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Language Chat Channel Consolidation With Oceanus

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Monkey Attack Squad
Goonswarm Federation
#381 - 2014-11-29 04:35:39 UTC
GIve us back our channels! Evil
Pulse Rifle
#382 - 2015-01-01 12:34:53 UTC
Talking does not help.

So let them feel it.

/Account inactive.
#383 - 2015-03-17 17:45:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Darkblad
Never forget

aka: prevent thread from getting locked automatically after 90 days of inactivity.


Trajan Unknown
State War Academy
Caldari State
#384 - 2015-03-17 18:57:48 UTC
Why so much hassle for this channel thing? If you care as part of the community and never really had CCP interacting with the channel stuff why not keep doing the same stuff you did over the years? The "not officially supported" stamp sounds more like a law thing reasoning. For me personally it was always the best option to join an English community/channel/forum because the people that speak my native language (German) are not able to proper spell and type any more and since I am pretty much in love with my native language I rather use English in the internet than trying to understand the crippled sentences that most native speakers use. On top of that, I don´t like to limit me to my native language and therefore missing out on a lot of other people. Last but not least and this might sound a bit harsh, if you don´t speak basic English why are you playing online games? I understand that some eastern European countries are more orientated towards Russian and Russians of course too but so far I met a lot of Russians that speak good English.

tl:dr: do it yourself and keep the channels up
#385 - 2015-03-17 19:26:59 UTC
Trajan Unknown wrote:
Why so much hassle for this channel thing? If you care as part of the community and never really had CCP interacting with the channel stuff why not keep doing the same stuff you did over the years? The "not officially supported" stamp sounds more like a law thing reasoning. For me personally it was always the best option to join an English community/channel/forum because the people that speak my native language (German) are not able to proper spell and type any more and since I am pretty much in love with my native language I rather use English in the internet than trying to understand the crippled sentences that most native speakers use. On top of that, I don´t like to limit me to my native language and therefore missing out on a lot of other people. Last but not least and this might sound a bit harsh, if you don´t speak basic English why are you playing online games? I understand that some eastern European countries are more orientated towards Russian and Russians of course too but so far I met a lot of Russians that speak good English.

tl:dr: do it yourself and keep the channels up
The downsides of that were discussed thoroughly in this thread, and I also explained them here.
Another negative effect: the official help channels get even more attention from trolls while there still is no sign of any bit of active moderation. No ISD presence (and no GM/CCP neither). That's what I experience in the German Help chat.


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#386 - 2015-03-17 20:45:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Well, why not make another update for the late Spanish channel?

Former channel population: 110
Current population: 40 in the most populated channel

Activity of the channel: it blinked three times over the last weekend (I logged in 5 times)

But not all is lost! Now that Russian no longer can troll the (defunct) Ukrainian channel (which is why all channels were shut down) now we can enjoy Russian speakers peeing all over local in your favorite systems! It's great fun, I've blocked 200+ guys in just a few months... Roll
Trajan Unknown
State War Academy
Caldari State
#387 - 2015-03-17 20:58:24 UTC
Yeh, I read some reasons why it´s "bad" but honestly, if you want to play EvE you will gather the informations you need and if the community cares there will be channels for every needed language. Some years back a "classmate" tried EvE, flew into a wormhole and quit EvE because "it sucks that you don´t get warned about the possible consequences when you enter a wormhole" he said. This kind of players will quit no matter of channels available to them. Than there are players who want informations about certain things, need help whatever, I actually can´t imagine why on earth I should join a "help channel" when there are so many resources available that I can use. I like to hop in certain channels to gather informations, read a lot and ask "trustworthy" people but asking in a help channel is like asking "would you recommend this fit" in the ships&modules subforum here and expecting to get a proper answer. Even when I ask "would you recommend this fit for this task, with this many SPs on my char?" I would bet to get a lot of different answers. Not necessary bad answers but not necessary the "right" answers as well. Best thing is to read about stuff, watch some tuts, ask questions inside a group that suits your needs and learn by mistake. And regarding these so called "Help Channels" if CCP doesn´t have the manpower to maintain good service or service at all better shut them down because no service is way better than bad service. If I expect to have a moderated and working channel and get a pile of "insert sth unpolite" I am pretty disappointed at the very least. When I don´t see a channel this won´t happen and from what I experienced so far the community should have no problem to overtake the "Help Channel" duty. I mean there are entities in EvE that are existing to help new people out, to help everyone that needs help in this or that area and of course people that feast on those who seek help. So again, I don´t see any reasoning for official "Help Channels" if they can´t provide the service one expects from them. If some GMs from these countries volunteer to overtake channel moderation for some semi-official help channels CCP might consider that option but keeping these channels up while not be able to maintain the needed service/moderation is simply a bad move.
#388 - 2015-03-17 21:42:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Darkblad
Trajan Unknown wrote:
And regarding these so called "Help Channels" if CCP doesn´t have the manpower to maintain good service or service at all better shut them down because no service is way better than bad service. If I expect to have a moderated and working channel and get a pile of "insert sth unpolite" I am pretty disappointed at the very least. When I don´t see a channel this won´t happen and from what I experienced so far the community should have no problem to overtake the "Help Channel" duty. I mean there are entities in EvE that are existing to help new people out, to help everyone that needs help in this or that area and of course people that feast on those who seek help. So again, I don´t see any reasoning for official "Help Channels" if they can´t provide the service one expects from them. If some GMs from these countries volunteer to overtake channel moderation for some semi-official help channels CCP might consider that option but keeping these channels up while not be able to maintain the needed service/moderation is simply a bad move.
But it's actually the case. For French, German, Japanese and Russian players, there's only help and recruitment channels of their language available in the list for new players.
And as I stated above, there's no sign of moderation in the German Help. While me and many other players spend the majority of their time in game helping out those that ask questions or for advice, trolls can simply take over the channel as nobody has the right to mute such players. Creating support tickets for a GM to take a look often results in "sorry, there's currently no German language GM present", and the

Spam of this kind continues. Certainly also wrong answers on purpose and all the other "funny" bits.
In addition, several (german language) players reported that their applications for ISD received no response for months. And ISD (STAR) members could help in such cases - if they don't get stuck in the english rookie help and help channels.
I still wonder what the "in game support" for languages other than English is supposed to be, next to translations of the text which the client provides.

Also, with the new opportunities system, which removes all tutorials (also those for the career agents' missions) for the group of new players that have them, there are additional problems that new players experience.

Edit: If players would create and moderate their own foreign language help channels, they'd also suffer from the same downsides that the replacements of the language chats' experience. They're not listed by default and moderation is decided by a select few individuals that may be biased in their decisions.


Indahmawar Fazmarai
#389 - 2015-03-17 23:23:35 UTC
Trajan Unknown wrote:
Yeh, I read some reasons why it´s "bad" but honestly, if you want to play EvE you will gather the informations you need and if the community cares there will be channels for every needed language. Some years back a "classmate" tried EvE, flew into a wormhole and quit EvE because "it sucks that you don´t get warned about the possible consequences when you enter a wormhole" he said. This kind of players will quit no matter of channels available to them. Than there are players who want informations about certain things, need help whatever, I actually can´t imagine why on earth I should join a "help channel" when there are so many resources available that I can use. I like to hop in certain channels to gather informations, read a lot and ask "trustworthy" people but asking in a help channel is like asking "would you recommend this fit" in the ships&modules subforum here and expecting to get a proper answer. Even when I ask "would you recommend this fit for this task, with this many SPs on my char?" I would bet to get a lot of different answers. Not necessary bad answers but not necessary the "right" answers as well. Best thing is to read about stuff, watch some tuts, ask questions inside a group that suits your needs and learn by mistake. And regarding these so called "Help Channels" if CCP doesn´t have the manpower to maintain good service or service at all better shut them down because no service is way better than bad service. If I expect to have a moderated and working channel and get a pile of "insert sth unpolite" I am pretty disappointed at the very least. When I don´t see a channel this won´t happen and from what I experienced so far the community should have no problem to overtake the "Help Channel" duty. I mean there are entities in EvE that are existing to help new people out, to help everyone that needs help in this or that area and of course people that feast on those who seek help. So again, I don´t see any reasoning for official "Help Channels" if they can´t provide the service one expects from them. If some GMs from these countries volunteer to overtake channel moderation for some semi-official help channels CCP might consider that option but keeping these channels up while not be able to maintain the needed service/moderation is simply a bad move.

Paragraph breaks are your friends. Shocked

And the issue is that now any poor bastard who doesn't speaks officially supported languages and yet wants to spend his time & money with EVE, must learn to search for chat channels and figure on his own the exact name of the channel he, on his own intuition, thinks that would be the right place to get help in his language.

Free tip: no newbies reach that far unless they know someone who tells them how to join the channel. Roll

For extra fun, it turns that my language is spoken by more people than all non-English supported languages combined... And yet it's not supported, which in turn is the number one reason why my language haves so little demographic weight in game, compared to its RL demographic weight.
Vyl Vit
#390 - 2015-03-18 09:11:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Vyl Vit
I'm disappointed in how the internet fell from it's auspicious start as the one place where free speech flew; deal with it, or don't come online. Now, the petty, prejudiced, emotionally undeveloped crybabies have hounded the so-called "authorities" of the internet to start slapping arbitrary boundaries everywhere rendering the internet unrecognizable, and light years away from the last bastion of freedom which is how it began.

Why these so-called authorities side with these sociologically challenged neanderthals rather than those who were pioneering a region where such authority has no reach i$ explainable, which $ay$ a lot about current $ociety'$ ability to grasp the concept of freedom. "Political" is the word that gets tossed around. Talk about anything it's political to somebody. They go whining to the Nervous Nellys "in charge" and whammo another rule is written, or another capacity
is curtailed.

It'$ a $orry $ight to $ee. Live free, or die.

Paradise is like where you are right now, only much, much better.