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CSM Campaigns

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Xenuria: CSM 10

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Rene De'Labou
Goonman Resources Inc.
Goonswarm Federation
#281 - 2015-02-22 14:59:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Rene De'Labou
It's like a public access TV ad for your county dog catcher election. However in my learned opinion I believe that is not the candidate's actual laugh at the end of the video. I believe they dubbed in another person's laugh. l submit this as evidence of #Laughgate.
#282 - 2015-02-22 19:38:06 UTC
That second video is not me.
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#283 - 2015-02-22 21:16:59 UTC
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#284 - 2015-02-22 22:24:10 UTC
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership
Rene De'Labou
Goonman Resources Inc.
Goonswarm Federation
#285 - 2015-02-23 01:23:32 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership

Or you know, an alt.
#286 - 2015-02-23 04:28:14 UTC
Rene De'Labou wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership

Or you know, an alt.

I don't have alts, also; nice jaw line.
Rene De'Labou
Goonman Resources Inc.
Goonswarm Federation
#287 - 2015-02-23 07:13:26 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
Rene De'Labou wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership

Or you know, an alt.

I don't have alts, also; nice jaw line.

Someone's jealous.
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#288 - 2015-02-23 21:01:16 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership
It's Aram, he doesn't drink kool-aid, although he may have more wicked motives than trolling.

Now, this #LaughGate thing intrigues me, but I won't click the YT-links because last time I watched a Xenuria video, I had bursts of laughter and bursts of depression (In his videos, Xenuria does come across as sincerely deluded, it's eerie!), so can anyone provide a transscript or a summary?
Aram Kachaturian
Aram Pleasure Hub Holding
#289 - 2015-02-23 22:54:38 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Aram Kachaturian wrote:
Quit insulting Xenuria.

EvE players need him, they will realize his full potential sooner or later.


cant tell if trolling, or literally drinking Xenuria's kool-aid in preparation for the mothership

Cant tell if you are a scrub or a peasant or both.

Quit hating on Xenuria

Servant of the Secret League, Wielder of the Monocle Clubhouse Flame.

harlyq syrokos investment station
#290 - 2015-02-23 23:19:46 UTC
Thus thread has gotten interesting again. :popcorn:
Van Beyus
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#291 - 2015-02-25 16:59:41 UTC
I'm not fully aware of EvE politics nor the people involved in it, but I must say that the reaction from CSM members to this thread is something of note.

I'm not online most of the time, but I won't change this signature when I do just to make your life easier.

Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#292 - 2015-02-25 18:38:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nariya Kentaya
Van Beyus wrote:
I'm not fully aware of EvE politics nor the people involved in it, but I must say that the reaction from CSM members to this thread is something of note.

All you need to know is Xenuria runs every year, this year is actually tame somewhat for a Xenuria platform.

If I recall in previous years the big topics was the lack of crossdressing for toons and a "gender gradient" for every possible nonbinary gender in character creation, because apparently EVE couldnt be complete without shemales and such silly things. (like seriously, future world where people can eb put into clone bodies 40 times a day from pewpew, and someone thinks there would still be transexuals, rather than people just opting to swap their body?)

either way, long story short, lightly trolling Xenuria with cold hard logic-based questions is a tradition, because the holes he digs are both deep and hilariously awkward

*edit* also, was kinda sad the thread petered out, was having fun those couple weeks it was always up on the first page
#293 - 2015-02-25 19:42:33 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Van Beyus wrote:
I'm not fully aware of EvE politics nor the people involved in it, but I must say that the reaction from CSM members to this thread is something of note.

All you need to know is Xenuria runs every year, this year is actually tame somewhat for a Xenuria platform.

If I recall in previous years the big topics was the lack of crossdressing for toons and a "gender gradient" for every possible nonbinary gender in character creation, because apparently EVE couldnt be complete without shemales and such silly things. (like seriously, future world where people can eb put into clone bodies 40 times a day from pewpew, and someone thinks there would still be transexuals, rather than people just opting to swap their body?)

either way, long story short, lightly trolling Xenuria with cold hard logic-based questions is a tradition, because the holes he digs are both deep and hilariously awkward

*edit* also, was kinda sad the thread petered out, was having fun those couple weeks it was always up on the first page

I am glad that now you can finally admit to trolling my thread.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#294 - 2015-02-25 20:58:45 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Van Beyus wrote:
I'm not fully aware of EvE politics nor the people involved in it, but I must say that the reaction from CSM members to this thread is something of note.

All you need to know is Xenuria runs every year, this year is actually tame somewhat for a Xenuria platform.

If I recall in previous years the big topics was the lack of crossdressing for toons and a "gender gradient" for every possible nonbinary gender in character creation, because apparently EVE couldnt be complete without shemales and such silly things. (like seriously, future world where people can eb put into clone bodies 40 times a day from pewpew, and someone thinks there would still be transexuals, rather than people just opting to swap their body?)

either way, long story short, lightly trolling Xenuria with cold hard logic-based questions is a tradition, because the holes he digs are both deep and hilariously awkward

*edit* also, was kinda sad the thread petered out, was having fun those couple weeks it was always up on the first page

I am glad that now you can finally admit to trolling my thread.

well, pointing out faults with the intention of gaining a reaction out of the target is the essence of trolling, and pointing out the basic flaws and other such silly things in your posts at least gets you to participate in your own CSM thread, because lord above knows you sure dont post to answer legitimate campaign concerns.
Alphea Abbra
Project Promethion
#295 - 2015-02-25 22:15:27 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Van Beyus wrote:
I'm not fully aware of EvE politics nor the people involved in it, but I must say that the reaction from CSM members to this thread is something of note.

All you need to know is Xenuria runs every year, this year is actually tame somewhat for a Xenuria platform.

If I recall in previous years the big topics was the lack of crossdressing for toons and a "gender gradient" for every possible nonbinary gender in character creation, because apparently EVE couldnt be complete without shemales and such silly things. (like seriously, future world where people can eb put into clone bodies 40 times a day from pewpew, and someone thinks there would still be transexuals, rather than people just opting to swap their body?)

either way, long story short, lightly trolling Xenuria with cold hard logic-based questions is a tradition, because the holes he digs are both deep and hilariously awkward

*edit* also, was kinda sad the thread petered out, was having fun those couple weeks it was always up on the first page

I am glad that now you can finally admit to trolling my thread.
We're improving on your candidacy, you should be thankful.

And seriously, if you were ever anything but a joke candidate, you would a) have legitimate discussions pertaining to your candidacy in this thread, as well as opponents, trolls and people disagreering with your causes or your person and b) engage with opponents to defend and promote your ideas and candidacy.
This isn't that candidacy thread.
Rather, it's like a public comedy, except the one performing isn't a comedian by profession, he's just just laughable. Which is why it's rather enjoyable to participate in the discussion of your candidacy, it's hilarious.

@ Van Beyus: Xenuria runs every year, and the reaction from the CSM, when it's not one big "Meh." is "Oh, jolly good, let's poke him with a stick and see if something hilariously outrageous statement / YT video / incorrect claim as to the actions of opponents / misunderstanding of reality / and so much more comes out" - it's the real opponent candidates they're concerned about, not the joke candidates.
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#296 - 2015-02-26 04:44:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Kiryen O'Bannon
The unfortunate fact is that it was not necessary to troll your thread. You were asked legitimate questions and completely failed to answer them adequately.

The reasons I asked questions was honest curiosity after the name-scratch incident; I wanted to know if perhaps there was something legitimate you had to say about the game that people felt threatened by. Against my better judgement I put you to the scrutiny of critical thinking and I am sorry to say you were found wanting - and not just a little bit; you were BADLY wanting.

To your credit you did make some effort to refine what you had to say initially, but that rapidly petered out and I quickly found you A) were unable to explain why the problems you wanted to solve were actually problems, much less needed solving urgently B) what other merits you might have - your sole answer was "I'll do what needs doing" which is at best tautological and at worst an admission of total incompetence by virtue of not having the foggiest idea WHAT might need doing and C) eventually ceased responding altogether except for continued attempts to get people to quit "trolling your thread".

If you run again next year, I will ask similar questions only because of the faint hope I have that you might learn and improve - I am always pleasantly surprised when someone recognizes flaws in their position and behavior and revises them, and it inspires me to know that this does happen occasionally. I am not optimistic in your case however, because A) it's a rarity that people can critically examine themselves and B) you seem to have startling misconceptions about the process you are engaging in that you would need to address before you could remedy your platform.

First, elections necessarily involve the candidate getting subjected to attacks and criticism - "trolling" and part of the test of a candidate is how they respond to this. Asking people politely to please stop (your tactic) is somewhat better than taking the bait and ranting at them while frothing at the mouth, but it creates the appearance that you are afraid of their questions and are trying to dodge them - because the best troll will add a healthy dose of legitimate question to their trolling. They are just as capable of being polite as you are, and they mostly were. The ultimate effect was that you came across like Erotica 1 trying to pretend to be polite and professional while scamming the **** out of someone. Disregarding the legitimacy or lack thereof of his/her behavior, the fact is that this tactic might work when trying to troll someone else, but it doesn't work very well when you are trying to get someone else to vote for you. You do not have the leverage on these people that Erotica 1 did in the bonus room, and I daresay it is unwise to come across that way to people you want to vote for you. In other words, your veneer of politeness came across as insincere and a smoke screen for an inability to address inherent flaws in your ideas.

Second, the ideas themselves. The CSM is an advisory council, in a video game, and one where underhanded behavior is expected, if not entirely the point of playing. The problems you cited would be a serious issue in a real election; they are not in this one. In fact, they might not be problems at all, and trying to "fix" them could actually irreversibly damage player interest in the process.

Excessive control by nullsec blocks (and for that matter, the influence of carebears and other boogeymen) is really not a problem - while some CSM members may be drama queens, foolish, silly, unresponsive, or lacking in perspective, for the most part being even-handed, articulate, and intelligent is necessary to get elected and ultimately the CSM does not want to give advice, nor does CCP want to take it, if it destroys the entertainment medium we all enjoy. Trying to push a video game ideology at the expense of the game's continued commerical success is simply never going to be a viable path, and so therefore running AGAINST that is tilting at windmills.

Furthermore, some of the problems, like "buying accounts to stuff the ballot box" are so impractical on the face of it that trying to "fix" them seriously calls into question your grip on practicality. The CSM, again, has no actual power. Vote-buying of the quantity needed to significantly influence the election would never be economically practical. You are unlikely to convince people to vote for you to put a stop to behavior that is unlikely to occur in the first place. The same thing with term limits - while there are occasional people with more than 2 terms, the lack of pay, time invested, and effort of being a CSM mean the vast majority of people have had enough after 1 or 2 terms.

In summary, your problems amount to that you treat this election like it's a real election in areas where it's inappropriate to do so (concern over corruption that isn't actually a problem in this context) and don't treat it like one where you should (you try to shut people up, when people never respond to that well in a candidate. People remain people regardless of the context). You seem to basically have the entire thing 180 degrees out of line.

This went on rather longer than I intended, but again, everything is quite sincere. I don't really expect you to seriously consider this, but if you DO, and give your candidacy an overhaul you might actually convince people to vote for you if only because you will have demonstrated open-mindedness and willingness to learn from mistakes.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#297 - 2015-02-26 15:52:59 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
At this point I am just going to outright ignore posts that are asking questions which I have already in this very thread answered specifically. These kinds of distraction tactics won't work here and the simple fact they are being attempted is indicative of my success as a candidate.

With that said, if anybody has a question I haven't already answered repeatedly please post it.

corbexx wrote:

Do you really think thats going to help you get stuff sorted? Knowing how to talk and communicate plays a huge part of what we do, and i'm sorry but you seem to really struggle on this.

That's amusing even without the irony dripping from it.
I communicate very effectively, It's not my fault if so many decide to post in this thread before even reading it. Perhaps you should take some of your own advice and read the OP (Original Post) of my thread.

I communicate very effectively....said the person who hasn't made it clear to a single person what they want to change and when asked, refuses to give a clear answer.

Jump, jump, jump.

#298 - 2015-02-26 17:29:12 UTC
This isn't that difficult.

If you are not trolling and actually want to know the answers to the questions these upstanding forum posters have been posting than read the first post of the thread.

As a tactic, constantly asking the same already answered questions is ineffectual. You just come off as desperate when doing it.
Kiryen O'Bannon
Goonswarm Federation
#299 - 2015-02-26 17:47:54 UTC
Xenuria wrote:
This isn't that difficult.

If you are not trolling and actually want to know the answers to the questions these upstanding forum posters have been posting than read the first post of the thread.

As a tactic, constantly asking the same already answered questions is ineffectual. You just come off as desperate when doing it.

Those answers only created more questions, which you didn't address in a satisfactory manner.

As for being desperate, you're the one competing for votes with however-many other people. Why would anyone be desperate in talking to you? Your candidacy has never been in a particularly strong position.

Eternal Father, King of birth, /Who didst create the heaven and earth, /And bid the planets and the sun/ Their own appointed orbits run; /O hear us when we seek thy grace /For those who soar through outer space.

#300 - 2015-02-26 17:55:43 UTC
Kiryen O'Bannon wrote:
Xenuria wrote:
This isn't that difficult.

If you are not trolling and actually want to know the answers to the questions these upstanding forum posters have been posting than read the first post of the thread.

As a tactic, constantly asking the same already answered questions is ineffectual. You just come off as desperate when doing it.

Those answers only created more questions, which you didn't address in a satisfactory manner.

As for being desperate, you're the one competing for votes with however-many other people. Why would anyone be desperate in talking to you? Your candidacy has never been in a particularly strong position.

I hope you like crow.