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Talocan studies conducted by DuPont Enterprises

#1 - 2011-12-18 21:43:32 UTC

Following DuPont Enterprises' goal of looking for good investment opportunities, we ended up being able to access rich Talocan remnants, ruins, abandoned ships and hardware etc. Location of those sites' whereabouts will be kept classified for security reasons and alliance interests, but I can tell it’s a high-level class Anoikis system.

In our understanding, a window of opportunity to study Talocan History and Talocan Technology opened and DUPO should spare resources towards the study and theorization on this ancient race history and developments. We, therefore, started to survey those sites, to store visual and probing data and create an AI to use this database and help a small team of scientists, engineers and technological enthusiasts. Research is underway.

If it is of interest to Arek'Jaalan staff, available data and findings of DUPO Talocan research may be transferred to capable people in the TH and TT departments. For that matter, either me or Mystika Vendetta should be the ones to be contacted. A package of 17 good resolution images is already available for those interested, as well as some initial conclusions made by our team.

DUPO efforts on Talocan field research will continue and we expect to offer the capsuleer community with good findings, information and conclusions in the near future.
#2 - 2011-12-21 22:49:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vechtor

As of 12-22-113 at 2225 EVEST, a group of 13 SOE scientists decided to support our research and signed a contract with DuPont Enterprises for the initial period of one year starting today. Payment arrangements have already been worked out with their former contractors and a reasonable sum of money has been paid directly to them in order to provide security and a desirable level of luxury and entertainment for the duration of 18 months. It is also part of the contract that their identity will be held secret both by the part of their former contractors and by DuPont Enterprises.

This particular SOE scientists group declared to our directorship that they have experience working with Isogen-5 for the "Sanctuary", a SOE wing for scientific research, and they claimed that they can be of assistance with the theorization and understanding of Talocan FTL travel mechanisms and the activation of wormholes and other types of jump gate technologies for interstellar travels, provided that proper Talocan salvage and equipment can be found.

They are enroute to Dodixie, where they'll wait for a window of opportunity to travel to our base in our Anoikis system.
Ghost Hunter
True Slave Foundations
#3 - 2011-12-22 22:51:38 UTC
What do you intend to do with the knowledge you glean from your studies?

True Slave Foundations Overseer


Andreus Ixiris
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2011-12-22 22:57:22 UTC
Ghost Hunter wrote:
What do you intend to do with the knowledge you glean from your studies?

I doubt toasters could grasp the finer points anyway.

Andreus Ixiris > A Civire without a chin is barely a Civire at all.

Pieter Tuulinen > He'd be Civirely disadvantaged, Andreus.

Andreus Ixiris > ...

Andreus Ixiris > This is why we're at war.

Tiberious Thessalonia
True Slave Foundations
#5 - 2011-12-22 23:00:59 UTC
Yes, because our society was not founded on the ideal of unfettered scientific research or anything. Thank you, Ixiris, I had forgotten.
Uraniae Fehrnah
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2011-12-23 01:58:32 UTC
I'd be interested in hearing DuPont Enterprises intentions as well. Further I'd be interested in what data you've managed to collect thus far. I am not currently involved in the Talocan departments within the A'J project but if segments of Talocan history overlap with that of the Sleepers, I'd be remiss not to take a look at the data.
Jeane DuPont
#7 - 2011-12-23 21:55:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Jeane DuPont
Your questions are valid. Therefore, they deserve answers.

First question was about our true intentions regarding our interests with the research on the Talocans.

Our true intentions are genuinely scientific, in the sense that we expect to achieve a higher level of understanding around Talocan history, Talocan technology, their interactions with other races (if they happened) and how those interactions influenced the appearance and development of other races such as ours.

It is true that DuPont Enterprises follows a capitalist corporation model where our shareholders expect returns in the form of dividends based on the money they’ve brought into this corporation and the risk they are taking with DUPO’s activities. This by no means forces us to act to focus only on immediate money making. Following many other corporations’ example of creating foundations and non-profit organizations, we can use part of our surplus to fund whatever activity we feel that can be of service to our community. And what is best than to research something that can bring better understanding of our origins?

To add into this, one should not be afraid of what we can do by eventually getting our hands on Talocan technology that can be of use to militaristic ends. Capsuleers all over the place have already been able to indiscriminately use Talocan technology to help with the construction of better modules. In case you don’t know, the following modules use Talocan technology on their manufacture: Heavy 'Brave' Capacitor Booster I, Cactus Kinetic Deflection Amplifier, 'Dyad' Co-Processor I, 'Desert Heat' Heat Dissipation Field, Medium 'Gattotte' Capacitor Booster, 'Glycerine' Shield Boost Amplifier, High Noon Heat Dissipation Amplifier, Nugget Ballistic Deflection Field, Poacher Photon Scattering Field, Posse Invulnerability Field, Prospector Magnetic Scattering Amplifier, Large 'Sheriff' Shield Extender, Small 'Siesta' Capacitor Booster, Snake Eyes Explosion Dampening Field, Whiskey Explosion Dampening Field.
Should DuPont Enterprises develop anything different than that it would by no means do different than what many others have done so far in New Eden.

Second question was related to what kinds of data we’ve got so far.

We are pretty much in the very beginning of our research, as DuPont has just recently accessed a Class 5 Anoikis system in order to build infrastructure and start operations. Our initial driver to move into this system had obviously no direct correlation with the Talocan remnants we can find on those areas, as you can see through our public military data for last two months.

DuPont, alongside with the alliance it’s working with, have engaged different forces that either tried or could try to exploit our boundaries in order to fight for our resources. DuPont is also conducting manufacturing of materials that in surplus are sold in Empire (most of the times in Jita or Dodixie) and helping to extract Sleeper’s technology to the same end, as most capsuleers already do all over New Eden. If you fly a Tech 3 Cruiser, you are using Sleeper technology, and there are countless of Tech 3 Cruisers either flying or being built in New Eden as I’m writing this message.

Talocan research is evidently a different thing of what we’ve done so far. And we’ll follow a different way of reasoning from what people have done until now.
Just to give you a preliminary idea, all of the initial research started by an AI we developed and that is running on our mainframes, in a tower, at that very system. We’ve just given to this AI a first set of assumptions and the AI will try to achieve different assumptions based on whatever material and data we collect. Yesterday, a group of 18 scientists have moved there, alongside with other kinds of personnel, and those scientists will work with this AI in order to achieve better conclusions. I think it’s better to avoid giving you the first conclusions this AI had and the distribution of probabilities it is working with for different assumptions, but one I enjoyed the most is that Talocans were Sleeper’s allies, not enemies, what could explain many things.

We will be supplying the community when we get a full set of assumptions, theories and conclusions regarding the Talocans, not restricted to Arek’Jaalan coordinators, but we are open to work with Arek’Jaalan personnel too both on TH ant TT departments if it is of their desire. I think New Eden deserves better explanation regarding all aspects of our origins and as the Founder and CEO of this corporation, I’m happy and confident that we will serve for that end.