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why do players stay in npc corps?

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#1 - 2015-02-10 17:57:59 UTC
Im trying to make ccp money here. They have data that shows people that stay in npc corps quit more often. They said corp ceos dont like recruiting noobs cuz of fear of awox, do you believe this is the main reason?

I believe people stay in npc corps (and therefor quit more often) to evade wars.

Are wars the most dangerous aspect to retention (players staying in npc corps) and therefore should be nerfed to increase player corp levels and retention?

Nerf wars to save the noobs and make people join player corps to increase retention and ccps wallet?
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2015-02-10 17:59:53 UTC
trolling is prohibited
#3 - 2015-02-10 18:02:21 UTC
virm pasuul wrote:
trolling is prohibited

You are in an npc corp. See has FACTS and DATA proving you will quit eve before i do. Join a player corp, give ccp money. If you sid join a corp id wardec ur ass into oblivion though and youd still prob quit
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2015-02-10 18:06:55 UTC
I don't think you understand Eve at all sorry.
Nariya Kentaya
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#5 - 2015-02-10 18:18:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Nariya Kentaya
Shailagh wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
trolling is prohibited

You are in an npc corp. See has FACTS and DATA proving you will quit eve before i do. Join a player corp, give ccp money. If you sid join a corp id wardec ur ass into oblivion though and youd still prob quit

THIS attitude is why some players stay in NPC corps, because the second they leave its all "noob lulz trololol give me isk and i dubble for u" and other such infantile harassment, they arent made to feel welcome. There are so few corps out there who willa actually take a newbie and NOT use them as fodder and laugh at them for it, that the chances of a noobie finding a community to join is low as limbo goes.

almost makes me want to restart my old lowsec pirate corp, but of course then I remember all of the annoying trolls who DID join for pvp, harass all the noobs who joined until they left the corp to go back to highsec or left the game entirely

unfortuenately the most vocal part of this community is the most toxic, like, id rather swap spit with a xenomorph kind of toxis
Josef Djugashvilis
#6 - 2015-02-10 18:19:11 UTC
Dear op, if you need to ask the question, you would not understand the answers.

This is not a signature.

Walden 2.0
#7 - 2015-02-10 18:21:01 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
Im trying to make ccp money here. They have data that shows people that stay in npc corps quit more often. They said corp ceos dont like recruiting noobs cuz of fear of awox, do you believe this is the main reason?

I believe people stay in npc corps (and therefor quit more often) to evade wars.

Are wars the most dangerous aspect to retention (players staying in npc corps) and therefore should be nerfed to increase player corp levels and retention?

Nerf wars to save the noobs and make people join player corps to increase retention and ccps wallet?

Are you proposing an experiment/testing for your hypothesis?:

"Are wars the most dangerous aspect to retention (players staying in npc corps) and therefore should be nerfed to increase player corp levels and retention?"

If so, let us know how it goes!
#8 - 2015-02-10 18:37:11 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
Shailagh wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
trolling is prohibited

You are in an npc corp. See has FACTS and DATA proving you will quit eve before i do. Join a player corp, give ccp money. If you sid join a corp id wardec ur ass into oblivion though and youd still prob quit

THIS attitude is why some players stay in NPC corps, because the second they leave its all "noob lulz trololol give me isk and i dubble for u" and other such infantile harassment, they arent made to feel welcome. There are so few corps out there who willa actually take a newbie and NOT use them as fodder and laugh at them for it, that the chances of a noobie finding a community to join is low as limbo goes.

almost makes me want to restart my old lowsec pirate corp, but of course then I remember all of the annoying trolls who DID join for pvp, harass all the noobs who joined until they left the corp to go back to highsec or left the game entirely

unfortuenately the most vocal part of this community is the most toxic, like, id rather swap spit with a xenomorph kind of toxis

Countdown till someone comes weeping confusing this as making game more "newbie friendly and inclusive" and providing a good joke how nullsec runs everything?

All posts and mails screencapped and time stamped, including out of EVE, you will not reverse on me.

Might come in handy!

#9 - 2015-02-10 20:24:59 UTC
I'm going to answer the title of the thread because it's a very valid question. You know for many months when I first started playing I didn't even understand the function of a corp nor did I try and the only time I looked into corp chat was to ask questions which more often than not led to frustration. I had a few personal friends I played with and met a couple other cool people online and that seemed enough for a time. The only reason I discovered corporations was I wanted to find a way into juicy nulsec to make some isk and only THEN did I begin to learn about politics and the more interesting aspects of eve life.

So I ignored the corp channels because they were frequently more noisy then useful and I didn't pay any attention to the forums for much the same reason. Take the responses in this thread as an example. Lots of &%$#*^&*)&&)* and few serious answers. MOST eve players don't read or post on the forums either. I know this may come as a shock to many.
I think many stay in the npc corps and miss out on much of the big picture because the useful information leading them to what should be a natural progression of the game gets lost in the muck.

Guy jumps into lowsec, gets blown up, asks in corp chat or on forums why he got blown up or what he did wrong and 47 people laugh and shame him. I think it's natural that many more laid back individuals are repulsed by this and in avoiding those type of interactions they fail to come across the necessary information.
Personally I was always repulsed by the maturity level of many eve players but thankfully my greed for isk motivated me to overcome. Bear
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#10 - 2015-02-10 20:32:57 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
trolling is prohibited

You are in an npc corp. See has FACTS and DATA proving you will quit eve before i do. Join a player corp, give ccp money. If you sid join a corp id wardec ur ass into oblivion though and youd still prob quit

So you admit to be part of the problem?

Yzar Soikutsu
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#11 - 2015-02-10 20:53:10 UTC
I am not in a corp because corps of 1 or 2 players just declare war on our corp everytime we are in jita or other high traffic areas in the hope of getting easy kills.
Lupe Meza
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2015-02-10 21:06:35 UTC
Yzar Soikutsu wrote:
I am not in a corp because corps of 1 or 2 players just declare war on our corp everytime we are in jita or other high traffic areas in the hope of getting easy kills.
Don Pera Saissore
#13 - 2015-02-10 21:25:56 UTC
What about those who join nullsec corps and quit because they get bored of exploration and gatecamps because thats the only thing they can do.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#14 - 2015-02-10 21:51:49 UTC
Nariya Kentaya wrote:
There are so few corps out there who willa actually take a newbie and NOT use them as fodder and laugh at them for it, that the chances of a noobie finding a community to join is low as limbo goes.

This statement in no way matches my experience at all.

Where is the data you use to draw this conclusion?

In my experience, the larger percentage of corps are ok. They aren't necessarily set up to actively teach new players, but they don't treat new players as fodder to be laughed at.

The issue isn't how good a Corp is, but how discoverable that Corp is for new players, particularly those that have no other friends in the game.

The bad apple Corps exist unfortunately, but they are a minority in my experience.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#15 - 2015-02-10 21:55:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Yzar Soikutsu wrote:
I am not in a corp because corps of 1 or 2 players just declare war on our corp everytime we are in jita or other high traffic areas in the hope of getting easy kills.

There are two things to this:

1. you can use out of Corp alts to manage logistics, buys and sales, etc.

2. So what? Why is a wardec by a 1-2 person Corp bad? What level of threat does it really present and even if pvp happens, what's the worst that happens?

Being in a player run Corp is so beneficial to play in this game compared to solo play and NPC Corps, that the negatives of a wardec are miniscule by comparison, especially if the war is managed well internally.
Hasikan Miallok
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#16 - 2015-02-10 21:58:47 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
They have data that shows people that stay in npc corps quit more often.

Philosophy 101

Fallacy of assuming the wrong causal direction.

(The stats show a correlation but there is no reason to assume causality or the direction of the causality should it exist)
#17 - 2015-02-10 21:59:06 UTC
There are generally 3 reasons people stay in the NPC corps:

1) Fear of being killed or exploited by corp mates.

2) Bad experiences with the war system. HS wars suck in general (boring, and unwinnable) , and the best way to win as a defender is not to fight.

3) They are loners.

What CCP has made a 1st step of closing the ability of corpmates from shooting each in HS in the next release. What needs to happen next is to give corps an option to opt out of wars for a price, and use the isk the carebears pay to opt to create pvp opportunities for PVP corps. Sure HS pvpers would lose carebears tears, but there would be a lot more PVP in HS if there was a reason for defenders to fight.

Former forum cheerleader CCP, now just a grumpy small portion of the community.

Nicolai Serkanner
Brave Collective
#18 - 2015-02-10 22:02:50 UTC
Shailagh wrote:
virm pasuul wrote:
trolling is prohibited

You are in an npc corp. See has FACTS and DATA proving you will quit eve before i do. Join a player corp, give ccp money. If you sid join a corp id wardec ur ass into oblivion though and youd still prob quit

Please translate: sid, id, ur, youd, prob ...

In other words: go away troll.
Nalia White
#19 - 2015-02-10 22:03:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Nalia White
well i think it's normal that so many players will leave eve. they come for the space theme but will leave once they get to know the harsh mechanics of the game... if you now try to keep those players in you will have to change eve and that's not good in my book... the last bastion of a true game!

it seems like ccp is currently trying to create a highsec in which these players can coexist, but that is a dangerous endevour... it can be a chance though... maybe after some time some of those players that would have left eve earlier will taste blood and become like the rest of the bittervets :)

edit: and don't forget that many alts will be in npc corps because players will try to disconnect them from their main.

Syndicate - K5-JRD

Home to few, graveyard for many

My biggest achievement

Memphis Baas
#20 - 2015-02-10 22:36:50 UTC
I think the reasons are:

1. War evasion.
2. Crappy corps for players to join.
3. Solo player.

1. No way should war declarations be nerfed, they are an integral part of the game. However (and this is hard; I have no idea how it can be done exactly), making the fighting more fun once you're in a war might go a long way towards convincing people to join in the fights rather than evade. Maybe make the war system into a tournament, with a prize to be won, a ticking clock for its duration, public progress reports, a way for third parties to bet on the outcome, a way for each corp to editorialize why they're fighting and how they're progressing, I don't know.

2. There are good corps and there are crappy corps. It's very hard to tell from the in-game adverts and corp interface. Also, the permanent corp history is a deterrent to trying out corps serially, to find the good ones. Maybe implement a ratings system, maybe similar to the forum one.

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