the guy who is.
It's not 'quite' as good, I agree, and we can hope that the code for piloting the station allows anyone 'docked' to observe their grid in all areas of space as an ideal solution. But weighed up against all the other benefits that are planned I'll take that slight downside, and yes I have done some POS living even if not as much as you probably have.

I agree the Entosis is about Sov also, just.... CCP are trying to develop consistent and clear mechanics. And it's not that if behaviour changes on security status or area of space. So.... it's a question of which need over-rides, or how to adjust entosis while keeping it clear in other area's of space.
I'm mainly high sec living now due to limited play time and I'm also totally not keen on someone being able to use an entosis link on a 20 man corp anywhere in a four hour time period and wreck stuff as a result. Since no way a small high sec, low sec or WH corp is going to be able to cover time periods like Null alliances will be able to. So I want a method that allows me to clearly defend in a realistic fashion also.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#232 - 2015-03-22 07:14:58 UTC
Off-the-top-of-my-head suggestions:

1) Nothing should ever be "invulnerable" at any time in the game. Massive number of hit points - ok. Massive automated counterattack defensive weapons - ok. But, everything still should be destructible, even if it takes 20 Titans with DD to do it.

2) Any game mechanics based on RL time zones should be avoided. They do nothing but restrict game play and encourage players to interact only with players in their own time zones.

3) Force fields and reinforcement timers are long outdated mechanics. Please get rid of them.

4) High-sec structures are *not* actually safer than structures anywhere else, due to the relatively low cost of wardecs. POCOs, for example, are regularly destroyed in high-sec. In fact, any high-sec structure of significant value is probably at greater risk than it would be in alliance-protected null-sec.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#233 - 2015-03-22 07:18:07 UTC
I think this is all very interesting. Few points:

1. Look at who is calling for what. The griefers want their griefing to be bounteous when greifing the carebears, the carebears want to keep their stuff they worked long hrs for - safe.
The time it takes to build up these items, if lost too easily, will break the backs of those who labor. Fighting greifers is all good but keep it balanced. Basically look at the time input. If the time you put into something doesn't equal the reward. People will quit. Simple and true. Yes there should be risk and that balance is what you need to find.

2. So you are going to shut down all nullsec manufacturing while transitioning, have you even considered how this will effect people?

3. This could be cool. Given history though is to push out a product without thorough testing with problems.. hence where we are now. Let this be on sisi for several months, let everyone have ample time to test it before implementing.

4. I lost billions in the last indi improvement in bp research, i expect to loose more. Standard for the course.

5. You are making it harder and harder for small alliances to live out in null sec. Give cap ships the ability to squash small griefers. Capitals need to be addressed before or at least the same time so we know what to expect -at least.

#234 - 2015-03-22 07:26:29 UTC
Cool, but will we be able to walk inside them?

Recruitment Officer: What type of a pilot are you? Me: I've been described as a Ray Charles with Parkinsons and a drinking problem.

Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#235 - 2015-03-22 07:37:30 UTC
Aryth wrote:
With the newest system introduced last year, a great many alliances invested trillions in improvements. Are stations going to be rebated/refunded/changed when they are phased out of the industrial process?

Hmm... I think that the standard CCP answer to this type of question is:

"Players have already gotten value from their investment in the current mechanics, so we will not be reimbursing anyone, due to any upcoming changes."

At least, I recall something like this being said by CCP last year when industrialists with large investment in BPO ME/PE research time lost their very-slight-margin competitive advantages due to the change to the ME10/TE20 system, without getting any form of reimbursement whatsoever.

And, earlier, when CCP added the ore bays to the mining ships, but didn't reimburse for, nor offer to non-destructively remove, the expensive cargo expander rigs that most miners had fitted to their ships.

So, are you asking for "special consideration" for the null-sec alliances? ;)

Just for the record, I'm 100% ok with "special consideration" (even for the Goons... lol). I think that CCP unnecessarily loses a good chunk of player subs, whenever they make these sorts of changes, without reimbursing players' for time/effort spent with the replaced mechanics.
Harry Saq
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#236 - 2015-03-22 07:40:38 UTC
For the Administrative Hubs it would add an interesting dynamic if we could have both NPC agents, and Player agent missions
Proton Stars
Gallente Federation
#237 - 2015-03-22 07:52:29 UTC
First thoughts:

1: will you be refunding all sp spent on capitals?

2: will you be refunding the ships themselves?

3: can you also set up a but back scheme for dedicated cap pilots?

4: how do you expect anyone to get to the top level station with no method of safely storing enough ships to defend a constellation that long?

5: why have you build a game around one module, the entosis link; where is the diversity or need for a fleet to do multiple things rather than take one cookie cutter fleet to roll a region?

6: blobbing is going to be essential in defence and attack. Given this, the increase in structure count and now possibly thousands of cans.. How will tidi effect a defenders ability to move around a const, getting to defend points when attackers can approach that const free of lag?

7: why have you almost tripled the amount of logistics work an alliance needs to do? We all hate this high level of logistics.

8: given massive increase in cost, how many months of grind would it take an alliance to break even?

9: how do corporations find themselves now? 50%+ tax?

10: how does any of this improve personal player wealth higher than that of level 5 missions or incursions?

11: what will happen to npc space, now considered by many as the best space.

12: how will wormhole capacity size limit the upgrade speed of a wormhole? And if at all will this be by design?

13: why have you taken away the ability to blow stuff up, to compete to be top damage, to train your skills more than the next guy to make sure your dps is best dps

14: why are mooring rigs so damn flimsy? No one will park a cap at them, ever.

15: can we dock titans yet please? We need somewhere to put them whilst trying to get a refund :p

16: given the increase in volitility how will newbros find their way to 0.0?

17: do you expect plex prices to crash?

18. Do you expect alt numbers to crash?

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#238 - 2015-03-22 07:55:17 UTC
Gorongo Frostfyr wrote:
Last step removing 98% of the npc stations?

Don't think so

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#239 - 2015-03-22 08:00:43 UTC
Richecko wrote:
Grimmash wrote:
You can't wardec an NPC corp, so how would you get at the bigger structures in any reasonable way?

I do not think this challenge is beyond the creativity of the CCP Game Designers and the community to propose, iterate, invent and implement a mechanism so that it is an equal amount of work for an aggressor to place a structure at risk of displacement independent of the corp the player chooses to exist in. The aggressor should, of course, also have a non-trival penalty for failure and inconveniencing the defender.

Maybe it's as simple as wardec'ing the structure - not the corp or individual that owns it or an extension of the duel mechanic or some variation on ganking (because NPC players might want to ransack a structure independent of who owns it too).

If CCP wants everything to be able to be blown up, they will find a way.

So if you wardec the structure then it would only be logical that the structure and the owner are the only two who can shoot the war targets. Or are you proposing that NPC corps schould be subjected to wardecs, you know, to become more equal and stuff.
Emmy Mnemonic
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#240 - 2015-03-22 08:13:56 UTC
Mike Azariah wrote:
Work in Progress.

I appreciate the 'fixable' points or issues some of you see coming up. Taking notes for when we get down to brass tacks.

Me, I picture a set of structures in a spidertank configuration wondering how hard to break it will be.


I guess ECM could break that spider-tanking? So we'll have a use for our supers! \o/

Ex ex-CEO of Svea Rike [.S.R.]