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I'm a miner, and I like CODE.

First post
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1 - 2015-03-19 11:47:54 UTC
I run a few accounts to do my own mining ops in highsec. It's about all I do, besides reading up on all the changes to Eve since I last played while I mine. But despite my life as a miner and the fact that CODE. would happily gank my real characters if they had the chance, I like CODE.

Have you SEEN those killmails? I can't believe how many people flying billion-isk pods around aren't clever enough to figure out that a noob ship in system is summoning concord offgrid... how many people fly around mackinaws with 1 roid scanner as their only mid-slot module... how many people who apparently are trying to tank their ship are still so absolutely horrible at it (I mean, I'll see people who have 2 invuln fields and 2 civilian shield boosters as their 4 mids on a hulk)... etc.

As crazy as the notion of "improving highsec by holding its basest citizens to a higher standard (or else!)" is... I actually think I buy into it after seeing how just plain bad most of the miners CODE. targets really are.
Kalishka Ashkulf
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2015-03-19 12:02:54 UTC
This thread is awesome, I salute you and anyone with the same mindset o7

Why, thank you, Thing!

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3 - 2015-03-19 12:14:31 UTC
I mean, I'm not perfect. No one is. I AFK sometimes when RL calls. I get distracted by something fun on the web and go a couple of minutes here or there without checking in on local/dscan. I flew my orca around for 3 weeks with EM+therm resists because "caldari navy antimatter S" sounded like it did EM damage to me and I never bothered to check to see that it or void actually are therm+kinetic. I know that fitting a good tank is not even close to perfect protection from ganks.

But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to take at least some of the steps necessary to reduce your risk of being ganked.

Oh well. Keep those killmails coming, CODE. I laugh out loud at probably 3/4 of them when I see those fits :)
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2015-03-19 16:47:45 UTC
When I mine, I AFK mine too. I couldnt care less if my ship dies, because i follow the cardinal rule of EVE. Never fly a ship you cant afford to lose. If its worth crying about, its not worth flying.

I support Code, and i Support AG, too. I support anything that is fun, brings content, and is generally interesting or amusing.
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#5 - 2015-03-19 16:55:02 UTC
Being that EVE is a war based economy I generally support and approve of anything that results in ships exploding and people having fun. I do believe that the two are intrinsically linked.
Playing with others is almost always more fun than playing with yourself, even if you happen to lose.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

malcovas Henderson
#6 - 2015-03-19 18:23:56 UTC
I wish I had the patience, and ability to say what I think of this. So much is wrong with some of the people that play EvE. Greed, self entitlement, risk aversion, stupidity. The list is almost endless. The one player base that fits with all of these is the "Carebear" . Bluntly put, they have no right playing a game, not suited for them, and then to cry out for changes to suit their needs. In a game that does not suit them. They are entirely the selfish ones. They deserve EVERYTHING bad they get handed to them.

Unfortunately it is happening all across the gaming industry. These little darlings, even complain about people exploiting gameplay in a SINGLE player game of all things. This in itself is the level of self entitlement, they are prepared to go. They have no clue about P2W or what it's meaning entails. They consider it "cheating" to boxer play. ANYTHING that gives them a slight disadvantage HAS to be removed from the game.

In all of this I blame the gaming industry for catering to these fuckwits. I can guarantee you this. EVE Hi sec will be trammil, if these people are allowed to stay. For this I cannot thank code enough for every unsub of these clueless, gutless, self entitled beings, who have plagued the gaming industry for far too long. EVE has not been immune to it. CCP are caving in to them. piece meal, by piece meal.

I could carry on but as I said I wish I had the patience to put in here, my heart felt opinions on the subject.

Eden Dominion Coalition
Scary Wormhole People
#7 - 2015-03-19 21:52:20 UTC
I frequently mine highsec 0.5 belts in a pyfa-optimized 100K+ ehp skiff fit. I've also done low-sec and w-space mining when rigged for agility/warp-stabs.

However, in the system I am in now, there is a miner that has lost two mackinaws in the last 30 days. Both times, his fit included 3 MLU2's and his total EHP was less than 15K. He's fine with that. He figures it is just a cost of business. He also isn't a new char....been subscribed for 3yrs.

I'm normally OK with people doing whatever they do in high-sec, but I attempted to report his location to anyone who normally ganks macks this afternoon.... however, no one was interested :( Maybe they thought it was a skiff bait trap.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#8 - 2015-03-19 22:48:44 UTC
Anyone that mines and is diligent enough to not take losses from us should like us, we cut down on your competition.

I do hope you own a mining permit, however.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

#9 - 2015-03-19 22:50:31 UTC
Good for you, I guess. I never saw what's the fuzz about CODE even is, it's almost like they're not there, the impact of their actions seem to be nigh non-existant. I suppose that's what an encyclopedia would call "irrelevance".

All posts and mails screencapped and time stamped, including out of EVE, you will not reverse on me.

Might come in handy!

Drez Arthie
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2015-03-20 00:42:28 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Anyone that mines and is diligent enough to not take losses from us should like us, we cut down on your competition.

I do hope you own a mining permit, however.

Never took losses from CODE, mostly because I get too bored mining to stay in space long enough to be ganked. Well that and never AFK/bot mining. Can't say I support CODE because they're too damn religious about it, though I did vote for Sabriz for CSM <3
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#11 - 2015-03-20 01:43:31 UTC
We are not well liked, much like garbagemen, plumbers, and other blue collar jobs in real life.

But just like those real life jobs, someone has to do it, or we'd all be covered in ****.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Drez Arthie
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2015-03-20 01:59:53 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
We are not well liked, much like garbagemen, plumbers, and other blue collar jobs in real life.

But just like those real life jobs, someone has to do it, or we'd all be covered in ****.

Oh please, pat yourselves on the back harder. If CODE didn't exist, we'd all be mourning the lack of .. ummm .. nothing.
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2015-03-20 03:44:16 UTC
Drez Arthie wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
We are not well liked, much like garbagemen, plumbers, and other blue collar jobs in real life.

But just like those real life jobs, someone has to do it, or we'd all be covered in ****.

Oh please, pat yourselves on the back harder. If CODE didn't exist, we'd all be mourning the lack of .. ummm .. nothing.

NOT TRUE. There are approximately 2.6 "grrr code", 1.33333338 "code is dying", 6.3 "code are psychopaths" and 42 code self congratulatory threads posted weekly. I would miss every single one of them.

I also find minerbumping pretty amusing.

( Authors note: Since 92% of internet quoted statistics are just made up, I made up my own too. Counting and math is hard. )
Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2015-03-20 03:46:25 UTC
Drez Arthie wrote:

Oh please, pat yourselves on the back harder. If CODE didn't exist, we'd all be mourning the lack of .. ummm .. nothing.

I tried patting myself on the back harder


There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy

Odeva Pawen
Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#15 - 2015-03-20 04:04:05 UTC
Whenever I see someone spreading tears in local, I link this.

Overheat Keyboards! Load Rage posts! Prepare for a long, seething, back and forth about irrelevant things!

Steppa Musana
#16 - 2015-03-20 04:33:43 UTC
You love a group of players that call you the "bottom feeder of EVE", and view you as inferior because of your way off ISKing. Do you also like BDSM? I bet you're a submissive! Lol
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#17 - 2015-03-20 04:34:03 UTC
Drez Arthie wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
Anyone that mines and is diligent enough to not take losses from us should like us, we cut down on your competition.

I do hope you own a mining permit, however.

Never took losses from CODE, mostly because I get too bored mining to stay in space long enough to be ganked. Well that and never AFK/bot mining. Can't say I support CODE because they're too damn religious about it, though I did vote for Sabriz for CSM <3

I've never really got the 'CODE is a religion' stuff.

We respect James and generally trust his judgement, but that's about the extent of it.

I've never talked to him and have only ever communicated by evemail a few times.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Caldari State
#18 - 2015-03-20 05:01:50 UTC
Amarrchecko wrote:
I run a few accounts to do my own mining ops in highsec. It's about all I do, besides reading up on all the changes to Eve since I last played while I mine. But despite my life as a miner and the fact that CODE. would happily gank my real characters if they had the chance, I like CODE.

Have you SEEN those killmails? I can't believe how many people flying billion-isk pods around aren't clever enough to figure out that a noob ship in system is summoning concord offgrid... how many people fly around mackinaws with 1 roid scanner as their only mid-slot module... how many people who apparently are trying to tank their ship are still so absolutely horrible at it (I mean, I'll see people who have 2 invuln fields and 2 civilian shield boosters as their 4 mids on a hulk)... etc.

As crazy as the notion of "improving highsec by holding its basest citizens to a higher standard (or else!)" is... I actually think I buy into it after seeing how just plain bad most of the miners CODE. targets really are.

They are bad because most of the miners code ganks are new to the game. CODE is garbage, they cant handle real pvp so they resort to ganking miners and haulers.
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2015-03-20 05:10:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarrchecko
Avellean wrote:
They are bad because most of the miners code ganks are new to the game. CODE is garbage, they cant handle real pvp so they resort to ganking miners and haulers.

You should look through their recent killmails some day. It's pretty surprising how few of their kills seem to be truly new players compared to how many are long-time players who are just lazy or dumb.

Hell. I even have created new gallente alts on my accounts with plans of them being gankers too (what would be more fun than seeing silly fits in killmails on zkillboard? seeing those killmails ingame, of course!), I just haven't convinced myself to stop training my miners to put some points into my anti-miners yet.
Caldari State
#20 - 2015-03-20 05:51:21 UTC
Amarrchecko wrote:
Avellean wrote:
They are bad because most of the miners code ganks are new to the game. CODE is garbage, they cant handle real pvp so they resort to ganking miners and haulers.

You should look through their recent killmails some day. It's pretty surprising how few of their kills seem to be truly new players compared to how many are long-time players who are just lazy or dumb.

Hell. I even have created new gallente alts on my accounts with plans of them being gankers too (what would be more fun than seeing silly fits in killmails on zkillboard? seeing those killmails ingame, of course!), I just haven't convinced myself to stop training my miners to put some points into my anti-miners yet.

Was in a system running missions and the whole time i was there a code guy in a npc corp of course was killing new players most less than a week old. Regardless of the pilots age my point is still valid, those who cant handle real pvp resort to ganking ships that cant fight back.
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