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Dev blog: Fly Quafe – Fanfest Ship Skins with Game Time Bundles

First post
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2015-03-17 15:00:43 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Fanfest 2015 (from March 19 to 21) is almost here and with that comes a special offer as well: if you purchase game now, you will additionally receive the Fanfest Quafe ship skins as gift!

Just go to your account management page, add game time and enjoy three free Quafe ship skins - simple as that!

More information about those ship skins and how the additional game time will pause your current billing plan is available in CCP Guard's latest dev blog Fly Quafe – Fanfest Ship Skins with Game Time Bundles.

Also don't forget to watch EVE TV - Fanfest 2015!

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

gaming is not a crime
#2 - 2015-03-17 15:18:30 UTC
131 euros to get a domi skin. Err no.

Not what I expected, would have been nice to choose a skin with 1 month subscription, but this is just asking too much from your customers really.
Suomi Khan
#3 - 2015-03-17 15:26:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Suomi Khan
LOL, CCP must really be in the gutter to demand that kind of money for ship skins.. (yes, I know gametime is included, but the gametime has nothing to do with any of the reasons you listed for buying the shipskins in the devblog)

Was Zinfandel part of this decision?

Markarian Aurelius wrote:
Attendees: CCP Zulu, CCP Zinfindel + some random intern transcribing

CCP Zulu: Alright, so we have the CQ finished, but there's might be some issues with overheating ATI cards....
CCP Zinfandel: SCREW THEM! (booming voice)
CCP Zulu: Uh...screw the ATI cards?
CCP Zinfandel: BURN THEM!
CCP Zulu: Burn the cards?
CCP Zulu: oh...uh...I have to object. Destroying customers computer gear is just really messe...
CCP Zinfandel: SILENCE!

(30 minutes of awkward silence)

CCP Zinfandel: CONTINUE!
CCP Zulu: Alllrighty then. So we also finshed the code for NeX and we where wondering what exactly you wanted to sell...
CCP Zinfandel: PANTS!
CCP Zulu: Cool, so do you have any pants in mind? The art devs could think of a few different...
CCP Zinfandel: 1000 DOLLAR PANTS!
CCP Zulu: What...wait wuh? What kind of pants would those be? Would they be like...
CCP Zulu: do we make them look like Japanese bouti...
CCP Zinfandel: Put some Hello Kitty stuff on them. I think those are really cute n' fun.
CCP Zulu: But don't we need to buy the rights to use Hello Ki...
CCP Zinfandel: SILENCE!

(another 30 mins of awkward silence)

CCP Zinfandel: CONTINUE!
CCP Zulu: $1000 Japanese boutique 'Hello Kitty' pants. Got it. We'd also like to maybe do some different tops and stuff but wanted to know how much time we ha...
CCP Zinfandel: 5 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: 5 minutes?!? You want this done in 5 minutes?
CCP Zinfandel: 4 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: ****...

(4 minutes later)

(CCP Zulu returns to Conference Room 3, out of breathe)

CCP Zulu: Ok...ok. We got the pants, we got the was just thrown together with clipart from Sixteen Magazine, but this **** all looks like total crap. I think most of it came from Justin Bieber articles. Anyways, so real shirts sell for about $19 dollars so this stuff will sell for like $1-2 or....
CCP Zinfandel: 20 DOLLARS!

(Zulu stares blankly at Zinfandel. Yet another awkward silence)

CCP Zulu: Is there anything else you want?
CCP Zinfandel: MONOCLES!
CCP Zulu: Like "The Penguin" or "General von Klinkerhoffen" style monocles
CCP Zulu: monocles. What should they do? Improve perception or...
CCP Zinfandel: NOTHING!
CCP Zulu: Ok, good, purely cosmetic. I like that idea better. It's fair to the players. So we'll sell these for what, 1-2 dolla...
CCP Zulu: Did you say $17 dollars? Isn't that a bit too much for a...
CCP Zinfandel: $70 DOLLARS (holds large sign with a '7' and '0' on it and a winky emoticon)
(Zulu's jaw dislocates and drops. He quickly grabs it off the floor)
CCP Zulu: For $70 dollars that's gotta be one ****ing cool monocle. I can get the art department to come up with one of those in about a wee...
CCP Zinfandel: 5 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: Huh?!?
CCP Zinfandel: 4 MINUTES!

(interns face melts and then assplodes)
Ned Thomas
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2015-03-17 15:27:44 UTC
Erm.....they're asking that kind of money for game time? The ship skin is just a bonus to a normal purchase of game time?

Where are you people getting the "THEY'RE INSANE FOR CHARGING THAT MUCH FOR SHIP SKINS!!!!" thing from?
So you want to be a Hero
#5 - 2015-03-17 15:30:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Freelancer117
To get your hands on these beautiful commemorative ship skins you can head on over to Account Management at right now, and choose from one of the game time bundles at the standard multi-month discounts.

Who wrote and thought up this non explanatory crap.

So logic dictates, o7 RIP Spock, 3 monthly bundles and 3 ships skins, equals 3 different ways to get them

EDIT: Thanks Suomi Khan for the laughs, next up CCP will sell neural remaps for plex/aurum

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#6 - 2015-03-17 15:32:18 UTC
Suomi Khan wrote:
LOL, CCP must really be in the gutter to demand that kind of money for ship skins.. (yes, I know gametime is included, but the gametime has nothing to do with any of the reasons you listed for buying the shipskins in the devblog)

Was Zinfandel part of this decision?

Attendees: CCP Zulu, CCP Zinfindel + some random intern transcribing

CCP Zulu: Alright, so we have the CQ finished, but there's might be some issues with overheating ATI cards....
CCP Zinfandel: SCREW THEM! (booming voice)
CCP Zulu: Uh...screw the ATI cards?
CCP Zinfandel: BURN THEM!
CCP Zulu: Burn the cards?
CCP Zulu: oh...uh...I have to object. Destroying customers computer gear is just really messe...
CCP Zinfandel: SILENCE!

(30 minutes of awkward silence)

CCP Zinfandel: CONTINUE!
CCP Zulu: Alllrighty then. So we also finshed the code for NeX and we where wondering what exactly you wanted to sell...
CCP Zinfandel: PANTS!
CCP Zulu: Cool, so do you have any pants in mind? The art devs could think of a few different...
CCP Zinfandel: 1000 DOLLAR PANTS!
CCP Zulu: What...wait wuh? What kind of pants would those be? Would they be like...
CCP Zulu: do we make them look like Japanese bouti...
CCP Zinfandel: Put some Hello Kitty stuff on them. I think those are really cute n' fun.
CCP Zulu: But don't we need to buy the rights to use Hello Ki...
CCP Zinfandel: SILENCE!

(another 30 mins of awkward silence)

CCP Zinfandel: CONTINUE!
CCP Zulu: $1000 Japanese boutique 'Hello Kitty' pants. Got it. We'd also like to maybe do some different tops and stuff but wanted to know how much time we ha...
CCP Zinfandel: 5 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: 5 minutes?!? You want this done in 5 minutes?
CCP Zinfandel: 4 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: ****...

(4 minutes later)

(CCP Zulu returns to Conference Room 3, out of breathe)

CCP Zulu: Ok...ok. We got the pants, we got the was just thrown together with clipart from Sixteen Magazine, but this **** all looks like total crap. I think most of it came from Justin Bieber articles. Anyways, so real shirts sell for about $19 dollars so this stuff will sell for like $1-2 or....
CCP Zinfandel: 20 DOLLARS!

(Zulu stares blankly at Zinfandel. Yet another awkward silence)

CCP Zulu: Is there anything else you want?
CCP Zinfandel: MONOCLES!
CCP Zulu: Like "The Penguin" or "General von Klinkerhoffen" style monocles
CCP Zulu: monocles. What should they do? Improve perception or...
CCP Zinfandel: NOTHING!
CCP Zulu: Ok, good, purely cosmetic. I like that idea better. It's fair to the players. So we'll sell these for what, 1-2 dolla...
CCP Zulu: Did you say $17 dollars? Isn't that a bit too much for a...
CCP Zinfandel: $70 DOLLARS (holds large sign with a '7' and '0' on it and a winky emoticon)
(Zulu's jaw dislocates and drops. He quickly grabs it off the floor)
CCP Zulu: For $70 dollars that's gotta be one ****ing cool monocle. I can get the art department to come up with one of those in about a wee...
CCP Zinfandel: 5 MINUTES!
CCP Zulu: Huh?!?
CCP Zinfandel: 4 MINUTES!

(interns face melts and then assplodes)

Funny thing is.... this is exactly what I was thinking. You have saved me from having to come up with a funny reference to monocles or $1000 pants.

BTW, we still want top/stove-pipe hats.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#7 - 2015-03-17 15:45:35 UTC
Oh well...

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Aeril Malkyre
Knights of the Ouroboros
#8 - 2015-03-17 15:46:22 UTC
Man, I was really excited about this until I got to the bundle page. It's... absolutely absurd to split them up over the bundles like that.

Leaving off what a bad idea this is: Can the people who buy this at least be assured that they'll have these carry over in the new SKIN system when it debuts?
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2015-03-17 15:55:25 UTC
How long exactly will this offer be available? ... can i wait till after fanfest? or when you say "now" do you mean within the next 24hr?

No Worries

Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#10 - 2015-03-17 15:59:16 UTC
If you usually play EVE by buying a subscription with RL cash and the subs are not far off running out it's worth taking up the offers. You can sell the skin BPCs on if you don't want to fly them and make some free additional ISK. Or you can keep them and fly them at a latter date.

If your subs are not about to run out fairly soon, or you are worried about any forthcoming changes to EVE and whether those changes will adversely affect your gameplay, then it might not be a good move. I don't foresee EVE Online blowing up in our faces in the near future tbh. Going by the Fanfest timetable this year there does seem to be a shift in the direction of VR/Valkyrie though.

Andrey Wartooth
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2015-03-17 16:01:36 UTC
So what about for us people who are already on a multi-month subscription, in fact who just re-upped a couple of days ago? Do I need to spend another $40 to get skins?
Suomi Khan
#12 - 2015-03-17 16:03:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Suomi Khan
Celgar Thurn
Department 10
#13 - 2015-03-17 16:08:37 UTC
It's a question of timing really. If you expect to still want to play EVE past your next renewal date then buy some more game time.

PLEXing is too much like 'real life' work. I'd rather do a couple of days overtime at work then its all done for a year nearly.
Dominous Nolen
The Graduates
The Initiative.
#14 - 2015-03-17 16:16:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Dominous Nolen
I got all happy for a second then I saw the bundles. Too bad I've already subbed two of my accounts for a year as of two months ago on have one more to do in a few months.

Retroactive ship skins possible?


"Fly dangerously, Fly safe, Fly whatever, just keep Flying." - Lee Blackwood

Alexis Nightwish
#15 - 2015-03-17 16:24:06 UTC
Dominous Nolen wrote:
...Why deviate from the "Plex for HD stream" thing like you've done in years past?

Because it was ******* bullshit?

CCP approaches problems in one of two ways: nudge or cludge

EVE Online's "I win!" Button

Fixing bombs, not the bombers

#16 - 2015-03-17 16:25:43 UTC
I think it would be appreciated if this offer was valid for a long time, like a few months. That way people who just bought new time for their accounts don't have to pay upfront for way longer subscription time than they are comfortable with.

Say, someone bought 6 months of game time a few days ago - that person doesn't want to buy a full year on top of it to get the Dominix skin. But in a few months they're going to need new game time anyway, so why not let them wait a little until they are comfortable?
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-03-17 16:54:52 UTC
So I re-up 3 Months early and I get skins worth a 1.5B per account? Sure, why not.

This is totally my main. 

Leon Razor
Measure Zero
#18 - 2015-03-17 16:55:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Leon Razor
Dracnys wrote:
I think it would be appreciated if this offer was valid for a long time, like a few months. That way people who just bought new time for their accounts don't have to pay upfront for way longer subscription time than they are comfortable with.

Say, someone bought 6 months of game time a few days ago - that person doesn't want to buy a full year on top of it to get the Dominix skin. But in a few months they're going to need new game time anyway, so why not let them wait a little until they are comfortable?

First, it's awesome the HD stream if free. That is the right move.

So this offer HAPPENS to work out great for me since I normally buy a year at a time and my renewal date is in about a month. Thus this turns out to just be an extra (essentially free) bonus I get for my normal planned renewal.

However, I would be pissed if I just gave CCP $130 and then saw this. I mean kinda seems like a big snub to people who love CCP so much that they have just locked in a year of funding to CCP before all the cool stuff gets announced at Fanfest.

I think it's pretty obvious that the way they set this up ends up quite unfairly rewarding their more loyal subscribers while really punishing other just-as-loyal subscribers (just based on when they happened to buy their subs).
Fifth Blade
Jump Drive Appreciation Society
#19 - 2015-03-17 17:01:37 UTC
Leon Razor wrote:

However, I would be pissed if I just gave CCP $130 and then saw this. I mean kinda seems like a big snub to people who love CCP so much that they have just locked in a year of funding to CCP before all the cool stuff gets announced at Fanfest.

Speaking to someone in game with this precise situation. Not great.

On a personal level, not being able to pay plex effects me. I pay for all my gametime through plex. And I have.....a number.... of accounts. As such I would like to have the skins on several but i'm not going to pay £900+ upfront for them.

If plex was an option CCP would still get the money, and I may actually buy more.
Fawx Kion
#20 - 2015-03-17 17:02:19 UTC
So this means the year re-sub I just paid for my two accounts a couple weeks ago doesn't qualify? That's really frustrating. If I would of know this, I would of just paid for one month then bought the year during this. Some big bold words notifying people of this on the game time page would of helped a lot.
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