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Corporation Roles UI Cosmetic Improvements.

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CCP Lebowski
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2015-02-26 17:15:03 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Goliath
Greetings Capsuleers,

After today's Singularity update you may notice a new tab in the corporation interface called '--New Roles--'. This tab represents the next step in Team Five 0's ongoing corporation work, a reworking of the UI surrounding roles, titles and access controls!

The main features of this UI change are as follows:

  • Roles and Station Service Permissions have been rolled into one window to reduce the number of management screens. The combined view is now called Permissions.
  • Role and Title names will now be displayed vertically to save space (Allowing all roles to be displayed in a smaller window)
  • Roles and Grantable roles are now handled by a single tristate checkbox (No Role, Role, Role + Grantable).
  • Access controls have now been reduced to a one page matrix
  • Adding a filter option to role management, making it easier to filter based on player name, roles etc.

All this taken together means that we've reduced the amount of tabs from 19 to 5 and removed the need for horizontal scrolling even on the smallest window size & resolution. As well as these UI changes we're also doing our best to fix various bugs surrounding this area of corp management, hopefully making the whole experience more stable and less frustrating.

It should be made clear straight away that this is a UI and usability pass on role management, and while we believe that this will go some way towards improving the experience of corporation management, we're aware that this is by no means a final fix for roles and the interface surrounding them. In other words, we're not done here, so as always keep an eye out for more corp related things from Five 0 in the future!

We encourage you to get onto the test server, test out the new interface! As usual please report any bugs found using the ingame tool (F12 -> Report Bug), and leave any feedback you may have in this thread. As usual, I'll add/remove known issues from this post as they are found/fixed.

Known Issues
  • Window will not be sorted when initially opened.
  • When sorting the access tab the icons also get sorted instead of staying on top

  • Features not yet implemented
  • Filtering

  • Thanks for reading and happy testing,

    CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


    State War Academy
    Caldari State
    #2 - 2015-02-27 00:48:23 UTC
    I'm going to patch SiSi tonight just to take a look at this. Thanks for the hard work!
    Absent Sentry
    #3 - 2015-02-27 02:42:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Absent Sentry
    There should be horizontal scroll bars to make the window easier to work with and expose otherwise "hidden" columns. Whether the window's width is constrained by the client's resolution or simply shrunk to a smaller size, having columns that can't be manipulated or which go completely unnoticed is no good. Adding horizontal scroll bars would not only make it possible to manipulate those columns with smaller windows, but also indicate that more columns are there in the first place.

    It's possible to work around this by shrinking the columns themselves or expanding the window beyond the width of the screen by dragging it partially off screen, but neither is indicative of good usability and you have to know the columns exist in the first place to even try that.
    Exploration Frontier inc
    #4 - 2015-02-27 06:44:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Altrue
    This facelift is interesting! Tooltips makes it more intuitive than expected, and it somehow looks cleaner.

    However. What am I going to do with such facelift? I'm the CEO of a corporation nearing the 400 members mark, that's not even close to the biggest corporations.

    Do you expect me to manually manage each and every member's rights ONE BY ONE ? Sad

    So yeah, a UI facelift is always welcome, and I recognize the work it takes to modify the corporation code... But so far I don't see any corp of more than 50 members use it.

    Edit: Some points are still valid, but the absence of paging (please implement a search function ) is confirmed as bug. As well as the odd column sorting.

    Signature Tanking Best Tanking

    [Ex-F] CEO -

    Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

    CCP Punkturis
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #5 - 2015-02-27 08:46:40 UTC
    Other known issues:

    - You can only see the first 50 members in your corp (paging hasn't been implemented)
    - Sorting by column headers doesn't work

    ♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

    CCP Punkturis
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #6 - 2015-02-27 08:47:16 UTC
    Absent Sentry wrote:
    There should be horizontal scroll bars to make the window easier to work with and expose otherwise "hidden" columns. Whether the window's width is constrained by the client's resolution or simply shrunk to a smaller size, having columns that can't be manipulated or which go completely unnoticed is no good. Adding horizontal scroll bars would not only make it possible to manipulate those columns with smaller windows, but also indicate that more columns are there in the first place.

    It's possible to work around this by shrinking the columns themselves or expanding the window beyond the width of the screen by dragging it partially off screen, but neither is indicative of good usability and you have to know the columns exist in the first place to even try that.

    when we've made the column headers vertical, we won't need a horizontal scrollbar because then the list will fit in min resolution screen Big smile

    ♥ EVE Brogrammer ♥ Team Five 0 ♥ @CCP_Punkturis

    Bat Country
    Pandemic Horde
    #7 - 2015-02-27 21:04:18 UTC
    Thank you for fixing this stuff, it is huge for some of us. Next up, fix starbase config?

    When setting up new corps, this was always the biggest hurdle. And I have no idea how people do it without an Xttz guiding them.
    Amak Boma
    Dragon Factory
    #8 - 2015-02-27 21:15:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Amak Boma
    sisi launcher is still crashing with same errors. so im unable to even aptch it . repair.exe is trying to treat sisi like TQ and patch it to tranquility

    repair exe throws this error at end

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "repairTool\progressPanel.pyc", line 82, in _TaskRun
    File "repairTool\repairUI.pyc", line 97, in Start
    File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 199, in Repair
    File "repairTool\repairLogic.pyc", line 380, in Restore
    File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 407, in RestoreFolder
    File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 464, in ReconstructFiles
    File "zsync\zsync.pyc", line 505, in ReconstructFile
    File "checksum.pyc", line 370, in SetSum
    File "shelve.pyc", line 133, in __setitem__
    File "bsddb\__init__.pyc", line 279, in __setitem__
    File "bsddb\dbutils.pyc", line 68, in DeadlockWrap
    File "bsddb\__init__.pyc", line 278, in wrapF
    DBRunRecoveryError: (-30974, 'DB_RUNRECOVERY: Fatal error, run database recovery -- PANIC: Invalid argument')
    Total Runtime: 0h28m55s
    Absent Sentry
    #9 - 2015-02-27 23:15:15 UTC
    CCP Punkturis wrote:
    Absent Sentry wrote:
    There should be horizontal scroll bars to make the window easier to work with and expose otherwise "hidden" columns. Whether the window's width is constrained by the client's resolution or simply shrunk to a smaller size, having columns that can't be manipulated or which go completely unnoticed is no good. Adding horizontal scroll bars would not only make it possible to manipulate those columns with smaller windows, but also indicate that more columns are there in the first place.

    It's possible to work around this by shrinking the columns themselves or expanding the window beyond the width of the screen by dragging it partially off screen, but neither is indicative of good usability and you have to know the columns exist in the first place to even try that.

    when we've made the column headers vertical, we won't need a horizontal scrollbar because then the list will fit in min resolution screen Big smile

    Neat, thanks. I see now this is mentioned in the OP, sorry for misunderstanding it.
    Bellanea Rajanir
    Obolka Kin
    #10 - 2015-03-23 22:48:12 UTC
    Absent Sentry wrote:
    There should be horizontal scroll bars to make the window easier to work with and expose otherwise "hidden" columns. Whether the window's width is constrained by the client's resolution or simply shrunk to a smaller size, having columns that can't be manipulated or which go completely unnoticed is no good. Adding horizontal scroll bars would not only make it possible to manipulate those columns with smaller windows, but also indicate that more columns are there in the first place.

    It's possible to work around this by shrinking the columns themselves or expanding the window beyond the width of the screen by dragging it partially off screen, but neither is indicative of good usability and you have to know the columns exist in the first place to even try that.

    maybe its time to make some icons for roles and popups when mouse over them?

    It was a day when the forum post became sentient

    Hexatron Ormand
    Center for Advanced Studies
    Gallente Federation
    #11 - 2015-03-24 19:52:12 UTC
    This new list/overview for roles, does not show the ones granted through titels. Is that wanted?

    Currently all of the roles are granted through titels in my coporation. I spent a great deal of time working them out. I hope some sort of group or titel system is coming as well.

    Right now i only see my directors having any rights in this new window, all other members show as not having any, even though they do.

    So in my current corporations situation, this nice window/overview is quite usless, as it doesn't show me anything, as it seems to be unable to read out roles granted through titles.
    CCP Lebowski
    C C P
    C C P Alliance
    #12 - 2015-04-01 14:16:17 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Lebowski
    Hexatron Ormand wrote:
    This new list/overview for roles, does not show the ones granted through titels. Is that wanted?

    Currently all of the roles are granted through titels in my coporation. I spent a great deal of time working them out. I hope some sort of group or titel system is coming as well.

    Right now i only see my directors having any rights in this new window, all other members show as not having any, even though they do.

    So in my current corporations situation, this nice window/overview is quite usless, as it doesn't show me anything, as it seems to be unable to read out roles granted through titles.
    Thanks for testing this out and reporting this.

    So as I understand it, what you are saying is that the new roles tab doesn't display roles given through titles?

    As far as I can see, this has always been the case (the current role window also doesn't have the functionality you are suggesting). It could additionally lead to problems with where you can add or remove roles. e.g. Are they locked when provided through titles or can they be changed? This may be something for a later iteration but wont be changing now.

    CCP Lebowski | EVE Quality Assurance | Team Five-0


    Exploration Frontier inc
    #13 - 2015-04-01 15:49:12 UTC
    Sorry to say this, but only bad CEOs/Directors avoid using titles to grant their roles.

    All this work should've been put to titles first as its the most useful thing.

    Signature Tanking Best Tanking

    [Ex-F] CEO -

    Ultimate Citadel Guide - 2016 EVE Career Chart

    Lil' Brudder Too
    Pistols for Pandas
    #14 - 2015-04-01 19:21:07 UTC
    Any way you could make the row's adjustable atm nearly all the titles fade off the top...
    Test Alliance Please Ignore
    #15 - 2015-04-02 02:06:41 UTC
    So, yeah. Considering this is only a cosmetic update, I'll restrict myself to only reviewing the actual interface.

    Being able to access everything from one major tab makes the management of roles a bit more intuitive and certainly simplifies things. Having the big buttons for the various areas attention to this area, encouraging the user to click and explore.

    At first I was a bit consternated by the small text size of the roles and such. But mouse-overing them brought up a tool tip that showed the roles in much bigger and easier to read pop-ups, which were fine.

    I'm concerned about the huge amount of vertical space required for a 3x3 grid for every player in Access Roles. As long as we have huge corporations, it will become a massive list with a huge amount of vertical scrolling. But if vertical scrolling is the worst of my concerns, then we're in good shape.

    The most important point is that there is no way in the new interface to assign roles to each title. We can assign a title to a player. But not roles to a title. This is mandatory and cannot be left out.

    From a strictly cosmetic standpoint, I say +1. Looks better. ITs more intuitive and organized. But lacks the needed title management functionality. Overall a step in the right direction.

    I'm a bit concerned about how well this will work once roles themselves get revamped. But I think it should be robust enough to serve unless the entire system gets completely rebuilt from the ground up. Here's hoping that doesn't break everything. vOv

    Jason Bouchard
    Federal Navy Academy
    Gallente Federation
    #16 - 2015-04-02 03:45:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Jason Bouchard
    Set up a one-man test corp to check out the new UI. Obviously being only one person I couldn't fiddle around too much, but I want to echo what many of the people before me have said about integrating this new UI with the titles tab. Since I'm pretty sure that most corp leaders predominantly use titles over the actual roles window, it would ironically be more useful to put the new UI in the titles tab than the roles tab, if you could only do one or the other. That being said, please do both! Big smile Or else! Evil

    Although I have none of my own statistics to back me up on this, I'm sure you CCP devs can whip some of your own up one way or another! Big smile

    I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to transfer this UI to the titles, just replace the area taken up by the member's name with the title name and off you go!

    In tandem with this, the member list, when you use the assign roles window, should also display titles. In case people have lots of titles, maybe the first one or two right underneath the name, have an ellipsis afterwards, and then the full list available via a tooltip.

    The checkboxes in the new UI (if they don't already, someone with more research check this for me) should then have their status automatically update to reflect what a member's titles grant him/her.

    This way a CEO or director can easily look and say, "Okay, here are all my members. Here's Jason Bouchard. He has Titles A, B, C, and so on... and together this gives him query access to these hangars; query, take, and container access to these other hangars; etc., etc."

    EDIT: also one last thing: the tooltip for Container rights is (as far as my knowledge goes) inaccurate. According to the EVE University wiki, Container access merely gives a member the right to remove the container itself from a corporation hangar. Take access is the exact opposite, granting the ability to OPEN containers (and of course anything in the hangar not in a container), but not to remove the actual container.

    The tooltip in the Sisi UI says that Container Access grants the ability to take items FROM the container, which is, as previously stated, already encompassed by the Take Access privilege. The tooltip should be reworded to something like, "Allows member to remove containers from hangar." Accordingly the Take Access tooltip should also include that it grants access to items inside containers (as long as there is no password required to open them)
    The Scope
    Gallente Federation
    #17 - 2015-04-03 04:15:52 UTC
    Please, please, please add information to the header tooltips that clearly explains what that permission does. The names are fairly generic and what exactly each one does and what you need to do various things isn't at all clear. When I hover over "Rent Factory" it should tell me exactly what I'm allowing that person to do.

    Also now that you're using vertical names, please expand "Config Equipment" and "Config Starbase" to "Configure Equipment" and "Configure Starbase"

    Things that are definitely not obvious at first glance what precisely they allow someone to do:

    Communications Officer
    Junior Accountant
    Personnel Manager
    Factory Manager
    Rent Factory
    Rent Research
    Security Officer
    Starbase Manager vs. Config Starbase
    Caldari 5
    D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
    #18 - 2015-04-03 16:47:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Caldari 5
    CCP Punkturis wrote:
    Other known issues:

    - You can only see the first 50 members in your corp (paging hasn't been implemented)
    - Sorting by column headers doesn't work

    Here's another one to add to that list, Corp members past the 13th are invisible, however you can rightclick and show info to find out who they are.
    Caldari 5
    D.I.L.L.I.G.A.F. S.A.S
    #19 - 2015-04-03 17:01:06 UTC
    Just noticed that I can't resize the name Column and it doesn't give the character name in full if you hover over it. Can we please have at least one of these, preferably the first one.

    Especially helpful for figuring out which is which:
    Extremely long character name
    Extremely long character n4me
    Extremely long character nam3
    Extremely long charmander
    Extremely long chameleon

    when they all look like:
    Extremely long cha

    And the first 3 are one player and the next 2 are completely different players.
    CSR Engineering Solutions
    Citizen's Star Republic
    #20 - 2015-04-07 13:50:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Centurax
    The new UI is an improvement to the old, less pages to sort through nice work.

    Arrow There is a tool tip on the "Access" panel that shows the meaning of the 3 check box states, which doesn't seem to be implemented on the other panels, this is a useful tool tip to have on the other panels.

    Arrow on the "Permissions" and the "Station Services" panel it would be useful to have some kind of explanation as to what each column allows the member to do. e.g. Starbase Fuel Technician: Can access starbase fuel bays. It would be useful to have some detail here.

    Arrow it would be useful to have unused titles to be filtered out of the "Groups" panel to make it easier to read. So any title that has "Untitled" and nothing checked would be removed from the list. Would make it easier to read and use.

    Note: for Title Management section when that gets worked on not having a long list of unused Titles would be nice and also the ability to add a small description of what that title does.

    Arrow Would be useful to highlight the CEO and Directors in some way by using a highlight color.

    Arrow Is it possible to get a sub grouping for members with multiple Alts to make it easy to keep track of those members and assign roles to them. For example if Pilot A has Alts B and C, they all join the corp I can then create a group called Pilot A and add Alts B and C to it, then if anyone comes along later they will know that Alts B and C belong to Pilot A and can assign/remove roles to them at the same time.

    Arrow Is it possible to have a notes section, just because it is sometimes helpful to make notes.
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