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LF 4b loan @ 15% (cancelled)

Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#1 - 2015-02-09 14:06:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Luthias Austrene
Hi MD. As the title suggests I'm looking for a 4b ISK loan. The purpose of this loan is to jumpstart my Rens trader alt. At the moment, I'm trading in Hek on this account and have been doing quite well. I have a lot of free time in the coming months so I thought I'd start up an alt in another hub. I prefer high margin, low volume trading, so I decided on Rens. The character is still in training, but I'm confident that I can make enough to keep myself and, more importantly, the investor, happy.

Since I'm working with ~4.4b on this account at the moment, I know I'm not jumping in the deep end with respect to how much ISK I can work with.


Repayment Schedule
[TBC when loan is filled]

Requested Terms
Principal: 4 billion
Interest: 15% per month
Duration: 2 months so I can get settled in Rens (negotiable to 1 month if investor prefers)
Collateral: None

Purpose of Loan
Jumpstart my Rens trader alt. Unfortunately I'm unable to do this with my main while maintaining my current orders in Hek.

Loan History

JEveAssets screenshot for this account

Eve Mogul screenshot

Wallet/Journal APIs
Will be provided on request by pm.

Jaako - Rens Alt to receive loan

If I've left anything out, or you need more info, please let me know.

Thanks for reading!
Tauren Transit
#2 - 2015-02-09 14:30:32 UTC
Luthias Austrene wrote:
Hi MD. As the title suggests I'm looking for a 4b ISK loan. The purpose of this loan is to jumpstart my Rens trader alt. At the moment, I'm trading in Hek on this account and have been doing quite well. I have a lot of free time in the coming months so I thought I'd start up an alt in another hub. I prefer high margin, low volume trading, so I decided on Rens. The character is still in training, but I'm confident that I can make enough to keep myself and, more importantly, the investor, happy.

Since I'm working with ~4.4b on this account at the moment, I know I'm not jumping in the deep end with respect to how much ISK I can work with.

Not Filled

Repayment Schedule
[TBC when loan is filled]

Requested Terms
Principal: 4 billion
Interest: 10% per month
Duration: 2 months so I can get settled in Rens (negotiable to 1 month if investor prefers)
Collateral: None

Purpose of Loan
Jumpstart my Rens trader alt. Unfortunately I'm unable to do this with my main while maintaining my current orders in Hek.

Loan History

JEveAssets screenshot for this account

Eve Mogul screenshot

Wallet/Journal APIs

Jaako - Rens Alt to receive loan

If I've left anything out, or you need more info, please let me know.

Thanks for reading!

Does anyone else ever feel like they've read the same exact words before on a previous uncollateralizeds loan request? Like there's some copy and paste template somewhere I don't know about?

I feel like I've read the first paragraph of this thread 4 or 5 times before, almost exactly.
Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2015-02-09 14:34:55 UTC
Koniforous wrote:
Does anyone else ever feel like they've read the same exact words before on a previous uncollateralizeds loan request? Like there's some copy and paste template somewhere I don't know about?

I feel like I've read the first paragraph of this thread 4 or 5 times before, almost exactly.

The format was copied from another post because I liked the layout. As for the first paragraph, that was all me. I guess it's just the natural progression of a lot of traders.
Tauren Transit
#4 - 2015-02-09 14:52:38 UTC
Luthias Austrene wrote:
Koniforous wrote:
Does anyone else ever feel like they've read the same exact words before on a previous uncollateralizeds loan request? Like there's some copy and paste template somewhere I don't know about?

I feel like I've read the first paragraph of this thread 4 or 5 times before, almost exactly.

The format was copied from another post because I liked the layout. As for the first paragraph, that was all me. I guess it's just the natural progression of a lot of traders.

I, for one, feel a lot more comfortable lending isk to borrowers that don't use copy and paste templates. Originality shows more effort, and more effort in your request often translates into more likely a legitimate request, instead of a scam.
Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#5 - 2015-02-09 16:42:42 UTC
Hello Luthias,

Welcome to the friendly lands of Market Discussion! Blink

I see a 2 little issues with your offer:

1) In the past it was not allowed to post API keys and stuff, I recal mods removing them.

2) Copy and pasting an offer should still be done in a context. I'll tell you which is the current context.

- Once upon a time, collateralized loans were rare but:

a) The playerbase in general was somewhat less "learned" about how to quickly setup scams. This lowered the risk a bit.

b) Compounding with a), there were mythical heroes, called Auditors, who would check your claims, your posts history, hidden alts and so on.

a) + b) = 7-8% interest loans were not uncommon for high grade, known investees.

Unknown investees would either get nothing done or would find investors at 12-15%.
Unsurprisingly, an investments statistic done by fellow RAW23 found out about 10% of all investments turned out to be scams. 12-15%. Unconsiously and awesomely like only a market can be, the collective of investors instinctively priced the risk at 12-15% and achieved a positive expectations for their investments profit.

These days, Auditors are history, there's nothing to mitigate any potential scam. Copy-pasting and pricing your loan at 10% would have worked back then, but imo these days the risk got too high for investors to still hope in positive expectation for their investments at that interest rate.

So, you'll see people like Cista getting loans done "the old way" and at low interest rate, they are outliers and belong to another, greener investments era.
But newcomers don't come in a green investment era. Risk grew, and risk is priced dearly, certainly more than 10%, because imo that amount these days is just gambling.
Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2015-02-09 22:25:36 UTC
Thanks for the feedback Vaerah. I've updated my original post to reflect your suggestions by changing the interest rate to 15% and removing the API keys.

I feel like I should also mention that I only borrowed the headings from another post, not the entire thing, I don't see the problem here. I just wanted to make sure I had all the necessary information for my first loan request.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#7 - 2015-02-09 22:38:16 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:
1) In the past it was not allowed to post API keys and stuff, I recal mods removing them.

Never heard of that one, only kill mails and chat logs.
Tear Jar
New Order Logistics
#8 - 2015-02-10 11:42:12 UTC
Luthias Austrene wrote:
Thanks for the feedback Vaerah. I've updated my original post to reflect your suggestions by changing the interest rate to 15% and removing the API keys.

I feel like I should also mention that I only borrowed the headings from another post, not the entire thing, I don't see the problem here. I just wanted to make sure I had all the necessary information for my first loan request.

Interest rates can actually be a bit tricky, because a scammer will list any interest rate. So while a higher interest rate is needed due to the risky nature of investments, higher interest rates make it even more likely you are a scammer.
Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2015-02-10 12:03:59 UTC
Tear Jar wrote:
Luthias Austrene wrote:
Thanks for the feedback Vaerah. I've updated my original post to reflect your suggestions by changing the interest rate to 15% and removing the API keys.

I feel like I should also mention that I only borrowed the headings from another post, not the entire thing, I don't see the problem here. I just wanted to make sure I had all the necessary information for my first loan request.

Interest rates can actually be a bit tricky, because a scammer will list any interest rate. So while a higher interest rate is needed due to the risky nature of investments, higher interest rates make it even more likely you are a scammer.

Yeah, I understand that. However, 15% interest on a 4b loan is only 600m, which I could easily make in 5-6 days. Obviously it's not a crazy number meant to lure people in, but taking Vaerah's advice for which rate to aim for at this point. Thanks for the feedback.
Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#10 - 2015-02-10 13:53:35 UTC
Luthias Austrene wrote:
15% interest on a 4b loan is only 600m, which I could easily make in 5-6 days.

That means you could make 4b easily within a month or so, probably faster if you put some effort into it (you said you could make it "easily")... so why are you asking for a loan? A month is really not that long, you said your new trader is still in training anyway and it would save you 600m ISK.

Besides, handling 4b on one trader is not that much. So why the need for a second trader in another trade hub (and why Rens, if you already sit in Hek)?

And while we're at it, you are now trading roughly for a year and your NAV is only at 4.4b? Really? When you could "easily" make 600m in 5-6 days (even if that 600m is a figure that's probably meant in view of your more recent history)?

On 2014-03-21 you claimed to be close to 1b and told people how successful you are.
On 2014-05-28 you told people that you lost all your ISK because you were unsuccessful at trading.
Just two days later, on 2014-05-30 you wrote, that you just flipped 2 PLEX... which should have been difficult, considering you told people that "you lost all your ISK" just 2 days prior.

From what you posted it seems that you have a tendency to... let's say... exaggerate certain aspects of your trading success while leaving out some "minor" details that investors might consider to be quite interesting (like you saying in your 2014-03-21 post quoted above, that you intend to PLEX your account with ISK you made ingame - which would explain where all your ISK goes). Unfortunately all this might be seen as detrimental to your credibility... just imho, of course. Cool

Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#11 - 2015-02-10 15:26:33 UTC
Hi Myriad, thanks for the reply. I fully expected these arguments from an MD thread and I'm happy to reply to all of them.

Myriad Blaze wrote:

That means you could make 4b easily within a month or so, probably faster if you put some effort into it (you said you could make it "easily")... so why are you asking for a loan? A month is really not that long, you said your new trader is still in training anyway and it would save you 600m ISK.

You're right, I could make 4b in a month, but instead of transferring it in a lump sum in a month, I'd like to grow both characters simultaneously. You say I could save 600m, but if I were to get this loan, I'd have (rough calculations) 6.2b after repayment of the principal+interest. I don't see that as saving 600m, I see that as losing a whole lot more.

Myriad Blaze wrote:

Besides, handling 4b on one trader is not that much. So why the need for a second trader in another trade hub (and why Rens, if you already sit in Hek)?

I want to experience the different hubs and what they have to offer. I feel like a dedicated alt would be a good way of doing this without giving up my comfortable position in Hek. A trader only takes a month to be decent, and a couple more to be perfect. If this loan goes through, I'd then consider moving this alt to a larger hub. I prefer to move up in small increments, otherwise I'd have made it a Jita alt. I want to make sure I'm ready to move up.

Myriad Blaze wrote:

And while we're at it, you are now trading roughly for a year and your NAV is only at 4.4b? Really? When you could "easily" make 600m in 5-6 days (even if that 600m is a figure that's probably meant in view of your more recent history)?

Yes, unfortunately my RL circumstances didn't support EVE very well and I took an extended 7 month break to focus on university and job-hunting. I also PLEXed my account way too early when I only had ~1.4b, so that was a major setback. Those issues are behind me now and I have plenty more time for EVE.

Myriad Blaze wrote:

On 2014-03-21 you claimed to be close to 1b and told people how successful you are.
On 2014-05-28 you told people that you lost all your ISK because you were unsuccessful at trading.

Love the quick research, but you looked a that second link a little too hastily. I quoted someone who said "Buy high, sell low". Pure sarcasm on my part, I didn't lose all my ISK. .

Myriad Blaze wrote:

Just two days later, on 2014-05-30 you wrote, that you just flipped 2 PLEX... which should have been difficult, considering you told people that "you lost all your ISK" just 2 days prior.

*as above* Nice story you left on that thread btw. I'm quite proud of what I started there, it was good fun reading everyone's early success stories.

I realise now that plexing my account at this stage isn't the best way to go, and will be paying cash for my subscriptions until I feel like my EVE wallet can handle it.

Hopefully that clears up any remaining doubt about who I am/what I've done/what I plan to do. I'll try and keep the replies more concise from now on. Congratulations if you made it this far! :)
Myriad Blaze
Common Sense Ltd
Nulli Secunda
#12 - 2015-02-10 20:14:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Myriad Blaze
I see... guess I need to readjust my sarcasm meter... although it seemed somewhat plausible because you're seemingly missing some ISK in your wallet.

Well, you explained some issues. But the answer to the no. 1 question was insufficient, imho. In your favor I take into account that you waited one year to come to MD to ask for a loan and that all your past postings show a strong interest in trade. However, it could still easily be a part of a long term plan to scam some ISK out of MD without investing too much effort (in some of your older posts you seem to indicate that you log on for just 30 minutes to trade and you already said that you took a longish break - if I were to think that you are a scammer, this information would appear in a new light).

Now let me get to the part where I actually try to be helpful.

My advice is to take your loan request back and earn the ISK yourself... especially if you intend to be an honest trader (say, isn't that an oxymoron?).

Take your time, train your trade skills and grind that rep (or buy it, if you have the ISK). Learn from your experience and grow with your wallet. Don't forget accounting... you can do it in a spreadsheet or use dedicated software. Eventually you'll earn a lot of ISK and change the way you're trading. And with that you'll find yourself in possession of trade qoods you might intend to keep for a while, for example because you speculate on better prices in half a year. This is the time to ask for loan, if you think you need extra ISK... you'll have enough stuff to provide proper collateral and you should have enough experience to know how much interest you can afford (it's less than 10%, unless you are really good or put a lot of effort into it) and how much you should offer (1.8% seems to be acceptable, if the collateral and/or the debtor is good).

When I suggested to make the money on your own and save those 600m, you said you see that as losing a lot. Now try to look beyond that. What is in 6 months, in a year (a month isn't long)? Today you might think a billion is huge. But believe me, it isn't.
Luthias Austrene
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2015-02-11 16:32:18 UTC
I've taken your advice Myriad and cancelled this loan request due to lack of interest. It also makes sense to keep using this character until I start having trouble emptying my wallet in Hek. At least I'll have the Rens alt fully trained when that time comes.

Thanks for your patience and all the great advice/tips.