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No Holes Barred - 2013/2014 video archive

Overload This
Escalation Theory
#1 - 2015-03-07 23:49:14 UTC

Over the years we've accumulated a lot of footage from our fights in both wormhole and known space, and the best of it makes it into videos. Unlike most other fleet fights in EVE where numbers play a huge deciding factor, wormholes can give different challenges.

Where other wormhole groups might turn to batphoning to mass up more Tech 3s to kill even small ratting crews, we rather work out the best setup with the people we have, and just go with it. With this mentality, we've gotten some amazing fights we'll remember during the rest of our EVE careers, both wins and losses. The shakes are real! I highly encourage every other small or medium size PVP groups to try the same, at times it can give amazing results. There is always more ISK :)

Here's a list of some of our best full fights caught on fraps, with a short summary to it to give a better understanding of the fight and what makes it great. Obviously with comms!

AHAC gang in Providence (Triage) -
We take out a group of armor heavy assault cruisers and head to Providence with a triage Archon on standby, gunning for a good fight from CVA. Knowing their normal strength in both capitals and subcapitals, we're joint by a small group from the former C6 alliance Polarized. and one member of Adhocracy. We end up facing two different fleets at once, which makes for some fun triage footage.

Fight against TDSIN/SSC (Triage, DPS) -
As seen in the "This is EVE" trailer. We take on The Dark Space Initiative in what seemingly was a short fight, before Sleeper Social Club waves in local and they both join up for a round 2. We gladly accept. Already having jumped a carrier and two Bhaalgorns through our wormhole while they still have the possibility to bring in at least four capitals together, we have to improvise to have a chance to match their firepower. A close by wormhole to nullsec and a good cyno network makes it possible to cyno in a Naglfar, and another carrier is brought in from our homesystem, closing the wormhole behind us leaving us fully committed. This makes for an interesting fight and intense triage footage. As a bonus, it was a first-time FC.

NOHO vs. Exit Strategy, Bhaals Deep (DPS, Triage, Bhaalgorn) -
Around downtime, rolling C6s can give some juicy siting capital kills thinking they can avoid EU groups. This time we connected to Exit Strategy's homesystem, so we put a HIC and a carrier on their side of the hole and see if they want to play. The fight ensued. To make them commit further, we jump another Naglfar in, making both sides aware that we were committed with no way to escape with both of our capitals due to mass restrictions. This makes their capitals start flowing in, and gave us what probably was one of the best fights of the year.

The Defence of Polaris -
Being the oldest wormhole entity in the game still standing and active in wormhole space, we've always lived in Polaris/J150020 (as featured in "Clarion Call 3). This nearly changed in November 2014, when three well known wormhole entities decided that we had been unchallenged for long enough. Full moon coverage left them with 52 POSes to reinforce. After they had POS bashed for 6 hours, reinforcing 50 of the 52 POSes, we attacked expecting them to have more capitals as backup logging on as soon as we engaged. Surprisingly they had no reinforcements or decided not to use them, which our FCs have a hard time realizing. The comment at 14:05 in the video, "Can I get a confirmation that we're actually winning this", has become a popular saying internally since.

Bhaals Deep against TLC (Dread, Triage) -
Ending 2014 in a fire, 140 billion ISK lost in a single fight. We connected to The Last Chancers' homesystem, and they immediately respond by putting a full fleet with triage support about 40 km off our wormhole. We couldn't miss out on such an opportunity, so we form our signature Bhaals Deep doctrine. As we jump, we immediately go all in, expecting TLC to use their home field advantage of unlimited capital support. They meet our expectations, and an extended fight ensues. The Naglfar POV combined with intense triage footage makes for a good overview of the fight showing both the main source of DPS and the only Logistics of the fleet. Both footages includes combat refitting (refitting mid-fight). The fight ended up lasting 1,5 hours, edited down to a good 28 minutes. You won't regret watching it all the way to the end. :)

Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoyed them just as much as I did making some of them. Here's to 2015 and the future, for more good fights and less stagnation. Cheers :)
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2015-03-08 09:02:27 UTC
I really enjoy your vids mate, hope to see more en the future
Caldari 1
Caldari Alliance
#3 - 2015-03-08 10:07:59 UTC
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2015-03-08 14:49:31 UTC
gomlee wrote:
Pandemic Horde
#5 - 2015-03-08 15:19:46 UTC
Ssagat wrote:
gomlee wrote:

Greggles Midboss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#6 - 2015-03-09 11:47:00 UTC
NOHO vs. Exit Strategy was a good watch. Nice videos.
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#7 - 2015-03-09 15:39:10 UTC
Upload the Bhaals Deep ones to eve-files.
Pretty please.

Can't watch in germany, and don't feel like walking to the netherlands for access.

Pretty pretty please!
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#8 - 2015-03-09 17:51:37 UTC
I greatly enjoyed these Smile

She's mad but she's magic, there's no lie in her fire.

This is possibly one of the worst threads in the history of these forums.  - CCP Falcon

I don't remember when last time you said something that wasn't either dumb or absurd. - Diana Kim

Overload This
Escalation Theory
#9 - 2015-03-09 18:01:45 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
Upload the Bhaals Deep ones to eve-files.
Pretty please.

Can't watch in germany, and don't feel like walking to the netherlands for access.

Pretty pretty please!

Will do when I get a chance, and update the thread :-)
Ed Hardi
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-03-14 17:34:08 UTC
very watchable and interesting. realy licked most of the vids, good work and nice fights!

my favorite: Bhaals Deep against TLC (Dread, Triage)