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Jump Drive Bug Found

First post
Liz Risalo
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#1 - 2015-02-05 04:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Liz Risalo
I've already filed a support ticket, but thought I'd post as well, so others can avoid a dumb situation.

It appears that if you try to jump a capital ship with the wrong fuel in your fuel bay, you fail to jump, but still incur the jump fatigue timer.

My corp had a POS to bash, and we decided to drop a few dreads on it to make it go faster. I was in a Naglfar. When the time came, we all undocked, cyno was lit , and we all jumped. Upon selecting my "jump to" option, I got a warning message stating that I needed X amount of hydrogen isotopes to make the jump. I checked the fuel bay and saw that I had 35k nitrogen isotopes; more than enough to make the round trip, but the wrong type. Realizing my mistake, I immediately docked up and swapped out my isotopes from my corp hangar. Then I undocked again.

I selected my "jump to" option again, and this time I got a different warning message. It stated that I couldn't jump for another 4 minutes and 35 seconds. WTF!?! I tried again and got the same message. Apparently, I had triggered the jump fatigue timer when I tried to jump the first time, when I had the wrong isotopes in my fuel bay. Now, I was unable to jump because I had a false timer. I was stuck and couldn't participate in the POS bash.

Like I said, I've already filed a bug report. I just wanted to post here as well so others were aware of the bug and could take steps to avoid it.


Edit: I did not have either of the jump fatigue timers displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the screen at any time after I tried to jump the first time.
CCP Claymore
C C P Alliance
#2 - 2015-02-05 11:56:28 UTC
Liz Risalo wrote:
I've already filed a support ticket, but thought I'd post as well, so others can avoid a dumb situation.

It appears that if you try to jump a capital ship with the wrong fuel in your fuel bay, you fail to jump, but still incur the jump fatigue timer.

My corp had a POS to bash, and we decided to drop a few dreads on it to make it go faster. I was in a Naglfar. When the time came, we all undocked, cyno was lit , and we all jumped. Upon selecting my "jump to" option, I got a warning message stating that I needed X amount of hydrogen isotopes to make the jump. I checked the fuel bay and saw that I had 35k nitrogen isotopes; more than enough to make the round trip, but the wrong type. Realizing my mistake, I immediately docked up and swapped out my isotopes from my corp hangar. Then I undocked again.

I selected my "jump to" option again, and this time I got a different warning message. It stated that I couldn't jump for another 4 minutes and 35 seconds. WTF!?! I tried again and got the same message. Apparently, I had triggered the jump fatigue timer when I tried to jump the first time, when I had the wrong isotopes in my fuel bay. Now, I was unable to jump because I had a false timer. I was stuck and couldn't participate in the POS bash.

Like I said, I've already filed a bug report. I just wanted to post here as well so others were aware of the bug and could take steps to avoid it.


Edit: I did not have either of the jump fatigue timers displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the screen at any time after I tried to jump the first time.

Thank you for your detailed post.

I could not see your bug report but I have managed to reproduce your defect using the information supplied above. I will speak to one of the teams developers and we will look into fixing this issue.

Thank you for taking the time to inform us of this issue and submitting a bug report. Big smile

Quality Assurance Analyst Team Psycho Sisters

Liz Risalo
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#3 - 2015-02-05 16:18:40 UTC
Glad I could help :)