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My 7 Day Experience with EVE and the reason why I'm leaving.
The right to free speech doesn't automatically carry with it the right to be taken seriously.
We must accommodate the idiocracy.
**Ascendance CEO **
Goonswarm Federation
☢☢☢☢☢☢☢- Your Anger is a Gift -☢☢☢☢☢☢☢ Do you even Titan? ☢☢☢ Potato ☢☢☢Lemon☢☢☢
If your balls are hurt and bleeding don't sit in a pool full of piranhas (note to myself: don't complain in GD)
Being teh freightergankbear automatically puts you below missionbear and minerbear in carebear hierarchy.
If you're about to make "this will make eve un-eve" argument, odds are you are defending some utterly horrible mechanics against a good change.