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Claiming your Holiday Gift

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CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2011-12-22 09:40:01 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
Rejoice as your chosen Holiday Gifts arrived in our redeeming system, ready to be claimed by you. From December 22, 2011 on, you will see your lovely gifts eagerly waiting for you in the redeeming system.

Players who chose a neural remap as their gift will receive this during December 22. The neural remap will be assigned automatically to the character with the most skillpoints on the account. The remaps will be issued from 14:30 UTC and will be applied throughout the day so you may need to log out and back in to see this item. This gift will not show in the redeeming system and instead will appear in the remap listing of the highest skill point character on your account. In the event that you would like the remap applied to another character on the same account then submit a petition in the 'Billing' queue and we will assist you with that. Please note that remaps cannot be transferred between accounts.

The ammunition, except for crystals, is given out in stacks. Once you claim your gift from the redeeming system, these stacks will be unpacked to your hangars with each ammunition stack containing 100 units of ammunition. The fuel blocks are also given out in stacks and each fuel block stack contains 40 fuel blocks.

Player who chose gifts containing ammunition will see these in the redeeming system. Depending on their gift, 100 stacks of small ammunition (unpacked into 10.000 units of small ammunition once claimed and delivered to their hangar) or 50 stacks of medium ammunition (unpacked into 5.000 units of medium ammo) or 25 stacks of large ammunition (unpacked into 2.500 units of large ammo). Players, who chose the fuel blocks as gift, will see 25 stacks of fuel blocks in the redeeming system (unpacked into 1.000 fuel blocks once claimed and delivered to their hangar).

Aurum is given out as 2 tokens with 1,000 units in each token. These items can be sold on the market or you can right click on the item and add the Aurum to your wallet.

All other items in the redeeming system will show the exact amount of the items being delivered to your hangar once claimed.

Once you have claimed your items from the redeeming system, the items will instantly appear in your hangar and can be used by you.

Enjoy your holiday gifts!

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Route One
#2 - 2011-12-22 09:48:40 UTC
So you're removing the remaps which have already been incorrectly assigned to the LOWEST SP character on the account (or possibly the newest character) during DT yes?

You are then reassigning them correctly to the characters with the highest SP?

Can you confirm that please, because if not then we may as well get the petitions going now.
CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#3 - 2011-12-22 10:01:30 UTC
Othran wrote:
So you're removing the remaps which have already been incorrectly assigned to the LOWEST SP character on the account (or possibly the newest character) during DT yes?

You are then reassigning them correctly to the characters with the highest SP?

Can you confirm that please, because if not then we may as well get the petitions going now.

This is confirmed. The changes to remaps will be issued at some stage during today, most likely after downtime, but may take a few hours to be assigned to all accounts.

Please also note that you may need to log out and log in again for the changes to take place.
May Fair
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2011-12-22 10:04:13 UTC
Two of my accounts got remaps granted to lowest SP characters, while removing the highest's "normal" remap and giving it a bonus. Already filed a petition in game.
Route One
#5 - 2011-12-22 10:10:06 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
Othran wrote:
So you're removing the remaps which have already been incorrectly assigned to the LOWEST SP character on the account (or possibly the newest character) during DT yes?

You are then reassigning them correctly to the characters with the highest SP?

Can you confirm that please, because if not then we may as well get the petitions going now.

This is confirmed. The changes to remaps will be issued at some stage during today, most likely after downtime, but may take a few hours to be assigned to all accounts.

Please also note that you may need to log out and log in again for the changes to take place.

Lovely, thanks Navigator.
CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#6 - 2011-12-22 10:14:15 UTC
Ok, another update.

Remaps that you are currently seeing on lower skilled characters on accounts are remaps that you would have already on those characters.

Having double checked with Customer Support, no remaps have yet been issued and this will not happen until after downtime today, Thursday, December 22. During today all players who choose the Neural Remap will have that gift applied to the character with the highest skill points on that account.
May Fair
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2011-12-22 10:21:14 UTC
I have characters that previously had no remaps, that now currently have one. So either your in game interface is broken (which doesn't surprise me), or your Customer Support is misinformed (which also, doesn't surprise me).
Route One
#8 - 2011-12-22 10:25:18 UTC
CCP Navigator wrote:
Ok, another update.

Remaps that you are currently seeing on lower skilled characters on accounts are remaps that you would have already on those characters.

Having double checked with Customer Support, no remaps have yet been issued and this will not happen until after downtime today, Thursday, December 22. During today all players who choose the Neural Remap will have that gift applied to the character with the highest skill points on that account.

Wrong I'm afraid.

All 4 of my accounts HAVE had remaps applied today and on 3 accounts it has been applied to the lowest SP character. On the fourth account there is only one character.

There's no doubt about this Navigator. I suggest you get a developer to look at this PDQ or your petition queues are going to explode.
Indahmawar Fazmarai
#9 - 2011-12-22 10:34:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Indahmawar Fazmarai
Just curious, can we pick who's gonna get the AUR? Or will it be granted to the higher SP character?

(Gonna get a laugh if so, as the 5,500 AUR from EVE is real were alllocated to my other toon in this account, but now this char is the one with higher SP.... and AUR, guess what? can't be transfered... Lol)
#10 - 2011-12-22 10:45:54 UTC
The aurum gift is an item in game. Two "aurum tokens" worth 1000 aurum each so you can redeem them to whoever you want or sell them for decent isk.

No remaps on any character for me btw so working fine here.


James Kopp
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2011-12-22 10:54:30 UTC
I can see something getting REALLY messed up here (not that it's messed up already). Already filed a petition before this topic was made, and am not going to remove it unless I see the number of bonus remaps on this character change from 1 to 2 and my alt character NOT change from 1 to 0.

Also, I think those who didn't choose a gift should get the bonus remap by default instead of nothing at all. It's not fair for people on vacation, unable to access the internet, or playing other games as well as EVE Online and just logging in "casually" to update training queues to not be rewarded with something. Everything done by CCP recently has been to make the "bittervets" happier and those who left after Incarna want to come back, but I can see people leaving again for good over getting a figurative "lump of coal" as their gift.
Khoga Zdag
Cats Illegal Strike Force
#12 - 2011-12-22 11:08:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Khoga Zdag
ShipToaster wrote:
The aurum gift is an item in game. Two "aurum tokens" worth 1000 aurum each so you can redeem them to whoever you want or sell them for decent isk.

This is also a communication fail. The WEB Page and the DEVs told about AURUM, not about an Item that can be transferred.
I think the 2000 Aurum given to a character isn't the same value as the currently used "Aurum tokens".

It's also seen on the Aurum token price:

Currently in ISK the best gift item is the Aurum token which is worth more than 200m ISK, while all other item (except the neural remap that doesn't have an exact value in ISK) worth 30-60m ISK.
#13 - 2011-12-22 11:13:40 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
When new remap code was added earlier this week, all characters who had never used any remaps effectively got 1 new bonus remap which is NOT christmas gift remap.

More discussion in this thread: New characters now have 3 remaps by default ?

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#14 - 2011-12-22 11:18:58 UTC  |  Edited by: malaire
CCP Navigator wrote:
During today all players who choose the Neural Remap will have that gift applied to the character with the highest skill points on that account.

Is it possible to get it moved to other character on same account? In my 2nd account I have older char which I stopped using and newer char which I will be using, so I would like to get remap gift for my newer char which currently has least SP on that account.

If I'd known about this, I might've deleted my higher SP character, but it is now too late to do that.

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Demonfuge Malevolent
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2011-12-22 11:32:55 UTC
Not sure if the remap bug should be posted here or in the other thread but either way this is the problem:

New characters have 2 remaps. If you used 1 remap but not the other you would have remap available "NOW". However the bonus remap sets your next available remap to 1 year from the date of the first remap.

It's basically the same as if I hadn't received a gift remap.
#16 - 2011-12-22 11:36:38 UTC
Demonfuge Malevolent wrote:
Not sure if the remap bug should be posted here or in the other thread but either way this is the problem:

New characters have 2 remaps. If you used 1 remap but not the other you would have remap available "NOW". However the bonus remap sets your next available remap to 1 year from the date of the first remap.

It's basically the same as if I hadn't received a gift remap.

As of this week, all new characters have 2 bonus remaps + yearly remap available immediately. If they use one remap they still have 2 bonus remaps and yearly counter will starts from 0. If they get christmas gift, they will have 3 bonus remaps.

If new character used that one remap before new remap-code was added this week, they might have different amount of bonus remaps available. Still christmas gift should allways add 1 bonus remap WITHOUT affecting yearly counter.

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Demonfuge Malevolent
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2011-12-22 11:43:57 UTC

I did not do a remap between yesterday and today.

Today I have "Next remap available 05.07.2012" and "Bonus Remaps Available: 1"

I filed a petition - not sure whether it should be petition or bug report but I'm sure they'll let me know.
#18 - 2011-12-22 11:46:36 UTC
Demonfuge Malevolent wrote:

I did not do a remap between yesterday and today.

Today I have "Next remap available 05.07.2012" and "Bonus Remaps Available: 1"

I filed a petition - not sure whether it should be petition or bug report but I'm sure they'll let me know.

That sounds like normal update from old remap code to new remap code WITHOUT christmas gift applied.

btw, I have NOT received christmas gift yet for either of my accounts.

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Joost Merc
Sapphire Roughneck's Industry
#19 - 2011-12-22 11:52:50 UTC
my main had 1 remap avalible before this, and still only has 1 remap. he has the highest sp by about 85mil.

shoudl i just send in a petition?
#20 - 2011-12-22 12:00:08 UTC
Joost Merc wrote:
my main had 1 remap avalible before this, and still only has 1 remap. he has the highest sp by about 85mil.

shoudl i just send in a petition?

Maybe remap gift just hasn't been given yet - OP said it might be available after downtime but wasn't certain about that.

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