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#1 - 2011-09-06 12:31:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus

This service provides corp standings raising/pre-made corps for POS anchoring in high sec systems and alliance creation / corp updating for 6300 members since 2009.

Please read this: Useful information.


1. I can create a new corp for you (you can choose the name and the ticker).

The factions standings will be raised after 7 days from the day of corp creation.

The price for amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar corp standings is 150 Million.
The price for minmatar/gallente corp standings is 150 Million

* 75 Million when I start and 75 Million before transferring CEO to you


2. You can buy an existing corp (if I have one available) - see the post below - 200 Million

* You can reserve in advance a corp for 50 Million. The rest of 150 Million will be paid before transferring CEO to you.


3. Raising/repairing corp standings.

The price for amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar corp standings raising is 200 Million.
The price for minmatar/gallente corp standings raising is 200 Million

25% discount for old customers

There are 2 ways to do this:

a) - You transfer CEO to me and all members with positive/negative standings must leave the corp; after 7 days, I'll make you CEO and I’ll leave the corp. You pay a half price when I join to corp. The rest of payment will be made after you join again, before of the CEO transfer back to you.

b) - If you don't want to transfer CEO to me, I can join to corp and I'll stay 7 days in, like an ordinary member, without roles. In this case, CEO must be a character without standings and all members with positive/negative standings must leave the corp. The full payment will be made in the first day when I’ll join to corp.

If your corporation is involved in any war(s) => the price is double

- 50M deposit is required when you hire me (to make me sure that isn't wasting time; included in total price; not refundable)


4. Alliance creation / Corp creation/updating 6300 members

** over 200 alliances created since 2009 **

> Alliance creation - price 35 Million.
> Create/update corp details (Sovereignty V) for 6300 members - price 35 Million.
> Combination of the above services - price 50 Million

Note: for alliance creation you must have 1 bil as well, because the alliance registration costs 1 bil
Please read post #4 for more info.


If you want a specific name for corp, you will need to eve-mail me the name and the ticker of your choosing. Please check through "people&places" interface if the name isn't taken by a character/corp/alliance (the name is unique in eve, it can't be used twice). The ticker can't be checked punctually if it's taken or not, according with the new interface, so please give more alternatives.

How transfer the corp :

* You apply to join the corp

** I invite you

*** You accept the invitation

**** I make you CEO

***** I leave the corp


The corporations will have the standings as follows:

Amarr Empire 7+ -> allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Amarr space.
Caldari State 7+ -> allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Caldari space.
Ammatar Mandate 7+ -> allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Ammatar space (Derelik region).
Khanid Kingdom 7+ -> allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Khanid space (Khanid region).


Gallente Federation 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Gallente space.
Minmatar Republic 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Minmatar space.

If you're interested in, post here or eve-mail me.
#2 - 2011-09-06 12:31:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
************************ PRE-MADE CORPORATIONS FOR SALE ***********************

The pre-made corporations can hold 200 members

Next pre-made amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar corp available for sale Arrow N/A
Next pre-made gallente/minmatar corp available for sale Arrow N/A

- 200M
Factions standings:

- 200M
Factions standings:


Corporations standings:

Amarr Empire 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Amarr space.
Caldari State 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Caldari space.
Ammatar Mandate 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Ammatar space (Derelik region).
Khanid Kingdom 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Khanid space (Khanid region).


Gallente Federation 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Gallente space.
Minmatar Republic 7+ **** allows POS anchoring in 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 high sec Minmatar space.
#3 - 2011-09-06 12:32:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
************************************ USEFUL INFORMATION *****************************

Attention Corp standings mechanics:

Corp standings are modified according with the corp members standings: sum of members standings divided by members number.
A member will affect corp standings (according with his personal standings) on the 7th day from his joining day, after downtime.
A member without standings will not affect corp standings.

So, if you have any standings then corp standings will drop according with your personal standings after 7 days from your joining day. You'll have 7 days to anchor a tower.

Attention Corp standings are required only for tower anchoring process. You can online/offline the tower even if the corp standings are dropped. You can anchor/unanchor/online/offline any module (labs/arrays/guns) even if the corp standings are dropped.

Attention You don't need corp management skills in order to become the CEO of a pre-made corp.

Attention You can't anchor a tower in 0.8 - 1.0 systems because it isn't allowed.

Attention You don't need corp standings in order to anchor a tower in 0.1 - 0.4 systems.

Attention Corp standings don't help you to access agents. Only personal standings towards NPC/factions/agents are taken in consideration for accessing an agent.

Attention For those who don't know yet: you can apply to a corp from any station. The option "Apply to join" is available in the right bottom corner of the corp info screen. It's not need to travel to HQ/Office in order to apply.

Attention Many people ask for shares transfer when they buy a pre-made corp or an ordered custom corp. Corp shares are in "corporation wallet/shares/owned by corp".

Attention If you don't see the standings listed in the "standings" tab, through "corporation" interface, then clear your cache files: ESC/Reset Settings/Clear all cache files".
#4 - 2011-09-07 20:58:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
************************ ALLIANCE CREATION / CORP DETAILS UPDATE ***********************

How does it work:

1. You don't have a corp:

a) You need just a corp updated for 6300 members:

Arrow You let me know the corp name and the ticker desired, I make the corp, you join to it, you pay me, I transfer CEO to you, I leave the corp - my fee is 35M

b) You need a corp and an alliance:

Arrow You let me know the corp name and the ticker desired and I make the corp. You can join to it once the corp is created. You send 1 bil for ally registration and my fee to me and you let me know the alliance name and the short name desired. I make the alliance, I transfer CEO to you, I leave the corp - my fee is 50M (the corp is updated for 6300 members)

2. You have a corp:

a) You need just to update the corp details for 6300 members:

Arrow I join to your corp (myself or with an alt of mine), you transfer CEO to me, I update corp details, you pay me, I transfer CEO to you, I leave leave the corp - my fee is 35M

b) You need an alliance:

Arrow I join to your corp (myself or with an alt of mine), you transfer CEO to me, you send 1 bil for ally registration and my fee to me (or you can put it in a corp wallet) and you let me know the alliance name and the short name desired. I make the alliance, I transfer CEO to you, I leave the corp - my fee is 35M

c) You need an alliance and corp details updated for 6300 members:

Arrow I join to your corp (myself or with an alt of mine), you transfer CEO to me, you send 1 bil for ally registration and my fee to me (or you can put it in a corp wallet) and you let me know the alliance name and the short name desired. I make the alliance, I update corp details for 6300 members, I transfer CEO to you, I leave the corp - my fee is 50M

******************************* Useful Information ********************************

Attention You don't need corp management skills in order to become a CEO of a corp already created or to manage an alliance.

Attention Check through people&places interface if the name isn't taken by a character/corp/alliance (the name is unique in eve, it can't be used twice). The ticker/short name can't be checked punctually if it's taken or not, according with the new interface, so please give more alternatives.

Attention An alliance can't be made if the corp is in war.

Attention An alliance can hold as many peoples as can hold the all corporations (that are members of the alliance) together.

Attention Forming an Alliance costs 1,000,000,000 ISK.

Attention Maintenance costs is 2,000,000 ISK per month for every corporation in the alliance.
#5 - 2011-09-08 20:22:42 UTC
The next pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 09.09.2011
Available to start a custom job on 10.09.2011.
Utama Incorporated
Astral Alliance
#6 - 2011-09-09 13:00:02 UTC
Purchased a premade corp, very fast service. 100% satisfied with the transaction.

Highly Recommended.
#7 - 2011-09-09 21:52:45 UTC
The next pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 10.09.2011
Available to start a custom job on 11.09.2011.
#8 - 2011-09-10 07:40:03 UTC  |  Edited by: FireLiar
Great service!!!! Highly recommended!
Had corp standings adjusted service where his alt joined and stayed for a week without CEO title.

If you need a standings fixed, this guy is one to contact. And price is alot better then have seen in the past.

Thx again!
#9 - 2011-09-10 17:52:48 UTC
Pre-made corporations for sale.
Available to start a custom job on 11.09.2011.

To the top.
Caldari State
#10 - 2011-09-10 21:34:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Yeliano
isk sent and applied to "DeathStar Experiments"

corp recieved ty
#11 - 2011-09-10 21:46:53 UTC
Yeliano wrote:
isk sent and applied to "DeathStar Experiments"

CEO transferred.

Thank you for using my services.
#12 - 2011-09-11 18:32:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
The next pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 12.09.2011
Available to start a custom job.

To the top.

*edit: All corps that will be ready on 12.09.2011 have been sold. The next pre-made corp will be ready on the 14th.
#13 - 2011-09-12 21:10:41 UTC
The next pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 14.09.2011
Available to start a custom job on 16.09.2011.
#14 - 2011-09-12 23:06:05 UTC
Great service Big smile I can put my POS's back up again now thanks.

Would recommend to anyone wanting to get a POS anchored in high sec.

Great job and thanks again, does exactly what he says on the tin.
Tranquility Uriel
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#15 - 2011-09-13 17:35:48 UTC
Applied and ISK sent for Kador Solutions.
#16 - 2011-09-13 18:05:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Tranquility Uriel wrote:
Applied and ISK sent for Kador Solutions.

Application rejected. Kador Solutions was already listed as reserved when you've posted here.
I didn't received any isk from you. To whom you sent the deposit?

One pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 14.09.2011
Available to start a custom job on 16.09.2011.
Tranquility Uriel
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2011-09-13 18:07:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Tranquility Uriel
Oops. Must have missed that. I sent the ISK to the corp itself.

Edit: I'll apply for Sega. Can you transfer the ISK from one corp to the other (or to yourself) ?
#18 - 2011-09-13 18:20:36 UTC
Tranquility Uriel wrote:
Oops. Must have missed that. I sent the ISK to the corp itself.

Edit: I'll apply for Sega. Can you transfer the ISK from one corp to the other (or to yourself) ?

Confirmed, the deposit was in corp wallet.
Sega is reserved for you then.
Everything is clear now, thank you.

The next pre-made corp will be ready for sale on 17.09.2011
#19 - 2011-09-13 20:10:43 UTC
you have mail
Mallagan NightDiamond
The Nightdiamond Corporation
#20 - 2011-09-14 04:12:26 UTC
In game mail sent.
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