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Why don't more women play Eve Online?

First post
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#181 - 2015-02-09 19:32:11 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
You gotta admit, though, it's really nice hearing them on comms. Totally worth the free stuff they get constantly.

Fun fact, if there were more of them they would stop getting so much free ****.
Marsha Mallow
#182 - 2015-02-09 19:42:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Marsha Mallow
This thread serves to highlight exactly why so few women play EvE.

The minute any of us open our mouths to comment on social interraction and our experiences as women in game, we get talked over by 40 guys who have girl avatars with massive ****. Then the topic descents into rambling about terrible, strident feminists and social justice warriors and other horrendous verbal loops until we wander off in disgust.

Gwen Ikiryo wrote:
To elabroate on what I said a minute ago, most women I know don't want to play Eve because it's become a self-reinforcing bubble of stupid bravado and masculine crudeness. In most MMOs, a lot of immature habits - And argue that it's your right to do it as much as you want, because it ultimately is, but spouting constant sexual threats and sexually rooted slurs is immature in the eyes of society, like it or not - Have been slowly driven away because the population of women was big enough that people got enough negative feedback that they gave up.

But Eve has been so completely male dominated, and for so long, that instead a that a lot of men playing it have established it as a safe space for that sort of thing in their minds, and so will naturally get defensive when anyone tries to intrude on it. Look at how many people are shouting "If you don't like it, get out!" over and over. The people sick of it have left already, and the ones left don't want to change. It's a classic boys club.

Eve (in most cases) is the only MMO left where I get heckled instantly for describing myself as a feminist. It is the only MMO left where people make jokes or crappy comments when I speak in a voice chat server for the first time. It is the only MMO left where people throw out slurs like crazy and feel confident enough to tell me to shove it when I point out that they're acting like snickering boys at the back of a playground.

No amount of features that appeal to women demographically, like avatar gameplay or stuff to "build", will change that at this point.

This is pretty much spot on. I'm not advocating any gameplay changes to encourage more women to join; I'd be embarassed to invite female gamers to play in this environment given the barage of abuse they'll be subjected to. My RL friends are bunny boilers who'll hunt you down IRL and chop your man parts off if you mouth off at them - really I'm doing the rest of you a favour here. If anything, you should be grateful there are so few women here considering what the consequences might be. We're not all delicate little flowers afraid to answer back, but if you have a spine and have to deal with being persistently spoken down to and treated with contempt IRL, there's no sense of escapism in a game where it's magnified to a ludicrous degree.

Lupe Meza wrote:
It could also be because of the Internet message board trollolol 20-something subculture that permeates the game that thinks racism, sexism, and misogyny are cool. All MMO's have it but the setup in EVE attracts it like a lint brush attracts...well lint. CCP does its part to kill that stuff when it can in game, but since so much of EVE requires you to use out of game resources the landscape is like a minefield full of n-bombs, sammich jokes and interaction with socially maladjusted dudes who learned all they needed to know about women from pornhub.

Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

Leannor wrote:
and therein lies the issue that most people ignore.

GUys like hanging out with guys, and girls with girls. GUys and girls have (or at least believe they have) different standards of language, context, jokes, and humour. Doing it in front of the opposite (the very word itself doesn't assist the issue) sex is exposing a vulnerability, or asking for rdicule.

This was my final thought on why women in game struggle. It is fair to say we enjoy chatting with each other. The support networks we have aren't strong enough. I've been in WGOE and Hellcats public in the past and tbh I left in disgust because there were blokes in there slobbering and female players vamping it up and RPing cybersluts, and I couldn't be arsed with it. I've set up internal channels for women then really struggled keeping it cool when they start reposting comments and sending chatlogs and mails where they are being systematically bullied just for being women. I don't have an answer to this, other than to say cheers to the players out there who are not like that, and more to the point, those who stick up for people who are being hassled.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Ember Interstellar Inc.
The Curatores Veritatis Auxiliary
#183 - 2015-02-09 19:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: NovaCat13
baltec1 wrote:
Rockstede wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Elenahina wrote:
Part of it may the fact that a girl in teamspeak is generally enough to reduce corps of grown men to teenagers in a **** measuring contest. I imagine it's amusing at first, but I expect the novelty wears off after a while.

We stamped out that bullshit a few years ago.

Lol BS

Nope, it happened.

The last guy that said "hur dur a w0man m8k me a sammich" in fleet with me got a swift podding.

Wait Dr Steel and/or the Toy Soldiers podded someone? I got lost somewhere.

Celestia Via wrote:

I dont know about that, some studies and articles I have read indicate that there are nowadays as many women scientists as men, and that the impression of the all-male scientific community is an anachronism. I cannot vouch for their validity but I would like to believe it.

Also, I am a student on mathematics. My department was male dominated 20 years ago, where now its exactly 50-50, if that tells you anything.

I studied Astrophysics, it was not male dominated, in fact classes was only 30% male. But I also work at an observatory, manual labor, engineering, and operations are nearly all male, scientific side with data reduction, research, etc appear to have many more women, but our required bias training did not break it down that way, but depending on location at the observatory (US locations) we are anywhere from 20-50% female. But that's just this one particular facet of STEM.

Just say NO to Dailies

Metal Icarus
Star Frontiers
Brotherhood of Spacers
#184 - 2015-02-09 19:51:26 UTC
I found that if a woman comes onto coms, and the group treats them any different than a male member, that female pilot is not long for the group.
Josef Djugashvilis
#185 - 2015-02-09 19:57:14 UTC
Glathull wrote:
What happens if we turn this silly question on its head?

Why don't more men play EvE?

In other words, why don't more people in general play this game? Is there something fundamental about the game that limits its appeal? If so, what is that?

The "feminist" argument is that women don't want to hang around with bad boys. If all the boys behaved themselves we'd have hot women pvpeeing all over us.


Some women like the bad boys. And by some, I mean almost all.

You should get out and speak to women you are not related to by blood.

This is not a signature.

Lupe Meza
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#186 - 2015-02-09 20:04:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Lupe Meza
Glathull wrote:
I think that many of the fine, upstanding, perfectly awful women who play EvE well are being mis-served by the morality police masquerading as feminists in this thread.

There are a few things to consider here in no particular order.

There is no universally agreed upon definition for how people should behave towards each other.

You'd be pretty hard pressed to find a "universally" concept of most things. Universal implies that everybody is in agreement, every man woman and child on the planet, and that is more than a little unreasonable of a constraint to put on something. Thankfully everyone agreeing or disagreeing on a particular idea is pretty useless. There was a time when it was widely accepted that the body was composed of humors and imbalance in them caused disease. And these were "doctors". Idiocy can hide extremely well behind polysyllabic words, impeccable grammar, and enough people believing it.

I will say that people can universally agree that there are in fact appropriate and inappropriate ways to behave with one another. Let's work inductively: anyone reading this, are there behaviors that you feel inappropriate when directed at you? Appropriate? I'm guessing if you're in a non-vegetative state (and if so you are how are you reading this?) the answer to both is yes. Do that, oh 7 billion more times, and we have can safely conclude there is appropriate and inappropriate behavior even if the particular actions are highly subjective. SO naturally we just compile every possible act that could be construed as being inappropriate and say "don't do those things"? Right? Well no, that would be silly. Someone may enjoy being urinated upon, while others not so much. Okay let's get the stuff the most people find inappropriate behavior. "Don't kill me." "Don't take my stuff." "Let me have like a handful of rights just for being a fellow human being on this planet." Let's figure this out so we can co-exist and not murder everyone who is not ourselves because we are naked hairless apes that will totally die if we try to go it alone.

And so society is born. Fast forward a few thousand years and we get CCP who comes up with this TOS thing that is a pretty dang good guideline for player interaction. I mean we've been fumbling around with this civilization in the real world a while now and sometimes doing okay and sometimes failing miserably; but you'd think getting the stuff ironed out in the context of videogame interactions is a wee bit less complicated. I'm hard pressed to find anything in the TOS that doesn't make the play experience better for the people it protects, or oppressive to anyone other than douchebags; but who cares about them. They're douchebags. The problem, well maybe not for them, is that the TOS only goes so far and in this world of many freedoms you are free to me an intolerant caustic unpleasant individual. There was a time when we could have just ignored and left them for the saber toothed honeybadgers, but someone invented the internet and now you can't get away from them. They are free to be jerks just not in game, but teh reach of the authority of the game only goes so far and just as much EVE interaction takes place out of what CCP actually controls as within.

Not in real life. Not in games. Saying that you just want "to make things better" sounds like a good talk, but it's meaningless at best. At worst, you are attempting to impose control. You are pushing your concept of better on other people who may not agree with you.

I don't think that there is anything already prohibited that if allowed would make EVE "better". It's more than a good talk, it is an action taken to better make sure that other players are respected. I never read one rule saying I had to like, be nice to anyone, or think any particular way. I've read ones that say I can't harass or use hate speech against any groups though. And I fail to see why my "right" to say these things trumps their right to pay for and play a game free of listening to my rendition of mein kampf. Rules that are instituted to protect players within the game from other players playing that same game do in fact make it better


I'm not generally a mouth-breather, but I do rankle when people put arbitrary rules in place for the sake of propriety or whatever.
I don't dislike black males, for example. But when someone tells me I have to treat them a little bit more special than I treat other people because, you know, slavery and hurt feelings and stuff, well that bugs me.

Sorry that it bugs you so much because you are told to treat the black males "a little more special". I mean I've been hearing maybe don't discriminate against them or shooting them 40 times if you can help it, but I can see that as being a bit much to people blissfully unaware in the first place. Why only the black males though, where you given other instructions for teh females in your government reprogramming?

As far as this thread goes, why don't more women play eve? This thread.
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#187 - 2015-02-09 20:09:59 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
This thread serves to highlight exactly why so few women play EvE.

The minute any of us open our mouths to comment on social interraction and our experiences as women in game, we get talked over by 40 guys who have girl avatars with massive ****. Then the topic descents into rambling about terrible, strident feminists and social justice warriors and other horrendous verbal loops until we wander off in disgust.

Nobody here is talking over anyone else. Not that we could...

Marsha Mallow wrote:
This is pretty much spot on. I'm not advocating any gameplay changes to encourage more women to join; I'd be embarassed to invite female gamers to play in this environment given the barage of abuse they'll be subjected to.

Still haven't seen evidence that this is any worse in EVE than it is in other online games where women are more prevalent. I'm not saying that such behavior isn't a problem. I'm saying that it doesn't actually explain why women aren't playing EVE more than they are.

Marsha Mallow wrote:
My RL friends are bunny boilers who'll hunt you down IRL and chop your man parts off if you mouth off at them - really I'm doing the rest of you a favour here. If anything, you should be grateful there are so few women here considering what the consequences might be.

Ah yes, the very model of modern feminism.

Marsha Mallow wrote:
Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

They consider EVE players scum because of behaviors, like scamming and suicide ganking, which are core to EVE's dark, dystopian ruthlessness. To suggest that WoW players don't tell women to go back to the kitchen or that LoL players are a loving, sensitive community is laughable.

Marsha Mallow wrote:
This was my final thought on why women in game struggle. It is fair to say we enjoy chatting with each other. The support networks we have aren't strong enough. I've been in WGOE and Hellcats public in the past and tbh I left in disgust because there were blokes in there slobbering and female players vamping it up and RPing cybersluts, and I couldn't be arsed with it.

As much as feminists complain about **** shaming, they sure do a lot of it themselves...
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#188 - 2015-02-09 20:11:49 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
I've set up internal channels for women then really struggled keeping it cool when they start reposting comments and sending chatlogs and mails where they are being systematically bullied just for being women. I don't have an answer to this

I do.
F12 -> File Support Ticket
Raymond Moons
Parallactic Veil
#189 - 2015-02-09 20:18:49 UTC
Do we really need more women playing Eve? I don't think we do, or that it should be a focus for game development. Surely a better question is why don't more men AND women that try Eve, actually subscribe? Why not focus on a real problem and not a problem that only exists in your head?
Kestral Anneto
State War Academy
Caldari State
#190 - 2015-02-09 20:20:15 UTC
Raymond Moons wrote:
Do we really need more women playing Eve? I don't think we do, or that it should be a focus for game development. Surely a better question is why don't more men AND women that try Eve, actually subscribe? Why not focus on a real problem and not a problem that only exists in your head?

shhh don't say that, they dont like to think that they aren't the centre of attention and everything isn't bent tol there will
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#191 - 2015-02-09 20:24:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Marsha Mallow wrote:

Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

Good. That perception keeps them out of here, bad enough we have to hear it on the forums by a vocal squishy minority, seeing more of it in game would suck.

The real scum are those themepark players, members of online societies that FORCE the same kind of fake politeness that infects the real world. Let them have their sanitized worlds that is about as interesting as an office cubicle.

I sometimes go here to hang out with my buddies, and lots of 'nice, normal' people consider us nuts. Who cares, we're free, they can do as they like, and so can we as long as we're not breaking the law. i'm sure that business owner would get so many more customers if not for the half naked ladies and cussing, but their are many places for that, and few places where people can jsut elt it all hang out.

EVE is Stokers in internet space. No problem with not liking it or the culture it spawns...unless you CHOOSE to be a part of it's culture while not liking it...
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#192 - 2015-02-09 20:25:31 UTC
I demand that people start putting "trigger warning: corpses" before they pod people.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#193 - 2015-02-09 20:27:57 UTC
Raymond Moons wrote:
Do we really need more women playing Eve? I don't think we do, or that it should be a focus for game development. Surely a better question is why don't more men AND women that try Eve, actually subscribe? Why not focus on a real problem and not a problem that only exists in your head?

Identity and victim hood politics basically.
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#194 - 2015-02-09 20:29:48 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Marsha Mallow wrote:

Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

Good. That perception keeps them out of here, bad enough we have to hear it on the forums by a vocal squishy minority, seeing more of it in game would suck.

The real scum are those themepark players, members of online societies that FORCE the same kind of fake politeness that infects the real world. Let them have their sanitized worlds that is about as interesting as an office cubicle.

I sometimes go here to hang out with my buddies, and lots of 'nice, normal' people consider us nuts. Who cares, we're free, they can do as they like, and so can we as long as we're not breaking the law. i'm sure that business owner would get so many more customers if not for the half naked ladies and cussing, but their are many places for that, and few places where people can jsut elt it all hang out.

EVE is Stokers in internet space. No problem with not liking it or the culture it spawns...unless you CHOOSE to be a part of it's culture while not liking it...

You are totally right as long as the owner agrees with your view. You just need to pray for CCP to never care too much about the subs ratios.
Primary This Rifter
Mutual Fund of the Something
#195 - 2015-02-09 20:33:13 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
You are totally right as long as the owner agrees with your view. You just need to pray for CCP to never care too much about the subs ratios.

Unless I'm mistaken EVE subscriptions cost the same for women as they do men. I don't think we need to worry.
Marsha Mallow
#196 - 2015-02-09 20:37:35 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Nobody here is talking over anyone else. Not that we could...

Those insidious little slapdowns might work IRL or on comms where you can sneak them through, but not on a forum where it's highly visible. Were we being a bit to strident for you? As far as I can tell, there's less than 10 women posting here about a topic which directly relates to their experiences. Few of whom appear to be the top posters. Whilst the rest of the contributions are helpful, maybe you could confine yourselves to commenting once, rather than rambling on?

Primary This Rifter wrote:
Ah yes, the very model of modern feminism.

I asked a lecturer last week why feminist academia is so frequently accompanied by derogatory commentary, to which he replied, "Disregard the commentary and judge the arguments on their own merit. I consider myself a feminist."

Primary This Rifter wrote:
They consider EVE players scum because of behaviors, like scamming and suicide ganking, which are core to EVE's dark, dystopian ruthlessness. To suggest that WoW players don't tell women to go back to the kitchen or that LoL players are a loving, sensitive community is laughable.

The people I spoke to were explicitly referencing out of game interraction. I'm not all that interested in listening to someone whinge about how they were driven out because their frigate was popped and they were smacked in local and then they ragequit. The feedback on the community dialogue is relevant, and quite damning. Anyone can verify this by joining a different game then putting out feelers within that community as to how EvE is perceived. You'd have to be blind not to spot the tone. They seem to think we are all Goons, which doesn't help.

Primary This Rifter wrote:
As much as feminists complain about **** shaming, they sure do a lot of it themselves...

Yup. Just as all men aren't all imbeciles, women aren't all slags. But there are a surprising number of women who play online games purely to exercise their 'wiles' in some sort of fantasy setting. Which does indeed make it harder for the rest of us, who actually don't want to engage in a convo with leg-humping-puppy-942 about why they can't get a girlfriend, which will inevitably result in.... 'so what are you wearing/can I have a pic' at some point. It's a bit embarassing when you point out you're old enough to be their mother and they start babbling on (and sound even more excited). I must admit, alcohol helps a lot during these conversations and I've probably shame-trolled a few boys out of game to level up the playing field for my ingame female friends who are harassed out.

Ripard Teg > For the morons in the room:

Sweets > U can dd my face any day

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#197 - 2015-02-09 20:38:36 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Marsha Mallow wrote:

Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

Good. That perception keeps them out of here, bad enough we have to hear it on the forums by a vocal squishy minority, seeing more of it in game would suck.

The real scum are those themepark players, members of online societies that FORCE the same kind of fake politeness that infects the real world. Let them have their sanitized worlds that is about as interesting as an office cubicle.

I sometimes go here to hang out with my buddies, and lots of 'nice, normal' people consider us nuts. Who cares, we're free, they can do as they like, and so can we as long as we're not breaking the law. i'm sure that business owner would get so many more customers if not for the half naked ladies and cussing, but their are many places for that, and few places where people can jsut elt it all hang out.

EVE is Stokers in internet space. No problem with not liking it or the culture it spawns...unless you CHOOSE to be a part of it's culture while not liking it...

You are totally right as long as the owner agrees with your view. You just need to pray for CCP to never care too much about the subs ratios.

And I do, I hope the CCP doesn't sell out to the man (aka profits before quality). Hoepfully the past (Wod/DUST/Incarna) taught them that's it's better to have a superior niche game that a blegh mass appeal set up that may or may not survive.

Its not CCP I wonder about, it's the people who obviously don't like EVE how it is and think "it could be better if we kill everything about it that is unique on the theory that more people will like it".
I know why I'm here (New Eden is libertarian/free market no nonsense heaven with space ships, and that suits me perfectly), i can't get the folks who aren't down with the program choosing to stay rather than play one or more of the hundreds of touchy feely politically correct carebear protectionist MMOs that exist.

That goes double for women gamers like Marsha mellow, if the male dominated EVe culture is so terrible and evil and sexist, WHY would you give CCP money to perpetuate that culture? Paying a EVE sub under those conditions would be like me giving political campaign contributes to this guy.
Kenneth Endashi
Kor-Azor Slave Holdings
#198 - 2015-02-09 20:40:18 UTC
Marsha Mallow wrote:
This thread serves to highlight exactly why so few women play EvE.

The minute any of us open our mouths to comment on social interraction and our experiences as women in game, we get talked over by 40 guys who have girl avatars with massive ****. Then the topic descents into rambling about terrible, strident feminists and social justice warriors and other horrendous verbal loops until we wander off in disgust.

Gwen Ikiryo wrote:
To elabroate on what I said a minute ago, most women I know don't want to play Eve because it's become a self-reinforcing bubble of stupid bravado and masculine crudeness. In most MMOs, a lot of immature habits - And argue that it's your right to do it as much as you want, because it ultimately is, but spouting constant sexual threats and sexually rooted slurs is immature in the eyes of society, like it or not - Have been slowly driven away because the population of women was big enough that people got enough negative feedback that they gave up.

But Eve has been so completely male dominated, and for so long, that instead a that a lot of men playing it have established it as a safe space for that sort of thing in their minds, and so will naturally get defensive when anyone tries to intrude on it. Look at how many people are shouting "If you don't like it, get out!" over and over. The people sick of it have left already, and the ones left don't want to change. It's a classic boys club.

Eve (in most cases) is the only MMO left where I get heckled instantly for describing myself as a feminist. It is the only MMO left where people make jokes or crappy comments when I speak in a voice chat server for the first time. It is the only MMO left where people throw out slurs like crazy and feel confident enough to tell me to shove it when I point out that they're acting like snickering boys at the back of a playground.

No amount of features that appeal to women demographically, like avatar gameplay or stuff to "build", will change that at this point.

This is pretty much spot on. I'm not advocating any gameplay changes to encourage more women to join; I'd be embarassed to invite female gamers to play in this environment given the barage of abuse they'll be subjected to. My RL friends are bunny boilers who'll hunt you down IRL and chop your man parts off if you mouth off at them - really I'm doing the rest of you a favour here. If anything, you should be grateful there are so few women here considering what the consequences might be. We're not all delicate little flowers afraid to answer back, but if you have a spine and have to deal with being persistently spoken down to and treated with contempt IRL, there's no sense of escapism in a game where it's magnified to a ludicrous degree.

Lupe Meza wrote:
It could also be because of the Internet message board trollolol 20-something subculture that permeates the game that thinks racism, sexism, and misogyny are cool. All MMO's have it but the setup in EVE attracts it like a lint brush attracts...well lint. CCP does its part to kill that stuff when it can in game, but since so much of EVE requires you to use out of game resources the landscape is like a minefield full of n-bombs, sammich jokes and interaction with socially maladjusted dudes who learned all they needed to know about women from pornhub.

Also a good point. To answer Malcy's question (who - despite being a spacefriend - calls me a 'silly girl' and a 'daft bint' occasionally, and is high on my 'kick in the nuts if you get the chance' list) the feedback I've had from Guilds in SWTOR and WoW (from both men and women) suggests that other themepark MMO players consider EvE players scum. The 4chan scabs of the internet, the lowest of the low etc, nasty griefing doxers... honestly, it makes you cringe. Detective Teg touched on this to a degree, and whilst I don't agree with his conclusions as to how to proceed, it is a bit worrying to step into other games and hear people talking about my game with such obvious contempt. It's also really difficult to argue against with so much bad press floating about - some of it from former players talking about their experiences on broader MMO sites.

Leannor wrote:
and therein lies the issue that most people ignore.

GUys like hanging out with guys, and girls with girls. GUys and girls have (or at least believe they have) different standards of language, context, jokes, and humour. Doing it in front of the opposite (the very word itself doesn't assist the issue) sex is exposing a vulnerability, or asking for rdicule.

This was my final thought on why women in game struggle. It is fair to say we enjoy chatting with each other. The support networks we have aren't strong enough. I've been in WGOE and Hellcats public in the past and tbh I left in disgust because there were blokes in there slobbering and female players vamping it up and RPing cybersluts, and I couldn't be arsed with it. I've set up internal channels for women then really struggled keeping it cool when they start reposting comments and sending chatlogs and mails where they are being systematically bullied just for being women. I don't have an answer to this, other than to say cheers to the players out there who are not like that, and more to the point, those who stick up for people who are being hassled.

Marsha Mallow, thanks for addressing one of the harder questions to nail down. As one person said earlier, when a woman is treated differently on comms - whether it be good or bad - she does not stick around long in the corporation. I can draw connections between his experience of the game and your criticisms of the culture, along with those of Gwen Ikiryo, who says intelligent society moves on from unhealthy attitudes rather than attempting to change them.

BTW, this is not a conversation about how to change Eve. We are just freely exchanging ideas here, people.
Jenshae Chiroptera
#199 - 2015-02-09 20:41:41 UTC
Kestral Anneto wrote:
Celestia Via wrote:
Kestral Anneto wrote:

why does more women in game automatically make it better?

and dude, i'm married, i dont get laid Roll

hehehe aight, i tottaly understand the need to escape our wives and be part of a men-only activity, but cmon,
you cant claim women dont make our lives better in general.. if that was true, why are you married in the first place?

Honestly? To make sure that my kids are raised right, and that I love my wife.

But no, I disagree, the percentage of male to female scientists etc that develop the things to make modern live better is extremely slanted to the male end.
Women nuture, men inovate.
To get into the specifics of this, generally men have larger brain volumes and thinner corpus collosums. This allows their brains to more easily specialise into abstract thinking. It also makes them more prone to delusions of grandeur as they can favour one side of the brain over another.

Women's fortes lie in communicating emotions, being peace makers, multiple languages, multi-tasking and any physical activity that requires a superior strength to body weight ratio, such as rock climbing or rowing.

Being naturally better with a hammer, bashing things with it and making a lot of noise doesn't mean you are better than the person who is naturally good with the screw driver. You just make more noise.

CCP - Building ant hills and magnifying glasses for fat kids

Not even once

EVE is becoming shallow and puerile; it will satisfy neither the veteran nor the "WoW" type crowd in the transition.

Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#200 - 2015-02-09 20:46:31 UTC
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Frostys Virpio wrote:
You are totally right as long as the owner agrees with your view. You just need to pray for CCP to never care too much about the subs ratios.

Unless I'm mistaken EVE subscriptions cost the same for women as they do men. I don't think we need to worry.

You missed the point. WoW had a much bigger issue with this a few years ago. Their girls population was lower and at the scale they are dealing with and with the kind of game they are willing to sell/offer. it was a big deal for them. Things got cleaner with more moderation and somehow, you can hardly find a guild where the female presence is no longer the token raider's GF who play just because her BF does.

I don't think EVE should go that way but it will if the owners start thinking it's the way to grow.