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UI Changes : My Father That Uses a Magnifying Glass to Play

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Goonswarm Federation
#1 - 2015-03-05 05:17:30 UTC
Good Day,

In game I am known as Evelathia. I am 25 years old and a Heavy Duty Mechanic, I live in Alberta Canada. My father is known in game as Xalderze he is in his 60's Alberta Canada, He works day in and day out, for hours and hours, I can remember a time I did not actually see him for 2 days because of his job he was not allowed to leave his post. but after all that he still comes home to play EVE and relax with a big old glass of coffee and his magnifying glass.

I have seen the announcement about the new UI changes to the Ship icons, I my self like them, but for my father this is going to be tough, I love being able to play this game with my father, I may not do the same things as him in eve but we chat and enjoy our time on here. HE LOVES this game as do I.

I am more then concerned, that with this change he may not actually be able to play this game anymore which is an absolute sin and would leave me heart broken.

My father has a medical condition called Rod Cone Dystrophy which allows him to see some peripheral vision but not right in front of him unless he uses a magnifying glass, this condition has made him clinically blind since he has been the age of I believe 8 years old, he hasn't legally driven a vehicle, nor had the vision to see the world as me and my sister have, I have never met a stronger man in my life that shows no pain about it and does not ever get himself down or upset because he can not do certain things.

All my life we have always had a hard time doing things together because of this blindness he wasn't able to just take me out camping or just hop in the truck and go on a mans day shooting guns an such, but I managed to find gaming and it interested me, I started off with Wold Of Warcraft when I was much younger and he enjoyed my stories, so he looked and looked and looked for a game that interested him and he found eve back in 2006, I enjoyed watching him and all the things he was doing, so I started playing in 2007 with him.

We have had our fun made corps together, went to wormhole space together and then we split ways, I went to try null sec life and pirating, he has a difficult time with the pvp aspect cause of the fast pace and the magnifying glass doesn't slide across the screen very fast at all, so not to worry he stuck with Industrial side of eve, we chat all the time in game, and most of our phone calls in real life always depict some sort of craziness about eve in them, from oh my god no why would CCP do that, to the usual goons again go figure.

To have this game has been the most amazing thing for me and my father for 8 strong years now. We have been to Fanfest once and are coming again this march, its our Father Son get away together.

I am asking you CCP please work on a visually impaired UI for EVE so I don't loose my amazing father from a game we enjoy to play together and spend hours on together, that has given us the ability to finally connect so much better and have that bonding time with each other. Again my father would definitely not ask for something like this as he is a strong man but I know this will not go well for him.

Cherry Popping 247

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2 - 2015-03-05 05:44:40 UTC  |  Edited by: d0cTeR9
The UI can be customize:
You can move things around, you can make it smaller, or bigger, and you can change the colors and there's even a color blind option i believe.

I'm not sure what more can be done? Maybe 3 monitor setup, with more stuff on the sides and less in front?

Been around since the beginning.

Goonswarm Federation
#3 - 2015-03-05 06:07:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Evelathia
d0cTeR9 wrote:
The UI can be customize:
You can move things around, you can make it smaller, or bigger, and you can change the colors and there's even a color blind option i believe.

I'm not sure what more can be done? Maybe 3 monitor setup, with more stuff on the sides and less in front?

you can only make UI 125% larger
there is no option to make icons larger,
yes your right you can make overview larger that does not increase the current size of ship icons on your overview.

Thanks for the suggestions i checked them to see if i could make it work for him, but the current icons are good its the new ones coming out that are much much to small.

Cherry Popping 247

Iain Cariaba
#4 - 2015-03-05 16:14:22 UTC
Make the resolution of the screen smaller. This increases the size of the anything displayed on it. You might try using a good size TV at the 1920x1080 resolution rather than a smaller monitor at what is likely the same resolution.
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2015-03-05 17:38:18 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Make the resolution of the screen smaller. This increases the size of the anything displayed on it. You might try using a good size TV at the 1920x1080 resolution rather than a smaller monitor at what is likely the same resolution.

Why should my father have to go out and spend more money on some TV when CCP could easily just make the UI a lot more visually impaired friendly, It is something that needs to be done, its not a tough question to ask of them in today's world. many people have issues and they get along fine with them until a certain point.

My father uses many different programs to increase the size of things but Eve Online is not friendly with any of them, example of one is called ZoomText is a huge one he uses to enlarge things so he can see them but it wont work with eve online.

Could CCP make it so their game is able to run with a program like ZoomText??

Cherry Popping 247

CCP Darwin
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2015-03-05 18:41:21 UTC
Evelathia wrote:
Why should my father have to go out and spend more money on some TV when CCP could easily just make the UI a lot more visually impaired friendly, It is something that needs to be done, its not a tough question to ask of them in today's world. many people have issues and they get along fine with them until a certain point.

Please don't be discouraged by people who don't understand what it's like to rely on tools like that to deal with a disability. It's a really reasonable request to allow enlarging the UI further and providing more flexibility for text and icon size, and our UI team will almost certainly see your post and be thinking about it as a result.

However, since any such improvements probably won't come very fast, I would strongly recommend (first) setting EVE to a lower resolution. To do this, he'll need to set display resolution in the Windows control panel. (You can run EVE in Windowed or Fixed Window mode at lower resolutions set in-game, but those won't enlarge the display at all.)

I did experiment with using the built-in magnifier under the Windows 7 Ease of Access settings, and it worked fine with EVE in Fixed Window mode, so that might be an option, although it sounds like you've already tried that. If that particular feature works badly for you, please consider opening up a bug report and we can at least try testing it on similar hardware to see if there's a way to enhance its performance.

I can't really guess what if anything would be involved in supporting a third-party solution. That question would have to be addressed by our UI team.

CCP Darwin  •  Senior Software Engineer, Art & Graphics, EVE Online  •  @mark_wilkins

Goonswarm Federation
#7 - 2015-03-05 19:04:45 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Evelathia wrote:
Why should my father have to go out and spend more money on some TV when CCP could easily just make the UI a lot more visually impaired friendly, It is something that needs to be done, its not a tough question to ask of them in today's world. many people have issues and they get along fine with them until a certain point.

Please don't be discouraged by people who don't understand what it's like to rely on tools like that to deal with a disability. It's a really reasonable request to allow enlarging the UI further and providing more flexibility for text and icon size, and our UI team will almost certainly see your post and be thinking about it as a result.

However, since any such improvements probably won't come very fast, I would strongly recommend (first) setting EVE to a lower resolution. To do this, he'll need to set display resolution in the Windows control panel. (You can run EVE in Windowed or Fixed Window mode at lower resolutions set in-game, but those won't enlarge the display at all.)

I did experiment with using the built-in magnifier under the Windows 7 Ease of Access settings, and it worked fine with EVE in Fixed Window mode, so that might be an option, although it sounds like you've already tried that. If that particular feature works badly for you, please consider opening up a bug report and we can at least try testing it on similar hardware to see if there's a way to enhance its performance.

I can't really guess what if anything would be involved in supporting a third-party solution. That question would have to be addressed by our UI team.

i will definitely look into the Windows magnifier, that is the only one we have not tried, if that works then hopefully problem solved for a while.

And thank you for taking this into consideration CCP it is greatly appreciated and i am sure if you ever had questions about ideas for it, my father would be more then happy to give details into what may help and what may not help a visually impaired person's.

Cherry Popping 247

CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#8 - 2015-03-06 11:12:53 UTC
Off topic posts have been removed. Please stay on topic and constructive, thank you!

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2015-03-06 13:14:35 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
Evelathia wrote:
Why should my father have to go out and spend more money on some TV when CCP could easily just make the UI a lot more visually impaired friendly, It is something that needs to be done, its not a tough question to ask of them in today's world. many people have issues and they get along fine with them until a certain point.

Please don't be discouraged by people who don't understand what it's like to rely on tools like that to deal with a disability. It's a really reasonable request to allow enlarging the UI further and providing more flexibility for text and icon size, and our UI team will almost certainly see your post and be thinking about it as a result.

However, since any such improvements probably won't come very fast, I would strongly recommend (first) setting EVE to a lower resolution. To do this, he'll need to set display resolution in the Windows control panel. (You can run EVE in Windowed or Fixed Window mode at lower resolutions set in-game, but those won't enlarge the display at all.)

I did experiment with using the built-in magnifier under the Windows 7 Ease of Access settings, and it worked fine with EVE in Fixed Window mode, so that might be an option, although it sounds like you've already tried that. If that particular feature works badly for you, please consider opening up a bug report and we can at least try testing it on similar hardware to see if there's a way to enhance its performance.

I can't really guess what if anything would be involved in supporting a third-party solution. That question would have to be addressed by our UI team.

Is it too late to make the new icons a toggle?
Lil' Brudder Too
Pistols for Pandas
#10 - 2015-03-06 18:48:25 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
It's a really reasonable request to allow enlarging the UI further and providing more flexibility for text and icon size, and our UI team will almost certainly see your post and be thinking about it as a result.

If and ONLY if it is an option, and not tied with the rest of the whole interface. As such it seems after each expansion that involves the UI as a whole, we as players end up with less and less screen real-estate that is useable for actually seeing the spaceships in space.

Also remember, the solution might not be pushing these new UI elements just because they are shiney and for matters of pride. Sometimes the solution is to step back, and think on the purpose of something, and if it infact needs to become more complicated. The simpler a UI is, the easier it is for people who have less than stellar eyesight to use it.

If you force the Icons bigger, that forces the overview bigger, which means able to see fewer things on it, and thusly causing the players to adjust how they play and how they receive info they deem important to them.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#11 - 2015-03-06 20:56:02 UTC
By no means I am in the situation of the OP's father, but I've already had issues in the past with UI changes and CCP listened. The slider to remove transparency from the new UI was a must for me and other players who couldn't cope with the poor contrast of text on transparent background.

The new icons have stepped in like a bull in a china shop, as they completely disable us to play. The list of issues with them is long, but I think that CCP Surge is already listening to feedback.

What do we need? Tippia already pointed. Make icons that work when they're small, then make them bigger to suit larger resolutions. Use shape, angles, filled/outlined and noticeable differences in size. And think why do we need icons, how we use the crosses, and move on from there. We already have a funtional GUI, improve it.

EVE is not a FPS or a game where good eyesight, fast reflexes and coordination are mandatory. Any step, even accidental, in those directions will leave out of the game the most vulnerable members of the community.
Roprocor Ltd
#12 - 2015-03-07 00:28:18 UTC
Been playing this game for more than 8 years now and the one thing the i noticed right of the bat
was how much of the text/symbols in eve are so small and in the case of symbols often confusingly
similar at a glance with other symbols of the same kind.

Early on there was a rather ugly "fix" for the text fonts since those were actual files and you could replace
tham with something a bit more useful(it did cause some hilarious overflow text and looked rather ugly
at times), this kludge was removed later on as the fonts got incorporated into the big db file instead.

My eyesight is pretty ok(0.85-0.9 out of 1.0) in fat its good enough that my drivers license doesn't even
mention glasses, but as i grow older approaching fifty i find it incresingly hard to do anything in eve that
involves text such as industry/market without getting very tired quickly so i can only imagine the pain
you father feels.

CCP i feel, especially their design team, often choose form before function creating some spectacular
videos and beatiful views, but with a strategic game like EvE(and yes it is a strategic game, not an FPS)
what players like me crave is easy access to information. I want to be able to find see manipulate and use
that information without having to go through hoops and hurdles just to read it. Sometimes i feel like
i am playing chess blindfolded with loud music on only to find that my opponent is playing checkers.

It would be nice if there at least was a few options on the GUI that allows us to change it between
the outer edge of form as it often is towards function a bit more depending on taste.

The new preset color choices would be an excellent starting point for instance, make some presets
that has larger buttons more distinct colors maybe one or two that does without the highlighting.
With presets your design team can still make those look "pretty" if that is paramount, just as long
as what we get is an option that provides a bit more function even if it comes at the cost of less pretty.
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2015-03-07 02:07:19 UTC
Thank you guys for all the support, for now my father and i have bought him a new PC screen and were able to use CCP Darwins tried fix, it does not work in full screen mode but does work in windowed modes, the fixed windowed mode still is not quite good as he cannot resize it to his screen to be able to view the whole game.

We were able to adapt before the new icons go live but i would enjoying seeing all the other suggestions that have come in this post looked at as well as mine vigorously to see if we could get a game that is friendly for our old and strong community so everyone can keep playing and enjoying this sandbox.

Cherry Popping 247

ISD Ezwal
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#14 - 2015-03-07 16:15:08 UTC
I have removed a rule breaking post.

The Rules:
5. Trolling is prohibited.

Trolling is a defined as a post that is deliberately designed for the purpose of angering and insulting other players in an attempt to incite retaliation or an emotional response. Posts of this nature are disruptive, often abusive and do not contribute to the sense of community that CCP promote.

And to the OP, as someone that is dependant on quite strong glasses to see anything further away than the point of my nose, I can relate in some fashion to your fathers handicap. I really do hope he can continue to play in the future.

ISD Ezwal Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#15 - 2015-03-08 09:07:24 UTC
Evelathia wrote:
Thank you guys for all the support, for now my father and i have bought him a new PC screen and were able to use CCP Darwins tried fix, it does not work in full screen mode but does work in windowed modes, the fixed windowed mode still is not quite good as he cannot resize it to his screen to be able to view the whole game.

We were able to adapt before the new icons go live but i would enjoying seeing all the other suggestions that have come in this post looked at as well as mine vigorously to see if we could get a game that is friendly for our old and strong community so everyone can keep playing and enjoying this sandbox.

Good to hear your father has found something to assist.
CCP please realise, that you are a successful company. I cannot say that for profitability, or subscribers, as I do not know that for sure, but successful in the sense that people who join you and stay, stay for many years.

And as a result you will find, we are all getting older.

With that comes the entirely normal effects, where almost all of us start to need glasses, and the eye changes focus less rapidly.

Please consider this the primary driver for user interface changes. No matter how much more intuitive, how much better the data is displayed, how beautiful you make the icons.

It all counts for nothing if we can not see it or focus on the fine details in a changing environment.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Belinda HwaFang
Coreli Corporation
Pandemic Legion
#16 - 2015-03-08 09:19:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Belinda HwaFang
I am not clinically blind but my eyesight has always been well below average and I do remember a time in EVE when one could not even make the text chat font size larger than a certain (rather small) point size (circa 2006). This actually caused me to unsub from the game (the eye strain was severe) for several years and I was delighted on my return to see that I could now make text chat size arbitrarily large.

I think the OP makes a good point, that since EVE has a generally older player base, CCP would do well to consider accessability options in its UI, even if they are merely options to have things larger, bolder, or in different colours.

EDIT: I have found the new neocom icons in particular very difficult to adapt to because i relied heavily on colour cues when navitgating quickly to ship fitting or the corporation window, for example. These colour cues are sadly no longer available with the monochrome look.
Zimmer Jones
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2015-03-08 16:31:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Zimmer Jones
I have much the opposite problem, my peripheral vision is hideous, and am very nearsighted.
My solution may work in reverse: 3 monitors, directly in front is a landscape, and to right and left are portraits.
The portraits are set to a much lower resolution so I can see them at a glance without turning my head, with high contrast to make the details pop out.

edit: respect to both of you for being hardcore eve players and bringing this up. making eve more accessible to all is a big, big +1

Use the force without consent and the court wont acquit you even if you are a card carryin', robe wearin' Jedi.

Br0wn Coat5
The Gorram Shiney Alliance
#18 - 2015-03-10 00:53:13 UTC  |  Edited by: GoneMissing
I too am beginning to have significant eyesight issues - I have always been pretty badly far-sighted, and if you ask any opthamologist, that issue only gets progressively worse as we age. I am not a candidate for the usual fixes (contacts), so my increasing disability to read small text or focus on small icons/brackets is the most distressing thing I'm experiencing, and it will only get worse for me from here - unless I can somehow receive an intraocular lens implant surgery that is not currently FDA approved in the US.

I was cogitating on this very issue, and came up with the idea that CCP should enable their own in-client magnifying-glass effect - but it would probably need to perform like the following:
1) an optional mode that is rapidly togglable on/off (a mouse button or a SIMPLE keyboard shortcut would work)
2) a magnifying bubble that would be OFFSET from the current cursor location (up towards the corner of the screen/window farthest from the current mouse pointer, as a default, perhaps) - and a second toggle button/key that would jump the mouse INTO and/or OUT OF the magnifying glass area on-screen to enable fine-grained selection of things in the magnifying glass area.
3) ideally, CCP could contract with Logitech to make a special, updated EVE-customized version of my favorite mouse/trackball a Cordless Optical Trackman - with an extra button for the magnifying glass feature (I know that people - especially those with hand/wrist ergonomic issues have been BEGGING Logitech for an updated version of their marvelous Cordless Optical Trackman for YEARS now already).

OK, perhaps I'm asking for the equivalent of a Technetium Moon here, but hey, what can it hurt to ask?
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2015-03-11 07:07:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Scyllyn
I too would like to add my voice to the support of this subject.

Given I play EVE on a 102 cm (40 inch) TV in the lowest resolution it supports and I can only read the words in the Overview from a distance of about 20 cm (on a good day) the size of stuff in the overview and menu's quite important to me.

So please CCP let us make your new overview/icons bigger. (Or send us freaking huge TV's to play on? P)
Laphroaig Inc.
#20 - 2015-03-11 11:45:18 UTC
This is one of the best suggestions on how to improve EVE I've ever read. I hope the UI squad will take heed. Making the sandbox accessible to more people with some simple tools like this can only be A Good Thing(tm).

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

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