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Eve crashes when I warp to a stargate or starbase

Daddy-Babygirl Coalition
#1 - 2011-12-21 19:42:20 UTC

Eve crashes when I warp to a stargate or starbase. This is frustrating for obvious reasons, I have updated my graphics drivers and tweaked with several settings but none seem to have prevended the issue from repeating.

I will be doing a fresh install tomorrow, but if that doesn't work does anyone have any idea how I can fix this?
United Alliance
#2 - 2011-12-21 20:17:04 UTC
Got the same problem here Win7 64
Running normally three clients, one client works okay even outside station and warping when i start the other two and trying to warp the crash. Running eve with following options:

M:\games\EVE_ACCOUNT2\bin\ExeFile.exe /end /LUA:OFF

I do this so every account keeps it's own settings

Help is needed