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The end of code?

First post
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#101 - 2015-02-14 10:57:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Chocolate Mooses wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I've used ISBoxer in the past but it really wasn't beneficial enough to keep subbing for to use maybe once or twice a quarter
Right. "Twice in a quarter" = 6 months out of the year. "Once in a quarter" = 3 months of of the year. So, you were mining highsec around half of the year with your bot-aspirant army. This really helps explain your random rage about all things CODE.
Apparently you don't understand English. Once a quarter would be once (one play session) in 3 months. Twice a quarter would be twice (two play sessions) in 3 months. For a 90 day subscription I would use it for maybe 8-12 hours total. I figured that wasn't really worth it. I mainly used it to just to see what all of the fuss was about, but in the end it was far more effective for me to just focus more heavily on trading and dump a few EVE accounts, using multi character training instead, though the ability for it to quick swap windows with little thumbnails was pretty cool, and I sometimes miss that If I've got all of my traders logged on.

Chocolate Mooses wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
On alts perhaps they do, who knows. And no, this came up before. Most gankers use alts. Someone even did a poll on it on here and it worked out like 75% were alts or something.
[citation needed]

please provide the results of this "someone" who did some "poll on it here" and show how it worked out to "like 75% alts or something"
I had a quick look and couldn't find it so I'm not wasting that much time on it, but it was right here on this forum a few months ago we discussed it, and it was some old thread from Ripard Teg I believe.

But come on, you can't honestly be trying to suggest that vast swathes of people are using their mains for ganking. Most people who gank simply make gank alts, since it means you don't have to overtrain them, you don't need to mess around with killrights, standings and sec status and so they don't ruin the rep of your mains. I'm sure there are many people who do use their mains which is why I assume you're trying to get on your high horse, but those aren't the majority.

Honestly I'm not even going to bother arguing this point because no matter what get said, you're just going to argue until the end of time because that's what you people do. You'll demand that I need to provide evidence, then even if I do you'll claim it's flawed in some way, and in the meantime you'll provide absolutely none for your far more outrageous claims.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Chocolate Mooses
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#102 - 2015-02-14 11:07:10 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Apparently you don't understand English.

And boom, unable to respond without personal insults. Should have know better. Blocked and done.
Chocolate Mooses
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#103 - 2015-02-14 11:08:05 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
I had a quick look and couldn't find it so I'm not wasting that much time on it, but it was right here on this forum a few months ago we discussed it, and it was some old thread from Ripard Teg I believe.

Right. So it never happened. Got it. Take care. Won't bother you again.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#104 - 2015-02-14 11:15:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Chocolate Mooses wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Apparently you don't understand English.
And boom, unable to respond without personal insults. Should have know better. Blocked and done.
That's not an insult, that's an observation. Once or twice a quarter is a pretty simple concept to understand yet you took that to mean "For one or two whole quarters within a year" which is something completely different, ergo you don'd understand English. Maybe you're not natively an English speaker, I don't know, but it's not an insult. I don't understand Norwegian for example.

Chocolate Mooses wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I had a quick look and couldn't find it so I'm not wasting that much time on it, but it was right here on this forum a few months ago we discussed it, and it was some old thread from Ripard Teg I believe.
Right. So it never happened. Got it. Take care. Won't bother you again.
Found it. I do note how you skim out the parts you don't want to answer though. Now I'd like to see your evidence that most gankers in fact use their mains. Whenever you are ready.

EDIT: Oh, and by all means block me and never respond to anything I ever say. Thanks.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Azn Empire
#105 - 2015-02-14 11:49:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Lucas Kell wrote:
I just did a quick run down of every post and ended up with the following:

6 I class as unknown, simply because they do not state it either way.

10 were stated as mains.

14 were stated as alts (or low SP).

Many I class as alts I did so due to low SP, not because they were stated as so.
I'd hardly call that 75% alts.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#106 - 2015-02-14 14:49:50 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I just did a quick run down of every post and ended up with the following:

6 I class as unknown, simply because they do not state it either way.

10 were stated as mains.

14 were stated as alts (or low SP).

Many I class as alts I did so due to low SP, not because they were stated as so.
I'd hardly call that 75% alts.
Indeed, well that was just a rough from memory number from when it was broken down last time. Simply put though, I claim that the majority of gankers use alts to do so, I'd be quite comfortable betting on that to be true. Of course people are so argumentative on these forums that no matter what you say people will still pick it apart, argue against it and claim you need reams of evidence to hold an opinion, while they require none to dispute it.

So I'll drop my original point here and be done with it.
In my opinion, Veers is no more crazy with his empty claims of victory than code are for their empty claims that they always win.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Vector Symian
0 Fear
#107 - 2015-02-14 22:21:15 UTC
Well I tried to read all that but all I got was


Grr code

Grr A.G

Grr Marmite

Grr high sec miners

It is nice you see you all yet again managed to keep your conversations constructive

why not do this

-create a red vs blue scenario

-recognise their is a line to putting crap on people normally this is when it is no longer educational in it application

- try a couple of different things in eve to see if that is what you would like to do before locking your self in
Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#108 - 2015-02-15 03:28:10 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol, sorry mate but that's a ludicrous claim and you're going to need more proof than your word. CCP did a massive overhaul on a system that had been terrible since LONG before the code even existed. I don't believe for a second that the code had anything to do with their motivations to change it, and if you can't provide categoric evidence of that, I'm going to call complete bullshit on that one. The resource overhaul was a long overdue change to the entire game extending far beyond high sec ice belts.

Believe what you want; for a year carebears cried about what was happening to them in their precious ice belts; petitions, forums both Eve-O and other locations. If, say, the New Order started a few months before the change to static ice, I'd agree with you. Since it was a year, I think you just can't handle the likelihood that the New Order helped bring in the change to static ice.

Lucas Kell wrote:
No, that's something you've wrong ly assumed me to be saying, and it's got you all defensive. And no, you're claim is ALSO bullshit. The code does not in fact always win, even if you try to claim that everything is a victory condition for yourself. Also I'm not in fact a carebear, so swing and a miss there too buddy.

I don't feel all defensive. I can definitely be a **** at times, but to me this is just internet discussion about a video game space ship pixels.

Bro, the Code, CODE. and New Order win all the time. You can see it on the KMs, the rebel intel channels, the miners fitting tanks and the very simple fact that here we are talking about the New Order 3 years later. Just stop lying to yourself and accept that you have been defeated by the New Order in Highsec.

Lucas Kell wrote:
On alts perhaps they do, who knows. And no, this came up before. Most gankers use alts. Someone even did a poll on it on here and it worked out like 75% were alts or something.

I think you missed the point where I wrote that these characters are being played as if they were mains. This isn't an issue of one group of players using alts when everybody in the game uses alts. To ridicule one group of players for having and/or using alts in a game that practically force feeds you the need to use alts is sad. Even to sit there and act like you just discovered something grand... it's like you just figured out the sky is blue.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Buying a new ship is not very good content. And if you notice I stated that it's not good content creation. Pretty much everything in game is some form of content creation, some of it is just rubbish and not very beneficial to the game as a whole, while other parts are great. What people like you do is purposely go out of your way to upset newer players so you can feel some sort of superiority without having to put any effort into your playstyle. Even this conversation, practically every sentence you've put has been condescending in tone, which is quite amusing since if that's your main (as you supposedly all use your mains) then you're not even a 4 year old player yet you have to nerve to lecture a 10 year vet on the history of EVE.

Whether it's good content, or not good content is your opinion. Seeing as you're a carebear who "used" to mine in Highsec and is now a new found nullbear I can understand why you would view this content as "not very good". Regardless, I think it's great content. I believe that all carebears, new and old, should try it at least once and judge for themselves; and, by "try it once" I mean shoot someone else in the face (spaceship).

Whether you agree with it or not the loss of a ship and the purchase of a new one is a form of content and game-play and creates content and game-play for other players not directly affected by a gank itself. This includes but not limited to traders, haulers, other miners.

We do not "go out of your way" to kill new players. If a "new" player happens to find themselves on the wrong end of our blasters, too bad. They were either AFK, AP, had no tank to speak of, and/or weren't paying attention to what was going on around them. But, they learned really fast how this game works and the "new" players that puts forth the tiny bit of effort are the players that will stick around and become good players. Your welcome.

I'm sorry if my forum voice has hurt you. You're an entitled carebear who thinks he knows what he's talking about when he doesn't. Also, congrats on your 10 year old vet character, unfortunately it does more bad for you than good as reaching into the "im supeiror than you so respek me!" hat makes you look desperate and incompetent.


Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#109 - 2015-02-15 03:35:24 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Found it. I do note how you skim out the parts you don't want to answer though. Now I'd like to see your evidence that most gankers in fact use their mains. Whenever you are ready.

Really? This is your proof about what gankers use or don't use and whether or not it's a main or an alt? A forum thread about SP?

If anything I'd call it a piece of information that could support your argument, but not wholehearted, damning proof.

And here I thought this was going to include something with detailed information and spreadsheets and schedules.

Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#110 - 2015-02-15 05:15:00 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

It sure does when the entire focus of their play was to make highsec PvE unprofitable and force everyone into nullsec. The fact that their campaign failed spectacularly is absolutely a complete and total victory for the highsec PvE players. That Loyalanon, James 315, Capt Starfox, and others have now all "retired to spend more time with their families" (politician speak for abandoning a hopeless cause) is the biggest possible win for highsec players anywhere.

Oh man, I missed this so much.

To publicly declare victory because your "enemy" in a video game is taking a break for RL reasons goes to show how desperate you are; for attention I presume.

For those who are unaware:

James still manages his blog daily and continues to log in to hand out SRP. You can label that as "retired to spend more time with their families" all you want, but alas it's not and James is very much not AFK, nor inactive.

Loyal is actually taking a break for RL reasons. This happens to all of us as RL > Eve. More power to him and I wish him well. I hope to see him soon making some miners explode somewhere.

As for myself I took what I would consider a short break for RL purposes; namely college and work. This was not a surprise and everyone who needed to know knew about it. Also, one can manage and delegate alliance/coalition interests without having to traditionally log in; that should go without saying.

Not to mention the fact that John is the leader of the alliance and is very much active; I'm assuming there's a super military strategy tactical reason that ensured victory as to why this wasn't brought up.

Now that my RL is calming back down, I hope to see you all in-game soon.

The Code always wins. Pirate

These RL vacations should have been factored in when declaring a campaign to rid highsec of PvE play. In fact, the repeated record of failure is no doubt a major cause of these vacations, as constantly losing to elite highsec players gets pretty painful.

When will you finally admit that code has failed miserably in stamping out highsec PvE, and has an especially poor record when facing incursion runners?

Diplomat is not a license to lie and need to face the truth foxxie...and even your cute sunglasses cannot shield you from that one.
Vector Symian
0 Fear
#111 - 2015-02-15 05:18:55 UTC
It should be noted that we think veers is a code super weapon !! Shocked
Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#112 - 2015-02-15 05:20:40 UTC
Vector Symian wrote:
It should be noted that we think veers is a code super weapon !! Shocked

Presumably the anger many code members have expressed towards me, the endless threats of in game harm, and the blocking by a good chunk of their alliance, should in fact belie the idea that i am james 315, loyalanon, or a code alt. But don't let me distract you from your conspiracy theories.
Vector Symian
0 Fear
#113 - 2015-02-15 05:39:27 UTC

"the code super weopen just spoke to me..."

*is not sure what to do*


*continues folding tin hats until the silence gets awkward*


*is about to cry*

Capt Starfox
Goonswarm Federation
#114 - 2015-02-15 05:59:16 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

These RL vacations should have been factored in when declaring a campaign to rid highsec of PvE play. In fact, the repeated record of failure is no doubt a major cause of these vacations, as constantly losing to elite highsec players gets pretty painful.

When will you finally admit that code has failed miserably in stamping out highsec PvE, and has an especially poor record when facing incursion runners?

Diplomat is not a license to lie and need to face the truth foxxie...and even your cute sunglasses cannot shield you from that one.

Veers! I missed you! Blink

I don't lie and distort. Common Veers, I'm the bringer of truth and good fortune!

The Code can't fail miserably with how much we've helped Highsec! Just look at all the wonderful things that have happened because of the New Order. Highsec PvE players fitting tanks (I dare say even theorycrafting), watching local, paying attention to intel channels, some even going on the offensive (Sarah Flynt and her disco battleship was amazing), Highsec PvE players are ~playing Eve~ and the New Order is to thank!

The more intelligent players are buying permits and helping our agents, of course! Nevertheless, even the players who want to risk ship bumping and/or loss by not purchasing a permit, most are in fact playing more of Eve than ever before because of the New Order.


Abandon all hope ye who x up in fleet

admiral root
Red Galaxy
#115 - 2015-02-15 11:13:05 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Vector Symian wrote:
It should be noted that we think veers is a code super weapon !! Shocked

Presumably the anger many code members have expressed towards me, the endless threats of in game harm, and the blocking by a good chunk of their alliance, should in fact belie the idea that i am james 315, loyalanon, or a code alt. But don't let me distract you from your conspiracy theories.

Agent Veers, none of us hate you. None of us care enough for that.

To the mentally ill amongst the whinebear community, I'll just reiterate this part of the above post:

Veers Belvar wrote:
endless threats of in game harm

This is doing it right, especially if you occasionally make good on them. Making RL threats means you need help.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Veers Belvar
Swordmasters of New Eden
#116 - 2015-02-15 14:06:34 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Veers Belvar wrote:

These RL vacations should have been factored in when declaring a campaign to rid highsec of PvE play. In fact, the repeated record of failure is no doubt a major cause of these vacations, as constantly losing to elite highsec players gets pretty painful.

When will you finally admit that code has failed miserably in stamping out highsec PvE, and has an especially poor record when facing incursion runners?

Diplomat is not a license to lie and need to face the truth foxxie...and even your cute sunglasses cannot shield you from that one.

Veers! I missed you! Blink

I don't lie and distort. Common Veers, I'm the bringer of truth and good fortune!

The Code can't fail miserably with how much we've helped Highsec! Just look at all the wonderful things that have happened because of the New Order. Highsec PvE players fitting tanks (I dare say even theorycrafting), watching local, paying attention to intel channels, some even going on the offensive (Sarah Flynt and her disco battleship was amazing), Highsec PvE players are ~playing Eve~ and the New Order is to thank!

The more intelligent players are buying permits and helping our agents, of course! Nevertheless, even the players who want to risk ship bumping and/or loss by not purchasing a permit, most are in fact playing more of Eve than ever before because of the New Order.


Well of course you would miss the guy who singlehandedly defeated the entire code alliance.....I mean this defeat even eclipses your alliance tournament "victory" and undefeated record.

As a diplo you should be negotiating peaceful outcomes with your opponents, not perpetuating further violence and destruction.

Highsec PvE is much the same as ever....the response to code has been minimal.....vast majority of mining is still afk, and vast majority of mission/incursion runners consider code a joke and phantom threat.

Code reminds me of the world communist organizations...declare x to be inevitable and true...and then when x fails to occur create your own make believe universe where x did in fact occur.

Well played, those sunglasses, and do keep up the elite PvP in C1 wormholes with your corp.
John E Normus
New Order Logistics
#117 - 2015-02-16 04:47:23 UTC
Capt Starfox wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Found it. I do note how you skim out the parts you don't want to answer though. Now I'd like to see your evidence that most gankers in fact use their mains. Whenever you are ready.

Really? This is your proof about what gankers use or don't use and whether or not it's a main or an alt? A forum thread about SP?

If anything I'd call it a piece of information that could support your argument, but not wholehearted, damning proof.

And here I thought this was going to include something with detailed information and spreadsheets and schedules.

Dear Capt "Foxxie" Starfox,

Sometimes I miss SMA. If I have one regret in eve online (a spaceship game) it's that I didn't get the cupcake icon on the alliance TS during that fund drive.

ook ook,

ps don't be mad that I "ook ook'd"

Between Ignorance and Wisdom

The Church of Awesome
#118 - 2015-02-16 05:11:30 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:

Ha! I'm an elite incursion and L4 runner....

+ You are a damn good comedian it seems.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#119 - 2015-02-16 10:02:20 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
As a diplo you should be negotiating peaceful outcomes with your opponents, not perpetuating further violence and destruction.

You've obviously never heard the term "aggressive negotiation".

John E Normus wrote:
ook ook

I call for a shareholders meeting to vote on removing John from the executor position. I have traumatic memories of being in SMA.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Tora Bushido
The Marmite Mercenaries
#120 - 2015-02-16 11:11:06 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
As a diplo you should be negotiating peaceful outcomes with your opponents, not perpetuating further violence and destruction.
Delete the weak, adapt or die ! Pirate


Meta Gaming Level VII, Psycho Warfare Level X, Smack Talk Level VII.