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Pos Watcher for Crius is out.

Viking Clan
#21 - 2014-12-01 09:21:17 UTC  |  Edited by: VolatileVoid
Thank you for helping. The function that searched the tower for a mounted module with the in space coordinates was a little wide spread. I narrowed the search by only mounted towers from Api StarbaseList.
Lilu Egnald
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#22 - 2014-12-02 16:26:45 UTC
Mine doesn't seem to want to update.. says update in 0h 0m with a green bar...

Also why no option to manually update? Instead i need to wait like 5 hours.
Viking Clan
#23 - 2014-12-02 20:58:21 UTC  |  Edited by: VolatileVoid
There is an option for manual update, the button 'force Api reload' which will delete cache and timestamps and start to reload within 2 mins.
But if the bar is green with 0.0 time then your client didnt fetch the assets api which is responsible for the next update timer.
Maybe there is something wrong with your api. If you are using the same api key for example with evemon only the first will get the information. The other software runs into the lock timer and won't get info because ccp has a lock timer on some api requests.
Lilu Egnald
The Study of Wumbology
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#24 - 2014-12-03 14:28:32 UTC
well it magically works again... #blameccp
Viking Clan
#25 - 2014-12-06 01:12:02 UTC  |  Edited by: VolatileVoid
I just noticed that the Assets API gives you wrong values for silo contens (possibly because of siphon but not sure).
Anyone that can confirm or deny this behavior?
An asset api that doesn't reflect the assets is pretty useless.

I checked that back, and it is true. The contens of the silo is wrong if you have a siphon and it's wrong aswell if it is offline.
If you want to know the real silo contens you have to fly around with a checklist:(

The silo quantity shown in assets is pretty random and does not reflect the contens even if you emptied the silo.
So if you got siphon this tool provides you with faked data. If i had known that i help to provide you with faked data i would have never spent time in this tool.
Huma Dragonis
Upwell Research and Manufacturing
Invidia Gloriae Comes
#26 - 2014-12-09 19:07:32 UTC
I have been having a problem for the past 5-6 days with the client freezing whenever I attempt to pull in my character or the TEST character.

I have updated to the latest version of the client.

Can you see if there is any problem with the latest update?

Viking Clan
#27 - 2014-12-11 10:10:16 UTC
I checked that even on an old Win XP machine and it works.
The window freezes when it waits for the character api request but there is no api request with testdata.
It sounds like that your files are corrupt.
Deinstall, delete /Documents/EveXmlCache.
Checkdisk with repair.
Then start from scratch.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#28 - 2014-12-11 16:55:22 UTC
I should probably mention that I'm not using this for reactions, but rather to monitor things in my pos like fuel or what is in a specific array. When I'm viewing things on the assets tab there are filters for things that are relevant, like ore, PI stuff or whatever else, but there is no choice for "all." Is that something that could be added?

Basically I'm using my Ammo Production Array both for production and storage and it would be nice to be able to see all of the contents from outside of the game. If I could filter by division that would be great, but not necessary. I'm mainly concerned with being able to see all of the contents. Thanks

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Viking Clan
#29 - 2014-12-11 20:17:08 UTC  |  Edited by: VolatileVoid
A little update. Unfortunateley with the sov transfer from B0T to W.X.W Missy88 doesn't allow us wild poses anymore.
So only a few pos will be left without alchemy or complex reactions. I won't be able to do proper software checks in the future.

Btw. for assets i am using jEveAssets because it allows me to search by all accounts/corp and filter by location aswell.
The Dead Parrot Shoppe Inc.
The Chicken Coop
#30 - 2014-12-11 21:28:01 UTC
I'll check that out, thanks. Sorry to hear about your loss of POS access. Sad

It's Dark In Here - The Lonely Wormhole Blog

Remember kiddies: the best ship in Eve is Friendship.


Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#31 - 2014-12-17 11:54:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Suun Ablehart

It works fine for myself (Char + Director APIs) using the local sqlite. Right now I am trying to set up the MySQL function for POS refuelers, etc.

On my test, I created a Char API key with the right key mask and saved to a separate installation of POS Watcher. Then added the MySQL connection string, which is confirmed working on my Director API installation. However, on the non-Director API installation, POS Watcher complains about API Char/Corp mismatch, even though the loaded Character is in my corp?

*edit* Also, is the silo table supposed to remain unpopulated in MySQL? It looks like the "Refueled" by entries are in the towers table, but the silo table has never been updated by POS Watcher...

Any help is appreciated!

Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp

Viking Clan
#32 - 2014-12-20 00:22:10 UTC  |  Edited by: VolatileVoid
A bit late but i did some changes for the problems you talking about.

1. The tower detail api where the fuel values come from is valid up to 1h in the future. I take that now into account for showing refuled by others than me.

2. The 'test DB connection' button should create the 2 tables, you should delete them and let them create by pressing the button again. This was not always the case because of charset not being utf8 and a unnessesary storage definition for the tables.
These 2 tables are empty by default. If you change a group, refill or click sov a line will be added or updated to tower table. If you change silo direction or cleared button a line to silo table will be added or updatetd.

3. How to give a corpmember postool right without access to the corpkey:
For this to work no MySql connection is required.
Have postool open with your director selected.
Open the dropdown 'export Api for' and select the charname of the receiver.
Copy the long string from the 'Api key' field and paste it to the member (copy and paste by TS3 works).
The member needs to have his character key saved before and his character selected in the upper dropdown.
Then the member paste the long string to 'Api key' and press 'Import Api Key'.
The member now needs to restart the tool before it will work.

The long string which contains the api key is encrypted and not usable anywhere else.
Seems not much are using the groupwork notify and therefore thanks for the precise error description.
Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#33 - 2014-12-21 21:30:18 UTC
Hi VolatileVoid,

Thanks for the update!

Question about the API export though... Currently I'm using the CEO char for director API. On my instance of POS Tool, both char API and director API belong to the CEO char...

I don't see the CEO char in the export API drop down though?

Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp

Viking Clan
#34 - 2014-12-22 00:14:42 UTC
Hello Suun Ablehart,

the only difference between CEO and director is that the CEO is able to name a director and the director not.
You should see the director names aswell in the dropdown list though a director can use his own apikey and dont need to import one.
Maybe your director has some strange chars in the name and a bug prevents him to show in the dropdown?
Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#35 - 2015-02-25 03:06:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Suun Ablehart
Apologies for not responding right away, I didn't see your reply since I failed to have this thread favorited :(

So we once again came to a situation where we needed to share our director API with a new moon bunny who is not a director, and I tried using a Director Personal API + (same) Director Corp API, and the drop down list to "export API for" is blank.

On one instance, the CEO char is selected in the top left, in the other instance a corp director was selected in the top left.

Am I doing something obviously wrong? :(

Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp

Viking Clan
#36 - 2015-02-25 14:01:39 UTC

Do you get in both cases a message box that states; Must be director to export key if you open the dropdownlist 'export Api for' ?
Suun Ablehart
Parallax Shift
#37 - 2015-02-26 02:53:24 UTC
Thanks for the reply!

I do not receive any error messages when I open the dropdown list for "Export API for".

Parallax SHIFT // @SuunAblehart

Recruiting Pilots // Low-sec Pirate Corp

Viking Clan
#38 - 2015-02-26 09:29:22 UTC
Ok then you are identified as director but dont get the memberlist.

I think i found my fault,

is MemberTrackingLimited enabled in the corp apikey?
I forgot to mention that in the manual as i added the dropdownlist for the key export.

Put up a new version because the manual pop's up with F1 key.

Please give me a short reply, ty.
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