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Incursion needs to be nerfed, like now

Thorn Galen
Bene Gesserit ChapterHouse
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#21 - 2011-12-22 06:19:09 UTC
J Kunjeh wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Let's be honest here:

Letting the Sansha Mom sit for days while grinding those sites is a mega ISK pump. It's hard to deny it.

That Mom should only sit for a few hours once it appears, and if it's not destroyed, nobody gets their ISK and LP awards.

Something along those lines would improve the farming situation, I would agree.

+1 to both of these statements from me.
It would do away with the farming that some people do.
Run Like an Antelope
#22 - 2011-12-22 06:20:16 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
That Mom should only sit for a few hours once it appears, and if it's not destroyed, nobody gets their ISK and LP awards.

That's how it used to be (incursions only lasted a few hours). Before people realized they could agree to make them last longer.

I don't tihnk this should be changed, but maybe make the assault/hq sites more valuable than vanguards.
Reverand Pastor
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#23 - 2011-12-22 06:24:40 UTC
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
Let's be honest here:

Letting the Sansha Mom sit for days while grinding those sites is a mega ISK pump. It's hard to deny it.

That Mom should only sit for a few hours once it appears, and if it's not destroyed, nobody gets their ISK and LP awards.

The Sansha live events were fun, but seeing what it evolved to is a big letdown. The next "big thing" I think a lot of people are going to be like "big deal - another ISK pump in the making".

There is a dangerous mentality in this game that everything is ALWAYS too much. I just dont understand how people can play a game they always have a problem with. There are certainly better use of CCP time then incursions. Heck I have ran maybe 4 times and i thought it was the funnest thing out there. If they ever fix FW and Null it would be the holy trinity of eve and i may just sign up a few more accounts. Be happy in this wonderful game I promise you wont regret it.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#24 - 2011-12-22 06:44:34 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#25 - 2011-12-22 09:00:39 UTC
Nerf high sec Incursion rewards

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

#26 - 2011-12-22 09:44:41 UTC
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires wrote:
It is too easy to make money in eve with the help of our friends the sanshas without any risk at all. I cannot pvp anymore because all i want to do is farm incursion sites, its like a drug addiction Cry i have accumulated so much wealth from incursion, here is the proof ballin yeah that is my collection of some of the rare ships in the game all accumulated from incursion farming and that just a portion of my asset. I am so sick of hoarding, i want incursion to disapear completely so i can go back to pvping. Please help Cry

We can all buy navy/pirate faction ships and re-name them to give weight to our troll posts.

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#27 - 2011-12-22 10:40:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Thorn Galen wrote:
Reverand Pastor wrote:
On the contrary incursions is eve done right. It gives high sp spacepilots a reason to log in and gives a better understanding of fleet composition and ship roles.

^^ This.

as seen by high-sec VG fleets butchering a sensible, pvp-capable fleet composition (small AHAC gang) by introduction of pimped battleships

Which results in quirky work-arounds to compensate for the disadvantages of large guns and over-expensive fittings (Oneiros over Guardians, avoiding NMCs, 5+1 Guardians without AB, ...)

In the end a vanilla 7 Zealots + 3 Guardians VG fleet would probably do better than those pimped battleships - but Zealots give you little room for epeen waving and you might not be able to ignore game mechanics (hacking the can in OTAs) when bringing them.

... you also might be lacking a convenient excuse for staying away from low-sec/0.0 Incursions.
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires
#28 - 2011-12-22 11:10:50 UTC
proxwar wrote:
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires wrote:
It is too easy to make money in eve with the help of our friends the sanshas without any risk at all. I cannot pvp anymore because all i want to do is farm incursion sites, its like a drug addiction Cry i have accumulated so much wealth from incursion, here is the proof ballin yeah that is my collection of some of the rare ships in the game all accumulated from incursion farming and that just a portion of my asset. I am so sick of hoarding, i want incursion to disapear completely so i can go back to pvping. Please help Cry

We can all buy navy/pirate faction ships and re-name them to give weight to our troll posts.


mate those are not your regular faction ship, look closely and i said "rare" Big smile

ok i guess i used a wrong image hosting website, my apology.
Hemmo Paskiainen
#29 - 2011-12-22 11:11:22 UTC
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires wrote:
It is too easy to make money in eve with the help of our friends the sanshas without any risk at all. I cannot pvp anymore because all i want to do is farm incursion sites, its like a drug addiction Cry i have accumulated so much wealth from incursion, here is the proof ballin yeah that is my collection of some of the rare ships in the game all accumulated from incursion farming and that just a portion of my asset. I am so sick of hoarding, i want incursion to disapear completely so i can go back to pvping. Please help Cry

Pls upload again and read good: in the list select do not resize... mkay thx

If relativity equals time plus momentum, what equals relativity, if the momentum is minus to the time?

YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires
#30 - 2011-12-22 11:17:33 UTC
Plus 10 NV
#31 - 2011-12-22 11:18:45 UTC
Brock Nelson wrote:
Incursion doesn't need any nerf.

They need more 5 pilots to run as the difficulty increase and the reward is about right. CCP is trying to encourage multiplayer enviornment and reward those players accordingly. A year ago, most people would say that level 4 missioning is giving out too much isk to players who are playing in single player mode.

No. No one ever complained that high sec missions were done in "single player mode."

People did complain that high sec level 4s paid too much because shooting rats in high sec is virtually risk free.

So ccp created a mechanic were you can safely shoot rats in high sec and and make 2-4xs what you used to be able to make in the safety of high sec.

And you are surprised players are complaining? Well ccp keeps doing the things that many players don't like - giving a disproportionate amount of isk for high sec no risk activities and completely devaluing isk. In fact they are doing the exact opposite of what those players wanted. So of course there is going to be some backlash.

Just because this requires "team play" doesn't mean its any more risk.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#32 - 2011-12-22 11:26:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
proxwar wrote:
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires wrote:
It is too easy to make money in eve with the help of our friends the sanshas without any risk at all. I cannot pvp anymore because all i want to do is farm incursion sites, its like a drug addiction Cry i have accumulated so much wealth from incursion, here is the proof ballin yeah that is my collection of some of the rare ships in the game all accumulated from incursion farming and that just a portion of my asset. I am so sick of hoarding, i want incursion to disapear completely so i can go back to pvping. Please help Cry

We can all buy navy/pirate faction ships and re-name them to give weight to our troll posts.


confirming that YoungMoney just renamed a Rifter Fleet Issue (they're sold in Rens local all the time, not rare at all) to make it look like a rare ship (AT price).
Plus 10 NV
#33 - 2011-12-22 18:01:17 UTC
Florestan Bronstein wrote:
proxwar wrote:
YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires wrote:
It is too easy to make money in eve with the help of our friends the sanshas without any risk at all. I cannot pvp anymore because all i want to do is farm incursion sites, its like a drug addiction Cry i have accumulated so much wealth from incursion, here is the proof ballin yeah that is my collection of some of the rare ships in the game all accumulated from incursion farming and that just a portion of my asset. I am so sick of hoarding, i want incursion to disapear completely so i can go back to pvping. Please help Cry

We can all buy navy/pirate faction ships and re-name them to give weight to our troll posts.


confirming that YoungMoney just renamed a Rifter Fleet Issue (they're sold in Rens local all the time, not rare at all) to make it look like a rare ship (AT price).

The original post was a troll but high sec incursion do need a nerf.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Galadriel Vasquez
Project Omega Industries
#34 - 2011-12-22 18:14:25 UTC
JackStraw56 wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
That Mom should only sit for a few hours once it appears, and if it's not destroyed, nobody gets their ISK and LP awards.

That's how it used to be (incursions only lasted a few hours). Before people realized they could agree to make them last longer.

I don't tihnk this should be changed, but maybe make the assault/hq sites more valuable than vanguards.

Jacks on to something here - also I would include an escalation chance - a 10% chance that the 10 guys doing the Mining Site or
the NCO or whatever get bounced by a Fleet of angry Sansha Battleships - make it scale to the difficulty of the site your on - so say double the difficulty...
Randomness is fun.

I have tin foil hat trained to 5.

YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires
#35 - 2011-12-23 08:34:21 UTC  |  Edited by: YoungMoney CashMoney Billionaires
double post
Jaroslav Unwanted
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2011-12-23 08:36:22 UTC
Galadriel Vasquez wrote:
JackStraw56 wrote:
Herzog Wolfhammer wrote:
That Mom should only sit for a few hours once it appears, and if it's not destroyed, nobody gets their ISK and LP awards.

That's how it used to be (incursions only lasted a few hours). Before people realized they could agree to make them last longer.

I don't tihnk this should be changed, but maybe make the assault/hq sites more valuable than vanguards.

Jacks on to something here - also I would include an escalation chance - a 10% chance that the 10 guys doing the Mining Site or
the NCO or whatever get bounced by a Fleet of angry Sansha Battleships - make it scale to the difficulty of the site your on - so say double the difficulty...
Randomness is fun.

Randomness is fun ..

lets make random autoselfdestruct. Just time to time your ship explodes.. Big smile
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