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Update regarding Multiboxing and input automation

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Alavaria Fera
#3561 - 2015-03-01 05:34:00 UTC
JGar Rooflestein wrote:

IF a gm replied to this thread saying "Hey this is what is banned this is what you can do. " I'm sure this thread would stop. (probably not tho)

You're quite safe since it's pretty much established they will never give a straight answer

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

ashley Eoner
#3562 - 2015-03-01 07:30:15 UTC  |  Edited by: ashley Eoner
JGar Rooflestein wrote:
Nolak Ataru I will say this you do keep bringing up the website apps like Eve wiki, Eve central and dotlan. Those don't really change the way the game is being played. ISBoxers feature for Input broadcast does change the way the game is played chages every game that it supports. You can control multiple clients with almost perfect timing. Something you will only rarely get in a fleet of actual players. CCP did what it thought was best by banning it. Now other features of ISBoxer are not really what i'd call game changing. Those features I would compare to the websites and other applications.
Which all those do is enhance the visual side of Eve.

Just wish CCP was a bit more clear and supportive to help people understand what can and can't be done. Just saying don't do it sometimes isn't enough.

Telling CCP to ban the use of EFT is like telling Blizzard to ban Icy-Viens.
Telling CCP to ban the use of EveMon (think thats the skill one) is like telling Blizzard to ban WoW app.
*ya for the blizz ref xD i went there.

These applications and webpages are supported 100% by eve to help newer and older players learn to play better and make there experience better. Which is why they added the feature to import/export your builds.

They removed Input Broadcasting not just because a few possible 100 people complained. They did to increase new player experience. Like hwo they nerfed the sov sturctures and more to come. They want new players to come in and enjoy the game. They want fleets of 20 actual people fight against a multiboxer to actual be enjoyable. With a player having to tab over and some what physically control the accounts makes it that much more enjoyable. Instead of ths guy controlling 20 accounts but only has to use 1 client. CCP just looking out to make the game better.
I was against it till I got the hang of controlling my miners. No matter how much complaining happens CCP will not bring that option back. But they should be more clear on Third party applications other than the obvious.

Just don't ban VideoFX. All I ask. Don't see how you can call VideoFX cheating honestly. Just my opinion tho.

IF a gm replied to this thread saying "Hey this is what is banned this is what you can do. " I'm sure this thread would stop. (probably not tho)
Hi bro how about you read the thread and realize that broadcasting hasn't been a point of contention for at least 100 pages.....

Right now you can be banned for doing anything too quickly or in a manner that gives you an "unfair advantage" which could be construed to include things such as having a neutral repper, OGB, etc. That's why CCP isn't giving us anything clear because they know they are just banning based on feelings and psssshhhh... In that vein EFT and such all give an unfair advantage over a person who hasn't been exposed to those programs/web sites.

If you couldn't beat a multiboxer fleet with an equal sized/ship fleet then you were being lead by a really bad FC. It doesn't take much to screw the old isboxer fleets. Old repeater based isboxers only had the advantage when you fought them on their terms. Which frankly if you did that then in my view you deserved to lose.
Delt0r Garsk
Shits N Giggles
#3563 - 2015-03-01 07:54:03 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Jeanette Leon wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:


The message was clear from the start: Stop giving yourself an unfair advantage with the ISBoxer program.

Apparently that's not clear enough for some people.

Clear as mud.

Tell us, oh enlightened One, all about fair and unfair advantages and maybe this thread will not reach 200 pages

Personally, I'd suggest ceasing any and all use of ISBoxer.

If your Alliance did that. They would probably disband. CCP has straight out said one of the biggest users of isboxer and broadcasting is gankers!

AKA the scientist.

Death and Glory!

Well fun is also good.

Kinete Jenius
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#3564 - 2015-03-01 08:32:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Kinete Jenius
I would like to add a few things to this conversation.

Comparing the high end repeater based isboxed incursion fleets to a PUG is just silly (clearly you're not talking about all the slow isboxers). That would be like comparing ISN's bling fleet with a PUG. The difference in isk being fielded is massive. At my peak I ran 9 NMs 1 Nestor like at least one other boxer I knew. I was able to do 5 minute tick to tick OTAs (perfect spawns etc) and the other fellow was faster than me (he'd hit mid/high 4 minute when everything was perfect and he was hustling). That's about on par with a blinged player fleet if not a bit slower.

My fleet consisted of 9 NMs at a cost of 4.3 billion isk EACH. The nestor was cheaper at 3.6 billion isk. Total ISK value of just the NMs and Nestor was about 42.3 billion isk. I also used a venture for ore dropping and of course a perfect booster.

It should be clear at this point that my NMs had almost no tank and relied on pure DPS to clear sites before incoming damage became a problem. I ran with 2x warp speed rigs on the nms and 1x warp speed rig on the nestor. This made me very VERY vulnerable to gankers, ECM, lag spikes, power outages etc. I mentioned power outage because I lost 3 ships (13b isk) one time due to a sudden loss of power. There's a million different things that can cause you to lose isk when solo boxing an incursion fleet. I know this because I've lost ships to many of them. The most frustrating losses are those connected to lag spikes between Eve's servers and me.

In theory when everything was absolutely perfect I could do up to 1.2b an hour (100m an hour per account). Keep in mind I couldn't stop to take a drink or even think of chatting if I wanted to achieve that rate. I also couldn't have any fleets fighting for sites or be in an incursion system with lots of long warps. This of course excludes time spent converting LP, moving the fleet, setting up the fleet, and twenty other things I am forgetting about that cost me time when I tried to run incursions.

In comparison my current fleet is dirt cheap. One of my old NMs would pay for the majority of my ships that I'm using now. Running in windowed mode I have my site times down to 6-9 minutes tick to tick. I'm still improving on my control so I see room for better results. I also ran a WAY toned down version of my nm fleet with 8 nms and 2 nestors but the site times on that comp is about 8-10 minutes. Those times are from fastest to slowest OTA NMC NCO. NCO is pretty brutal for my NMs to do right now.

Incursions were a decent source of income but at least half my isk was made via other means (in-spite of me putting A LOT of time into incursion running). I mostly did incursions for the challenge and the fun of tweaking setups to maximize effectiveness. The amount of theory crafting in fleet comp/build combined with the endless hours of tweaking my isboxer setup made it something worth doing. If I wanted to grind isk I would find a nice WH to setup in or do extra time on the market side of things.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#3565 - 2015-03-01 13:55:25 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:

They affect the EVE Universe more than ISBoxer does. ISBoxer does not modify the game client in any way that can be construed to break the EULA or 6A3.

CCP disagrees.

1) CCP has provided no proof or documentation to support their hilarious claim.

I have a question.

According to what I've read on the forums, people are being told that Section 6A3 doesn't matter because the uses ISBoxer users are being banned/petitioning for are violating Section 6A2 of the EULA.

Section 6A2 of EVE Online EULA wrote:

You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment or change how the Game is played.

I've written in the past that ISBoxer doesn't violate 6A2, so it appears I'm wrong. If I understand correctly, the problem CCP has is using the ability to paste several sections of other clients into the one big screen that I always see in the YouTube videos. How exactly is that done? Is that main screen a DX Nothing window and everything is mashed together in that?

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3566 - 2015-03-01 13:59:16 UTC
It's done using Windows Aero, so the fact that CCP has the gall to claim it breaks 6A2 is hilarious, unless CCP recently bought out Microsoft and we didn't notice.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#3567 - 2015-03-01 14:34:22 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
It's done using Windows Aero, so the fact that CCP has the gall to claim it breaks 6A2 is hilarious, unless CCP recently bought out Microsoft and we didn't notice.

So Windows Aero is used to copy and paste bits of windows from several clients in order to make one main window?

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3568 - 2015-03-01 14:48:31 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
It's done using Windows Aero, so the fact that CCP has the gall to claim it breaks 6A2 is hilarious, unless CCP recently bought out Microsoft and we didn't notice.

So Windows Aero is used to copy and paste bits of windows from several clients in order to make one main window?

Well there's multiple ways to set up a screen. I suggest watching a few of the videos on the dual-boxing forums. Versi is probably the guy who uses VideoFX to it's fullest potential (so far) in EVE, and he does a good job explaining it in his videos.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#3569 - 2015-03-01 15:26:08 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
It's done using Windows Aero, so the fact that CCP has the gall to claim it breaks 6A2 is hilarious, unless CCP recently bought out Microsoft and we didn't notice.

So Windows Aero is used to copy and paste bits of windows from several clients in order to make one main window?

Well there's multiple ways to set up a screen. I suggest watching a few of the videos on the dual-boxing forums. Versi is probably the guy who uses VideoFX to it's fullest potential (so far) in EVE, and he does a good job explaining it in his videos.

I've watched Seraphin Foad's tutorial and am watching Tronnic's now. A question just occurred to me. Does dxNothing.exe run within the EVE client's memory space?

Back to watching videos.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3570 - 2015-03-01 16:34:04 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
It's done using Windows Aero, so the fact that CCP has the gall to claim it breaks 6A2 is hilarious, unless CCP recently bought out Microsoft and we didn't notice.

So Windows Aero is used to copy and paste bits of windows from several clients in order to make one main window?

Well there's multiple ways to set up a screen. I suggest watching a few of the videos on the dual-boxing forums. Versi is probably the guy who uses VideoFX to it's fullest potential (so far) in EVE, and he does a good job explaining it in his videos.

I've watched Seraphin Foad's tutorial and am watching Tronnic's now. A question just occurred to me. Does dxNothing.exe run within the EVE client's memory space?
Back to watching videos.

dxNothing.exe is a separate program that does not interact with the EVE client.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#3571 - 2015-03-01 18:46:37 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

I've watched Seraphin Foad's tutorial and am watching Tronnic's now. A question just occurred to me. Does dxNothing.exe run within the EVE client's memory space?
Back to watching videos.

dxNothing.exe is a separate program that does not interact with the EVE client.

Okay, don't shoot the messenger, but I think I figured out what CCP is thinking. Let's break down 62A. The first part reads:

"You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment..."

If this means within the client, then ISBoxer passes this test, as dxNothing.exe does not interact with the client. Now, the second part:

"...or change how the Game is played."

I watched a video of someone running a Vanguard site with 12 Nightmares and 1 Onerious. The video maker, Tonksi, ran everything in 2 windows. If a player not using any multiboxing software were trying to do that, he would need to interact with 12 windows. I believe that is what is meant by "change how the Game is played."

Please remember, I'm not making an argument trying to justify banning people. I'm trying to figure out what, if the forums where ISBoxer users hang out are correct, CCP is already doing.

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3572 - 2015-03-01 19:32:27 UTC
I might be so inclined to agree with you if one of these multiple things wasn't happening: One, CCP is currently working on a program that imitates ISBOXER's video FX layout and indeed is supporting it as a third party program. The second thing is that CCP currently allows for the player to resize any window (exefile or in-game wondow),that's changing the way the information is presented and changing the way that the player interacts with a client. Furthermore, the nebulous use and meaning of "how the game is played" can be construed to limit a player from any number of activities, including ganking and scamming. It is nothing short of a "we get to tell you how you can play the game" clause and should be taken with a grain of salt whenever it is cited as it can be viewed as "We have no real argument against that but we still want to ban it".

Additionally, you can force Windows to have "alt tab" cycle through instead of switch between A and B.
Jeanette Leon
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3573 - 2015-03-01 19:47:19 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

I've watched Seraphin Foad's tutorial and am watching Tronnic's now. A question just occurred to me. Does dxNothing.exe run within the EVE client's memory space?
Back to watching videos.

dxNothing.exe is a separate program that does not interact with the EVE client.

Okay, don't shoot the messenger, but I think I figured out what CCP is thinking. Let's break down 62A. The first part reads:

"You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment..."

If this means within the client, then ISBoxer passes this test, as dxNothing.exe does not interact with the client. Now, the second part:

"...or change how the Game is played."

I watched a video of someone running a Vanguard site with 12 Nightmares and 1 Onerious. The video maker, Tonksi, ran everything in 2 windows. If a player not using any multiboxing software were trying to do that, he would need to interact with 12 windows. I believe that is what is meant by "change how the Game is played."

Please remember, I'm not making an argument trying to justify banning people. I'm trying to figure out what, if the forums where ISBoxer users hang out are correct, CCP is already doing.

Those 2 windows are pieces of all windows arranged like he fancies. He's interacting wtih all 13 windows one at a time.
It only changes how the game is seen, not played.

This is EVE, not the trying to figure out the rules game. That one sucks, I don't wanna play that, I wanna play EVE

I ask again, CCP, please come forward with some clarification
JGar Rooflestein
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3574 - 2015-03-01 20:51:51 UTC
Jeanette Leon wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:

I've watched Seraphin Foad's tutorial and am watching Tronnic's now. A question just occurred to me. Does dxNothing.exe run within the EVE client's memory space?
Back to watching videos.

dxNothing.exe is a separate program that does not interact with the EVE client.

Okay, don't shoot the messenger, but I think I figured out what CCP is thinking. Let's break down 62A. The first part reads:

"You may not use your own or third-party software to modify any content appearing within the Game environment..."

If this means within the client, then ISBoxer passes this test, as dxNothing.exe does not interact with the client. Now, the second part:

"...or change how the Game is played."

I watched a video of someone running a Vanguard site with 12 Nightmares and 1 Onerious. The video maker, Tonksi, ran everything in 2 windows. If a player not using any multiboxing software were trying to do that, he would need to interact with 12 windows. I believe that is what is meant by "change how the Game is played."

Please remember, I'm not making an argument trying to justify banning people. I'm trying to figure out what, if the forums where ISBoxer users hang out are correct, CCP is already doing.

Those 2 windows are pieces of all windows arranged like he fancies. He's interacting wtih all 13 windows one at a time.
It only changes how the game is seen, not played.

This is EVE, not the trying to figure out the rules game. That one sucks, I don't wanna play that, I wanna play EVE

I ask again, CCP, please come forward with some clarification

Like you said Video FX is a visual enhancement. Does not change the game play at all.

-JGar "Great man once said nothing."

Khumaak Flying Circus
#3575 - 2015-03-01 22:23:34 UTC
Nolak Ataru wrote:
I might be so inclined to agree with you if one of these multiple things wasn't happening: One, CCP is currently working on a program that imitates ISBOXER's video FX layout and indeed is supporting it as a third party program. The second thing is that CCP currently allows for the player to resize any window (exefile or in-game wondow),that's changing the way the information is presented and changing the way that the player interacts with a client. Furthermore, the nebulous use and meaning of "how the game is played" can be construed to limit a player from any number of activities, including ganking and scamming. It is nothing short of a "we get to tell you how you can play the game" clause and should be taken with a grain of salt whenever it is cited as it can be viewed as "We have no real argument against that but we still want to ban it".

Additionally, you can force Windows to have "alt tab" cycle through instead of switch between A and B.

I still think it has something to do with dxNothing.exe. If I understand the tutorial videos correctly, it's not really a part of ISBoxer. If you want to use the executable, you have to do some sort of import process.

If we just forget about all the technical specs on how ISBoxer does its magic, do you think CCP is just looking at the videos, seeing 12 cutouts of firing buttons on the screen and segments of 12 overviews, and saying, "That's bad, that changes our game, we don't like" ?

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

JGar Rooflestein
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3576 - 2015-03-01 22:41:02 UTC  |  Edited by: JGar Rooflestein

My set up. I click the launch monitor 1 opens the main character then on monitor 2 it will load the dxnothing with 10 windows versions of the clients in a nice order so i can see it. The video FX side makes it to were i can interact with all windows.
Everything those to things offer can be done 100% with windows applications. Video FX and DXNothing do not effect the client directly it only affects the window its told to effect.

Think of Video FX and the DxNothing as PIP (Picture in Picture) on your TV.

-JGar "Great man once said nothing."

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3577 - 2015-03-01 22:41:03 UTC
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
I might be so inclined to agree with you if one of these multiple things wasn't happening: One, CCP is currently working on a program that imitates ISBOXER's video FX layout and indeed is supporting it as a third party program. The second thing is that CCP currently allows for the player to resize any window (exefile or in-game wondow),that's changing the way the information is presented and changing the way that the player interacts with a client. Furthermore, the nebulous use and meaning of "how the game is played" can be construed to limit a player from any number of activities, including ganking and scamming. It is nothing short of a "we get to tell you how you can play the game" clause and should be taken with a grain of salt whenever it is cited as it can be viewed as "We have no real argument against that but we still want to ban it".

Additionally, you can force Windows to have "alt tab" cycle through instead of switch between A and B.

I still think it has something to do with dxNothing.exe. If I understand the tutorial videos correctly, it's not really a part of ISBoxer. If you want to use the executable, you have to do some sort of import process.

If we just forget about all the technical specs on how ISBoxer does its magic, do you think CCP is just looking at the videos, seeing 12 cutouts of firing buttons on the screen and segments of 12 overviews, and saying, "That's bad, that changes our game, we don't like" ?

dxNothing is little more than an exe blank window using Direct X. You have to add it to a character set (football team, essentially) for it to do anything.

Even if that *was* all that CCP was doing, people can do similar setups with a stack of monitors if they so desire. As I mentioned, Windows can be configured to cycle through current windows with alt-tab and you can spam Alt-Tab + F1 fast enough to land in the same server cycle time.
Khumaak Flying Circus
#3578 - 2015-03-01 23:12:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Rosewalker
Nolak Ataru wrote:
Rosewalker wrote:
Nolak Ataru wrote:
I might be so inclined to agree with you if one of these multiple things wasn't happening: One, CCP is currently working on a program that imitates ISBOXER's video FX layout and indeed is supporting it as a third party program. The second thing is that CCP currently allows for the player to resize any window (exefile or in-game wondow),that's changing the way the information is presented and changing the way that the player interacts with a client. Furthermore, the nebulous use and meaning of "how the game is played" can be construed to limit a player from any number of activities, including ganking and scamming. It is nothing short of a "we get to tell you how you can play the game" clause and should be taken with a grain of salt whenever it is cited as it can be viewed as "We have no real argument against that but we still want to ban it".

Additionally, you can force Windows to have "alt tab" cycle through instead of switch between A and B.

I still think it has something to do with dxNothing.exe. If I understand the tutorial videos correctly, it's not really a part of ISBoxer. If you want to use the executable, you have to do some sort of import process.

If we just forget about all the technical specs on how ISBoxer does its magic, do you think CCP is just looking at the videos, seeing 12 cutouts of firing buttons on the screen and segments of 12 overviews, and saying, "That's bad, that changes our game, we don't like" ?

dxNothing is little more than an exe blank window using Direct X. You have to add it to a character set (football team, essentially) for it to do anything.

Even if that *was* all that CCP was doing, people can do similar setups with a stack of monitors if they so desire. As I mentioned, Windows can be configured to cycle through current windows with alt-tab and you can spam Alt-Tab + F1 fast enough to land in the same server cycle time.

I'm trying to figure out the logic behind CCP's rulings. I'll leave it to others to pick apart the logic.

The second part of Section 6A2 basically states that if you change the way our game plays, then we'll ban you. The thing about setting up the windows carefully and Alt-Tabbing, even setting up that trick your talking about, is that there is no outside software involved (the OS does not count), and a player has to interact with 13 distinct Windows (not 12, I failed at maths Oops ). In the video I watched, I saw 13 ships being controlled by interacting with only 2 windows. So is the rule that each ship requires its own window or you get banned?

I can even see how CCP detects for that. The ISBoxer process (ISBoxer.dll is how it shows up, I think) operates in the EVE client's memory space. If they can also detect dxNothing.exe running, then they would know someone is running multiple ships from one dxNothing window.

If what I just typed is how CCP is thinking, are there any holes? Like dxNothing.exe can be running even when there is no dxNothing window being used?

The Nosy Gamer - CCP Random: "hehe, falls under the category: nice try, but no. ;)"

JGar Rooflestein
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3579 - 2015-03-02 00:05:01 UTC
No nothing about ISBoxer phyically runs through Eve launcher. It will effect Windows that you tell it to effect. Which is what your profle set up in ISboxer pretty much does. You basically tell it what windows its going to use and work in. The only thing that ISBoxer will do to the eve launcher is run it when you start up your profile.

-JGar "Great man once said nothing."

Nolak Ataru
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#3580 - 2015-03-02 01:58:11 UTC
dxNothing doesn't touch any other file other than Windows Aero and innerspace.
dxNothing can be running even if no VideoFX is being used, correct.

The problem with the "each ship has it's own window" argument is that people have no obligation to purchase multiple monitors. One of the boxers used to 10-box PVP by simple alt-tab, and Super and Titan pilots sure aren't going to be happy if CCP tells them they can't use multiple toons without multiple monitors.