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CSM Campaigns

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The Imperial LansDrahd
#21 - 2015-02-03 09:25:58 UTC
Nameira Vanis-Tor wrote:
Another question, why would it be sensible for any TLF FW pilots to vote for an Amarr candidate instead of one of the FW neutral low sec candidates?

1. -Opposition Votes- True, I am and always have been an Amarr loyalist. I do not think there is a 'neutral' FW low sec player. If one finds one's self with a Militia tag, then one ceases to be neutral. My voice on CSM....WILL NOT preach favoritism towards the Empire, or advocate for buffs to energy weapons. My voice on CSM, is to raise the awareness to certain low sec and FW mechanics that can be streamlined. It will stress the importance to CCP to not turn a blind eye to those grinding the low sec lanes in and out of Concord cross hairs and raising the call to arms for FW. My platform promotes a more secure and stable war zone for FW players. Thank you for your time, see you on the field brother.

The Imperial LansDrahd
#22 - 2015-02-03 09:43:09 UTC
Nameira Vanis-Tor wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Nameira Vanis-Tor wrote:
Another question, why would it be sensible for any TLF FW pilots to vote for an Amarr candidate instead of one of the FW neutral low sec candidates?

Why does it matter if he's Amarr FW?

Not wishing to derail the thread too much it is a question of soft power.

I always enjoy reading your articles Seraph its a shame you don't discuss Low Sec much. You know that wars are not won by pilot skill and military might alone. My question is what is MD offering as an agenda for faction warfare and low sec that would make Minnie militia pilots vote for him despite the assumed downsides of an Amarr representative being on CSM for us.


1) Amarr Militia having a direct advocate with the Devs

2) Amarr Militia gaining more publicity from a successful election campaign presumably boosting their recruitment

3) Amarr Militia having the opportunity to lobby for issues that may influence our warzones little eco-system in their favour (and by definition to Minni Militias disadvantage)

4) All the reasons why CFC pilots are unlikely to pick an NCDOT candidate as their first choice and vice versa.

In summary what is MDs election platform? Is he representing the interests of Amarr Militia or FW in general? If FW in general what would MD say to any TLF pilots who may be turned off voting for him due to his faction allegiance?

1. -Devs- Again, drawing Dev attention away from Null to low sec and FW.
2. -Publicity- I think that being on the campaign road and the publicity for my faction go hand in hand. Whether it is for good or for bad, that remains to be seen. Publicity for any any faction is publicity for FW, and that is good.
3. -Warzone Favour- Being biased to my faction on the council would serve no purpose and be counter productive to what we all need to accomplish for FW.

In summary, a few specific items are, the revamping of low sec pvp mechanics between FW and non FW players in FW sites. Also adding content that promotes a more 'factional' dynamic. To TLF pilots I say, Stay frosty, stay loyal. Fight the good fight, for honor, for glory, for FW!

The Imperial LansDrahd
#23 - 2015-02-03 10:00:02 UTC
Oreb Wing wrote:
I would like your honest opinion on FW missions, their affect and influence in being able to single-handedly swing and sustain one factions hold over warzone dominance (i.e. see Amarr/Minnie WZ past 6 years) and the impact non-pvp pilots have in this regard.

I would like you to look past yourself, and your own interests in Isk generation, when I propose the possible Mission Acceleration gate restriction to tech 2 and tech 3 hulls from entering them and your thoughts on it. Thank you, Muad. May you be worth your water.

'Polish comes from the cities; wisdom from the desert.'

I apologize for the late response m8, thank you for your time.
1. -FW Missions?- To my understanding running the exclusive FW missions available from your NPC militia corp do not sway system sov in any way. The LP may serve to keep a corps or alliances war chest full, but that should be a viable source for funding a war effort, as well as accumulating standing.
2. -FW Plexing?- True, there was a time when the 'plexing' mechanic in FW was broken, and a single FW site farmer could set a system to vuln in a day or two. Thankfully those have been changed and FW is on the right track for greatness.

Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#24 - 2015-02-09 05:14:13 UTC
Moudib wrote:
Oreb Wing wrote:

I apologize for the late response m8, thank you for your time.
1. -FW Missions?- To my understanding running the exclusive FW missions available from your NPC militia corp do not sway system sov in any way. The LP may serve to keep a corps or alliances war chest full, but that should be a viable source for funding a war effort, as well as accumulating standing.
2. -FW Plexing?- True, there was a time when the 'plexing' mechanic in FW was broken, and a single FW site farmer could set a system to vuln in a day or two. Thankfully those have been changed and FW is on the right track for greatness.


1) You don't think that the ability to run a lvl 4 mission that can net you 90,000 LP in tier 4 does not influence the war? You don't see how doing a single mission in t4 can help the 'winning' side spend the 10 minutes of a single mission to bump a passing lvl 0 system up to lvl 3 with a laugh instead of a grunt to a faction that cannot run these in a ship it takes 1 month to train into, cannot be easily caught, and can make it through the entire warzone safely, with a shrug to 30mil if it is lost. If you don't see how unbalanced this is for the winning side, I don't think you understand FW stabbed d-plex infuence, how tier affects alt FW missioners that jump from one alt to another to run these for the 'winning' side, how much market influence non-pvp'ers have on the items pvp'ers depend on also, or how ridiculous it is to tilt the scale back to the losing side against the large collective farming horde that sustains t4 through the measly donations of the few.

For the above to not be true, you would have to introduce a mechanic that forces dps to be on field for defensive plexing now too, and create a restriction to t2 hulls from entering FW mission complexes. Done. Mission spammers out, Caracals (which can be fought and caught and chased from system to system still viable) still in, SOLO pvp-avoidance LP gains also out.

This alone is the biggest failure of the southern FW zone, and how annoyed pvp'ers are at the failure of fellow militiamen to keep the plexing battle up.

This is one reason why Caldari can never sustain tier 4 for long. The majority of their players begin the mission life while Gallente keep bumping their systems down, as Gallente cannot run these in bombers, but only in ships worth over 100mil-1bil.

2) FW may be on track offensively plexing-wise, but not defensive plexing. Not when an empty frigate hull can hang on a button afk and wait on a timer, and not when a losing faction is getting the shaft on t1 rewards that dishearten the green and unfocused.

Please review what I think are facts CURRENTLY being seen in the warzone and review your answer. This option to fuel the war-effort, as you put it, should be availble across all factions? You may say, 'Yes, they already are!' but there is a reason nubs in Gallente milita get shut down when they ask for Bomber fits for missions. Create an alt and try and see what answers/laughs you get. This change will not only affect bombers, but doing them in t3's as well (which take quite a bit longer to skill into, and hurt much more to lose). It will hurt you as much as it will hurt us that do them in Ishtar's or strat. cruisers.
Oreb Wing
Last Rites.
#25 - 2015-02-09 20:25:46 UTC
The solution above gets very little feedback from others, but it is the cleansing fire we need to smoke the farmers out and renew the small gang in your war zone. It'll sting now, but the amputated infection will save the body.
Arial Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#26 - 2015-02-11 00:28:37 UTC
Well, one different approach to the system in use atm that i had in mind was to remove the donation of LP entirely and, in his place, substitute it with a permanent % detraction in LP from the total amount that you get from a mission,a FW site reward and from killing enemies...from the actual system you collect LPs, actually.
This way the TIERs bar would be tied to a more random effect instead of a constant donation of LPs from farmers to one side until the market flips, plus defending and capturing a site would have a meaning beyond the actual "LP farming+flip the system": it would be "LP farming+flip the system+LP contribution to keep and raise the TIERs level". Furthermore, the % of LP detracted from a player conquering or defending a site would decrease as the TIER level of his faction goes up, to a point that to obtain and keep TIER 5 would require a lot of manwork/farming/system control(PVP)/etc. for example.
Also, it would mean that all the factions could hold the same tier as long as they will have ppl actually fighting, capturing, defending, missioning, instead of the actual "one side only" system. I say "one side only" system, because once the farmers exploit the market enough from a single faction's LP items sell, they switch to the other side, and those that are there for the true meanings of FW (PVP with a lore underground) they simply don't count that much, even though they are those that fight the most/lose the more and flip systems more than the farmers...basically those that make the hard work (pos shooting, gate camping, roaming, you know the job)
I would also add more PVE random content honestly, for example packs of Amarr Coercers/Minmatar Thrashers trying to camp an enemy faction owned station/capture a site/etc.
Dirty Vagrants
Intergalactic Space Hobos
#27 - 2015-02-11 03:14:06 UTC
If there was ONE thing you could do to change FW, to make it not so stale, make it harder for farmers to just make LP without contributing to the effort, and to get better fights, what would it be?
Innar Mishi
24th Imperial Crusade
Amarr Empire
#28 - 2015-02-11 12:04:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Innar Mishi
It would be good to get a FW representative on the CSM, I am glad you are running.

How do you plan on enticing more groups to join FW? At the moment there is not a huge incentive for players to join FW outside of farming LP.

Do you have any Ideas about how to make system upgrades and tiers worth more than they currently are? At the moment a systems level means almost nothing and the tier just determines whether it is worth running missions or not.

In your opinion should the ability to run FW missions in a bomber be nerfed even harder? The initial intention was, as I understand it, to encourage players to fly PvE ships through lowsec to run these missions. In a bomber they are not only too safe to run, they are also not a very interesting target to hunt. Even if nothing else where changed other than an extra 3-5 light missile batteries at the warp-in for each site I would be happy.

Do you have any ideas on how to encourage people to fleet up in FW space?
Ren Pares
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2015-02-11 12:59:27 UTC
You have my support, however I have one question ?

What do you think could be done to cater to people who join a side ( in my case Amarr ) not because of the farming potential, but for lore/RP reasons ? I don't think you should be able to jump sides so easily.

Good luck for the election !
Tristan daCuhna
Khanid Propulsion Systems
Local Is Primary
#30 - 2015-02-11 17:23:15 UTC
Thanatos Marathon
#31 - 2015-02-13 18:47:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Thanatos Marathon
Moudib wrote:
BeBopAReBop RhubarbPie wrote:
Also, what is your opinion on the recent capital changes in Pheobe?

***Late Resposne(War going on)***

Well brother, you are High Sec, and non-FW. My platform does not apply to you. God Speed.


I guess I'll reask this question since there was no answer because you disregarded someone as a high sec player. What is your opinion on the recent capital changes in Phoebe?

In addition based on your response to a previous question (below), how much of a time commitment do you plan on making to the CSM over the next year if you are elected?

Moudib wrote:

4. -Voter Education- Brother, honestly my game time is always occupied with Militia and Alliance OPS, Diplo, and chores. I am a slave to a list so long m8, it is even funny. I am going to have to pass the mic to CCP on that one. I think the responsibility of attracted voters and raising awareness for CSM would fall to CCP Devs. Perhaps they want voter awareness to be low, so they can control the vote...who knows, it is EvE. Do your part for Free Elections! Victor FW!

Bellak Hark
New Eden Media Organization
#32 - 2015-02-18 12:58:16 UTC
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