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The Carebear Corp that got scammed for 40 bil

Ministerstvo na otbranata
Ore No More
#41 - 2015-02-17 23:07:30 UTC
I just remembered the phrase "Trust no one in EVE". His own mistake trying to swim with the sharks. You either get eaten or you grow big enough to survive. This is EVE.
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#42 - 2015-02-17 23:24:50 UTC
Frankly, anyone who trusts another person to sell 500$ worth of PLEX on his/her behalf deserves what they get.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Dawn's LightP
#43 - 2015-02-18 11:05:46 UTC
Blah, theres nothing easier than abusing other peoples trust.

Fight ! Fight ! Never surrender, never surrender !

B.O.P Supplication For Glorious
#44 - 2015-02-19 09:16:16 UTC
There's a reason that spies and traitors get shot during wartime.

Eve is the dark haired, totally hot emo gothchild of the gaming community

Effect One
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#45 - 2015-02-19 14:18:21 UTC
Shay Reve wrote:
For the actual profit : 10/10. Well done.

For the scam itself : 1/10. Stealing from someone (who actually was stupid/naive/whatever enough to give it away) is not considered a scam. There is no grand design , no plot , no difficulty involved.

For your scamming career:
Try to be VERY careful when boasting about stealing stuff in the sandbox freedom of EVE. Robbing someone of his PLEX, which is directly associated with real life money can be prosecuted as a criminal act according and depending on laws and regulations applicable in each country/state/other (read the terms of service). Not to mention advertising it. You will find the relative detail in your post.

Most people are unaware of this and feel somewhat safe behind cyber names and game safeties. Blurred definitions however may lead to consequences outside sandbox scamming and dealing with real life's justice system. Yes cyber-crime laws are a fresh field and still evolving but actions involving money, especially when it is the property of someone else, don't get easily overlooked.

I don't mean to sound grim or anything. Just felt the obligation to let people know how things look from the 'outside' due to my actual involvement in a law related profession. There are a number of debated articles and posts around these and other forums mentioning how EVE 'promotes' specific behaviors, forgetting how ALL responsibility is on the actual player. I am really amazed at how many players prefer to remain ignorant. Take care when scamming and feeling the urge to share your 'success'.

Smart, shady scams are your friends. Apologies for the tl;dr post.

What complete and utter bollocks.

'This might be internet spaceships, but it's not rocket science to protect yourself and fly with a little common sense' - CCP Falcon

Roff Aurgnet
Gallente Federation
#46 - 2015-02-23 05:03:51 UTC
I think it's simply very sad that someone would willingly and knowingly inflict that sort of unpleasantness on another person. Isn't there enough unhappiness in the world?

You can macho up all you want; call me soft, naive or whatever; call his/her action brilliant, devious or reprehensible, but in the end I think it is simply sad.

I don't think our virtual selves are so very different from our real characters, and eventually the chickens come home to roost. Those who devalue trust, friendship and respect end up paying the price. At 60, I've seen it happen time and again. There's no Divine retribution. That's simply how life works.
Gerhard Stringfellow
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#47 - 2015-02-23 07:14:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Gerhard Stringfellow
Was the guy not that intelligent to hand out that much scratch in isk, yes. It was a bad call on his part, as I'm sure he no doubt realizes now. Especially as notorious as EvE is for that sort of thing.

On the other hand, if you want to get smug and gloat for being a buddy screwer, you can do that too. Call yourself Machiavellian and think you're smarter than you are. You did get some real isk out of it, so good job.

But if you want congratulations for it, go in a hole and die. Just because you have some bad personality traits that happened to work for you doesn't mean you get a slap on the back.

And as a note, as much of a temptation exists to showcase your dishonesty, if you're gonna get in the scamming business you should probably learn to keep quiet about it. Knowledge of that sort of thing is directly proportional to reduced future opportunities.

Also, come on, it wasn't that much of a scam. The poor sod handed you a pile of PLEX and you walked away with it.

Another pubbie elite PvE pay to win mining carebear

Jishi Padecain
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#48 - 2015-02-23 09:18:52 UTC
Roff Aurgnet wrote:
I think it's simply very sad that someone would willingly and knowingly inflict that sort of unpleasantness on another person. Isn't there enough unhappiness in the world?

You can macho up all you want; call me soft, naive or whatever; call his/her action brilliant, devious or reprehensible, but in the end I think it is simply sad.

I don't think our virtual selves are so very different from our real characters, and eventually the chickens come home to roost. Those who devalue trust, friendship and respect end up paying the price. At 60, I've seen it happen time and again. There's no Divine retribution. That's simply how life works.

You are soft and naive.

OP's actions were brilliant, devious and reprehensible.
Baden Luskan
Freeworlds Collective
#49 - 2015-02-23 17:34:09 UTC
When I see people rob others blind in this game I always ask myself "why?" It's one thing if he wrong your family or slandered your name in game, but this guy you swindled in game had never done anything to you before. I just don't see what is so special about robbing some random person who was going above and beyond the average player and trying to generate content for not just him, but others (his corp-mates).

Then, as if deceiving someone on the internet is some huge accomplishment, you come here and brag about it. It just seems to me you found some random mark to take advantage of so you could make this post after you robbed them. I don't see anything special in this.
Inata Policar
Caldari State
#50 - 2015-02-24 15:44:32 UTC
Gerhard Stringfellow wrote:
Was the guy not that intelligent to hand out that much scratch in isk, yes. It was a bad call on his part, as I'm sure he no doubt realizes now. Especially as notorious as EvE is for that sort of thing.

On the other hand, if you want to get smug and gloat for being a buddy screwer, you can do that too. Call yourself Machiavellian and think you're smarter than you are. You did get some real isk out of it, so good job.

But if you want congratulations for it, go in a hole and die. Just because you have some bad personality traits that happened to work for you doesn't mean you get a slap on the back.

And as a note, as much of a temptation exists to showcase your dishonesty, if you're gonna get in the scamming business you should probably learn to keep quiet about it. Knowledge of that sort of thing is directly proportional to reduced future opportunities.

Also, come on, it wasn't that much of a scam. The poor sod handed you a pile of PLEX and you walked away with it.

People do realize I can scrub my entire history by simply making a new toon and buying a character? It's not like bragging about it on C&P is going to inform every mark I find out there.

Also to everyone acting like this wasn't any effort at all, it isn't exactly easy getting enough trust to willingly hand me $500 of his money for little to no profit on his part even if I had done what he asked. And that was not the only return I got, I also cleared out the corp hangars and countless other things.

I don't see why everyone is becoming so rabid about this, it's terrible that he reacted that way but he is back to being an active player again and the corp is staying strong. All of the officers I trained are filling the gap I left and they'll recover. EVE is a game about having fun with your friends and screwing everyone else that plays - which I am doing. I am still with a strong group of friends that I'm with at all times I'm not Awox'ing others. It's a fun activity to practice social manipulation, because in the end it is a video game pure and simple. Even if the interactions are real there is absolutely no reason why it's morally wrong to exploit trustworthiness.

And I'll continue to post my heists, because it is at least entertaining for the more twisted half of C&P which I was aiming for anyways.
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