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Nerfs, and the coming of the second shard

First post
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#61 - 2015-02-11 03:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

EVE is changing, yes, it's not becoming significantly safer, and it's not becoming significantly more dangerous either. It's just becoming different. Safety and Danger are what the players make of it. If Goons started a burn Jita 24/7 and actually could shut down all the trade hubs, and did so, then I'm quite sure CCP would respond in some way. Because player actions would have made the game so dangerous that in order to protect the long term health of the game CCP would have to take steps. Just like they did when MOO abused tankable concord to perma gank systems.
It's a sand box, but that doesn't mean you can **** in it without long term consequence, and CCP and most of us want to keep the sand fresh for play of all types long term.
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#62 - 2015-02-11 03:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Unezka Turigahl
Crimewatch is fine. The safety button cleared out any confusion there might have been. Or it should have. I don't know, somehow people still manage to screw that up. Being able to shoot thieves whether they stole from you or someone else is great. That is MORE pvp in hisec, not less. I've blown up a few flashy yellows around gates. And blown up a few hauler alts of suicide gankers.

Being able to loot a suspect's can without going suspect yourself is a bit problematic. It allows you to loot someones stuff in a cheap disposable ship, then jet it for your alt in a hauler or whatever. No risk for the thief. Had someone do this to me in a 4/10. A frigate looted my can, which I scrammed and killed, but I wasn't quick enough to loot the can he jettisoned so his Cerberus main character got the loot. So he lost a throwaway frigate instead of a likely blinged-out Cerberus. He also looted the wreck of his frigate I killed without penalty. Taught me to add jetcans back to my main overview. And hug frigates and watch overview like a hawk if there are other ships around.

As for wardecs, it wouldn't really matter if the mechanic was removed from the game entirely. As pointed out, people either stay in NPC corps, drop corp when decced, or dock up and stop playing. Or in my case, when someone gets butthurt over my actions and wardecs me, I just switch over to one of my other characters and continue play as normal. What can CCP possibly do? Ban alts? Wardecs are like bounties and killrights, they are never going to work very well in this game. The only real use for wardecs that I can think of is clearing out a hisec POS or POCO. Or blowing up really stupid miners. That seems to be the main use. Meh.

As for the suicide gankers... Committing suicide should be unattractive. We don't need people slitting their wrists all over the place all willy nilly. You damn emos.

Awox-off switch makes perfect sense. Concord should do their job in hisec regardless of what kind of corp you are in.

Mining boosts working in a POS does seem a bit weird. I guess it is solely to placate the few Rorqual pilots out there for the time being. CCP should just remove boosts from the game entirely. Make the T2 BCs do something else. Keep mining boosts on the Rorqual but require the ship to be on-grid, and give it remote reps and decent combat abilities.
La Nariz
Gallente Federation
#63 - 2015-02-11 03:33:38 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Jenshae Chiroptera wrote:
A lot more content than they do in Deklein. Are you AFK carrier ratting right now because your space is so boring? Blink

No I live in highsec. Being proud about being content or whatever that meme crap is certainly is a thing though isn't it?

*Snip* Removed a reply to an edited out part of the quoted post. ISD Ezwal.

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Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#64 - 2015-02-11 03:51:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Unezka Turigahl
It would be interesting for CCP to release statistics for pvp in hisec. I would guess that it has only increased over the years.

I could see hisec using a little more competition rather than risk. Miners having to compete amongst each other more, similar to how explorers and incursion runners have to compete. I don't know about missions. I guess they could nerf the ISK/bounty payouts slightly and compensate with more module drops and LP payout. So it is about competing over LP prices and base modules for invention or sale on market.

Or redo missions to be more like exploration. Accept a mission and your ship's computer is loaded with possible locations of a certain mission, and you will see the appropriate mission complex almost like an anomaly. But so will everyone else who happens to be doing that mission. So you might have to compete for the objective. If you lose, you have a couple more chances maybe in nearby systems. But so does everyone else who is still trying to complete that mission in that area. They would have to remove penalties for failing missions probably.
Herzog Wolfhammer
Sigma Special Tactics Group
#65 - 2015-02-11 04:05:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Herzog Wolfhammer
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
I report, you decide.


You know that's an interesting image. Can't say I entirely agree with you on all points. The drone agro thing I didn't know about but I like to keep those dogs of war under my control anyway.

The other day I was told about a friend's corp that was wardecced by an alliance and did some research on that alliance and found that they had something like over 70 decs going at once.

This made me wonder. I put that alliance in contacts to see if they are actually present. My friend meanwhile was purchasing more combat ships to give them what for but when I went about my business, even sending an alt in my corp to Jita to pick up a few things, I never saw any members of this particular alliance.

This also struck me as odd. I was under the impression that the usual "way of things" was for corps full of bittervets to grief noobs out of the game by deccing their corps and harvesting them. But who was this "no show" alliance and why? What's was the point?

After much pondering, I could only arrive at a conclusion that your picture there reminded me of: lowsec and nullsec must be THAT BAD that there are alliances and corps that do lots of decs solely for the purpose of being able to fly around highsec and get PVP. Highsec has no blobs (unless you are in Eudema but that's another story), no bubbles, and "kill everything that moves" gameplay is not so much the norm, meaning if you want to go from point A to B looking for war targets, you have a chance to get there and/or it won't take you "forever" looking out for bubble camps and dictors and such.

And I would tend to think that this is more about the issues of travel in lowsec and nullsec and blobs than any other factor. The notion of "oh they just want easy kills in highsec PVP", the lament of the so-called carebear, does not appear to match up to the cost and effort of having scores of wardecs going on like that. It's not as if they, on the deccing side, are going to be profiting from this endeavor either.

Where your image fits in, IMO, is this: people want pew. You don't really get as much of that in a manner that was as fun as it used to be in low and null. So people are doing everything they can to get it in highsec, from shooting MTUs, agro fu, ganking, and all that other good stuff. But a lot of people who are not on the PVP side are also not in low or null for the same reasons. The lines get blurred even: how many nullseccers are running highsec incursion alts?

So the problem I think is not so much grounded in griefers and carebears but mechanics that make getting simple PVP more difficult. A lot of people labor under the idea that lowsec and nullsec is PVPer heaven but many who are into PVP find it just as irritating to be out there as would some miner trying to get nullsec ore without being in an alliance. Heck what do we find in deep nullsec past the bubble camps, gank pipelines, and intel channels? Farmers.

So I understand the motive of the image but I think the issue is more complex. "Simple pew" is going to be as hard to get as simple let me rake in ISK leave me alone". This was never an FPS game and it's not a single player game, but I think that the mechanics and "way of things" in the game has bottlenecked a lot of players. Your list make me think that CCP is trying to protect one kind of trapped player from the other kind. Hamhanded perhaps. Unless some things change significantly about the way things are outside of highsec then the changes you listed are mere sops or bandaids. I honestly think the existing other problems are coming to a head now because such changes were not, nor felt to be, needed in the past but the "way of things" (blue donut, blobs, etc.) are what have gotten worse over the years.

BTW you forgot "abandon/blue the wrecks" though maybe it was a good idea to share loot when it was implemented I knew it was the end of ninja salvaging. TEARS dropped off the map since. Now there's miner bumping.

Bring back DEEEEP Space!

Mr M
Sebiestor Tribe
#66 - 2015-02-11 04:29:51 UTC
if all you want is tears, just become a miner and collect the tears of high sec gankers. There, I fixed it.

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Alavaria Fera
#67 - 2015-02-11 04:32:37 UTC
Unezka Turigahl wrote:
Mining boosts working in a POS does seem a bit weird. I guess it is solely to placate the few Rorqual pilots out there for the time being. CCP should just remove boosts from the game entirely. Make the T2 BCs do something else. Keep mining boosts on the Rorqual but require the ship to be on-grid, and give it remote reps and decent combat abilities.

Making the highsec NPC corp boosting orca even better relative to the nullsec options.

Well it's fine I guess... no wait, you mean actually removing boosts from orca, that would nerf highsec mining and we can't have that

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#68 - 2015-02-11 04:56:02 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:

Lena Lazair wrote:
OK, done feeding the trolls for today.

Silly argument. Opinions aren't trolls and different opinions aren't frightening. Reducing every opinion that doesn't agree with your's to being a troll is idiotic.

Your point then, by your own definition is idiotic, as the poster gave their opinion, which you called idiotic as you didn't agree with it
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#69 - 2015-02-11 04:57:50 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Daerrol wrote:
All I read is "I can't shoot people who don't want to be shot/know what to do anymore" tears. Second shard? Give me a break. The economics alone of highsec-lowsec-nullsec-WH interaction are MORE than enough to disprove that, not to mention lots of residients of other parts of space use highsec for various things.

Here's an idea. If you love PVP that much, come out to Low-sec and shoot people who A: Expect it. B: will shoot back.

The point is that PvP has been nerfed and nerfed hard over the years while the bears have enjoyed nothing but buffs yet the calls for more nerfs continue.

PVP nerfed hard? There has not been a single nerf to PVP in EVE, ever.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#70 - 2015-02-11 05:09:10 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Jandice Ymladris wrote:
You're a bit late to the party, the second shard is already here, it's called Serenity, feel free to join it if you want to see chinese laws at work (regarding online play)

I don't really think Serenity is what Feyd is refering to, because aside from complying with Chinese legal requirements, it's no different to TQ in play (maybe minor differences I'm not across, but it's not substantially different in the risk or the way the game is played).

By second shard, Feyd is referring to a non-pvp playground, unless I'm mistaken.

In some respects, the current way TQ has developed, it's beginning to take on 2-shard properties. In some scenarios of the "nerf, call for more nerfs cycle", TQ could become a highsec risk-free playground with all shooting pvp relegated to lowsec and nullsec only. In effect, becoming two-sharded in playstyle.


*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

You are falling for the "wah wah wah, lets say something unfounded and sensationalised to make it look like something is actually happening, when no, actually, it's business as normal" hype.

A second shard would have different markets, communications, inventories, and a total inability to interact between the two.

*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

Please explain how there is any stop to shooting in hisec?
Where is the detail that I cannot attack people?
When was it that they made the POS holding corps immune to wardec?
Where on this second shard does the moongoo for construction come from, given you can't moon mine in hisec?

Oh that's right, it is just sensationalist drivel you are spouting

Ganking can and will continue to happen, whining about how hard it is just makes you look soft
Unezka Turigahl
Det Som Engang Var
#71 - 2015-02-11 05:09:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Unezka Turigahl
Alavaria Fera wrote:

Making the highsec NPC corp boosting orca even better relative to the nullsec options.

Well it's fine I guess... no wait, you mean actually removing boosts from orca, that would nerf highsec mining and we can't have that

No, I would leave mining boosts on Orca as well. Or remove mining boosts along with combat boosts and give Rorqual and Orca new roles. I don't know. I think mining needs a total overhaul. If mining were made into a more active and competitive activity then it would balance itself out across security regions. More players in hisec from more numerous and unaffiliated factions = more competition in hisec.

Hisec doesn't necessarily need straight up RISK to balance out its rewards. Suicide ganks and awoxing and whatnot are lame and nonsensical methods of balance for hisec and its playerbase. And the rewards themselves don't necessarily need to be straight up nerfed. Just up the competition.
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#72 - 2015-02-11 05:15:21 UTC
Nevyn Auscent wrote:

EVE is changing, yes, it's not becoming significantly safer, and it's not becoming significantly more dangerous either.

How did you type that with a straight face? The game has gotten safer every year for the past half decade. That is not up for discussion, it's a fact.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#73 - 2015-02-11 08:57:41 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen wrote:
Hiasa Kite wrote:
OP points out a long history regarding HiSec content nerfs and I agree. The exception would be the attitude that social corps are somehow detrimental to 'HTFU' - I strongly disagree. They'll encourage new players to make friends and socialise, stick around for longer at absolutely no expense to the current HiSec PvP scene.

Sadly the key precept envisioned for 'social corps' is to make them 100% invulnerable to wardecs.

A rose by any other name...

As I understand it, the social corps are mechanically identical to NPC corps, with the obvious excpetion that they can be created & named by players. As for in-game impacts: there are none.

To my mind though, the ability to name it yourself is a big enough benefit. Take a look at the "benefits" of a corp. For the standard line-grunt, what do you really get? Corp hanger? You wont have roles for that. POS? You wont have roles for that. Corp Wallet? You definitely wont have roles for that. Tax is the only benefit a line-member will get access to out the gate, and this only applies to Mission Runners, market traders and miners don't care as it doesn't effect them, and outside of a one-man tax-haven corp, actual working corps wont run a 0% anyway (that POS needs fuelling), so you don't get the "full" benefit of this in an organised corp. No, for the standard joe-capsuleer, the biggest, stand-out benefit of being in a corp is being a part of something, and having an identity. And oddly enough, the biggest dis-incentive for disbanding and reforming in the face of a war is pride in your corp/identity.

In one fell swoop, CCP are giving players the biggest benefit of corp-creation, minus the one "threat" to the sort of players who want to be in a corp for that reason. Maybe I'm over-stating it, but I genuinely see absolutely no benefit to the standard line highsec player to be in a player corp (that isn't a one-man tax haven) with the creation of social corps.
Samsara Toldya
Academy of Contradictory Behaviour
#74 - 2015-02-11 09:29:41 UTC

making the Catalyst #1 ganking ship by buffing destroyers isn't a +1 for gankers?
removing clone upgrades for ganking chars >900k SP isn't a +1 for gankers?
removing scan immunity of corphangars isn't a +1 for gankers?
introducing drop chance to ship maintenance bays isn't a +1 for gankers?
tags for security isn't a +1 for gankers? (haven't seen any red CODE. flying around recently...)
eHP and warpspeed changes to freighters aren't a +1 for gankers?

Why don't you add "CCP banned input broadcasting making it harder to gank AND leaving us with less targets to shoot at!!!!!!!!!!!!" another -1 while you are on the run? Or maybe a -2 as it does harm you twice?

Ventures with +2 WCS are perfectly fine. If you need a scram/point to gank a paper thin Venture you are bad and you should feel bad! Only rookies mine in Ventures in highsec, most players rush into barges. Removing +2 WCS would harm mining in lowsec/nullsec/wormholes (as you do only know highsec: those are other regions in game where players exist, but it is dangerous to go there, don't try it!)

The irony is strong with this one... instead of HTFU! himself he wants CCP to create a ganker-themepark MMO.

Just datamine killboards, you won't find significant drops in ganks, I'd bet on increasing numbers instead.

Maybe it's just you who can't adapt while others are perfectly fine?
Josef Djugashvilis
#75 - 2015-02-11 09:31:34 UTC
Apparently the goons can no longer afford to wardec other player corp - alliances should they wish to.

Hello Kitty Online indeed.

This is not a signature.

Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#76 - 2015-02-11 09:34:00 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
In one fell swoop, CCP are giving players the biggest benefit of corp-creation, minus the one "threat" to the sort of players who want to be in a corp for that reason. Maybe I'm over-stating it, but I genuinely see absolutely no benefit to the standard line highsec player to be in a player corp (that isn't a one-man tax haven) with the creation of social corps.

Whether or not these players are in a regular corp is irrelevant - the fact of the matter is you can't attain legal aggression against them. If they want to be part of a community, it's going to happen and there's nothing any PvP enthusiast can do to encourage or outright force them into a fight.

Those social corps create a scenario where both parties are happy. The social player now has his little community while not having to drop/reform crops because of 'griefers'. The PvPers on the other hand, won't be repeatedly frustrated by corps that simply disband and reform at the first sign of a wardec. Even without additional changes, the signal to noise ratio for eventful wardecs is improved.

Hell, this also opens the possibility of getting wardec evasion reclassified as an exploit or even giving CCP an opportunity to impose mechanical changes that prevent reforming corps. For example, players that leave/disband during a wardec cannot join a new corp and are still considered legal targets until the end of the relevant war period (essentially, no more than 1 week). In this case, any incentive of simply evading wardecs is eliminated and anyone not willing to fight in wars simply remain in NPC/social corps.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Aralyn Cormallen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#77 - 2015-02-11 09:43:19 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:

Whether or not these players are in a regular corp is irrelevant - the fact of the matter is you can't attain legal aggression against them. If they want to be part of a community, it's going to happen and there's nothing any PvP enthusiast can do to encourage or outright force them into a fight.

My point is not so much the ability or not to get at players that will do everything in their power to avoid a war; I agree, they will still have been untargetable regardless.

My concern is the number of currently targettable players who, through this change, will no longer be. I am talking about members of highsec corps, without POS's, but with enough pride (don't discount it, pride is a big reason for otherwise irrational choices) or self-respect in their name/identity, that they currently would not disband under a wardec. Every single one of these corps has no sensible reason not to transform themselves in to a social corp, to retain the feature they want (name and identity), but with the added safety as a freebie. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is an insignificantly small demographic, but maybe it isn't, and maybe this change is going to significantly reduce the amount of viable targets in Highsec for a corp that fights its wars there.
Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#78 - 2015-02-11 09:45:13 UTC
Aralyn Cormallen wrote:
Hiasa Kite wrote:

Whether or not these players are in a regular corp is irrelevant - the fact of the matter is you can't attain legal aggression against them. If they want to be part of a community, it's going to happen and there's nothing any PvP enthusiast can do to encourage or outright force them into a fight.

My point is not so much the ability or not to get at players that will do everything in their power to avoid a war; I agree, they will still have been untargetable regardless.

My concern is the number of currently targettable players who, through this change, will no longer be. I am talking about members of highsec corps, without POS's, but with enough pride (don't discount it, pride is a big reason for otherwise irrational choices) or self-respect in their name/identity, that they currently would not disband under a wardec. Every single one of these corps has no sensible reason not to transform themselves in to a social corp, to retain the feature they want (name and identity), but with the added safety as a freebie. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is an insignificantly small demographic, but maybe it isn't, and maybe this change is going to significantly reduce the amount of viable targets in Highsec for a corp that fights its wars there.

I honestly think you're referring to an extremely small subgroup of players, there.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Hiasa Kite
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#79 - 2015-02-11 09:58:10 UTC
Samsara Toldya wrote:

making the Catalyst #1 ganking ship by buffing destroyers isn't a +1 for gankers? Yup
removing clone upgrades for ganking chars >900k SP isn't a +1 for gankers? Gankers, by virtue of being in HiSec and ATK rarely lost pods. The real winners from this change were high SP nullsec and w-space pilots.
removing scan immunity of corphangars isn't a +1 for gankers? Nothing wrong with closing exploitable holes
introducing drop chance to ship maintenance bays isn't a +1 for gankers? as above
tags for security isn't a +1 for gankers? (haven't seen any red CODE. flying around recently...) Try actually looking
eHP and warpspeed changes to freighters aren't a +1 for gankers? Not really, no

Why don't you add "CCP banned input broadcasting making it harder to gank AND leaving us with less targets to shoot at!!!!!!!!!!!!" another -1 while you are on the run? Or maybe a -2 as it does harm you twice? Typical HiSec gank fleets were filled with legit players, not ISboxers

Ventures with +2 WCS are perfectly fine. If you need a scram/point to gank a paper thin Venture you are bad and you should feel bad! Only rookies mine in Ventures in highsec The Venture is the most popular mining ship used by bots

The irony is strong with this one... instead of HTFU! himself he wants CCP to create a ganker-themepark MMO. Sounds like he just wants a balanced game

Just datamine killboards, you won't find significant drops in ganks, I'd bet on increasing numbers instead. Wasn't there a CCP quote around 2012 stating that ganking had reached an all-time low?

Responses in italics.

"Playing an MMO by yourself is like masturbating in the middle of an orgy." -Jonah Gravenstein

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#80 - 2015-02-11 10:33:31 UTC
Hiasa Kite wrote:
there's nothing any PvP enthusiast can do to encourage or outright force them into a fight.

This is the same in every area of space, ever.

I spend my time in null, and to be honest if people don't want to fight, they just wont. 85% of the game is baiting people into an engagement.

Risk aversity is everywhere, just outside of high sec more people want more easy kills than most bears.

So very few want good fights, very few indeed.

But then, that is not what this is about - this is about being able to violence people against their wishes and the premier method of doing so - suicide ganking gives zero ****s if it is a "legal" target or not. In fact you're more likely to get a kill because you can blend into the background and not appear a threat until it is too late.

I don't think it's in that bad a place right now, both sides need to work for it to be successful in defeating the other.