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Crime & Punishment

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The end of code?

First post
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#201 - 2015-03-03 05:46:10 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:


If I lost because I treat real life more important than a game then I guess you are right. Maybe you should sit back from the screen and think real hard what you are saying here.

My intent was always to be the villain and play the game it allows me to play. I have done that and then some, I have enjoyed EVE for 4 years and lolled at people like yourself that have come and gone through those years. You are no different then any other troll that has it in for a group of people playing the game differently then yourself. And we have those trolls on both sides of the fence.

You my friend are no different then James315, you are just polar opposites. And although I am no fan of ganking (Yes I tried it that is why I can say I do not like it) the horrible fact is... James has accomplished more than you ever have or will. Actions speak louder than words, he Actions with his underlings and you just talk because you cannot find anybody to take you serious enough. Not even those who are on the same side of the fence.

If you are going to insult me for my choice of gameplay that is allowed or the fact that I am a casual gamer that sometimes need go offline, at least have some class when doing so. You come of as a very bitter person and that makes me feel sorry for you.

Maybe have a happy meal once a day, should not be expensive for you since I am sure employees get it for free. Then you can at least tell people you were happy at least once a day.

Oh dear...confused as per usual, my dear Kane. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing real life over a game, but you should be generally aware of your outside obligations before making broad declaratory statements about your intent to fundamentally change the game. Else you, much like Jamesie and Loyal, come out looking rather foolish.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game...your impact was rather muted, I can assure you. Time and again I heard of the great Canniban Kane, but after actually meeting you in the flesh, I came out rather unimpressed. Rhetoric and hot air do not a game changing impact make.

I am certainly different than Jamesie...his entire game revolved around hurting people, mine around helping them. We are polar opposites, not doppelgangers.

I have no criticism of your casual gameplay...only of people who promise much, but deliver not at all. I really have no problem with you, and think you are a classy guy. I don't like how you play, but my issue is with the wardecc mechanics, not with you specifically.

Ehhh...implying I work for McDonalds? Oh dear Kanie...I'm far more intelligent and educated than you can ever hope to be. Keep wardeccing pathetic miners and declaring that you "won Eve" - it does so amuse us.

"Kane is the end boss of highsec." - what a you honestly think that belongs in your bio?
Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#202 - 2015-03-03 05:49:18 UTC
Mark O'Helm wrote:
But why then are there the Hulks and Macks for if not for mining and the choice to use it(ii love my hulks). And what honor is it, to take back permits if somebody take a break and dock up for a while, what was reported somewhere. And if it where legit, what you do i guess, concord would not shoot you. Sry 4 mi bat englisch. Big smile

Hulks and mackinaws are for mining in null sec where you are safe.
Drez Arthie
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#203 - 2015-03-03 05:56:57 UTC
Mark O'Helm wrote:
But why then are there the Hulks and Macks for if not for mining and the choice to use it(ii love my hulks). And what honor is it, to take back permits if somebody take a break and dock up for a while, what was reported somewhere. And if it where legit, what you do i guess, concord would not shoot you. Sry 4 mi bat englisch. Big smile

Barge hatred has become pathological. Yes, gank a barge if there is profit, but to keep killing them for some sort of religious cause is just insane. Und du sprichst English sehr besser als ich Deutsch spreche ;)
Omar Alharazaad
New Eden Tech Support
#204 - 2015-03-03 07:36:41 UTC
Too much spinning is bad for you Veers.
You alternate between put downs and 'you cool' too often within a single post... it's just hard to follow even with my own severely limited attention span.

You underestimate the impact that villainous players in this game DO have on their fellows. If it weren't for the exploits of players such as Feyd, Cannibal Kane and Psychotic Monk... I would have quit EVE long ago from sheer boredom. Their exploits, especially those in The Pirate Story Thread, got me to thinking that maybe, just maybe the bad guys were having more fun than me. I know I'm not the only one, also.

So I tried it out. Guess what? It IS more fun to be the bad guy. You get to play with others, whether they like it or not. If they don't that's okay... if they do, that's even better.

These guys actually do make an impact in the game. You do not.
On a meta level things are somewhat different... sanctimonious tripe that is so wrong minded that it threatens to cause cancer in the reader has become your hallmark, and by now I'm fairly certain that Buddha himself punches a kitten every time you shiptoast just to balance the scales.

Come hell or high water, this sick world will know I was here.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#205 - 2015-03-03 09:02:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
Veers Belvar wrote:

Oh dear...confused as per usual, my dear Kane. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing real life over a game, but you should be generally aware of your outside obligations before making broad declaratory statements about your intent to fundamentally change the game. Else you, much like Jamesie and Loyal, come out looking rather foolish.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game...your impact was rather muted, I can assure you. Time and again I heard of the great Canniban Kane, but after actually meeting you in the flesh, I came out rather unimpressed. Rhetoric and hot air do not a game changing impact make.

I am certainly different than Jamesie...his entire game revolved around hurting people, mine around helping them. We are polar opposites, not doppelgangers.

I have no criticism of your casual gameplay...only of people who promise much, but deliver not at all. I really have no problem with you, and think you are a classy guy. I don't like how you play, but my issue is with the wardecc mechanics, not with you specifically.

Ehhh...implying I work for McDonalds? Oh dear Kanie...I'm far more intelligent and educated than you can ever hope to be. Keep wardeccing pathetic miners and declaring that you "won Eve" - it does so amuse us.

"Kane is the end boss of highsec." - what a you honestly think that belongs in your bio?

I never promise anything nor have I ever stated I won anything. I just play and keep myself fairly reserved unless somebody is being an idiot.

What I can say though I have inspired many players in this game through stories or just word of mouth. Quite a few players in merc corp came from my Somali BootCamp where we took new players into wars. If I had the time I would do that again since it was very successful. Those new player never though they could be that powerful when working together. Something you and your kind continuously say new players are not capable off.

What have you done to deserve any respect other then troll posting on the forums? You say your are intelligent? Then start acting like you are otherwise you are going to stay that CODE Alt everybody believes you to be.

As for my Bio... it was given to me. I like it so it stays.

Also, don't take what I say serious. If i ever met you in real life I would most likely just buy you a beer and talk and laugh about EVE.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Kaely Tanniss
Black Lotus Society.
Something Really Pretentious
#206 - 2015-03-03 10:57:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Kaely Tanniss
Veers Belvar wrote:
Cannibal Kane wrote:


If I lost because I treat real life more important than a game then I guess you are right. Maybe you should sit back from the screen and think real hard what you are saying here.

My intent was always to be the villain and play the game it allows me to play. I have done that and then some, I have enjoyed EVE for 4 years and lolled at people like yourself that have come and gone through those years. You are no different then any other troll that has it in for a group of people playing the game differently then yourself. And we have those trolls on both sides of the fence.

You my friend are no different then James315, you are just polar opposites. And although I am no fan of ganking (Yes I tried it that is why I can say I do not like it) the horrible fact is... James has accomplished more than you ever have or will. Actions speak louder than words, he Actions with his underlings and you just talk because you cannot find anybody to take you serious enough. Not even those who are on the same side of the fence.

If you are going to insult me for my choice of gameplay that is allowed or the fact that I am a casual gamer that sometimes need go offline, at least have some class when doing so. You come of as a very bitter person and that makes me feel sorry for you.

Maybe have a happy meal once a day, should not be expensive for you since I am sure employees get it for free. Then you can at least tell people you were happy at least once a day.

Oh dear...confused as per usual, my dear Kane. There is nothing wrong with prioritizing real life over a game, but you should be generally aware of your outside obligations before making broad declaratory statements about your intent to fundamentally change the game. Else you, much like Jamesie and Loyal, come out looking rather foolish.

I'm glad you enjoyed the game...your impact was rather muted, I can assure you. Time and again I heard of the great Canniban Kane, but after actually meeting you in the flesh, I came out rather unimpressed. Rhetoric and hot air do not a game changing impact make.

I am certainly different than Jamesie...his entire game revolved around hurting people, mine around helping them. We are polar opposites, not doppelgangers.

I have no criticism of your casual gameplay...only of people who promise much, but deliver not at all. I really have no problem with you, and think you are a classy guy. I don't like how you play, but my issue is with the wardecc mechanics, not with you specifically.

Ehhh...implying I work for McDonalds? Oh dear Kanie...I'm far more intelligent and educated than you can ever hope to be. Keep wardeccing pathetic miners and declaring that you "won Eve" - it does so amuse us.

"Kane is the end boss of highsec." - what a you honestly think that belongs in your bio?

Answer me something Veers..what have you done to make any difference in the game? What have you ACTUALLY done in game that has made a difference in any way. Keep in mind, being a forum troller doesn't count as in game. All of these people you constantly put down with your "holier than thou" attitude have actually made a difference to the game...unlike you. If you are as intelligent as you like to believe you are, you would know and see this. Running ones mouth on a forum does not make one important..nor does it make you matter. If you want to be taken seriously, and I mean this in all sincerity, do something in the game that actually makes a difference for someone besides yourself. THIS is what separates you from Feyd, from Kane, from James, and others like them. Like them or not, they have changed the game for more people than you ever will. Though I have not personally flown with James or Kane, I have flown with Feyd and he is more of everything important about Eve than you will ever be. They have become the very essence of what Eve is all about whether you agree with their methods and ideology or not. How? By actually playing the game and inspiring incentive, initiative, and action in their fellow players. Talk is cheap. Talk will not make you what you wish to be...action will..and let me tell you...action that matters is not taken on a forum. Whining for change for others so you can look important like some sort of "hero" will not cut it. It seems that you are jealous of those you constantly hate on because they are what you are not...important, successful, and have a following that actually makes a difference, one way or another. Making claims that you are more intelligent and educated than someone else is ridiculous and easy to say in anonymity from the other side of a computer screen. You have no idea what education or intelligence someone else has and claiming you are somehow "better" is ludicrous. You spend your time playing a game like all of us. You can lie on a forum..but you can't lie to yourself. I can tell you about what I have done..what education I have, how much money I make, and how I've actually make a difference in peoples lives...but it does not matter in a game, it serves absolutely no purpose, and I do not need to make claims to be better than anyone else to feel important. Step up your game Veers. This is not an attack on you as a person, I'm sure in rl you are a nice person, but this is rather an objection to the words, and all they are are words, that you post on this forum in an attempt to satisfy your own narcissism. The truth is, you are far too new of a player to even have a clue of what Eve is all about. You have not been around long enough, or done enough to know the true diversity of Eve. Instead of hating on those who make a difference, do something. In all honesty, I'd like to see that...this is Eve, where you play to win. Consider it a challenge...are you game..or are you just talk? Twisted

If I had a nickel for every time someone said women don't play eve, I'd have a bag of nickels to whack the next person who said it..

March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#207 - 2015-03-03 15:04:56 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Answer me something Veers..what have you done to make any difference in the game? What have you ACTUALLY done in game that has made a difference in any way. Keep in mind, being a forum troller doesn't count as in game. All of these people you constantly put down with your "holier than thou" attitude have actually made a difference to the game...unlike you.

don't want to join troll-party but i'm really curious about Cannibal Kane.
I'm in Eve since end of 2009 and been in many places. WH/0.0/low/high-sec. And i have never seen him or heard anything about him from people in the game. Only place i see him and people talking about him is forums.

What did he actually do? How did he change the game?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Estella Osoka
Cranky Bitches Who PMS
#208 - 2015-03-03 15:57:17 UTC
Anyone who feels the need to get butthurt over ganking needs to remember that this is just a game. Heck, if I got ganked, I'd prolly just go get myself a gank ship and gank the ganker.

People who worry over their spaceship pixels really need to get out of the house and get a real life.
Mark O'Helm
Fam. Zimin von Reizgenschwendt
#209 - 2015-03-03 16:23:31 UTC
Tear Jar wrote:
Mark O'Helm wrote:
But why then are there the Hulks and Macks for if not for mining and the choice to use it(ii love my hulks). And what honor is it, to take back permits if somebody take a break and dock up for a while, what was reported somewhere. And if it where legit, what you do i guess, concord would not shoot you. Sry 4 mi bat englisch. Big smile

Hulks and mackinaws are for mining in null sec where you are safe.

I heard null is a lonely place. Because where everybody can kill you, you are all the time in a rush. RL only works because of the safety of the law. Thats why most of the people stay in hs. Its what they know. You can play with strangers, make new friends through giving orca boost and can even chat if you are in a tanked skiff.
I love my hulks, although i will rest them for good i guess, because of the 30 day trial i brought my parents(as alts) to the game. They are training right now for procurers while i make carreermissions to raise my standing at the empires.
Btw. In Highsec with maxed orca boost i have to empty my hulks every 2 minutes. When i mine for 12 hours, that is stress enough.
But in null with a rorqual(what i plan to fly someday) i imagine i would go crazy, with also looking for d-scan and not see the dictors.

"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)

"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)

Mark O'Helm
Fam. Zimin von Reizgenschwendt
#210 - 2015-03-03 16:28:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Mark O'Helm
Estella Osoka wrote:
Anyone who feels the need to get butthurt over ganking needs to remember that this is just a game. Heck, if I got ganked, I'd prolly just go get myself a gank ship and gank the ganker.

People who worry over their spaceship pixels really need to get out of the house and get a real life.

Spaceships are pixels in a computer. RL is just signals in your brain, interpreted from the sensors of your body. With much better graphics and awesome immersion, but harscher laws and unextendable gametime.

"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)

"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)

Mark O'Helm
Fam. Zimin von Reizgenschwendt
#211 - 2015-03-03 17:56:25 UTC
Drez Arthie wrote:
Mark O'Helm wrote:
But why then are there the Hulks and Macks for if not for mining and the choice to use it(ii love my hulks). And what honor is it, to take back permits if somebody take a break and dock up for a while, what was reported somewhere. And if it where legit, what you do i guess, concord would not shoot you. Sry 4 mi bat englisch. Big smile

Barge hatred has become pathological. Yes, gank a barge if there is profit, but to keep killing them for some sort of religious cause is just insane. Und du sprichst English sehr besser als ich Deutsch spreche ;)

The line was almost perfect. But it's called "Englisch" in german and either way it's "besser als" or "sehr viel besser als". "Sehr besser" is wrong. Or is it called "very better" in english? That would be new to me.

"Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen. Aber Frauen wollen keine Frauenversteher. Weil Frauenversteher wissen, was Frauen wollen." (Ein Single)

"Wirklich coolen Leuten ist es egal, ob sie cool sind." (Einer, dem es egal ist)

Minmatar Citizen160812
The LGBT Last Supper
#212 - 2015-03-04 00:30:33 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

I am certainly different than Jamesie...his entire game revolved around hurting people, mine around helping them.

Would you mind telling me how you have helped people? From what I can tell you're completely clueless beyond shooting red crosses so any help you think you gave was as worthless as you.

I directed people toward Kane's old group and ran into them later to find they were trained and hardened low sec headbangers. He has results; you have bullshit flowing out of the hole that should be reserved for phallic objects.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#213 - 2015-03-04 00:45:13 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:

Also, don't take what I say serious. If i ever met you in real life I would most likely just buy you a beer and talk and laugh about EVE.


Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#214 - 2015-03-04 03:09:23 UTC
March rabbit wrote:

I'm really curious about Cannibal Kane.
I'm in Eve since end of 2009 and been in many places. WH/0.0/low/high-sec. And i have never seen him or heard anything about him from people in the game. Only place i see him and people talking about him is forums.

EXACTLY! Dum-Dum-Duuuuuuuum

There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy

Xion Gray
Northen Star inc
#215 - 2015-03-04 03:48:32 UTC
Wherever you are loyalanon, thanks for shaking things up Blink

Sorry for being late to the party, but I don't read up on the forums that very often.


Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#216 - 2015-03-04 04:37:35 UTC
Kaely Tanniss wrote:

Answer me something Veers..what have you done to make any difference in the game? What have you ACTUALLY done in game that has made a difference in any way. Keep in mind, being a forum troller doesn't count as in game. All of these people you constantly put down with your "holier than thou" attitude have actually made a difference to the game...unlike you. If you are as intelligent as you like to believe you are, you would know and see this. Running ones mouth on a forum does not make one important..nor does it make you matter. If you want to be taken seriously, and I mean this in all sincerity, do something in the game that actually makes a difference for someone besides yourself. THIS is what separates you from Feyd, from Kane, from James, and others like them. Like them or not, they have changed the game for more people than you ever will. Though I have not personally flown with James or Kane, I have flown with Feyd and he is more of everything important about Eve than you will ever be. They have become the very essence of what Eve is all about whether you agree with their methods and ideology or not. How? By actually playing the game and inspiring incentive, initiative, and action in their fellow players. Talk is cheap. Talk will not make you what you wish to be...action will..and let me tell you...action that matters is not taken on a forum. Whining for change for others so you can look important like some sort of "hero" will not cut it. It seems that you are jealous of those you constantly hate on because they are what you are not...important, successful, and have a following that actually makes a difference, one way or another. Making claims that you are more intelligent and educated than someone else is ridiculous and easy to say in anonymity from the other side of a computer screen. You have no idea what education or intelligence someone else has and claiming you are somehow "better" is ludicrous. You spend your time playing a game like all of us. You can lie on a forum..but you can't lie to yourself. I can tell you about what I have done..what education I have, how much money I make, and how I've actually make a difference in peoples lives...but it does not matter in a game, it serves absolutely no purpose, and I do not need to make claims to be better than anyone else to feel important. Step up your game Veers. This is not an attack on you as a person, I'm sure in rl you are a nice person, but this is rather an objection to the words, and all they are are words, that you post on this forum in an attempt to satisfy your own narcissism. The truth is, you are far too new of a player to even have a clue of what Eve is all about. You have not been around long enough, or done enough to know the true diversity of Eve. Instead of hating on those who make a difference, do something. In all honesty, I'd like to see that...this is Eve, where you play to win. Consider it a challenge...are you game..or are you just talk? Twisted about a wall of text alert.

I absolutely have an impact on the game - I accumulate wealth, I cooperate with other players, and I do my part to keep the market running effeciently. That is far more than griefers, or as they style themselves "content creators" do. Being evil is not an accomplishment. Smashing the snot out of highsec miners and haulers until they quit the game is not an accomplishment. Giggling while driving others into rage and tears is not an accomplishment. These, my dear, are vices, not virtues, and you would do well to observe the difference.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#217 - 2015-03-04 04:40:20 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:

I never promise anything nor have I ever stated I won anything. I just play and keep myself fairly reserved unless somebody is being an idiot.

What I can say though I have inspired many players in this game through stories or just word of mouth. Quite a few players in merc corp came from my Somali BootCamp where we took new players into wars. If I had the time I would do that again since it was very successful. Those new player never though they could be that powerful when working together. Something you and your kind continuously say new players are not capable off.

What have you done to deserve any respect other then troll posting on the forums? You say your are intelligent? Then start acting like you are otherwise you are going to stay that CODE Alt everybody believes you to be.

As for my Bio... it was given to me. I like it so it stays.

Also, don't take what I say serious. If i ever met you in real life I would most likely just buy you a beer and talk and laugh about EVE.

Oh geez kane, back to the code alt accusations? Which one, pray tell, am I? James himself, or perhaps I am miss foxxie now? The delusional conspiracy theories do amuse me.

I contribute to the game far more than you ever will. I generate wealth, I engaged in extensive commercial transactions, and do my part to promote market depth and efficiency. And I do it all without rage, without tears, and without costing CCP subscription revenue. What do you do exactly? Wardecc a pathetic highsec PvE corp, stomp their faces into the curb, and giggle as they all unsub? If you want to be a tough guy, join the Goons in nullsec.
Gerhard Stringfellow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#218 - 2015-03-04 04:50:33 UTC
I always figured CODE was just a goon proxy to influence hi-sec that turned out about as well as the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. You'd think declaring victory day in and day out would get exhausting after awhile.

Another pubbie elite PvE pay to win mining carebear

Destiny Corrupted
Deadly Viper Kitten Mitten Sewing Company
Senpai's Afterschool Anime and Gaming Club
#219 - 2015-03-04 06:36:35 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
and do my part to promote market depth and efficiency.

Out of curiosity, can you elaborate on what you mean by that? I'd love to hear your take on what constitutes market efficiency, especially in a closed system.

I wrote some true EVE stories! And no, they're not of the generic "my 0.0 alliance had lots of 0.0 fleets and took a lot of 0.0 space" sort. Check them out here:

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#220 - 2015-03-04 07:23:17 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote: about a wall of text alert.

I absolutely have an impact on the game - I accumulate wealth, I cooperate with other players, and I do my part to keep the market running effeciently. That is far more than griefers, or as they style themselves "content creators" do. Being evil is not an accomplishment. Smashing the snot out of highsec miners and haulers until they quit the game is not an accomplishment. Giggling while driving others into rage and tears is not an accomplishment. These, my dear, are vices, not virtues, and you would do well to observe the difference.

Veers your writing is improving, much better than the old comments in the Minerbumping articles. I fear, though, that you are not the kind of rebel I hope to rally to save Highsec, but some sort of CODE. secret agent, maybe even James himself. But I hope otherwise. I hope that soon you along with other rebels who haven't accomplished any meaningful resistance will join me and make a real difference. I truly believe that together, you, me, thousands of highsec farmers, merchants, industrialists, miners- common folk, all sorts of players fed up with the tyranny will come together and we will achieve final victory.

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)