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Sad State of Empire Space

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Mobadder Thworst
#1 - 2015-03-20 02:31:57 UTC
I've been playing on and off since '09. I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I see as an erosion taking place in the game.

I did loads of PVE my first year or two. I mined in everything but a mining ship, ran missions up to level 4, lived in a WH, mastered scanning back when it was confusing(did all the exploration sites). I tried every bit of PVE content this game offered.

The whole while, I was in corporations dodging war declarations and trying to keep corps together. Every time I mined, flippers posed a risk. Every time I undocked, someone was baiting. If I smacked in local, I increased the chances of getting a war dec.

Even doing PVE, I could see the people doing interesting things. There was risk everywhere and it felt real.

At about two years, I was sick of shooting red crosses. I was still doing some exploration, but mostly just for cash. Even the social element of the game seemed boring to me because it revolved around the same dull activities. (Missions are like playing checkers against an opponent who makes the exact same moves each time.)

That is when I decided to try to kill some of the evil can flippers I had hated all that time. And I lost ships. And I had fun.

I had sweaty palms, a high heart rate, and no idea what I was doing. That was 500 kills ago now, but I still feel it every time I fight. I think the pvp aspect of this game is the best I have encountered.

4 years later, I still want to experience that high.

My first war dec was against a mining corp. We killed loads of them. Then they hired some tiny merc corp to attack us. But before the merc could dec us, we started giving the miners some pointers and made friends. Then the miners declared war on the mercs they had paid to attack us in order to help us out. I have no idea what the mercs thought. It was absolute numbnuttery, but I loved it.

My problem is this. I think PVE content in this game has a short life span. I can hardly think of a PVE based game that anyone plays for more than 2 years. However, when I look at empire space now that is the only content that is growing. Everything else is nearly gone.

The changes to crime watch have nearly eliminated pvp in the section of space where the vast majority of the players live. Nobody is facing threat and nobody is pvping. I think this is crazy. It's not Eve.

It's extremely hard to find a pick-up fight now. There are no war fleets in local., no funny smack talk, no canners, no baiters, and I'm seeing carebear corps who haven't had war secs.

I used to fly around in a shield rep osprey to get fights. I would find a fight and rep both sides while smacking in local about peace and brotherhood. Once one side would shoot, I'd change into something else and get a kill. I always wanted to kill both sides, but never pulled it off.

The only pvp I see left in high sec is suicide ganks which isn't worth my $15 a month.

My question is this:
1) as you force the high sec portion of eve (the majority)down the road of PVE... How long do you expect to keep these players? How long can someone legitimately play PVE in this game? Are these all 2 year players?

I think you are trading guys like me who would still be playing 6 years later for guys who want a PVE experience and are just looking to amass some isk and ships before the move on to another game.

What game will I be playing by the time you bring pvp back? I've been looking desperately to replace Eve for a while. The replacement isn't here yet, but it's coming.

Please give back the old crime watch mechanics and cheap war decs.

The Initiative.
#2 - 2015-03-20 03:06:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Xayder
Edit; yeH nvm didnt read the whole post

I don't always post, But when i post I do it with my main

Market McSelling Alt
#3 - 2015-03-20 03:31:40 UTC
You can't think of any PVE based games that last longer than 2 years??? What about the most successful games in the MMO market? You know, all of them?

Who is forcing high-sec players into PVE? I have one character that pvp's in a wormhole, and one that pvp's in high sec and several alts that do PVE in both. No one forces a gamestyle on you or anyone else.

What do you mean "when you bring back pvp"? CCP is making a change to null that will monumentally change the frequency of pvp in that space and the war dec system in high sec is far better than it was back in the day.

I think you don't get it. Also 500 kills in 4 years of pvp??? You are doing it wrong.

CCP Quant: Of all those who logon in Eve, 1.5% do Incursions, 13.8% PVP and 19.2% run Missions while 22.4% mine.

40.7% Join a fleet. The idea that Eve is a PVP game is false, the social fabric is in Missions and Mining.

Iroquoiss Pliskin
9B30FF Labs
#4 - 2015-03-20 04:08:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Iroquoiss Pliskin
Have you tried... you know.... well... there's a thing... perhaps you've heard... been here for a long time.... I think highsec has always been like this... however, you should really look into that thing... it's been called many names... but I think it just...

LOW(er)SEC(urity) SPACE


Steppa Musana
#5 - 2015-03-20 04:36:43 UTC
Iroquoiss Pliskin wrote:
Have you tried... you know.... well... there's a thing... perhaps you've heard... been here for a long time.... I think highsec has always been like this... however, you should really look into that thing... it's been called many names... but I think it just...

LOW(er)SEC(urity) SPACE



But he might actually face competition in lowsec. Thats just too much risk for a highsec pvper.
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#6 - 2015-03-20 04:48:44 UTC
There are definitely opportunities for PVP in highsec, but they are much worse than they used to be.

For aggressors, there are less ways to initiate a fight with cunning, meaning you need to fall back on the sledgehammer of overwhelming numbers and suicide ganking.

For defenders - there's less ways to set believable traps to catch baiters.

As for leaving high - it's one option, but most of the prey is in high.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#7 - 2015-03-20 08:07:19 UTC
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
There are definitely opportunities for PVP in highsec, but they are much worse than they used to be.

For aggressors, there are less ways to initiate a fight with cunning, meaning you need to fall back on the sledgehammer of overwhelming numbers and suicide ganking.

For defenders - there's less ways to set believable traps to catch baiters.

As for leaving high - it's one option, but most of the prey is in high.

CODE and their sort limit themselves because of the prey they are looking to "fight'. Low and WH space are full of adversaries that you can actually fight.

Don't limit yourself. Get beyond the ganks and go looking for actual fights. There are plenty of folks out there looking to swap paint and ammo (most of them don't fly covetors).

I've been playing straight through since my born on date. I started as empire merc prey. Joined said mercs and had an absolute blast for several years (many thanks to Hans and all the other great folks I flew with). Moved to WH space and never looked back. WH space rich somewhat takes the edge off of the jitters that you speak of, but it's still there. Ditch empire and find a nice small gang wh corp and you'll see it's still a great game.
Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#8 - 2015-03-20 08:24:31 UTC
How long you sticking around this time mate? Hit me up in game.

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

Mobadder Thworst
#9 - 2015-03-20 10:05:50 UTC
I think I clouded my assertion with attempts to slow the trolls.

This is a sandbox game. Most of the sandbox is in empire space. The vast majority of the players all play in empire space.

As empire is the experience to the majority of players, the state of empire is the state of the game.

Regardless of how you feel about the bad pirates, I am arguing that this game is changing from a game that included pvp into a game that has pvp features.

High sec is not as interesting as it was when there were people fighting everywhere. I think it's an erosion in the quality of the game. It affects most players.

Even if you are a miner and nobody is bothering you, war decs and smack talk are content. I liked that content.

Hi Purple. I'll see if I can find you next time I log on.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#10 - 2015-03-20 11:06:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Amarrchecko
It's high sec. It's not supposed to be perfectly safe, and it isn't. But it's not supposed to be a warground where people who currently prefer to avoid most PVP are being chased around by someone like you. There is some PVP stuff going on in highsec, but if that isn't what you're looking for specifically, then maybe you belong in a different region of space.

I've been playing on and off for longer than you have, and I have not a single PVP kill (and only a few deaths, iirc) to my credit... but I'm still here. Your "PVP content is the only content people will keep subscribing for" argument looks like it's just an attempt to cover up your "wah highsec isn't what I want it to be" complaint.

I mean, the very fact that highsec IS so busy should indicate that a lot of Eve's players don't care for the more constant and higher risk of other areas of space, at least not all the time, right? So what if some people who are choosing to avoid PVP burn out on PVE and unsub? Do you think if they were exposed to a bunch of the PVP that they are trying to avoid that a majority of them wouldn't unsub too?
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-03-20 11:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Danalee
Amarrchecko wrote:
It's high sec. It's not supposed to be perfectly safe, and it isn't. But it's not supposed to be a warground where people who currently prefer to avoid most PVP are being chased around by someone like you. There is some PVP stuff going on in highsec, but if that isn't what you're looking for specifically, then maybe you belong in a different region of space.

I've been playing on and off for longer than you have, and I have not a single PVP kill (and only a few deaths, iirc) to my credit... but I'm still here. Your "PVP content is the only content people will keep subscribing for" argument looks like it's just an attempt to cover up your "wah highsec isn't what I want it to be" complaint.

I mean, the very fact that highsec IS so busy should indicate that a lot of Eve's players don't care for the more constant and higher risk of other areas of space, at least not all the time, right? So what if some people who are choosing to avoid PVP burn out on PVE and unsub? Do you think if they were exposed to a bunch of the PVP that they are trying to avoid that a majority of them wouldn't unsub too?

First: Every action taken in EVE = PVP.
Also: Every assumption made in your post is nothing but that. An assumption. Wrong on top of that but in itself just an assumption.
Hisec has become perfectly safe the last years resulting in subscription decline and loss of meaning/value of anything we do.
NPC corp players that fit their ships slightly smart might aswel be NPC's themselves.
People who are into EVE for PVE are not only sick but detract from the unique qualities the game has.

I'll leave it at that. Rant on.



Darn, edit anyhow: PVE drones who are engaged by the game's deep meaningfull community driven core PVP have a good chance to be saved and stick arround forever, yes. What's your point again?

Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#12 - 2015-03-20 11:16:36 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Sabriz Adoudel wrote:
There are definitely opportunities for PVP in highsec, but they are much worse than they used to be.

For aggressors, there are less ways to initiate a fight with cunning, meaning you need to fall back on the sledgehammer of overwhelming numbers and suicide ganking.

For defenders - there's less ways to set believable traps to catch baiters.

As for leaving high - it's one option, but most of the prey is in high.

CODE and their sort limit themselves because of the prey they are looking to "fight'. Low and WH space are full of adversaries that you can actually fight.

Don't limit yourself. Get beyond the ganks and go looking for actual fights. There are plenty of folks out there looking to swap paint and ammo (most of them don't fly covetors).

I've been playing straight through since my born on date. I started as empire merc prey. Joined said mercs and had an absolute blast for several years (many thanks to Hans and all the other great folks I flew with). Moved to WH space and never looked back. WH space rich somewhat takes the edge off of the jitters that you speak of, but it's still there. Ditch empire and find a nice small gang wh corp and you'll see it's still a great game.

Low is empty, and (outside C5 and higher) wormholes are pretty empty too. C5/C6 holes require much more preparation to attack.

Prey density is at least twenty times higher in highsec than most of low.

Signed - Someone that would live in low, if doing so was truly viable.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Ro Fenrios
Armilies Corporation
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#13 - 2015-03-20 12:17:47 UTC
When looking for pvp, head to FW low sec. Watch out for Dem force recon ships...

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#14 - 2015-03-20 12:30:03 UTC
I blame it on CCP pretty much endorsing wardec evasions.

It used to be a bannable action. Now its de riguer.

The safety switch didn't help, and neither did the recent corp safety switch, altho there are counters to that.

Hopefully with the new sov changes a lot of folks who normally wouldn't go into null will head on down and try their luck; combined with the jump and cyno changes I think the Big Blue Donut may get a lot less blue...;)

tldr It's all Ezwals fault.

Everything in EVE is a trap.

And if it isn't, it's your job to make it a trap...:)

You want to know what immorality in EVE Online looks like? Look no further than Ripard "Jester" Teg.

Chribba is the Chuck Norris of EVE.

Lady Ayeipsia
#15 - 2015-03-20 13:28:40 UTC
A haiku:

We like to pew pew
Join us in Red verses Blue
F.C. L.P. too
Nicola Romanoff
Tannhauser C-Beam
#16 - 2015-03-20 13:31:37 UTC
I'll admit that I have not really tried pvp in high sec, it would be something that maybe fun should it be viable. Although by the very nature of this post it seems that it is less viable now than in the past.

Pvp in null sec on a solo basis is difficult at best due to blobs and low sec I find mainly lacking for solo type pvp too.

Everyone has their own styles of play, but as with everything if what you like to do gets diluted to the point that it isn't fun any more, whatever it is, be it pvp or pve then you will move on.

In saying that, I think if high sec life was that annoying that you have to deal with can flippers, easy wardecs and all those other things that make grieving easy then I think sub numbers would still drop as people would be so pissed off at being targeted that they would just move on anyway.

High sec needs to be safer than low, and low needs to be safer than null, but safer shouldn't mean safe.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#17 - 2015-03-20 14:09:59 UTC
Danalee wrote:
Amarrchecko wrote:
It's high sec. It's not supposed to be perfectly safe, and it isn't. But it's not supposed to be a warground where people who currently prefer to avoid most PVP are being chased around by someone like you. There is some PVP stuff going on in highsec, but if that isn't what you're looking for specifically, then maybe you belong in a different region of space.

I've been playing on and off for longer than you have, and I have not a single PVP kill (and only a few deaths, iirc) to my credit... but I'm still here. Your "PVP content is the only content people will keep subscribing for" argument looks like it's just an attempt to cover up your "wah highsec isn't what I want it to be" complaint.

I mean, the very fact that highsec IS so busy should indicate that a lot of Eve's players don't care for the more constant and higher risk of other areas of space, at least not all the time, right? So what if some people who are choosing to avoid PVP burn out on PVE and unsub? Do you think if they were exposed to a bunch of the PVP that they are trying to avoid that a majority of them wouldn't unsub too?

First: Every action taken in EVE = PVP.
Also: Every assumption made in your post is nothing but that. An assumption. Wrong on top of that but in itself just an assumption.
Hisec has become perfectly safe the last years resulting in subscription decline and loss of meaning/value of anything we do.
NPC corp players that fit their ships slightly smart might aswel be NPC's themselves.
People who are into EVE for PVE are not only sick but detract from the unique qualities the game has.

I'll leave it at that. Rant on.



Darn, edit anyhow: PVE drones who are engaged by the game's deep meaningfull community driven core PVP have a good chance to be saved and stick arround forever, yes. What's your point again?

ive been around about 10 years now, mostly as an industrialist and pve pilot, aside from my few times of war and going on killing sprees against gankers. I enjoy the pve and other activities, I have gotten more fun out of killing gankers then killing innocents or others I have no reason killing, I even have a special ship I made and named for ganking gankers. I just choose to do industry to contribute to society, and I do pve to run my 1 account and assist others.

Ive seen people drop off because they get ganked or take a jump into low sec and instantly die before they can experience anything past death.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2015-03-20 14:27:00 UTC
Danalee wrote:
First: Every action taken in EVE = PVP.
Also: Every assumption made in your post is nothing but that. An assumption. Wrong on top of that but in itself just an assumption.
[b]Hisec has become perfectly safe the last years resulting in subscription decline and loss of meaning/value of anything we do.
NPC corp players that fit their ships slightly smart might aswel be NPC's themselves.
People who are into EVE for PVE are not only sick but detract from the unique qualities the game has.

I'll leave it at that. Rant on.



Darn, edit anyhow: PVE drones who are engaged by the game's deep meaningfull community driven core PVP have a good chance to be saved and stick arround forever, yes. What's your point again?

Highsec quite obviously isn't "perfectly safe."

And SPEAKING of assumptions, you're assuming that something that isn't even true (highsec being "perfectly safe") is the cause of subscription declines and YOU not feeling meaning in any activity YOU undertake?

Yikes. I know better than to try to converse much with folks like you, so now it's my turn to leave it at that.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2015-03-20 17:01:45 UTC
Amarrchecko wrote:

I know better than to try to converse much with folks like you, so now it's my turn to leave it at that.
I know better than to try to converse much with folks.
I know better than to try to converse

I know, so the question remains, why are you here?



Proud member of the Somalian Coast Guard Authority

Member and Juror of the Court of Crime and Punishment

Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#20 - 2015-03-20 17:38:43 UTC
pheear the Assuminati. They seek to pollute our precious bodily fluids.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

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