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Fozzie Sov is the Wrong Sov: An alternate vision

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#21 - 2015-03-12 01:49:09 UTC
Hmmm a post by a guy in Finfleet. That pretty much says it, Finfleet a bunch of elitist, arrogant wrenches.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Orontes Ovasi
Genos Occidere
#22 - 2015-03-12 01:58:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Hmmm a post by a guy in Finfleet. That pretty much says it, Finfleet a bunch of elitist, arrogant wrenches.

That is very rude.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2015-03-12 02:02:20 UTC
Orontes Ovasi wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Hmmm a post by a guy in Finfleet. That pretty much says it, Finfleet a bunch of elitist, arrogant wrenches.

That is very rude.

Try being in an alliance with Finfleet, that is actually the height of civility they their standards.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

#24 - 2015-03-12 03:23:19 UTC
I would like to have my cake and also to eat it.

There are good parts of both sov 2.0 and 3.0 systems as proposed. I would like to keep the good parts, add some special sauce, and produce content for as many different species of player as possible.

What I would like to see, foremost, is a spatially-governed system for sovereignty. A level five sov system should be surrounded by level four or better sov systems. If one of these drops to a three, the level five system should drop to a four within twenty four hours. This will make pocket constellations very economically attractive, which doesn't present any real problems that I can discern.

The next critical thing I'd like to see is sov indexed defenses. This could be in the form of structure defensive amplifiers. They might be anchorable modules that require a specific sov level to anchor, or they could just be some general effect. Whatever is easiest. Base level equipment should be quite weak, vulnerable to just a handful of cruisers, and have significantly degraded reinforcement timers. Structure in higher level sov should be strong enough to make the use of even massed supercapital fleets both impractical and extremely risky.

The net effect of this to create both a player empire interior, and a periphery, which must always exist, and which is always vulnerable. This creates a tangible front-line in actively engaged conflicts between player groups. The periphery becomes the focus players actually contesting sovereignty, though probably not of much interest to players interested solely in catching individual ship targets. Such a system caters to either group, and a few others besides.

Entosis modules and constellation wide anomalies should only have a viable effect on structures or states in low level sov systems, should expedite the process of capturing uncontested space, and preferably should allow for rival groups to contest timers in order to allow even regionally concentrated engagement to be fought on a nearly continuous basis between timers. Ideally, they should enable contesting groups to push timers forward or backwards up to a total of twenty hours, but in non-uniform increments.

I believe there should also be a variety of entosis-type modules, and a greater diversity of sovereignty modules, especially as regards the ihub. I fear we will see a tremendous deficit of ihubs deployed, since the cost and tedium of maintaining them will likely outstrip the opportunity cost of not having them. As a WH daytripper, I already lament the low concentration of WHs near my home in null, and the lack of favor most alliance leaderships demonstrate towards WH upgrades. You can barely navigate highsec without tripping over a hole to the rather numerous C1-3 systems. But I digress.

Contesting an industrial sovereignty asset implies some kind of interest in the industrial aspects of such a system. I'm not entirely sure how this sentiment could be manifested, perhaps some kind of module like an SBU with some of the properties of an Entosis module, but which is so large that only an a battle badger could move it. Not really having an attack of cleverness on this point, but I am actively pondering it.

The entosis link should also be something that preps the field, allowing for larger, damage based ships to be deployed. The system should be littered with different sized obstacles, some suitable to lighter fleets, others to heavier fleets. The main function of an entosis module should be to bring stations or ihubs out of invulnerability states during non-reinforced times. If we, reasonably, assume that sov content is group content, then we really don't need to accomodate any need for solo players to Freeport a station, or explode an iHub or TCU. If we assume that a small force of subcaps is adequate to the task in a low level sov system in a 10-40minute window, engagement is always possible. To combat the n+1 problem of minimum time to down an hp-based target, we simply put them inside of a deadspace. This ensures a minimum slowboating time.

The advantages of having heavy ships should mainly be to expedite the process of sov contestation, but as a step function rather than as a continuous curve that decreases shield mining time at the same rate of adding dps. I would simply propose a capital version of the entosis link, which allows one to destabilize a system one sov level higher than would normally be allowed. This speeds the process of conquering uncontested space, but also expands the scope of the contested battlefield in the event of pitched warfare. Activating this module would be parallel with activating siege mode, to the point that we could simply make these the same module. Triage would not count, reinforcing the role of carriers and supercarriers as support ships. Titan doomsdays should also get a role in negating remote repping, ensuring there is never a lack of hazard to any deployment. Shields would still have HP, but actually shooting it wouldn't be required. A single seige/entosis module would be adequate to put it in reinforced mode, wholly negating the need for N+1, and creating an incentive to have capital ships operating in even small numbers as flagships of escorting subcap fleets.

The shining jewel of sov 3.0 is the blob-breaking instrument of constellation-wide sov anoms. These should be critical in opening a system to sov games, shoving around timers, and/or deciding the progression of objectives from invulnerability to reinforcement in vulnerable systems. I think they should allow for capital escalation as a directly rewarded mechanic, but as one which is not benefited beyond a single seiged capital in each of the anoms. I also think the number of anoms should be variable, expanding as the numbers of pilots involved increases by some function triggered by simultaneous interaction.
Perfidious Albion
Stellar Fusion
#25 - 2015-03-12 03:38:51 UTC
Fozzie Sov turns eve into a numbers game. Bring more dudes and win.

This is the way EVE has been going for years.

So if you are a strong coalition and can bring 4 fleets of 1000 into a system, you take it and the defenders have no chance.

Sov has primarily been Cap warfare. There is nothing to stop a new alliance renting or living in NPC null sec to grow. For many owning a super capital was an aspiration they worked towards for years, grinding isk and training

The question is can you be bothered? The cencus here is NO, you cannot be bothered.

You look to whine and complain to get an easy win and to have what you whine for handed to you on a plate.

The more this game gets dumbed down, the more people will leave and the game will die. Prime time numbers are now down to 35k online where there used to be 55k only 2 years ago.

Super caps need to be the big powerful ship that can reek havoc on a battle field. The more the biggest ship in the game gets nerfed to a usless space coffin, the less incentive to put in the effort.

Like all you whiny children posting here.
Zan Shiro
#26 - 2015-03-12 04:44:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Zan Shiro
Teckos Pech wrote:
Orontes Ovasi wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Hmmm a post by a guy in Finfleet. That pretty much says it, Finfleet a bunch of elitist, arrogant wrenches.

That is very rude.

Try being in an alliance with Finfleet, that is actually the height of civility they their standards.

also unless changed I see where this is coming from...last I roiled in a crew with them they were cap and super heavy. Some self serving interest here really.

Also lost me at good old days of pos based SOV. CBA to e-stalk....did they play in this time frame? It sucked ass. Tied to SOV by pos, yes, he who had more pos's won...but a non blue dropped pos was a ding against the SOV regardless.

My first pvp corps long ago in the days of apoc had a ceo when bored...or drunk...would ninjya in and drop pos' just because it was a day ending in y. No desire to claim the system or even try. It was just his thing to **** on people's cornflakes this way.

Not up to speed on the new entosis and such tbh...may be easier than bash to clean this crap out if another person has my old ceo's hobby. Its still a boring repetitive process all the same I gather.

Game had caps and super online which is how it got the stale environment it is now. At their highpoint just looking at the Russians the only one's who could take them down were themselves.. Goons same thing...kartoon didn't pay bills, internal failscade, purging of the back at square 1 again. Waiting for goons reformed to break themselves again. Since NC in the house...well you all know how you got the . (dot) at the end. YOu all reformed up after old boy robbed you blind....and hard among other factors. internal failscade ensued, worked itself out now you all back for next round.

This is what caps and supers online got us. Same ****...different name. And the name not even different with dot at the end for those that do it imo.
Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2015-03-12 05:06:23 UTC
Lots of good points on both sides. However, changes are going to happen so lets at least go ahead and state some problems.

1: Removal of the ability of super caps to be beneficial for much is intolerable. This is one of the end game ships, sorry for the rest that didn't have the patience to save for you. They have to have a place, this is going back to nano warfare. I don't care honestly, but nano fleets running around taking sov don't make sense. Shake it up, but plenty of suggestions out there.

2: Why on earth did you nerf fighters ? People kick other people for losing capitals on the field. Most people I know are getting rid of their capitals. You see abuse, but I see a few people screaming and you are giving in. Bad idea, but then again I will just adjust and sell. People scream of the abuse of supers, but wait till you see the abuse of interceptors. ******** idea but I see it as a self corrector as there will be a huge backlash over it.

3: Best point. CCP is trying like hell to shake it up. They really are. However, there are a lot of more logical and good suggestions over sov than what is proposed now. Suck up your pride and listen CCP, these player are a bit more knowledgable as they spend their lives playing this game. For me after 11 years, bleh, I am use to the up and downs. Only thing you guys really PMO over was the jump changes. But here I am wrong, the changes were good in general, minus nerfing carriers. Which they are suppose to carry sh...well you get the point.

4: I still love this game. Thank you for trying at least to shake it up and keep it entertaining. For the record if they go with sov as it is now, the big alliances will dominate, not the smaller ones. Yes they will have to give up large renter space, but if all we need are interceptor fleets, who really cares ? SRP for that is pretty easy. In the end, big numbers and good organization will still dominate the game. Something to think about.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#28 - 2015-03-12 05:14:47 UTC
5IBORG wrote:
Fozzie Sov turns eve into a numbers game. Bring more dudes and win.

First, if this were true, and I doubt it is it different from now?

Second, I don't think this is true. At least not in the sense of piling bodies into a single system.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#29 - 2015-03-12 05:17:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Zan Shiro wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Orontes Ovasi wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Hmmm a post by a guy in Finfleet. That pretty much says it, Finfleet a bunch of elitist, arrogant wrenches.

That is very rude.

Try being in an alliance with Finfleet, that is actually the height of civility they their standards.

also unless changed I see where this is coming from...last I roiled in a crew with them they were cap and super heavy. Some self serving interest here really.

Yep, when we were in IT Finfleet and...crap what was the name of the ****** Euro corp they buddied up with...they basically stuck around and built a ton of super capitals then delivered an ultimatum to the alliance....right as we were being invaded. Finfleet are self serving them at your own risk.

Edit: X13 was corp Finfleet buddied up with to deliver the ultimatum.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2015-03-12 05:19:55 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
5IBORG wrote:
Fozzie Sov turns eve into a numbers game. Bring more dudes and win.

First, if this were true, and I doubt it is it different from now?

Second, I don't think this is true. At least not in the sense of piling bodies into a single system.

Eve will always be a number game. So if they think the sov changes will affect the big alliances, nope. Already heard talk of taking captor fleets to wipe out smaller alliances. For the well organized alliances like bastion, bleh, there are some really excited over it. I just dread having to spend 4 hours in fleets just to defend territory over nano fleets.

So in the end who do you think are going to win ? More casual groups, or groups that spend half their life on here ? And no, I got over the game thing years ago, but I do still enjoy it. It is just a bad idea as it is now and very ludicrous ? Magic fairy wand for flipping sov ? Come on guys you can do a bit better than this.
#31 - 2015-03-12 05:31:18 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
Whaaaah, my epeen is hurting.

If you seriously think that basing sov on capitals and supers wouldn't totally block small groups from keeping sov, then you have totally lost touch with the reality of the game.

As you say, just because a group wants sov doesn't mean they automatically get it. If someone wants the same space, those grouos will fight over that space. On the flip side, however, is that if no one actually wants a system, the barrier to entry for sov should not be a price tag of at least 30 billion isk.

The simple fact is that CCP is finally taking steps to correct the mistake they made many years ago when they introduced the massive game imbalance known as supers.

Yes, EvE is hard and harder if you are stupid, as your sig says. This is a game based on ISK and the making of ISK. So, yes, there is a high barrier and should be a high barrier to take and own sovereignty. But if you really want it, you should go through the evolution of the game from high to low to npc null-sec to true null sec to get it, and not skip every other step and conquer sov with interceptors or frigates. I just don't see it your way. I see this as taking years and years and not being instantly gratified. However, if you really want it, CCP has created a mechanic where you can buy PLEX and then sell it for ISK. But if you don't want to do it that way, then go through the evolution or sit in Thera.

The problem is that the second you require capital ships to capture sov, the only entities who can hold sov are the entities who can hold their own in a large supercap fight such as B-R

There is no such thing as small scale capital warfare because there is no amount of HP that requires a few cap ships to take down that cant also be taken down by hundreds of subcaps.

This is a problem you're probably a bit removed from as you're in the corp with the highest supercap density in the history of Eve.

Saying that "sov should require supercaps" is kinda self serving coming from the guy with the most supercaps.
#32 - 2015-03-12 05:42:29 UTC
Zhul Chembull wrote:
1: Removal of the ability of super caps to be beneficial for much is intolerable. This is one of the end game ships, sorry for the rest that didn't have the patience to save for you. They have to have a place, this is going back to nano warfare. I don't care honestly, but nano fleets running around taking sov don't make sense. Shake it up, but plenty of suggestions out there.

Honestly the fix for this is to have the entosis module turn off your MWD... nano kiting problem solved.

That said, cap ships are supposed to be support ships not fleet ships. There should be no such thing as a capital fleet, it should always be a capital SUPPORT fleet
Zhul Chembull wrote:
2: Why on earth did you nerf fighters ? People kick other people for losing capitals on the field. Most people I know are getting rid of their capitals. You see abuse, but I see a few people screaming and you are giving in. Bad idea, but then again I will just adjust and sell. People scream of the abuse of supers, but wait till you see the abuse of interceptors. ******** idea but I see it as a self corrector as there will be a huge backlash over it.

I agree the fighter nerf was a bit heavy handed, and I hope they revert it at some point, but I can understand why they did it... People will take any chance they can get to be risk averse. Its dumb
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2015-03-12 13:53:16 UTC
Many good responses. However, I think some people are missing is that alliances like GSF and NCDOT took years to acquire their capitals and supercapitals and even longer to acquire sov and sometimes lose that sov. What Fozzie's system does is give instant gratification with little investment - an entosis link to be clear. Second, his system marginalizes capitals and supercapitals and he has said that.

Finally, his system will mark an exodus of many entities out of 0.0 because it wont be worth it on a monetary level to do it; not to mention it wont be any fun. His system swings too far to the other direction. Mine could be the sweet spot if given enough input. I see taking sov as taking years and being incremental - like growing up. Brave is a good example of an alliance growing up and going through the evolution the right way. it will and is a power to be reckoned with. And NC and GSF will also go through their evolution and eventually fragment. This game is about time and not instant gratification. It's not WOW, which some people want it to transform into.

Tabyll Altol
Amarr Empire
#34 - 2015-03-12 15:03:11 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
I propose that all sovereignty warfare revolve around capital and supercapital engagements in order to keep these ship classes relevant. I propose this as a counter-model to that proposed by CCP Fozzie. Subcaps have plenty to do in the game as it is, but capitals and supercapitals are seemingly running out of things to do.

-Hitpoints on player owned outposts will be doubled. Stations will have offensive capabilities, including capital guns and their own doomsdays. There will be no reinforcement timer on stations. This will encourage people to live in a particular system or risk losing their stuff.

-Player owned outposts will be destructible and there will be a plunder reward once they are destroyed, meaning the stuff inside is salvageable or lootable.

-Sovereignty will revert back to who has the majority of towers in a system. However, only one tower will have a reinforcement timer. All other towers will have to be defended when they are being attacked or else they will be lost.

-Offensive and Defensive capabilities on POS will be significantly enhanced to require the use of supercapitals and capitals. No more reinforcing a POS with bomber fleets or Ishtars. These things will be hell to take down and not the pushovers they are now.

-NPC 0.0 will be a capital and supercapital free zone where smaller entities can brawl. The Sanahas and other pirate factions will be the only ones using capitals and supercapitals there. More broadly, these pirate factions can conquer space and make that space capital and supercapital free zones as well. But like player owned empires these gains can be reverted. NPC 0.0 will be a place where smaller entities can grow and mature, and there will be an abundance of resources for them to build their wallets up.

-Finally, supercapitals will be able to be manufactured in low sec, allowing smaller entities to build their own super weapons. This should not just be a perk for true null-sec.

So how should a small alliance or some new alliance be strong enough to handle a full attack. The big blocks could form fleets and destroy their assets so fast without reinforce. Second you have to defend your station 24/7. Seems to be a big trollpost.

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#35 - 2015-03-12 15:28:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Elenahina
Tykonderoga wrote:
However, I think some people are missing is that alliances like GSF and NCDOT took years to acquire their capitals and supercapitals and even longer to acquire sov and sometimes lose that sov.

If we used that argument everytime it applied, nothing would ever change.

I spent so much time to train into a T3, you can't nerf them.
I spent so much time training for fighter bombers, you can't change them.
I spent all that time training BS 5 for capital ships, you can't change that.

The fact is, investing your time and evergy in Eve is exactly that - an investment. And not all investments will increase in value. Let's face it - you lot didn't built the supers you did because you wanted to. They're huge, hard to store, and expensive as hell. The characters in them spend a lot of time unsubbed, except during the "Great Wars". The fact is, you built them in such numbers because you needed them. You submitted yourself to the bondage of your space coffin because it was the only way to protect yourself and your space tribe.

Rejoice, for now you are free.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#36 - 2015-03-12 15:43:24 UTC
OP, I'll freely admit I know nothing of null sov from firsthand experience.

But I hear that it's not so much fun atm for anybody (including supercap pilots), so something's got to change.

Change = old strategies, tactics and assets get screwed.

Think of it as a fresh start.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#37 - 2015-03-12 16:14:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Tykonderoga
Training for a super or a titan is not the same as training for a t3 or a bomber in terms of how long it takes and in isk; they are apples and watermelons, in fact. In terms of isk and time they are the end game of ships. If not, then they should be able to be made in a station and only require minimal time to skill up for. Marginalize them or delete them, and there is nothing to strive for. Finally, people love to kill them and kill them regularly. There is not the same excitement over the death of an Ishtar or a battleship. So marginalize these ships at your own peril, CCP.
Colette Kassia
Kassia Industrial Supply
#38 - 2015-03-12 16:35:19 UTC
Lets all stop crying and look forward to the next logical step.

Allow capitals to be disassembled (reprocessed) into their constituent cap-ship components without the usual 50% loss of material (allow the assembly array to also do disassembly?). If you decide that you have too many supercaps than you can reconfigure most of the material investment into carriers, jump freighters, ...Orcas, etc. You won't get your SP back, but this would be better than nothing.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2015-03-12 16:50:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Elenahina
Tykonderoga wrote:
In terms of isk and time they are the end game of ships, to me. Marginalize them or delete them, and there is nothing for me to strive for. Finally, people love to kill them and kill them regularly. There is not the same excitement over the death of an Ishtar or a battleship for me.

Ok, first, Supercaps were the single biggest mistake CCP ever made. The rationale behind them is ridiculous, and they started an arms race that has basically shut anyone who doesn't have one (or a couple dozen at this point) into a secondary role in large parts of the game. Hell having just one is actually worse than having none, because people will expend large amounts of energy trying to find it and kill it. This is considered to be a bad thing by large parts of the community. The cry death to all supers did not originate with some lowly highsec pubbie.

Second, I fixed your quote. All of that is your opinion. Supers are in no way MY end game content. I'll strap myself into a space coffin the day after they turn the servers off for good. If you have nothing to strive for but flying your ePeen Machine around - well, thems the breaks. Everyone's favorite ship gets nerfed to hell and back at some point. Please find me a use for a hurricane that isn't done better, cheaper, and faster by a T3 or a HAC.

Do supers generate a lot of excitement? That's debateable. Sure everyone wants to kill one - it's epeen, and frankly, if I could get one on my killboard, I could lose Gilas all day every day and still smile like a bufoon. That does not, however, in any way mean that they are good for the long term health of the game. And by and large, the only time people really talk about them for any length of time is when several dozen of them all go boom at once. Dunking a single super used to make news. Now they make the ALOD column.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2015-03-12 16:51:43 UTC
Colette Kassia wrote:
Lets all stop crying and look forward to the next logical step.

Allow capitals to be disassembled (reprocessed) into their constituent cap-ship components without the usual 50% loss of material (allow the assembly array to also do disassembly?). If you decide that you have too many supercaps than you can reconfigure most of the material investment into carriers, jump freighters, ...Orcas, etc. You won't get your SP back, but this would be better than nothing.

I would have no issue if CCP offered a one time "Dock your super for reprocessing" event for all those people who feel they are now useless. We could call it "Cash For Coffins".

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

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