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Are You Sick and Tired of the Tyrant James 315 and his New Order/CODE?

First post
McChicken Combo HalfMayo
The Happy Meal
#221 - 2015-02-25 12:40:16 UTC
Gerhard Stringfellow wrote:
The day I see somebody going into Hi-sec really enforcing their authority and acting in a manner that's halfway authoritative I'll respect it, if I have too. When I see corps with members numbering in the 1000's I'll start paying attention;

Thousands you say! You have some very high expectations.

There are all our dominion

Gate camps: "Its like the lowsec watercooler, just with explosions and boose" - Ralph King-Griffin

Inata Policar
Caldari State
#222 - 2015-02-25 14:48:24 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Drez Arthie wrote:
I strike at thee CODE with corny acronyms!

Catalyst Overheats, Dies .. Excitement!

Carebears Of Deklein in Empire

Can't Obtain Daytime Employment

Call Of Duty Expats?

I can't breath
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#223 - 2015-02-25 19:56:30 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:
New blog post up. If you have been a scam victim or know someone who has, check it out!

I refuse to read your heresies. Also your colour scheme is ugly.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Karla the Careless
Beyond Reproach
#224 - 2015-02-25 22:20:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Karla the Careless
Held der Finsternis wrote:
Karla the Careless wrote:
Still ain't getting no steenking purmint from you or those code people.

After our forces defeat the New Order, there will be no need to own a mining permit. I am not asking you to buy a permit of any kind. However, it would obviously help for you to voluntarily purchase shares to help the cause, even if just a small amount. Or join the fight.

From your site:

Mining indulgences may be purchased for 10 million isk per character, and are good for one year, subject to loss. A carebear is deemed to have lost his permit if he makes egregious violations of suggestions found herein the Old Code. He can always purchase a new one without limitation. Permits may also be purchased on behalf of others, including all members of a corporation, provided that the permit holders generally abide by most of the suggestions, most of the time. It is generally expected that carebears shall display their permits proudly via an attribution in their bios. A standard format shall by suggested by his agent, and such format may change from time to time. Records may be maintained so as to combat the possibility of a counterfeit permit.

Upon being suicide ganked, a carebear should congratulate the ganker on his success. A "good fight" or "gf" in local is customary. Traditionally, this is a good opportunity for a carebear to purchase a permit and discuss the merits of the Old Code.

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code

Pretty hard to say that permits are not required, so I still ain't getting no steenking permint from you or those code people

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code. A prime example of new boss is just like the old boss.
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#225 - 2015-02-25 23:03:29 UTC
Karla the Careless wrote:
Held der Finsternis wrote:
Karla the Careless wrote:
Still ain't getting no steenking purmint from you or those code people.

After our forces defeat the New Order, there will be no need to own a mining permit. I am not asking you to buy a permit of any kind. However, it would obviously help for you to voluntarily purchase shares to help the cause, even if just a small amount. Or join the fight.

From your site:

Mining indulgences may be purchased for 10 million isk per character, and are good for one year, subject to loss. A carebear is deemed to have lost his permit if he makes egregious violations of suggestions found herein the Old Code. He can always purchase a new one without limitation. Permits may also be purchased on behalf of others, including all members of a corporation, provided that the permit holders generally abide by most of the suggestions, most of the time. It is generally expected that carebears shall display their permits proudly via an attribution in their bios. A standard format shall by suggested by his agent, and such format may change from time to time. Records may be maintained so as to combat the possibility of a counterfeit permit.

Upon being suicide ganked, a carebear should congratulate the ganker on his success. A "good fight" or "gf" in local is customary. Traditionally, this is a good opportunity for a carebear to purchase a permit and discuss the merits of the Old Code.

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code

Pretty hard to say that permits are not required, so I still ain't getting no steenking permint from you or those code people

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code. A prime example of new boss is just like the old boss.

Held is a pretentious heretic, but many of our calling support his cause despite finding his writings revolting. That is because he promises to bring us what none of his predecessors could, a fight. Seeing as carebears are notorious for infighting he'll never succeed, but we like to encourage him.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#226 - 2015-02-25 23:36:48 UTC
Karla the Careless wrote:
Held der Finsternis wrote:
Karla the Careless wrote:
Still ain't getting no steenking purmint from you or those code people.

After our forces defeat the New Order, there will be no need to own a mining permit. I am not asking you to buy a permit of any kind. However, it would obviously help for you to voluntarily purchase shares to help the cause, even if just a small amount. Or join the fight.

From your site:

Mining indulgences may be purchased for 10 million isk per character, and are good for one year, subject to loss. A carebear is deemed to have lost his permit if he makes egregious violations of suggestions found herein the Old Code. He can always purchase a new one without limitation. Permits may also be purchased on behalf of others, including all members of a corporation, provided that the permit holders generally abide by most of the suggestions, most of the time. It is generally expected that carebears shall display their permits proudly via an attribution in their bios. A standard format shall by suggested by his agent, and such format may change from time to time. Records may be maintained so as to combat the possibility of a counterfeit permit.

Upon being suicide ganked, a carebear should congratulate the ganker on his success. A "good fight" or "gf" in local is customary. Traditionally, this is a good opportunity for a carebear to purchase a permit and discuss the merits of the Old Code.

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code

Pretty hard to say that permits are not required, so I still ain't getting no steenking permint from you or those code people

On top of that, it seems that more than a few of your "shareholders" are from the old code. A prime example of new boss is just like the old boss.

Yes, that is the New Order's Code. Soon, our Code shall be posted. Feel free to look around the site as your questions and comments will be answered there.

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#227 - 2015-02-27 15:32:02 UTC
I think if you just embedded the notion of no mechanics nerfs into your counter-CODE, I could get behind you. We have been saying for years that the tear-filled need to man-up and pew those they complain about (like CODE), so it would be hypocrisy not to support such an initiative if bounded properly against the heresy of mechanics nerfs.

Held der Finsternis
Highsec Corporate Services
#228 - 2015-02-27 17:50:50 UTC
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
I think if you just embedded the notion of no mechanics nerfs into your counter-CODE, I could get behind you. We have been saying for years that the tear-filled need to man-up and pew those they complain about (like CODE), so it would be hypocrisy not to support such an initiative if bounded properly against the heresy of mechanics nerfs.


I'll need your help in the Council of Uedama just like last time when I draft the Code for the Heroes of Highsec. I do not support any mechanics changes or petitions of any sort to win this war, or in general. In my view, nerfs and buffs should be extremely rare, if ever. And players should not be writing messages to CCP to fight their battles for them. They should undock and engage in glorious combat or do other player initiated and driven things.

That's why I have been spending days trying to raise funds for the cause.

But the Code of Uedama may take days nonstop to draft, so I haven't done it yet. Maybe this weekend, or next.

I also need to sit down and think of some categories to tag my blog posts with. For instance, I am thinking of doing a section on scams and how to avoid them, so I'll need a category tag for that series. I don't want to randomly select multiple tags for every post like some blogs do, but actually separate them into meaningful sections.

You can always find me on the forum section of :o)

Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#229 - 2015-02-27 18:25:45 UTC
Then by all means everyone should be supporting your cause. Especially carebears who's time has come to put money where mouth is.

I am confident that under focussed leadership CODE. can be impacted, and GF's ring loudly throughout Uedama local. Moar content == everyone wins.

You know what, I will have my stock-brocker buy me some shares this evening (as a silent contribution if you please)... I would love to see a Falcon heavy on the gallente-ECM's put into the hands of some white-knight, and serve as his trusty steed of comeuppance.



Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#230 - 2015-02-27 19:05:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
Tengu Grib wrote:

Held is a pretentious heretic, but many of our calling support his cause despite finding his writings revolting. That is because he promises to bring us what none of his predecessors could, a fight. Seeing as carebears are notorious for infighting he'll never succeed, but we like to encourage him.

Brother Tengu is righteous in his commentary, and I share his concerns. But if Held at least holds his members to the principles of 'do' rather than 'nerf', then he is worthy of support. There could be some great content in Uedama this spring if he gets some momentum.

Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#231 - 2015-02-28 02:41:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
You owe me a G15, mine's now full of coffee.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

jurgen b
Papal Zouaves
#232 - 2015-02-28 02:54:05 UTC
i pref CODE and there ganking permit holder playstyle any day over war decs. that is what makes the game fun, it is not a button you click like it is on war decs, the people that play as the bringers of the CODE, make the game fun as being gankers etc and bring some RP parts into the game it pure EVE gameplay without tools. the type of gameplay that james play, or like he brings it in the game from my point of vieuw is nice tbh. no matter what the political reason behind it is, it is nicer content then war decs wil ever be.
eve veers should endorce this type of real gameplay.
Bait'er De'Outlier
Trans-Aerospace Industries
#233 - 2015-02-28 03:30:44 UTC
It's nice to see someone organizing to do something that they see as positive for Eve, even if likely very Quixotic territory. Being the opposition to something you don't see eye to eye with looks good for you.

I think every carebear who disagrees with the CODE and cannot see eye to eye with CODE about their behavior should be on your shareholder list since, after all, not everyone in hi-sec can or will take a stand over something they care about. Every shareholder on your list should also join your corp and push for a perma-dec to put both their money and their pods where their mouths are (unlikely though that might be).

Hopefully the cause you espouse will engender you with many hours of satisfactory emergent gameplay as you do your thing and Code does theirs.

Bait for CSM
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#234 - 2015-03-01 10:01:50 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
You owe me a G15, mine's now full of coffee.

+1 for agreeing that that pic is epic, and another +1 for appreciating good keyboards.

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Boom Boom Longtime
EVE Corporation 6908469858
Heroes and Villains.
#235 - 2015-03-01 16:01:15 UTC
What's the news from the front lines?

Concord Approved Trader

Homo Jesus
The LGBT Last Supper
#236 - 2015-03-01 16:37:23 UTC
Held der Finsternis wrote:

That's why I have been spending days trying to raise funds for the cause.

Everyone interested in defeating CODE should donate isk to this guy's cause.
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#237 - 2015-03-01 21:16:36 UTC
Seems like a typical code endorsed scam. The only hard part is figuring out which code member held is....rabe raptor perhaps?
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#238 - 2015-03-02 03:25:36 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Seems like a typical code endorsed scam. The only hard part is figuring out which code member held is....rabe raptor perhaps?


Why do you assume that that is an alt?

Founder of Violet Squadron, a small gang NPSI community! Mail me for more information.

BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie's Space Mediation Service!

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#239 - 2015-03-02 03:31:49 UTC
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:
Seems like a typical code endorsed scam. The only hard part is figuring out which code member held is....rabe raptor perhaps?


Why do you assume that that is an alt?

Because I'm pretty much familiar with all the code mains, and he ain't one of em. The trollific nature of his campaign assures me that he is in fact a code alt, who is engaging in this foolishness to scam pathetic miners out of their isk, and will then a post a mocking series of blog posts on the minerbumping website. We have been here before, folks.
Tisiphone Dira
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#240 - 2015-03-02 06:15:23 UTC
Code does not endorse scamming, we are an entirely legitimate operation, wholly above board.

There once was a ganker named tisi

A stunningly beautiful missy

To gank a gross miner

There is nothing finer, cept when they get all pissy